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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 389 KB, 650x650, Ouro_Kronii_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
41745519 No.41745519 [Reply] [Original]

What's her problem?

>> No.41745608

There's an art deco coffee table stuck in her head.

>> No.41746291

She's Korean, Ina gave up her pride and decided to bow down to the nihongo

>> No.41746898

I choose to believe it's spite

>> No.41748106

There's an art deco coffee table stuck in her head.

>> No.41748435

All the pans in her fridge

>> No.41748463

She’s just like vesper.
Mentally ill

>> No.41748506

She is there though. During the Mario kart colla she was using the jp flag

>> No.41750061

Why is being in Japan such a big deal?

>> No.41750429

Too busy getting fucked by men

>> No.41750937

Probably will go at some point

>> No.41751329

oh believe me she's there. next stream is gonna be an off collab with gura, kronii, ina and irys

>> No.41751882

Korean? It's worse than that she is canadian.

>> No.41753994

Why would she go to japan? She doesnt know who any of the JP members are, never even heard of Ahoy or coco

>> No.41754118

Retarded thread reader
Polka is her best friend

>> No.41755367

Her RM must take care her's sick and bedridden parent unironically

>> No.41755406

Weed isn't allowed in japan

>> No.41755453

she took vesper dick energy !!!
and vesper lost his dick energy !!
one became a futa
the other became a faggot

>> No.41755474

This but /vt/ not care.

>> No.41755529

>say hello once on minecraft
>they're now best friends
this is POWERFUL autism

>> No.41756211

too busy streaming.

>> No.41756230

She is quitting, her PL had a bunch of emotes commissioned last week.

>> No.41756300

the mario curse taking effect !
praise the reaper !

>> No.41757151

Dominatrix’s are really cheap over there

>> No.41757369

Why do people think she's not in Japan given her weird no schedule this week which will include two unnamed collabs? Keep in mind she hung out with Mumei and Calli without people knowing.

>> No.41760494

she hates them

>> No.41763510

I'm out of the loop. are they all in japan temporarily or have they always lived there since their debut?

>> No.41763845

thread reader confirmed hard

>> No.41764118

japan doesn't allow weed

>> No.41764183

Probably graduating before Holofes so there is no point in going to Japan to record.

>> No.41764197


>> No.41764219

EOP clipwatcher confirmed hard.

>> No.41764266

Her “taking care of” the kitten was just practice for this.

>> No.41764312

Troonii wasn’t allowed to smuggle HRT in to Japan, and her passport hasn’t “transitioned”.

>> No.41764360

if anything you're the one who outed yourself as the clipwatcher, retard

>> No.41764451

Trying way too hard there EOP cliptard. Show me any other instance of Polka even giving two shits about her. Oh wait, you fucking can't.

>> No.41764620

How much will you seethe when they do an off-collab stream together, this weekend?

>> No.41764720

How about you stop evading and give me a non-clipped instance of polka giving a shit about her supposed "best friend" EOPtard.

>> No.41764758


There are also clips of polka talking about Kronii on her solo streams

>> No.41764817

Nah Canadians are cringe as fuck. Older generation was at last nice, now they’re just creeps or awkward

>> No.41764839

>non-clipped instance
I suppose I have to spell it out for you fucktards.

>> No.41764932

nta but polka wanted to bring kronii to shiraken as her nepo hire.

>> No.41764985

And that makes them best friends somehow?

>> No.41765042
File: 32 KB, 386x269, 1634317733777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's her problem?
OP, she has around sixty dollars worth of bread to deal with in her home. Why the fuck does she need to go to Japan without having to deal with that?

>> No.41765119

No, but it makes her gives two shit about kronii

>> No.41765238

Polka commenting on her cover that she did as well

Polka commenting on her new outfit, she also was live twitting during the stream

Are you gonna move the goal post again?

>> No.41765264

Cause she hates the japs. Incredibly based warden of time.

>> No.41765345

>Are you gonna move the goal post again?
I don't know about him but I will. How about you show me them kissing? Passionately. Faggot.

>> No.41765398

why tho?

>> No.41765453

Why yes. I will move it right back to the initial statement. How does that make them best friends? Check mate faggot.

>> No.41765575

I am not the original anon you were arguing with, he is a retard for describing their relationship as best friends, they are at least friends, not close ones but friendly enough.

>> No.41765588

Then majority of Koreans don't forgive war crimes, and thats based.

>> No.41765596

To demonstrate that they are best friends retard. Seems like you can't, why? cause they never did. Polka and Kronii never kissed each other with the passion of a thousand Suns, or munched each other's carpets or caressed each other on a soft bed. Which means they are not friends faggot.

>> No.41765641

She is a korean ethnicity female. that lives in canada, I believe she was born and raised in canada also but dont quote me on that

>> No.41765645

so true, the 4th super mario collab claims it's victim
who'll be the 5th one?

>> No.41765672

She should do a history collab with Mum where she lists Japanese war crimes and why the Japs need to acknowledge them.

>> No.41765676

Do you kiss your best friends? Do you have sex with all your friends? Do you even have friends?

>> No.41765740

Deflection. Post Polka and Kronii munching each other or go away.

>> No.41765754

Sisters????? Why isn't she off-collabing????????

>> No.41765767

She already told management that she's not continuing her contract and doesn't want to bother with 3D stuff.

The model's been done or over a year but they weren't allowed to use them and now it came way too late for her to care.

>> No.41765777

Make me, your metric is retarded and you know it.

>> No.41765803

Idol culture.

