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42007060 No.42007060 [Reply] [Original]

>management holds meetings at EN primetime and forces the girls to either cancel or delay their planned streams
Why is Hololive management so incompetent?

>> No.42007108


>> No.42007243

More or less proves that they're being managed from all the way from Tokyo. Evenings stateside are usually mornings in Japan

>> No.42007315

millie deflection thread

>> No.42007365

They are holding them in the "Meeting" until Tempiss bois are done with their collab

>> No.42007412

Do you honestly expect Sakamoto-san to stay up late to hold a meeting with some gaijin?

>> No.42007522

lol nope.
She just wants to watch Tempus

>> No.42007545

What would they even talk about? I don't see what they could discuss, permissions? merch? Almost everything else is handled by the talents themselves.

>> No.42007947
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It's morning over in Japan, my man

>> No.42007977


>> No.42008018

Like Ame is with them

>> No.42008025

Dont care, im watching 7 gays gambling

>> No.42008072

Apparently not much since half of them are bored out of their minds and twitterposting mid-meeting about how they're fucking around while muted.

>> No.42008088

Nijiforce deflection thread
Hi enna, hi youtube

>> No.42008148

Shien isn't in Tempus though.

>> No.42008930

But Magni and Axel are

>> No.42009032

the faggot was streaming for his birthday and cover didn't want them to overlap because anyone who watches both would watch the girls

>> No.42009162

the meeting is some retarded bullshit that literally exists so the girls can't stream over the guys
Wasn't it Bae and Ina shitposting too? I get the other girls being bored during the meetings. Gura says they do meetings in nip despite the fact she can't speak it, but Bae and Ina are fluent

>> No.42009173

That's not how it works retard

>> No.42009218

They want to keep the girls from overlapping the boys. Prove me wrong.

>> No.42009219

Kronii also delayed, so Ame isn't making shit up.

>> No.42009358

What do they even talk about in these meetings?

>> No.42009462

Kronii is also watching Tempus

>> No.42009527

They probably assumed they weren't streaming. Can't blame them on that.

>> No.42009545

stop breaking your containment thread numberfaggot

>> No.42009631

Unlike the JP branch, EN girls don't need to do any official recordings or sponsored streams. I wonder what they discuss in the meetings.

>> No.42009638

As if HoloEN has any streams to cancel.

>> No.42009651

the meetings or there being overlap? Most of the girls viewers do not watch the faggots, but a noticeable percent of the faggots viewers watch the girls
why the fuck is the meeting during EN prime time?

>> No.42009684

Explain Mumei and Kiara having to end their streams for the meeting, or Fauna canceling her stream. Not to mention Ina and Bae tweeting about what they’re doing while listening in.

>> No.42009715

Ina and Bae both tweeted they are in the meeting and Fauna canceled and said it was "holowork" aka also the meeting

>> No.42009740

EN girls have done literally both of those

>> No.42009773
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>> No.42009784

Sana graduating

>> No.42009984

Management runs on JP business hours. It’s either EN primetime or in the dead of night, with the girls delaying or canceling streams because they’re too tired the next day.

>> No.42010025

They really want us to hate the Holostars, don't they?

>> No.42010042

This one was probably about that NijiEN stream.

>> No.42010068

Reminder that management has more freedom than the streamers to the point where they can do shit like this, it's not even the first time they've mentioned retarded late meetings with these fax machine niggers. Cover protects management more than the streamers. The Rushia NDA thing was more about her leaking details about other employees that aren't streamers rather than anything related to streamers. They do this because they don't want the audience to (properly) point the finger at the actual retards responsible for things going wrong with everything all the time. Cover fucking sucks.

>> No.42010085

Goddamn you guys are obsessed

>> No.42010089

looks like the image came from global, what does numbers have to do with it?

>> No.42010137

cover seems incredibly retarded

>> No.42010164

I feel like having your EN branch managed on JP business hours is kind of stupid. But what do I know.

>> No.42010245

Yes, Cover is run by incompetent retards, this isn’t new.

