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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42022453 No.42022453 [Reply] [Original]

Can nijien be saved? Or they doomed to become the laughing stock for eternity?

>> No.42022491

Doomed. Not even a question at this point. NEXT

>> No.42022500

Always have been

>> No.42022511

>posting a screenshoot of a screenshot of a screenshot

>> No.42022545

/hlgg/ was pissed pomu was being posted there though.

>> No.42022567

Dear lord you dramafags are pathetic.

>> No.42022592

Has any member of NijiEN faced any discipline for anything they've ever done? I thought they would at least give Luca a slap on the wrist for literally using Towa's BGM

>> No.42022608

>banned vtuber memes
Holy shit, drown yourself with bleach!

>> No.42022677

/hlgg/ gets pissed when I post my cock in there so they opinion doesn't matter.
I have a beautiful cock btw

>> No.42022683

And you niggers wonder why the quality on this board is so damn low when the jannies aren't doing their job killing retards like op

>> No.42022843


>> No.42022919

Isn't this the SEA Phase Connect shill twitter account?

>> No.42022920

Go back into your corner millie, no more cookies.

>> No.42022939

give me a drama recap
i dont want to read tons of random posts to know what the fuck this bullshit is about

>> No.42022961

can you guys stop falsefagging for at least one day?
>b-b-but nijicucks
yes, i totally get it, but at least show something solid.

>> No.42022975

>screenshots of screenshots of catalogue bait
slow week, huh?

>> No.42022984

I can see dramatubers acting as if this was a NijiEN victory too, lol

>> No.42023006

prove it

>> No.42023017

its the cuck cucknect account

>> No.42023023

>people supporting /vt/: this SEA faggot
>people who hate /vt/: everyone else who commented on the situation
Why? Why can't we take down that evil rainbow?

>> No.42023035

Yeah, NijiEN is kinda sad

>> No.42023096

millie tried to mimic 4chan. failed miserably. everyone shifting blame afterwards

>> No.42023131

Do other people's opinions matter when we obviously have VIP spot in their heads?

>> No.42023152

>I know you are but what am I
Are you a third grader?

>> No.42023223

Twitter containment breakers need to follow vt_kek

>> No.42023288

Ah yes, "stop streaming and making us less money because you messed up, Also don't forget to hit your numbers while you were gone for 2 weeks"
You should ask what the number requirement is for each idol is pretty fucking wild

>> No.42023330

Rrat: Supposedly, Noctyx had a 5th member who got fired.

>> No.42023408

Yes. Reminder he hid during the NTR yab.

>> No.42023450

Aieee Phaseconnect-san.

>> No.42023510

No matter what happens I will never forgive that stream.
It wasn't even cringe kino, it was just painful to watch.

>> No.42023675

>See everyone is pissed in the replies
>Read the chat log
>They called Pomu's ass flat

That's it?

>> No.42023754

They also said Pomu was singing too much

>> No.42023787

The last quote in the OP also complains about her singing, maybe you should read before making assumptions

>> No.42024094

They've made jokes with Pomu about her singing on stream before.

>> No.42024195

everyone thought it was funny, so i really don't get the hate

>> No.42024323

The way some people are talking it's like this was an actual secret discord that got leaked.

>> No.42024386

>discord that got leaked
NijiEN knows something about that lmao

>> No.42024543

Hey look it's Panko's shitposting account

>> No.42024587

No they haven't

>> No.42024595


>> No.42024678

I'll never get tired of NijiEN jousting with /vt/, it always makes for a good time. And I say this as a fan of most of them. I think their problem is they aren't as much of an institution as Hololive so they're held to a lower standard and pay attention to /vt/ more than others. Millie actually confirmed it.

>> No.42024684

It complains about her singing "too much". Are you seriously going to pretend this is a real complaint?

>> No.42024689 [DELETED] 

from containment breaching seaniggers yeah

>> No.42024719

I dunno, are you?

>> No.42024745

Literally just kick Millie, Enna, all Luxiem except Ike and Vox, all Noctys and Kyo.

>> No.42024793

Yes they have. There was bit where pomu started to sing and they all shit on her singing and she pretended to cry.

>> No.42025353

Just Fulgur, honestly. Sonny and Alban are fine. Uki is gay and annoying but he's not a bad guy otherwise.