>> No.41765851

Anon... I don't think he's serious autismchama

>> No.41765853

checked, that anon is retarded confirmed

>> No.41765891

Don't worry, I know, I am curious about how far he can go.

>> No.41765946

more like management can't be bother anymore
here's a shit contract take it or leave it
we don't care, but we rather you just fuck off.

>> No.41766023

Well, it seems we have a concession then. Come back when you have a Kronii x Polka video edit on YouTube to show me as proof of their close friendship. Or sex, I accept sex as well. No rm since I've been told Polka is fat.

>> No.41766032

Not all of them. Some are strong enough that I can't hold them down.

>> No.41766086

I doubt anyone is graduating and while stressed the other holoEN members don't seem depressed or worried. Whatever was going on with management seems to have been resolved even if the results might not be seen until the summer.

>> No.41766142

She doesn't have time for Japan.

>> No.41766159

Her personality as Sana mentioned.

>> No.41766517

There is no correlation between what you think is proof and the matter of fact.

>> No.41766760

This doesn't look like the link to the aforementioned Kronii x Polka edit, try again.

>> No.41767282

Explain how that would be proof and I will do it

>> No.41767422

That is the only proof that can confirm that they are friends, there's no other way of explaining this. If you don't like it then don't do it but that's where your argument ends.

>> No.41767474

If it’s true then karma is a bitch I have no sympathy for lazy fucking whores like her

>> No.41767758

Kiara pretty much confirmed she’s not in japan it’s just her mandatory break because streaming 3-4x a week is really hard you know

>> No.41768572


>> No.41769195

You posting this across 5 other threads really leads me to think she in fact said nothing of the sort, and it's almost like anyone who has gone to Japan announced it when they got there themselves rather than have someone else spoil the surprise.

>> No.41769356

Kiara pretty much confirmed she’s not in japan it’s just her mandatory break because streaming 3-4x a week is really hard you know

>> No.41769571
File: 592 KB, 693x1200, kronii10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the drama would be avoided if she'd just endorse paizuri.

>> No.41773821

She's been using the jp flag during the last tournament and the lead-up to it as well despite not being in japan.

>> No.41774856

Doesn't Canada have great healthcare? Kronii's relative should be okay.

>> No.41775667

If her parents are sick or old enough there could be nothing to cure.

>> No.41775952

girl who doesnt like japanese culture doesnt want to go to japan its not hard

>> No.41776186

Cant believe there are actual “people” who would want to watch this depressed slob without her big titty model.

>> No.41776266

Had. Now it's literally wait months for them to say "have you tried suicide?"

>> No.41780638


>> No.41782157

mumei last night's MC stream was almost crying about how much she miss kronii, she was doing it in a playful tounge in cheek sort of way to tease fauna but her voice sounded genuinly sad about something, almost as if she knows something is wrong with kronii and is sad about it.

>> No.41782312

To be honest, it's better for her not to go. She will ruin everything if she goes. No one wants to see her. It's better for her to stay with Vesper.

>> No.41782740

they have "Free" healthcare, not great healthcare, people who can afford it cross the border for planned procedures in America.

>> No.41786137

Take your meds vesper.

>> No.41792433

I don't know, what is her problem?

>> No.41792444

What's your problem?

>> No.41793775

Hope the same thing happens to you too anon

>> No.41801863

Too much bread

>> No.41805353

What warcrimes? They were part of Japan lol
if anything they couldn't get enough since they decided to go for a solo run with the korean war right after

>> No.41807710

>The only HoloEN not in Japan
No problem here

>> No.41809611

Kiara, Ame, fauna, mumei, are not in Japan you lying sack of balls

>> No.41809956

Hopefully her parent passes and this is the push she needs to fuck off from Hololive finally,

>> No.41810579

How about you fuck off from life

>> No.41810660

If I did I might end up in line behind Kroni’s mom or dad. LOL

>> No.41810771

She stopped being nonbinary after she got an actual job and found a purpose in life

>> No.41810989

Funny how that happens.

>> No.41811062

This is one of the few decent posts in the whole thread, for shame.

>> No.41811104

I mean even the chink rat bowed, why wouldnt Kronii then?

>> No.41811170

Dude stay classy, her parents never wished for this

>> No.41811444

No. She should go. Sooner the better.

>> No.41811497
File: 294 KB, 2121x1265, 1674052493073381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vespers in Japan, shes fighting her inner demons because if she goes to japan she will get knocked up (and out) by Vesper.

>> No.41811565

Nigger why do you care if she stays or leaves nobody is forcing you to watch her

>> No.41811860

They were all in Japan few weeks ago retard
Only Kronii hasn't been Japan even once

>> No.41811870

? I didn’t say anyone had to care, you retarded or something? All I said was that I hope her parent passes and she graduates.

>> No.41811985 [DELETED] 

Yes. Yes and Yes. [Spoiler] Polka and Kronii have done all this btw but they only give out the recordings to Tier 5 subs [/spoiler]

>> No.41811991

Wishing someone's parents to die makes you lower then dirt which is pretty fitting for a seanig like you

>> No.41812034

I’m not SEA. Lol. Hopefully her mom/dad is eating mouthfuls of dirt 6 feet under pretty soon and we get a nice graduation announcement though.

>> No.41812067


>> No.41812409

This isn’t even about edge. Anyway. Here’s hoping it’s terminal.

>> No.41813072

better question why is she so distant from her genmates, is it her problem or the other 3 don't want to deal with her anymore?

>> No.41814921

Attention-seeking teenagers truly are the actual cancer of this board

>> No.41814938

she's on a no fly list after what she did