>> No.42010248

They do em on weekends too it's so weird. I geuss it is Monday morning in Japan though.
They let Regis do his birthday stream and poker no problem though

>> No.42010346

>Gura says they do meetings in nip
Why in the flying fuck? Do they at least have an interpreter?

>> No.42010451

Streamers are replaceable, while managers aren't. Typical corpo behavior.

>> No.42010980

they might? If I remember correctly Gura said she didn't know what was going on half the time in some of the meetings

>> No.42011149

Prepping for Ina's graduation announcement. Please understand.

>> No.42011280

shouldnt the en talents be meeting with en staff? chain of command and all that. the en staff can coordinate with jp staff at a different time without the talents involved when necessary

>> No.42011384

Either that, or the EN staff are also based in Tokyo (most likely since Jap companies with foreign branches usually get expats who speak both English and Japanese, preferably those who live within Tokyo)

>> No.42011430

They are. EN staff is in Japan.

>> No.42011446

Happens in Niji EN as well and it's fucking retarded.

>> No.42011568

Jap companies want to chokehold their foreign staff so they keep them within arm's reach, please understand
t. works in the same setup

>> No.42011888

>EN staff is in Japan.
Ah, so they are retarded then. Great

>> No.42011905

I watch small corpos. My oshi complained that almost every time she starts the stream, its like the management is waiting for that exact moment to contact her on discord or spark. She said that it annoys her because it can completely kill the hype that she had for whatever she has to do.

>> No.42011989

Just you wait. You will watch the boys too and you will like them.

>> No.42012201

Management is yelling at Ame for not turning on superchats

>> No.42012206

Funny how their meeting is now over now that the big birthday collab for Tempus is over. It seems clear they just scheduled it to keep the girls from streaming over Tempus(sans Vesper). I can't imagine how livid it must make someone like Kiara who is up at like 3am for these dumb meetings

>> No.42012261

it seems that there were several bonks at the meeting. maybe to some for not promoting their merchandise too much or maybe for not participating with the males
whatever it is, there are going to be changes, maybe not interesting for us, but for the girls, yes.

>> No.42012288

Well they had no problem whoring her out to a gacha game for a million dollars.

>> No.42012331

anon she turned them on like the next stream or the stream after. she said that Only reason why it wasn't on for RDR2 is Rockstar perms don't allow SCs to be on.

>> No.42012373

Literally nothing you typed is in the tweet.

>> No.42012385

Yeah, and when she got back from Japan she turned them off for every stream until she said management forced her to turn them on.

>> No.42012390

>forcing someone to stay up until 4 am
God I hate Cover

>> No.42012437

you dumb fucker its 4 am for her she's probably omega exhausted

>> No.42012489

it depends entirely, for example Gura met with Okayu and her Manager alongside her own manager, pretty sure meetings in Japanese is likely because she met with a lot of JP members to record stuff last year

>> No.42012586

>until she said management forced her to turn them on.
She may have said it, but i doubt that is what actually happened.

>> No.42012603

Ina went to Japan to interpret/support Gura

>> No.42012705

I'll take her word over your schizo thoughts.

>> No.42012946

i want to strangle a holoEN manager. i want to feel it dying.

>> No.42013218

no, it's over. mandatory call ins with the guys, an AD every hour of a stream, say the 4fes is live and not pre-recorded, they will have to retweet Gura and "Gura's" tweets, greet Yagoo at the beginning of every stream, no more subway, beach episode in each season.

>> No.42013581

If so that sucks for any english chuubas looking at holo. If i want to get my usual 10 hours i sleep through the entire japanese work day.

>> No.42013605

Honestly, I'm starting to wonder if there's someone inside Hololive trying to actively sabotage Tempus. They've done a good job of turning my apathy into hating them.

>> No.42013700

>or maybe for not participating with the males
Oh yes sister it's definitely this

>> No.42013783

Ina went to japan because Gura's mom would not let Gura go unless cover provided at least 2 baby sitters at all times. Look at the time line
>Gura lands
>hangs out with Kiara and Jenma
>Ina lands, Kiara leave the same day
>few days later Gura is with Ina and A chan
It was easier to just get Kiara and Ina to take turns babysitting Ms. Retard Helmet then it was to hire an actual person to do this

>> No.42013801
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>> No.42013861

>10 hours

>> No.42013887

Ame is saying she has runny diarrhea and is stuck on the toilet in idolspeak. Probably ate bread.