>> No.42025386

>screenshot of a twatter screenshot of another /vt/ screenshot
How did this yab already run its course that we've already reached this point?

>> No.42025414


>> No.42025441

Uki had a bit of a twitter yab but he quieted down shortly after. I'm guessing he yanked the leash too far and management gave him a slap on the wrist.

>> No.42025466

>dude we know about /here/, ain't that so cool and quirky?
On one hand, it's pretty cringe, on the other, I wonder what the fallout of a full hololive acknowledgement of this cesspool would be. So far, I am pretty sure only Mori and Vesper have named the 4channel, but I know IDs are/were /here/, and Gura has subtly /here/fagged before.

>> No.42025520

Timestamp next thread, right?

>> No.42025560

i feel like it's inevitable. Considering they had to acknowledge Niji so the collab wars could finally end, they have a limit for how long they'll try to pretend something doesn't exist.

>> No.42025659

certified rosebud post

>> No.42025873

You don't expect terminally twitter nijiniggers to watch streams, huh?

>> No.42025971

I guess you aren't a Nijisanji EN watcher then.

I recommend watching the full stream because it's actually pretty funny. Millie set up a stream where she pretended to hold a totsu where everyone acted awkward and extremely out of character and low energy. Around the 7:30 mark is where Pomu decides to sing badly, and it ends with her being shit on as she lets out a fake cry. None of the viewers knew wtf was going on until the end where they revealed it was all improved roleplay they planned.

Other funny moments: Ike sends Pomu an inappropriate DM and Pomu acts extremely offended without telling the audience what he sent.

Fulgur tells Ren that children watch their streams and he needs to keep it pg, followed by Ren demanding he names a child, followed by bewildered silence.

>> No.42026053


>> No.42026127

Oh, so an obvious joke, got it. Thought you were referring to them shitting on her actual singing.

>> No.42026268

Anon I literally said they joked with her. In fact it's harsher than "singing too much". Which is why I'm confused with the people who think this is a serious insult.

>> No.42026608

Hi panko how are you doing?

>> No.42026848
File: 1.75 MB, 3452x1941, eb2157e9dc6470c4856a3bff069d45aab4b7775a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You should have acted
>They're already here
>The Elder Scrolls told of their return
>Their defeat was merely a delay
>For the time after Ethyria opened
>When the fans of NijiEN would spill their own blood
>But no one wanted to believe
>Believe they even exist
>And when the yab finally dawns
>It dawns in fire
>But, there's one they fear
>In their tongue she's Dovahkiin -- Dragonborn!

>> No.42027686

turns out garbage humans think other people are just as garbage as them
>but by being /here/ you're garbage too
concession accepted

>> No.42027869

This comes off as one of those things that could so obviously go wrong, with the latest stream being the end result. But those involved or watching just can't see why, the moments that work focus on making it ridiculous. Not standard bitchiness making you ask did they mean that one.

>> No.42027939

so, just like /vt/ then, huh

>> No.42028049
File: 74 KB, 500x500, bINRlo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come home, Pomu, you deserve an agency and fans that treat you with respect. It's not too late, audition for EN3.

>> No.42028076

lol Pomu literally said that shit was "too real" and she didn't want anything to do with it.

>> No.42028107

Pomu has been on 4chan longer than anyone here, maybe even longer than me, and she knows the board culture well enough to know what kind of shit would backfire.

>> No.42028155


>> No.42028181

Flopsoiled was funny because it TRUUEEEEE

>> No.42028240

>Pomu goes to HoloEN on the condition she gets build the wave herself
>she brings Elira, Finana, and Selen

>> No.42028247
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This was her posting though.

>> No.42028267

And did you know why it was spam so hard, kek.

>> No.42028445

I've been here literally before /vt/ even existed

>> No.42028495

They would in theory be a great alternative to HoloEN. They have a lot of advantages
>stream a lot, work really hard
>good social atmosphere
>more freedom and creativity

But the downside is far too much
>collabs with males all the time, rarely any girl-only collabs
>no rules against the vtubers flirting with each other, dating each other, marrying each other
>intergender offcollabs in a bedroom. They've done this 5 times ow.
>increasingly the females orbit the boys instead of building their own audience
>increasingly degenerate and disgusting, a constant stream of sex jokes, shit jokes, stuff like that. Creativity is drying up too.

