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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 382 KB, 640x640, Noir_Vesper_-_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
41994502 No.41994502 [Reply] [Original]

>The most popular Tempus member
>Unmask the whores of EN
>Shits on management
>Hates his fags coworkers
>Causes drama that is slowly destroying HolostarEN
He is literally doing all the things unicorn wish to happen.
Was he the real brotuber all this time?

>> No.41994624

He is what this world needed to happen

>> No.41994637

Cool fan fiction

>> No.41994782 [DELETED] 

He impregnated gura

>> No.41994788

He should kill himself.

>> No.41994790

>The Kiara of Homostars

>> No.41994855

Holy based, like all grandpas

>> No.41994869

That's Axel, the orange man

>> No.41994910

It's been known for a long time already that he's only here to destroy HoloProEN, he's doing it. Just fucking listen to this >>41994782

>> No.41994965

Finally, one of these where the person actually sounds like the person they're person actually when they're doing the person for the who they're when one of these they're actually doing the person for

>> No.41995056

The rrat weaver of HomoEN is Axel.
Vesper is the Mori of HomoEN.

>> No.41995055

I had a stroke reading that

>> No.41995066


>> No.41995118

Voice not low enough but it's scary how the intonation on these is improving

>> No.41995119

Man I can't believe he actually impregnated Gura and that's why she isn't streaming.

>> No.41995155


>> No.41995223


>> No.41995227

>everyone that's replied to this post has gotten digits
Fear not anons, I will break the chain

>> No.41995255

I think he has the brain damage

>> No.41995277

And then everyone clapped, thanks tumblr

>> No.41995291


>> No.41995318

Anon is not ogey

>> No.41995342


>> No.41995367
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>> No.41995381


>> No.41995385
File: 198 KB, 943x763, friendShocked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this an AI generated post?

>> No.41995403


>> No.41995467




>> No.41995485


>> No.41995648
File: 288 KB, 285x449, vespkek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, this is convincingly real. Amazing same my man, it even got his lisp. I kek'd hard.

>> No.41995801

Stop spamming threads about yourself you boring faggot, no one cares about you at all.

>> No.41995815

The homo that was promised....

My king...

>> No.41995853

Anon, your ChatGPT broke.

>> No.41996002

>unironic numberfag
>habitually makes shit up to seem cooler because he's a /v/ dwelling crusty basement dweller
>"is a prepper", " "bought a giant spear", "quit his job and biked for two years", "got stabbed after getting drunk in a literal weeb bar", DYRBI?
>doesn't actually know shit about computers
>barely does anything but zatsu and make up stories
>suspended for misconduct toward management, put pressure on the other boys because of his fuckup
>ditched his gens stream but had no problem collabing with girls
>ditched an anniversary stream where he was supposed to make burgers with axel to eat fast food burgers while drunk
>ran to Japan when the girls were going knowing they were working on recording stuff to "get help recording a cover"
>when asked why he can collab with mori and kronii but not his own Gen he says he doesn't feel bad enough to change his behavior
>blames it all on needing anxiety meds, pretends to "go home" and proceeds to act like nothing happened

>> No.41996022


>> No.41996146


>> No.41996168


>> No.41996307

If you lower more it glitchs and sounds robotic. But soon with more improvements, this tech will mimick human voices and emotions with 100% rate accuracy, which is scary...

>> No.41996374


>> No.41996629

my fucking sides holy KEK
i can barely type the fucking captcha jesus anon

>> No.41997416


>> No.41998060
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>> No.41998121

>Unmask the whores of EN
When did this happen

>> No.41998236

>it's real

>> No.41998314
File: 38 KB, 500x500, 1656973991167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fucking sides

>> No.41998797
File: 1.44 MB, 1156x878, 1665597840628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41999187

I assume he means outing Ame and Kronii as whores.

>> No.41999460

Did the AI that wrote this have a stroke?

>> No.41999652

The Ame one was obvious to anyone paying attention.
Kronii was a true revelation though, who would have thought that out of all of them she'd be the most cock starved.