>> No.42014110

don't forget kiara was in a meeting from like 12am to 4am for her. EN management should fucking kill themselves

>> No.42014385

>Force Kiara to attend a meeting from 12 to 4am
>Muh EN primetime. Ame suffers the most

>> No.42014501 [DELETED] 

Yeah, that's the life of anybody from the west that works for a JP company, I'm afraid
It becomes easier if your timezone is nearest to Japan, so Australia/SEA/or even PT

>> No.42014655

Kiara always forces the girls to stream for her awful timezone so I don't feel bad for her
Ame has suffered far more than Kiara could ever dream of

>> No.42014773

>Kiara always forces the girls to stream for her awful timezone so I don't feel bad for her
This is the absolute exact opposite or reality. Wtf are you smoking? Kiara is always the one who have to accomodate to the others. Literally no one in the NA timezone (except Mori when she’s in Japan) has ever tried to wake up before 12pm to stream with Kiara, but Kiara has slept at 3 to 5am plenty of times for collabs.

>> No.42014887

That's what happens when you work for a Japanese company. I have meetings anywhere from 6pm-10pm multiple times a week. At least I don't have 6am weekly meeting anymore.

>> No.42015109

Do people here actually believe she's in an important meeting with such inappropriate timing?

She's probably just fucking.

>> No.42015315

so diarrheas or constipation? My bet's on constipation, like shitting a stone and needs to take magnesium citrate and/or prune juice with half-gallon enema

>> No.42015430

Do you think Ame wipes her butt until there is completely no shit stains on the toilet paper before flushing?

>> No.42015466

skill issue

>> No.42015549

Not being able to wake up at a decent hour?
Yeah, skill issue indeed.

>> No.42015653

Kiara had good reason to be annoyed having to stay up this late but it's odd that several of the holoEN talents felt the need to mention this meeting.

>> No.42015658

No chance. I bet if she laid face down at the beach there'd be flies trying to crawl in her anus

>> No.42015857

not their fault JP management makes them stay up until 5-6 am for meetings to plan more meetings. Maybe Kiara should ask ID for more collabs if she needs collab partners that badly.

>> No.42015974

Ina, Bae and Kiara all flat out said they were in a meeting in twitter and Fauna said "holowork" which could also mean meeting

>> No.42016013

>Literally no one in the NA timezone (except Mori when she’s in Japan) has ever tried to wake up before 12pm to stream with Kiara

>> No.42016069

I believe this rrat. Holo and Niji are still competitors at the end of the day, and monitor each other's move. After what Millie did, it wouldn't surprise me if HoloEN management told the girls to not pull stupid shit like that in order to, "own the haters."

>> No.42016078

I'm willing to bet the meeting was so they couldn't stream over tempiss. Gura would do passive aggressive shit about tempiss as well

>> No.42016162

why would they need everyone there and not just Ame, Mori and Kronii? Those 3 are the only ones who do dumb shit like that. Even Bae isn't a big enough retard to try to fight her fans

>> No.42016240

>management has a late morning meeting which is 7PM-1AM for the EN girls
>It goes on way too long cutting into streaming hours
what do you call this

>> No.42016322

>I wonder what they discuss in the meetings.
Probably nothing. They're probably just there because they're supposed to be there. Japanese businesses are big on performative bullshit to make your superiors look good.

>> No.42016965

I work in an MNC headquartered in Cali, it’s the same bullshit here

>> No.42017033

wow you're a fucking idiot...

>> No.42017112

good old meeting that lead to more meetings until they finally get around to telling you they rejected your idea

>> No.42017230

That describes every business and the meetings therein that exists

>> No.42017248

I didn't say it's not a thing here too, just that it's a BIG thing in Japan.

