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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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41865678 No.41865678 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.41865919

>Buying "tickets" for a "live" online """concert"""
Imagine being this retarded

>> No.41866187
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Literally for the actual event. I already have plane tickets and hotels and everything.

>> No.41866265

get faster internet noob

>> No.41866277

Don't you need to use smartphone to order?
I split the job with my friend, got Day 2 and EXPO tickets

>> No.41866887

You're not going to try for scalped tickets?

>> No.41867009

Bots buy all the tickets to resell them at a markup TIME TO LEARN TO CODE, FAGGOT


>> No.41867016

Are scalped tickets a thing? I thought with the ticket rules they weren't transferrable

>> No.41867046

>sold out tickets
>for an online event
What the fuck is this

>> No.41867458

but its a lottery

>> No.41867472

Come on dude save your money for hookers and drugs. Grow up

>> No.41867659

how the fuck do lottery tickets sell out that kinda defeats the whole business model of the lottery

>> No.41867804

Lottery already passed. This is for general sales that opened up less than an hour ago, which was just first come first serve online retail.

>> No.41867949

Can't scalp them. the tickets are bound to the identity of the person who bought them, worthless in the hands of anyone else

>> No.41868099

Skill issuse

>> No.41868188
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the fuck you can watch the pirate stream

>> No.41868464

this anon is wrong but to transfer the tickets you'll need to authenticate the ticket site's app using a Japanese phone number, and very few sim card companies will give you a properly formatted sim card. do your research and you might still have a chance to buy a ticket while you're in the country.

>> No.41868682

but Marine isn't streaming

>> No.41868689

Just on the lawson market place with the app?

>> No.41868968

https://www.ticket.co.jp/ is also an option (and frequently easier to find tickets on)
People buy and sell a lot on twitter too.

>> No.41869219


>> No.41869388

Holy moly those are expensive. 35000 yen cheapest.
Hololive fans got wallets on 'em alright

>> No.41869892

Sucks to get scalped on but this price isn't really outrageous compared to other international event tickets, especially idol or music concerts. But correct me if I'm wrong, there's absolutely no way for an overseas person to acquire these without a Japanese phone?

>> No.41870576

hi ollie

>> No.41871089

Yeah, because of how the ticket app itself works. You could theoretically order a sim card in advance of your trip, and provided it's one of the few that gives you a legit number and not one with a prepaid phone prefix you can make your accounts and try to buy a ticket last minute.

>> No.41871155

>scalpers literally scalping tickets for an online event
Top kek.

>> No.41871531

Too bad Japan is a vaccine maniac country. I'm not taking three doses of COVID clotshots to get into the expo. I'll just do digital.

>> No.41871843
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>The future
Tic toc

>> No.41871987

>sold-out tickets for an online event
imagine paying money for something that will be pirated more than legally viewed.

>> No.41872257 [DELETED] 
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Data science deals specifically with machine learning and AI manipulation. I'm not the one losing my job, I'm the one developing the AI that takes your job. Faggot.

>> No.41872352

get fucked hololcuck

>> No.41873553

Ngl Its kinda funny seeing anons try to get in Japan ,spent shiton of money unnecessarily and unironically get scam while me and all my friends who work here in Japan will all get the streaming ticket. No one want to go to expo and risk getting coof. Want to buy merch? Hell yeah just buy online from official store cause I have Jap address. Want more exclusive events only merch? Merukari and Yafuoku that is. Its that fucking easy. The point is, its unironically easier and more financial benefits to get a job in Japan if you are really that diehard fan. So yeah quit slacking off, don’t give up finding jobs, good luck.

>> No.41873647

I honestly don't see the point of attending a vtuber concert. You're still watching them on a 2D screen - not holograms like Hatsune Miku or something, and probably have a far worse view of them than you do at home.

>> No.41873864

It's the whole sense of belonging. It's an actual human psychology that has always been manipulated by everything for these kinds of show business to video game microtransactions.

>> No.41873869

Getting to japan isn't a problem, and getting merch was never a problem. It's just getting tickets for an exclusive event.
Even Japanese sales domestically got scalped and resold.

>> No.41874323

It was entertaining seeing gaijins start funnelling into C101 at noon and realizing everything was sold out. Some poor dude pointed to my Asagi-mama set and asked where he could get it, and the stall was already sold out and packing up.

>> No.41874545

So the lottery was to give certain people a chance? And this was more of a free for all?

>> No.41875715

>Buying tickets for pre-recorded video

>> No.41875889

Fucking retard there is unlimited tickets for online live he is talking about the venue 8000 seats sold in 57 seconds and keep coping you jelous retard

>> No.41876037

It a live with a band on stage retard how can uneducated retards like you access the internet?

>> No.41876922

>buying ticket for a show in another country
>to watch a mediocre performance by an amateur idols
>on a flat fuckin screen
Are you this dense?

>> No.41877614

This has been debunked you can still enter with a negative test

>> No.41878210

you deserve this misfortune OP

>> No.41878565

Fuck you could have rushed the stage and touched your oshi's hologram thing.

>> No.41881096

bros why does my oshi feel like a flat pane of glass?

>> No.41881467

You forgot your VR gloves in your rice farm, peasant.

>> No.41882187

stop screaming

>> No.41885585

skill issue desu

>> No.41889640

didnt they release more tickets?

>> No.41894603


>> No.41897188

If it makes you feel any better, I also tried to buy tickets and failed.

>> No.41897981

>bought hotel and plane tickets first
Is that normal?
That seems dumb.

>> No.41898736

just buy from the scalpers for 1200% lol

>> No.41898822

>risk getting coof
people are still buying into that shit? it's been 3 years my man. you just gonna live the rest of your life like this?

>> No.41900149

Why are you here?

>> No.41900232

no. you gotta secure the con tickets first otherwise you just wasted money. but hey this guy gets to go to japan thats nice

>> No.41900853

Anons... please...

>> No.41901044

>and risk getting coof
Ohhhh noooo not a mild cold noooo

>> No.41902396
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don't forget that this is japan we are talking about

>> No.41902813
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I honestly think that this is just some psyop that the japs are running on us. there is no fucking way that a light rain could make you sick or that a cold would put you in the hospital

>> No.41902859


>> No.41902947

And moron buying said tickets when they could watch it live free if they did their reps.

>> No.41903562

They probably just translate flu to cold, or are too dumb to know the difference.
The flu can definitely land you in the hospital with complications

>> No.41909480

not my problem

>> No.41909516


>> No.41911258

Imagine not being a boxchad enjoyer, haha

>> No.41912700

It's actually just FOMO

>> No.41917603


>> No.41924657


>> No.41928195

Fuck Japan

>> No.41928956

Based Japan for fucking over scalpers. I wish Ticketmaster did the same but we know that they too jew to do so

>> No.41929138

>Bro just go to Japan to have shittier working conditions and youre forced to do overtime

yeah fuck off