>> No.41999711

Morty Vesper

Bateman Vesper

>> No.41999759

Qrd on Vesper and Ame?

>> No.41999844

What if...he's still in Japan, and going home is a headfake?

>> No.41999854

I'm going to need some elaboration, ideally with a source.

>> No.41999957

he just means ame collabed with homos, pre tempiss only Mori, Bae who it is kind of excusable because rat is a virgin and is basically holo id, and mumei who gets the excuse because Bae made her and then she acted like an autistic retard, collabed with homos. now we know ame and kronii are whores who wanted the branch to be mixed gender

>> No.42000026

Ame and Kronii have collabed with tempiss, that is what he means. Plus both of them keep defending collabing with them

>> No.42000027

Ame did nothing wrong though.

>> No.42000057

But has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.42000118

I kneel, king
You did me a favour

>> No.42000258

Can SEA bots have strokes?

>> No.42000263


>> No.42000265
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>> No.42000451

>Interacting with males
Whores, the both of them.

>> No.42000591

Oh no no.

>> No.42001040

unironically, yes. collabing with males needs to be treated as hash as possible, or else the branch will turn into fucking niji or flesh tubing

>> No.42001508


>> No.42001602

No, the thing people wished to happen would be Homofags EN NOT DEBUTING AT ALL.

>> No.42003420

oh god

>> No.42003482

>now we know
gj showing you never watched Ame. She's been pro Holopro since day 1.

>> No.42003492


>> No.42003985

So you are saying she did the date stream in anticipation of cucking her viewers a year and a half later? Even I think that is a little harsh despite her oft-displayed bitchiness.

>> No.42004520

she did the date stream because she likes rp streams.
besides, if she's cucking you with anyone, it's the one she sung a fucking love song to (gura). talking to guys once every few months isn't gonna make you any more cucked.

>> No.42004651

why would I ever watch Ame?

>> No.42004799

Can't be cucked by yuri. Taking to guys openly makes her worse at her job and she should improve herself.

>> No.42004857

talking to

>> No.42005026

Anonchama? You need some water?

>> No.42005516


holy shit homofans really can't have a conversation about their fuckboys without mentioning the girls. No wonder homobegging is such a plague...

>> No.42005584

Pretty sure it actually was Regus who told him too fuck off and stop being a fucking selfish leech.

>> No.42005842

I really believe he got this factorio codes by impersonating Gura and Cover just wasn't able to prove it.

>> No.42005933

>Streams with Kronii as much as Altare streams with Kobo

>> No.42006048

Calm down vesper, we'll up your dosage.

>> No.42006565

drop the baby gooruh let this innocent man go

>> No.42006923

>as much as Altare streams with Kobo
vesper only has one solo collab with kronii

>> No.42006955

Did she try to collab with any homostar prior to tempiss? I guess she might do some basic courtesy like retweeting their shit but not much more than that even when holo ID would be more than willing to help.

With Tempiss she went on a month long collab spree, would likely do more if management didn't tell them to chill with mixed-gender shit.

>> No.42007048

he wanted to stay for 6 months right? But if he's back home why not collab with tempiss and tempoop, he must have his meds now right?

>> No.42007194

Ame was always a huge fan of shien retard doesn't even know anything about HoloEN girls

>> No.42007683

what job? idol? if that was supposed to be her appeal, she'd have been fired when she did the watson concoction part of her debut or every single time she rage quit something.

her appeal is she's too honest to pretend to be something she's not, and that involves not pretending she doesn't know guys outside her chat exist.

if you're fun, she'll have fun with you. if you're bitching about your self-insert being proven wrong, then she'll ignore you. she does the same with backseat gamers. if you want someone who can lie so you don't feel as guilty about jerking off to them, try sora.

>> No.42008221

>Can't be cucked by yuri.

>> No.42008329

have you even watched her stuff? if there's something she's barely experienced that interests her, she'll keep going for it until she's bored. a whole new group of people that she barely sees as different from her? (being a tomboy half of the time) of course she's bandwagoning the hell out of that.