>> No.42017251

Could be a sponsorship meeting. Gotta meet up to discuss with dem money holders

>> No.42017318

Vesper was found unresponsive by the police after cover tried to contact him multiple times to no avail. He really went hard on his meds.

>> No.42017342

>actually falling for this excuse

>> No.42017391

Nobody gonna push those papers around, anon

>> No.42018328

Cover doesn't have offices outside japan retard.
Alll their staff are located in japan

>> No.42018534

Cover seen the last troglodyte tier stream idea from NijiEN and the meeting was about showing the girls what happened with the warning that if they do something like that they will get 2 weeks of jail time

>> No.42018791

Wrong ID is based out of Jakarta.

>> No.42018811

If that were the case, they would have called the boys in too.

>> No.42018940

Cover told Gura and Fauna they couldn't stream over the faggots debuts, you tranny

>> No.42019007

yes Kiara stayed up until 4 am and Kronii, Bae, Ina, Kiara and Ame were all in on it too

>> No.42019071

the fags had an event stream and don't sit in on the same meetings because they have different management

>> No.42019377

First of all, Myth hasn't had a decently planned schedule in fucking ages. Those fucking whores are all over the place. And secondly, management can do whatever the fuck they want. Teaching these spoiled myth brats to fetch and roll over would be top kino. It's not like that but I wish it was.

>> No.42019537

And as a branch it works better than HoloEN.
Just a coincedence tough, totally not because they don't have US based office (kiara would rather have JP meetings over US meeting because they would be in her primetime slot and that would cause other problems)

>> No.42019963

Literally my first thought seeing this thread. Management already saw the shitshow kronii made a few months back so probably wants to make damn sure nobody in holoen aka mori ame and kronii get any bright ideas.

>> No.42020875

They're meeting my member.

>> No.42020974

Nobody watches both. I only care about Tempus and a little bit about IRyS and Kiara.

>> No.42021287

so then why was omega tranny so pissed about Gura trying to stream over the faggot's debuts?

>> No.42021352

Ina can speak Japanese? I thought she was a lazy, smelly slob who only cared about art.

>> No.42021533

Dunno, but this board certainly acts like no one tries to watch both.

>> No.42021725

She literally said bread makes her constipated, not have diarrhea.

>> No.42021979

Ame prefers to keep them off, this is not news.

>> No.42022299

Actually the meeting was about the merge of HoloEN and HoloID. Kiara talked about this new branch on her members which will be called Hololive Global.
Maybe the management is doing it so that they can easily insert ES/KR/LATAM vtubers without opening a new branch for every region

>> No.42022459

Bae is basically indonesian and most of the EN girls collab more with Kaela and Reine than they do with any jp and some of the other en girls

>> No.42022538

>you wanted EN3? well here's 9 more girls, sure it counts as EN3 and 4 right now shut up we're planning tempus 3

>> No.42023502

Fauna has mentioned before that one of the reasons for her screwed up sleep schedule are meetings with overseas in the middle of the night.

>> No.42023875

>Kiara talked about this new branch on her members which will be called Hololive Global.

>> No.42024851
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Here, nothing scary, probably whatever Ame is leading.
Or CounterSide, they want to sponsor EN more.
Or Holofes.
Or new gen, last time they had a full meeting is for a new gen.

>> No.42026604

anon that was her boyfriend, it was anal.

>> No.42026961

they're being managed from singapore by a chinese manager

>> No.42027734

They probably just discussed organizational shit for the Japan trip

>> No.42027953


>> No.42029033

yeah it's loserbait booty call

>> No.42029148

As opposed to hiring SJWs from California, I do think they made the correct choice

>> No.42029973

thank you millie

>> No.42030316

NTA, Well we were forced to be obseded when they tried forcefeed us those trash.

>> No.42030797
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If the meeting was at the same time as the homos stream then the meeting could have been about watching the Tempus stream and providing feedback. Also as a way to remind them that they are lazy whores who don't collab together anymore.

>> No.42033619

They are the root of the problem.

>> No.42033812

Sudden anal with no time for preparation? That's how you get shit on your dick.
Most likely that it was a BJ and a quickie

>> No.42036332

That collab without Vesper? Lmao.
