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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42142870 No.42142870 [Reply] [Original]

>You wanna watch a cute shy vtuber? UwU~
>Here are my plushies and I'm gonna make them FIGHT TO THE DEATH!!!
Just because of this advertisement, I'm sticking to Hololive.

>> No.42143502

my guy she literally gained 10k subscribers in the past two days thanks to these ads, i don't think she gives a fuck if the ad turns you off

>> No.42143713

>not using adblockers
>it hurt his feelings this much

>> No.42145906

From the river

>> No.42148823

oh no, what will she do without your 1view?

>> No.42148945
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Your loss.

>> No.42150460

Link me up.

>> No.42150595

Hololive is spending money advertising tempiss so they aren't in a position to throw stones.

>> No.42150622

Must've missed the memo because only 260 seem to be watching her live.

>> No.42150771

I’m surprised just how entertaining she was, even while drunk. I like her.

>> No.42150853

They were going to use that money to advertise HoloEN Girls, but they need to stream consistently to make it financially worth while

>> No.42151594

Good, get filtered. Consider learning how to use adblockers as well.

>> No.42151635

>they need to stream consistently
You mean just like Vesper?

>> No.42153547

You know Cover is right now running Tempus ads on youtube?

>> No.42154191

Tempus as a whole is having a great time, vesper can take his time getting his shit together

>> No.42154267

how to spot a chumbud

>> No.42154352

Nigga she's asleep right now. She doesn't even have her mic on. Not really worth staying on that stream

>> No.42154445

Rent fucking free. holy shit what is wrong with holobronies and being mindbroken by a couple of cocks they insist they don't give a shit about?

>> No.42154563

this is a psy-ops thread.

>> No.42154626

New gens stream. This is an incredibly low IQ take.

>> No.42154743

All the money EN generated that was reinvested went to fund content most of the original audience had no interest in at best or actively hurt the content in which they were interested.

>> No.42154980

I'm seriously impressed how well Idol has been doing as a company lately. I thought they were doomed when the Israeli branch, while being secret EN VTubers and enjoyable enough to watch, usually struggled to crack 50, I decided not to get too attached to them because I figured they wouldn't last long. Then they debut this English branch and apparently they've been promoting it really well because it has quickly become a pillar of English VTubing. They're blowing away corpos like Prism and Kawaii who have been at it for years, nevermind the tiny ones you've never heard of which seem quaint at this point. I dunno how they managed to recover so well after such a rocky start but I have a lot of respect for it, I'll definitely give them more of a shot since it seems like they'll be sticking around a long time.

>> No.42154998

>what no you can't say my homos don't stream I said your girls don't stream first it's not fair

>> No.42156421

I keep seeing this argument but see no actual proof of it. Where's their earnings reports? Where's the documents that show where their profits are coming from and where those profits are being invested into? Idiotic rrat pedalers just insist that this is the case because they've grown bored of both JP and EN branches and want a new shiny toy to shit on after 3 months

>> No.42156453
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>> No.42156492

>bitches about female getting ads
>Sticks to Hololive
>Hololive running Tempiss ads
How much of a faggot are you?

>> No.42156694

It's not a public company so their financials aren't public. The proof is in the pudding; new no female gens, no real 3D lives for the females, net negative 1 female streamers in the last 12 months and down several more than that if male collabs are a dealbreaker for you as they are for a lot of us.

>> No.42156772

plus the lack of streams from existing talents while no gen is picking up the slack just make the problem worse. All the while you have 8 homos and 2 gens of homos in 6 months.

>> No.42157148

No new female gens but the ones we do have have gotten a huge boost in production quality for their events and they happen more often. I like how faggots /here/ like to pretend to care about the girls but are salivating for more of them. I can't even understand my JP oshi but am fine watching just her for the week if I wanted to. What do you mean no "real" 3D lives for the females? Not happy with how a lot of the events are recorded? Do you only watch EN? Because the JP girls get plenty of them. As for why, geographical location hort. The EN girls don't have access to Cover's studios since most of them don't live in japan. Even then, you have to book it months in advance. Minus 1 streamer due to difference in direction just like coco. And ffs, will this board stop pretending like male collabs is the only content the girls put out after the first time? This flawed view is so tiresome. Just don't watch male collabs

>> No.42157236

Ever consider that the boys are just cheaper to hire since their demand is lower? Holostars has gained a decent amount of success recently, it makes sense for that branch to expand now that it's finally making profit; despite losing some of their own talents to get there

>> No.42158271

>I'm sticking to Hololive

>> No.42161071

How much does she usually get? 260 for sleeping is pretty fucking impressive.

>> No.42163035

like 1000

>> No.42165321

They knocked it out of the park with the EN hires, all 5 of them are good enough to be in hololive. Fuyo and Yuko especially seem destined for big things, it's great to see them incline so fast.

>> No.42165501

Most people aren't fucking retards who watch something they don't even understand, what is the point of that, exactly? How can someone be your oshi when you have no idea wtf they are doing?

>> No.42165756

Isnt 260 pretty good for a chuuba running ads

>> No.42170122

Usually it can swing from 500-800, depending on time and the subject of the stream.

>> No.42170383

Thanks for the tip. I love UwU girl.

>> No.42171511

USUALLY like 500-800
during this donothon she has been getting over 1k consistently while shes live

>> No.42175049

She makes chumbuds seethe which is one of the many reasons why I support her. It sucks that your oshi is retired but stop using my wife as bait.

>> No.42175193

adblocker reps, nigger
also literally better than gura because she actually streams

>> No.42176635

yeah no. Shes been getting 1k during the donothon. She was over 1k for a few weeks after debut. She went down to avg like 400-500. With certain streams in the 700s.