>> No.42008384

>giant spear
a. why wouldn't he just buy a gun?
b. why buy a giant spear and not a small on? You are going to be fighting in your house, not as part of a fucking pikeman line

>> No.42008691

girls cant have sex with each other as they have no penis

>> No.42008852

we love vesper

>> No.42008965

try saying that when someone rams a strap-on down your throat

>> No.42008988

Giant spear is funnier.
Vesper is always committed to the BIT.

>> No.42009107

Multiple reasons.
One being force fire arm but backs.
Two being it's good to have a melee weapons his is collapsible too so easy to cary for long treks if he bugs out.
Three Melee weapons are often used at the beginning of a collapse during riots.
Four being they don't need power or ammo. He can use it for defense or hunting post civ.
Five having a collapsible sturdy piece of lightweight metal can be extremely useful in survival situations

>> No.42009215

Very informative Vesper.

>> No.42009320

its a woman anon. I will simply overpower her

>> No.42009494

This assumes vesper has guns too.
It depends what his goals, and anticipated problems are post civ. I think most people will be fine with any long gun and any side arm, which really isn't as necessary.
Shit one could get by with a single shot shotgun just fine. Cary some slugs, buck, and game shot and your set for tons of survival situations.

>> No.42009538

>One being force fire arm but backs.
are you having a stroke?
>Two being it's good to have a melee weapons his is collapsible too so easy to cary for long treks if he bugs out.
there is no way that is an effective spear if it collapses
>Four being they don't need power or ammo. He can use it for defense or hunting post civ.
I easily have close to 6,000 rounds of ammo. it isn't expensive and doesn't take up much room
>Five having a collapsible sturdy piece of lightweight metal can be extremely useful in survival situations
so would a fucking gun

>> No.42009560

>on boards outside of /fit/
good luck with that.

>> No.42009570

Have you seen how big Mori is? Like I'm a big guy and can lift, but moving that much mass is a mammoth feat

>> No.42009719


>> No.42009763

His spear was 1000 bucks it probably pretty sturdy, I think it's titanium. I assume he already has a gun retard I said you need one. I meant to type "forced gun buybacks" but we know that would cause the collapse right there. You realize your 6 k won't last forever right? You could get robbed or you could win a Waco situation. Every prepper knows REDUNDANCIES are fucking key.
I also don't want to alert people my position with my AR blast if I'm just hunting a boar.

>> No.42009881

I'm not gonna use my rifle as a fucking tent pole or to move a rock.

>> No.42009956
File: 32 KB, 271x403, 1647666576369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42009983

They won’t allow this in /ggg/ lmao

Cucks gonna cuck

>> No.42010051

>His spear was 1000 bucks it probably pretty sturdy, I think it's titanium.
I highly doubt a collapsible spear regardless of the cost would work
>I meant to type "forced gun buybacks" but we know that would cause the collapse right there.
just don't turn in your gun. no one in America complies with that shit. Plus if you were really scared buy a shotgun. They would have to straight up confiscate every gun before they got to banning pump action shotguns
>You realize your 6 k won't last forever right? You could get robbed or you could win a Waco situation. Every prepper knows REDUNDANCIES are fucking key.
easy, I will simply use my guns to obtain more weapons
>I also don't want to alert people my position with my AR blast if I'm just hunting a boar.
have fun spear fighting a boar with a hollow spear that bends
just use a stick

>> No.42010072


>> No.42010514

You're gonna get shot by an 80nyear old granny with her Remington 22 bolt action she had when she was a kid. She's gonna give your 9k AR build to her zoomer trans great granddaughter

>> No.42010664
File: 52 KB, 479x355, laughing boxers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me, that's good.

>> No.42010887

>oh and Kronii, if you're listening, get rid of the baby

>> No.42011130

doubt that. I live in a really anti gun state in a pretty anti gun town. There aren't that many has guns near me.

>> No.42011701

Yeah exactly why it's gonna be someone that's had a 22 since they were kid. Plenty of people in upstate NY, western MA, rural CA that have been shooting for generations.

