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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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41998539 No.41998539 [Reply] [Original]

>pitch a stream concept to 'own the antis'
>spend it shitting on your senpai, one of the people directly responsible for NijiEN being successful enough to hire your retard ass in the first place
>the insecure seething doesn't match any /vt/ rrat, in fact it's shitting all over an event (Pomu 3D) /vt/ universally liked
This actually pisses me off. None of these fucking niggers would have a job if Lazulight hadn't built the branch from the ground up, and they're shit-talking Pomu of all people? Two-faced pack of snakes.

>> No.41998625

And she'll get away with it because management doesn't give a shit.
Just NijiEN things.

>> No.41998773

>I liked the 3d but wish Pomu had a bigger ass
Is not shitting on it. You guys need to learn reading comprehension. Also, Pomu was on the stream and if she was really offended she'd say who was on the stream.

>> No.41998842

Are these posts just being repeatedly copypasta'd now?

>> No.41998856 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself you disingenuous, lying, damage-controlling chinkrat

>> No.41999009

>Another fake discord thread
You have being trying with these kinds of threads since like a year now

>> No.41999097

in all seriousness, pomu could have had a bigger ass

>> No.41999222

>it's fake IT DIDN'T HAPPEN OK
Holy damage control batman

>> No.41999355

Cope, you have no evidence it actually happened, schizo.

>> No.41999442


>> No.41999489

Millie literally said it happened and that she was sorry for it lmao

>> No.41999525

>No video
Nice try Pomu.

>> No.41999651

The fact that they're currently all either trying to shift the blame or are claiming they weren't involved at all before deleting those tweets makes it very obvious that management got involved.
Because those drama loving retards sure as hell didn't realize they were pouring oil on a fire and had an epiphany that maybe it wasn't such a good idea to continue doing it.

>> No.41999870

Looks like someone forgot to take his pills today

>> No.42000360

Yeah, Millie.

>> No.42000454
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>Is not shitting on it.
Yeah, not even trying to defend their actions but literally the only line that MIGHT count as "shitting on it" is
>but yah disappointed too
And even then it isn't something someone with hostile intent would say.

>like the 3d, wish she didn't sing so much
This sentence on its own also could be valid criticism; not everyone enjoy singing segments

I'll never understand how you fuckers see things. It's the same in the discord leak too. You all might actually be schizophrenic since you're seeing things that aren't there. Either that or you are functionally illiterate.

>> No.42000564

There was literally a stream.

>> No.42000667

did you think outing yourself as a twitter tourist was a good idea

>> No.42000674

Prove it, post it here.

>> No.42000733


>> No.42000745

Are you actually this retarded you lead huffer?

>> No.42000793

Enna is a cunt that hates Pomu and Selen.

>> No.42000847

how were they even doing it? was it live and they were typing? did they say preemptively that it was satire or was it expected to be understood?
the whole idea is so dumb I'm confused

>> No.42000870
File: 22 KB, 480x360, kekw tom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny because you're doing exactly what the picture is illustrating.

I got this picture from /here/, genius. Thanks for proving me right.

>> No.42000950
File: 7 KB, 354x311, sucking too much dick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of it is kind of funny tho

>> No.42001029

Unfortunately, all Niji management cares about now is the Canadian clique, and that one is controlled by Enna.

Pomu deserves better.

>> No.42001094

Is this what it takes from Luxiem to die?

>> No.42001124

>outing yourself as a twitch user and twitter tourist
please stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.42001238
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>repeating the same braindead argument
I accept your concession

>> No.42001366

Sorry, forgot the quotes around argument there. Don't want to lie to everyone on the internet now, do it?

>> No.42001407


>> No.42001533

But why?

>> No.42001784

Jealousy mostly. Not jealous of their numbers, but how they are loved by virtually everyone, unlike her.

>> No.42001795

nice tits /b/omu would have been more accurate and unironically less mean than shitting on her 3dlive which everybody enjoyed on here. Trashy idea for a stream but what do you expect from enna's friend.

>> No.42001989

>lazusydia faggots are still schizoids
I thought you faggots went back to the blue dorito, why not stay there?

>> No.42002051
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If you want to talk accurate they should have mentioned anything to do with numbers, or X hates Y, or shitting on Iluna/Xsolei/Luxiem, WHICH BTW WEREN'T MENTIONED AT ALL, NOW THAT'S UNFORGIVABLE.

>> No.42002053

Die in a fire ethyriatroon

>> No.42002175

I think one of them called Xsoleil a flop but yeah even as a parody it mostly failed

>> No.42002243

Pomu maybe, but saying selen is universally loved is wrong. Now go post about numbers in /nijiEN/ again because that's all you fagoons can do.

>> No.42002317

Who the fuck even hates selen? And no, people disliking "le purple dragon" shitposts doesn't count

>> No.42002628

I think shitting on your Kouhais is worse. The flopsoleil and failuna comments have to sting. I bet there was at least one of them that wasn't involved with the shitfest thinking they have it bad enough and now my Senpais are repeating it.

>> No.42002923
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AI generated stream

>> No.42002978

There are all the people giving her shit for being a boosted bitch in both apex and overwatch. And the people who can't stand she laughing every 5 seconds, specially in collabs. Fujos because they're mentally deranged. A lot of people /here/ because her fans can't shut the fuck up.

>> No.42003086

hugh jass is probably Pomu, it's not even criticism it's just making fun of her ass size. But then you have Pam Harvey going "I wish she didn't sing so much" when Pomu herself is reading this shit.

>> No.42003113

I can't remember a time where fujos hated on Selen enough to be noticable aside from general >fuck women sentiments.
Like even JP fujos like Selen since she played with VALZ

>> No.42003234

This was an extensive nothingburger created by /vt/ for drama
It came to me in a dream

>> No.42003283

They also made fun of Aster despite having the numbers Ethyria used to have before Luxnoc saved them

>> No.42003301

>fatass Pomu
stop my cock can only get so erect

>> No.42003315
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If they don't want to be shat on, then be creative like their senpais. Actually put in effort into their streams like Pomu, Rosemi, Selen and yes, even Millie. FOTM content gets no respect from me.