They had a brief moment when things were fantastic. But it's only a memory now

>> No.42028537

Not a particularly high bar
maybe I'm overestimating the current age of the users on this site, 2016/17 is already 6/7 years ago and that's when I assume most of you joined

>> No.42028542

>hey floposoliel you flopped
>aster you are shit
>pomus 3d was terrible

>> No.42028612

Those were unprompted "jokes" (quotes because some of those are factually true). Pomu gave a purposely bad fake singing audition, and proceeded to purposely fake cry.

>> No.42028704

I just thought it was a joke about /vt/ making fun of nijis for singing too much lately

>> No.42028751

This was the last stream they did before Ethyria was announced, which happened the same day as the famous "Meltdown" collab. Those two collabs are what original fans remember as the very peak of NijiEN. These were the golden days.

>> No.42028820


>> No.42028873

Great and with Elira we get Enna and Millie next wave. No thanks.

>> No.42029485

I've been on 4chan since 2006. Not that I'm proud of that. I hate my life and consider suicide regularly.

>> No.42029487

Can someone tell who they think playfulspirit and Pam Harvey are? I want to send them a very nice fan package :)

>> No.42029519
File: 148 KB, 602x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, bro! High-five!

>> No.42029726

Nobody knows. Outside of Canary (Millie), it's all speculation.

>> No.42030123

we already told you to stop doing that, towa.

>> No.42030146

hugh jass is 100% luca
he says hugh jass on his streams every once in a while and is pretty much the one who talks about pomu a lot so he definitely knows the schizoposts about them

>> No.42030224

I don't envy how they'll be getting "were you fuckmybut420?" for ages, and have to deal with comments just assuming they were. Needing to explain the train wreck if they do address it.

>> No.42030554

enna is obviously slumsaint

>> No.42030558

I'd be fine with it too if it wont missfire into other streamers that just didn't happen to stream at that time. Millie's stream was getting pretty late.

I am autistically mad for them trying to take shots at pomu's singing, when she was being a mid menhera prior to the 3d reveal.

Luca gets a pass since he just aimed for a low hanging fruit about pomu's ass lacking.

This whole shit just stinks of Ethyria, ILUNA, Vox, and Fulgur

>> No.42030619

Slumsait is either Enna or Reimu. Not sure which of the two, but definitely one of those two.

>> No.42030761

>all the times the "all out war" discord leak was spammed, it was seen by Niji members

>> No.42031426

Enna. Reimu is much more passive, and not nearly that nasty. The person also said their oshi was Kyo, just to cement the point further.

>> No.42031618

Plonker has to be Vox

>> No.42032068

>Apologies every week
>Too many are collaborating and suffocating the growth of their channel
>Echochamber is taking over common sense, developing an Us VS Them mentality with their fanbase
>No strong hand from management
>A scorned, unhinged menhara ex-employee has months of behind the scenes secrets to leak
You have some people in Niji who loved vtubing and some people who think they can "fix" vtubing. The latter is twisting the passions of the former gradually and now the effort is on trying to subvert the idol culture, this is going to blow up when the former group realizes they're so disconnected from what they actually love that they feel like graduating. NijiEN is a timebomb and on a daily basis you can feel the underlying burnout in their vent tweets.

They should just watch some anime, remember why they fucking loved the hobby and go back to doing silly stuff, not try to be the PSA company

>> No.42032150

you're thinking (most of) hololive. This is nijisanji we're talking about, 99% of them are just in it for the money.

>> No.42032162
File: 192 KB, 527x605, vtsis logic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly yeah, it's just like how /vt/ reacted to the discord leak: Retards projecting everything from their own catalog-infested head, and seaniggers literally having no reading comprehension at all.
For example, niggers will think "singing too much" is them insulting Pomu's singing when it could just be a general complaint about (too much) singing segments, which some people might not be fans of due to not knowing the songs, they're boring etc.

>> No.42032358

cool it with the racist slurs, sister. Also you're forgetting they dissed their less successful coworkers and posted riku memes with holo models on them.