>> No.42012182

yeah I live in none of those places

>> No.42012899
File: 50 KB, 1024x1024, 1674285551679769m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck my sides

>> No.42013182

Fuck that was good man

>> No.42014590

I lost on 'she wants the baby'

>> No.42015314

AI development is insanely dystopic but god it might be worth it for shit like this

>> No.42016379

Nijisister drama factory working overtime.
Rent free, as always.

>> No.42016488


>> No.42016500
File: 55 KB, 298x188, 1668278227518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42019270

Stroke anon strikes again!

>> No.42019861

He's unironically turning his back on brotubing. Hes very evidently stopped giving a shit about his genmates.
What a failure to Tempus

>> No.42022753

I’m fucking crying

>> No.42023016

it's always something with these faggots is it

>> No.42024225
File: 24 KB, 720x635, 1652328629409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42025268

A collapsable titanium handle is weaker than a solid wooden one. Titanium is a meme tacticool garbage.
Also, crazy idea but how about like putting a knife on the end of the gun, woah why hasn't anyone thought of that I should make a name for it, I'll name it after a random game on my shelf uh bayonetta

>> No.42025382

Ive been trying to come up with a reply to this for a minute straight but my fucking sides are in orbit.

>> No.42025680

To think I used to like him because he reminded me of Fulgur. In the end, he turned out to be nothing more than a glib facsimile of Fulgur.

>> No.42025976

Was this during his 100$ member stream?

>> No.42026145

Are you ok? Do you want me to call someone?

>> No.42027537

>The most popular Tempus member
Is that still the case?

>> No.42027763

This one is honestly even better. Someone should put it up on catbox so it's easier to link

>> No.42027818

would be shocked if he doesnt come back and have 3k+

>> No.42027865

Behaves like a high-school girl whos craving dick, disgraceful. I thought he'd be the last one to behave this way

>> No.42027958

Its the absolute opposite lmao

>> No.42027962

Vesper betrayed this community, we need to make him pay.

>> No.42027973

he's just a retard looking to get close to holovie
there's not much to

>> No.42028033

good kill and suicide

>> No.42028074

You somehow forget his lisp your fucking mong 0/10

>> No.42028086

Truly this is the Dark Souls of Vtuber Generations

>> No.42028184

this homos birthday streams are coming up
wait and see how much he tries to stir up shit and get the girls to interact with him

>> No.42028216

kiara and mori are much more hard workers than the mental swob that vesper is. please don't compare them to him.

>> No.42028234
File: 427 KB, 776x611, 1647723929511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura's gonna call him. she WILL collab with MEN. The MEN are going to collab with GURA she's going to ENJOY collabing with MEN and will have cute giggles and genuine enjoyment from collabing with THE MEN and there's NOTHING you can do about it.


>> No.42028254

This is weak bait but it's 4am, have a (you), on me.

>> No.42028866
File: 511 KB, 1050x969, shades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did she try to collab with any homostar prior to tempiss
What counts as trying? She said she would, she popped into their chats a few times, once Astel had this long talk on his stream that sort of could be interpreted as if it was a possibility. So at least at some points it was very much a possibility.
I don't care about Tempus, but I'm really glad she got to collab with her homo oshi Shien at least once.

>> No.42029624

still not watching your homofag

>> No.42030795

>Was he the real brotuber all this time?

>> No.42035231
File: 92 KB, 750x900, i-lost-my-guns-in-boating-accident-gun-owner-alessandra-roth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One being force fire arm but backs.

Greetings from /k/.

It's called "lying." If the winds start to change in the direction where that might happen, you just fucking lie about it. You bury the things out in the woods, or deep enough in your garden that they have no idea where to even start looking, then you report them lost or stolen. Or you buy guns through a private sale, or you build unregistered "ghost" guns.

>> No.42037673

He still recovering and said solo content only. At the same time, he said streaming is different and can release stress. He is a liar. All bark and no walk.

>> No.42038985

Based /k/ommando rebel. No really, I will put this advice to good use.

