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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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41922968 No.41922968 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.41923151

Probably one of those idols that lipsync. Bitch can hardly hold a note right unless its those schizo ramblings.

>> No.41923194

I hope Kiara finally explained to her tranny ass that idol doesn't mean pretend girlfriend

>> No.41923428

She’s Idolronii now

>> No.41923501

Unfortunately, Ouro is a thing.

>> No.41924249

Kronii is currently in Idol indoctrination program ran by Wawa and her Idol clique (Pomu, Utano, Ophelia, Kanata etc)

>> No.41924408

Unfortunately, self-signed contracts that directly contradict with your own moral compass in pursuit of money are a thing.

>> No.41924532

fucking tranny

>> No.41924696

boobs where

>> No.41924726

they're using the exact same body for all previews. lamy was also nerfed.

>> No.41924746

Theyre all like that, will probably be fixed in actual 3d

>> No.41924822

Forced feminization erotic

>> No.41924876

Idol≠Your pretend girlfriend

>> No.41924875

Milk gone
Me sad

>> No.41924896

This is hypocrisy at it’s finest

>> No.41925242

parasocial fuck

>> No.41925451


>> No.41925481

NTA but you are the one getting angry defending a person you don't know and will never no you exist. Are you the parasocial one anonchama?

>> No.41925713

She's one of the best singers in HoloEN and she does her singing lesson reps, contrary to a lot of other members

>> No.41926047

Literally none of her songs or covers are good, hell even faunas cover of cute kanojo is more bearable

>> No.41926142

But Kiara is my actual unironic girlfriend?

>> No.41927000

SEA hands wrote this post

>> No.41927141

>one of the best singers in HoloEN
lmao even

>> No.41927146

Mafia is interesting and she did a good job on Bakushou - I can't think of anyone else in EN that could have done it as well as her, especially the growls and the laugh. But the one where she shines is the Holy Night cover with Bae

>> No.41927530

I forgot shes got to sing that literal worst holo song on stage.

>> No.41927699

Reflect is worse

>> No.41927953

I hope she sees this bro

>> No.41927974

I wonder what kind of effort she is making. she didn't go to Japan for the 3D stage. She's really a whore and liar.

>> No.41928120

>one of the best singers in HoloEN
>singing lesson
Mumei too
Why kronies are like this.

>> No.41928275

I never said she was the only one

>> No.41928284

Will she dance anons?

>> No.41928313

Don't worry about idol culture being a thing Kronii, you'll never be an idol.

>> No.41928318

Bae is I think better and could do it.
Kronii is in the top third of EN singers and has a very nice voice though.

>> No.41928399

but... paizuri window.... no.........

>> No.41928481

>One of the best singers
I like you anon you're funny.

>> No.41928553

Poor anon who thinks kronii is great.

>> No.41928554

lololol she is literally tone deaf

>> No.41928884

Mumei ditched her tutor a long time ago, dude.

>> No.41929055

Still, mumei is much better than kronii's song.

>> No.41929750

>top third of EN singers
not even top fifth

>> No.41929842

>legs aren't sticks
That's not her

>> No.41929890

esl please

>> No.41929965

Yes, and the idol outfit was likely a compromise with management to get Kronii to perform at holofes. Flare was able to get her default 3D outfit modified for holofes so this type of compromise has previously happened in hololive.

>> No.41930012

what did anon mean by this?

>> No.41930850

Bad at english or bad at math? In SEA, it's probably both.

>> No.41931044

She's actually a good singer. Just like most things good about her she self-nerfs

>> No.41931272

Don't shatter her poor imagination, anon.

>> No.41932075

She sucks. She has the same problem as Bae, voice is too breathy in her upper register.

>> No.41933011

Dude even Kronies would agree that she sucks.

>> No.41933201

You gotta be kidding me, right? RIGHT?

>> No.41933994

She may not hold a note right. But she can sure hold Vesper's dick just fine.

>> No.41934461


>> No.41935205

>look ma I'm an idol
This reads like she's in pain. Like she's trying to enjoy it while eating her own words from before.

>> No.41935693

It looks like she is being forced to do this. I don't see Kronii being honest with that tweet after what she said.