>> No.42032436

how are we to intepret "flopsoleil"

>> No.42032539
File: 48 KB, 545x664, rent free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this one

>> No.42032595

No, Hololive don't stream or interact with the fanbase enough for that shit. Their big issue is the company's activities are incompatible with their level of effort in a day, plus timezone and location differences. And when they do stream there's so much overlap that it strips away any individuality. The only people who try new stuff frequently is Fauna, Kiara and Gura.
At least I don't have to worry about some gay avante garde stream from them trying to own the haters though, excluding Mori

>> No.42032697

>Repeat things from /vt/
Ironically roleplaying as us is them projecting.

> when it could just be a general complaint about (too much) singing segments
How is that better? Oh your singing didn't suck we were just bored of it in your big special one off 3D debut.

>> No.42032779

>A scorned, unhinged menhara ex-employee has months of behind the scenes secrets to leak
What, one of them graduated?

>> No.42032865
File: 802 KB, 1000x1288, Yugo_Asuma_portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't really fault you for forgetting this thing existed

>> No.42032889

They nailed their future as our laughing stock the moment that Discord screenshot leaked.

>> No.42032924

was she part of the inner clique tho. Even Selen seems to be excluded.

>> No.42032998

Yugo was terminated and didn't graduate

>> No.42033069

Oh right, yeah I remember them now. Has she done anything since?

>> No.42033101

>the idol culture
Of nijisanji? What the fuck are you smoking? This reads like an AI generated post

>> No.42033108

>cool it with the racist slurs
my friend i don't think you understand what site you're on

>> No.42033127
File: 190 KB, 850x693, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can also tell because Enna couldn't resist making a seething comment about people not believing she's a virgin because she's had a boyfriend.

>> No.42033146

we're on nijiEN's favourite site, 4channel

>> No.42033167

They posted the one with Lulu on not Marine. Not sure that's better desu.

>> No.42033382

Idol culture that is associated with vtubing in general because NijiEN lives perpetually in HoloEN's shadow and spent every week since the boys debuted obsessing over subversion. lrn2context nignuts

>> No.42033474
File: 1.31 MB, 1051x584, move the goalpost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to defend them from those, lol. They said what they said: Shitting on XSoleil and calling out Enna's tendency to lie about everything, which IS pretty based and truth-pilled ngl.
But nice moving the goalpost, I guess. Whether or not they did those things you mentioned has nothing to do with the screenshot & argument in question: Whether or not they insulted Pomu or not.

>posted riku memes with holo models on them.
Again, I don't understand how you guys can see this as anything other than a dumb braindead joke.

>Ironically roleplaying as us is them projecting.
I don't see how this changes the fact that you also projected from their projecting.

>Oh your singing didn't suck we were just bored of it in your big special one off 3D debut.
Because in that case it's not insulting Pomu specifically. You could say I didn't enjoy Pomu's singing segments in 3D because I just skipped all the singing parts due to personal disinterest in the very content format; a valid criticism about streaming as a whole which somebody might very well have (I know because I hold the same opinion).

>> No.42033532

Bizarre post

>> No.42033578

Brother don't browse the internet if you are so easily confused, it's too big and scary for you

>> No.42033607

>hugh jass complaining about flat ass
actual npc

>> No.42033745

that means they went from 5 to 4 then after yugo graduation from 4 to 3, is this the only group in the entire vtuber industry who supposedly (if we count your rrat) 2 members?

>> No.42033753

I dont think so
She barely streamed and when she did it was only about her menhera attacks. Whether or not her not being included in the clique contributed to this no one can say

>> No.42033856

>projected from their projecting.
Because they were in fact copying us, so it isn't an assumption for us.

>Because in that case it's not insulting Pomu specifically
How is that better? You keep digging this hole of NO THEY JUST CALLED HER WORK SHIT as if it helps.

>> No.42033902

>noooo it was just jokes /vt/ is taking them out of context
>Pomu literally said she dropped out of the stream because it got "too real"
I don't know, sisters...

>> No.42034060

so you didn't watch either the stream or Pomu's reaction to it.

>> No.42034201

only Mori thinks like that. You'd think Kronii too but she only wants to chill and have a good time.

>> No.42034277

Its just the typical Niji defence. Deny, act ignorant and question why anyone should care.