>> No.42038998
File: 494 KB, 829x719, 9748589424759152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will simply overpower her
HOLY COPIUM KEK YOU CAN'T EVEN OVERPOWER YOUR DEPRESSION, MUCH LESS A WOMAN yuri is cucking too, stop being delusional fag

>> No.42039273

this, i want my oshi to never collab with anyone, i want her only for myself

>> No.42040925


>> No.42041589

Who else doesn't stream for a week and has simultaneously three split threads that often hit the post limit?

>> No.42041856


>> No.42043088


>> No.42043119
File: 130 KB, 1024x605, 1667913902719330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42043401

ESL king... no... ESL god... I kneel...

>> No.42044307

Vesper made me gay. homostars EN was a blessing in disguise.

>> No.42044361


>> No.42044457

He collabs with women you retard, in what world is that what unicorns want? Unicorns unironically hope vesper overdoses on his anti-depressants

>> No.42044495

Anyone who calls him grandpa or nowa is a faggot in disguise (or in denial)

>> No.42044562

honestly, spoken a bit slower and with a bit more lisp and this would be perfect.

>> No.42044572

Tier 7 member here. He is just doin a bit and its about taking vtubers down. Starting with Niji.

Do you really think Millie was smart enough for this bit?

>> No.42044928

You what

>> No.42045466

This was posted by a homo… the yuri stuff is done cause it’s cute and wholesome, hetero shipping isn’t cute or wholesome, that’s the difference

>> No.42045544

wrong, keep coping, if you don't want to be cucked they shouldn't collab with anyone, otherwise you're still a cuck, accept it already nigger

>> No.42045656
File: 89 KB, 218x227, 1659035307621576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what in the goddamn
these are so good

>> No.42045736
File: 512 KB, 867x588, 1662476329564932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never thought I'd have to give Mori credit on anything but you have a point anon

>> No.42045779

Yeah sure, you’re not a homo, and i’m Elon Musk… You’re unironically retarded, you’re not gonna convince us to start being upset by something we all actively like, most unicorns like the yuri stuff because it’s cute and wholesome, like i said… men are not cute and shipping them is gay as fuck… so we don’t like it… go back to /mans/ sister, maybe you can share your fan fiction with your fellow homos, just remember that they’ll never be fully indoctrinated into hololive and it’s because of us, lord knows yagoo would do it if he thought he could get away with it

>> No.42045794

fucking nice

>> No.42046001

read nigga read if you don't wanna be a cuck they shouldn't collab WITH ANYONE, including homos or other girls, keep coping on your fantasy that yuri is good when is as cuck as hetero shit

>> No.42046130

This one is really nice, good job.

>> No.42046271
File: 317 KB, 1000x1000, 1658111549504668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was impressed with his debut stream energy a bit but I knew he was a menhera grifter when he kept collabing after him making a point of grandstanding about the virtues of solo content. That therapy stream with Kronii should have been the wake-up call for even the most delusional vesties that he's a lying, 2-faced, pandering piece of shit but here we are

>> No.42046437

Like, this is not eve ESL
This is like ... If EN is his 4th , after Bahasa, Spanish and Klingon

>> No.42046460
File: 1.49 MB, 346x261, 1657791575690.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42046503

The therapy stream was the best content EN has produced possibly ever.

>> No.42046615

He lost me a long time ago when he stopped doing zatsus and instead turned all of those into fucking SC readings

>> No.42046641

Holy shit. That's funny

>> No.42046752

You didn't watch the strong zero one that got deleted into his memberships huh?

>> No.42052412

you believe that?

>> No.42054535

Vesper stop posting and stream

>> No.42056710

If you are burying guns, it is time to use them
also straight up, no one ever gets convicted of assault weapon crimes unless they were beating their wife or some shit. there is zero reason for a cop to come into your home to check for your guns and the police union is probably against it because they don't want to get shot

>> No.42061147


>> No.42066570


>> No.42067008


>> No.42067353

>not interracting with literal faggots like his genmates and especially the new Tempus fags means that he's giving up on being a brotuber

it's actually the opposite, sister
