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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42030121 No.42030121 [Reply] [Original]

I watched Enna ever since she debuted. I listened to her talking about her fears of potential schizos and the like. I heard when she talked about running away from potential fans, and then she flipped it and said how if you are a fan, come and take a picture with me (I guess this was some lame ass attempt at reverse psychology). All in all, it seems that, at least in theory, she wants to lay low, do her own thing and avoid attracting schizos as much as possible. But then on the other hand, she uses literally EVERY single opportunity to make waves and "dunk on le haters".
"Breaking barriers" and dealing with "taboos" of female x male collabs, like she is the first one that ever did it, etc.

>> No.42030205 [DELETED] 

She flew out to fuck a dude as an apology.

>> No.42030212 [DELETED] 
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And even tweets like this one, just scream attention whoring and dunking on le haters.
>Look gurllllll I'm gon' tweet dis shit and they will post it on /vt/
Why does she talk like a wigger btw? It's beyond cringe.

>> No.42030236


>> No.42030483 [DELETED] 

My favorite Enna moment was her dunking on le incels and Millie kinda nervously agreeing with her during that geography stream. She really has that "YASSSS QWEEN SLAY" cunty energy.

>> No.42031442

I really love her handcams because I get to see her slender wrists. God she's so skinny, imagine how easy it'd be to manhandle her.

>> No.42031494

Yeah, me

>> No.42031665

You should see what she said on her last members stream

>> No.42031778 [DELETED] 

Only Kyo gets to do that

>> No.42032043

Tangentially related, but remember when she told that one dude that he sounds like he eats fried chicken? Good times.

>> No.42032310

His favorite food unironically is fried chicken, they brought it up again during the big wrestling tournament. She didn't understand the context she was saying. In her Hitman stream she killed a character for homophobic microaggressions, the girl is a massive SJW

>> No.42032388
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Don't care. She said a man who sounds black listens to too much snoop dog and gets chicken from his bros in the hood. There is no amount of excuses that can convince me it was anything other than intentional. She knew what she was doing.

>> No.42032420 [DELETED] 
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So do cucks like you basedface when Kyo uses his bigger hand to hold hers down and Enna intertwines her fingers? I just don't get the appeal especially due to how you all want to fuck her but watch the flirting.

>> No.42032469

>She knew what she was doing.
As she did when apologizing to him in person.

>> No.42032498

She only did so because of the backlash.

>> No.42032576 [DELETED] 
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She gushed over how big his hands were and gripped them tight not only in person but so the stream could watch in envy. You've got cucked tastes. It doesn't matter if you make a black joke if you take BBC to repent.

>> No.42032743 [DELETED] 
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Her fans are unironic cucks, it's not a meme. They bow down to her and ask to be shit on.
She shits on them constantly throughout her streams, she's always badmouthing her fans.

She's also really crazy. She pretended to be living in another country so she could avoid talking to her mother, and called her own father a bitch when he said she should tone down the degenerate content. She talks all the time about her mother being mentally ill, and I guess she inherited much of it. The way she interacts with her fans is the most abusive and toxic thing I've ever seen before. Cucking them with Kyo offcollab, flipping them off, then liking a bunch of NTR comments afterwards, that's abusive.

Millie's whole incel-dunking stream was clearly her idea. She's having an extremely toxic effect on Millie and making her a different person. She emotionally abused millie too and threatened to leave her friendship, and got her to do a double-application to get into Niji with her.

>> No.42033061

You have hanger-ons who only care about what she represents than who she actually is. They only respond in big public things, anniversaries, events, tweets and clips.
Then you have the people who discovered Enna organically in the early days, love her singing, love her playful sass and want her to succeed, but keep telling themselves this current arc is just a phase, that one day she'll go back to interacting with her fans instead of interacting at them, collaborate for fun without having to shit talk theoretical haters and just be good entertainment again.

>> No.42033141

Niji EN is a branch that builds success on drama. They know that vtuber fans, and especially twitter and reddit trannies will gravitate towards that shit, so they play into it.
A couple of drama moments even helped some vtubers incline in the past. Look at Enna's numbers now. It's insane. That is why I dont like Niji EN. It is unironically a reality show for twitter troons.

>> No.42033442

>She pretended to be living in another country so she could avoid talking to her mother
She said this in her last stream (which was basically a sc reading), I guees you must be quite a fan of hers. With all said I think she often plays with fire, just like the Kyo collab, it seems like she enjoys shitting on some type of fans to get them actually pissed. I may agree with you about the whole secret chat thing, it's pretty obvious she was part of it, but I dunno about this:
>She emotionally abused millie too and threatened to leave her friendship, and got her to do a double-application to get into Niji with her
Are there actual proof or what?

>> No.42033581

nta but it's painfully obvious she was a big part of the secret chat. She's the only person who tweeted Millie publicly to say how good it was and the slutaccount is peak Enna-speak.

>> No.42033582
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>> No.42034261

The queen of spade thingy
