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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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417332 No.417332 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.417373

this stream is pretty boring in comparison with others

>> No.417385

>she is 17 officer 17 months old

>> No.417593

Even in death, Elliot Rodger is just too boring for men and women alike.

>> No.417624

God shes as anoying as kiara if she was 9 years old

>> No.417669

well she is like 13

>> No.417693
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>> No.417723
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>> No.417781
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what could she meant by this

>> No.417829

No. The other image on her twitter, it's lewd loli so you can't post it here.

>> No.417946
File: 16 KB, 587x120, cancelling 50 sub vtuber for things no one care about.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vtweeters eat rrat poison 2021 challenge.

>> No.418010

I hope Carol doesn't cave in to their shit

>> No.418155

TBAs can't stop losing

>> No.418181

>That's not fair, it's called having money!
Based leftcom carol.

>> No.418772

>she is about to groom discord children live
Get on

>> No.419010

>Listen to the cute children outside chat!

>> No.419932

You could ask Carol 10 questions and receive 12 incriminating answers.

>> No.420010

>ask what her favorite stage in life is
>answers with her loli strike zone
She's too dangerous for her own good.

>> No.420450


>> No.420762

Carol should form a new society together with Pikame.

>> No.423027

Why do I keep feeling like this has all happened before?

>> No.423756

Sheesh, because it has? It's not the first time a young girl's life has been destroyed by the Internet. She'll have some fun, then learn to hate everyone when some absolute fucking creep crosses a line (beats me what's the line to cross here, though)/ finally mature and understand no matter how alluring your own dark recesses may be, you just cannot live off of them satisfactorily. One can only hope that she is not too far off by then.
Anyway, saviourfagging is absolutely imposible with this one, so the only thing left to do is witness the catastrophe.

>> No.426135

Please keep on mind that she mentioned enjoying d*i*y destruction and h*r*c*r*e content ON STREAM and stay away from this fucking crazy FBI bait

>> No.426280
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As an upstanding member of society I am certain I have no idea what you could possibly be referencing, but I have nothing but uncritical support for her in that and other ventures.

>> No.426332

Why are you typing like a retard, is >>417946

>> No.426344

>I am certain I have no idea what you could possibly be referencing,
If you did you could be perfectly in jail, how the shut a teenager can't made it in there, I don't know

>> No.427150

can someone give me a rundown on her
if she is romanian then why is her english so good?
does she have tourettes/verbal ticks or is she just hyper?
will she be back on twitch?

>> No.427286

She's always online since middle school and worships crit1kal, learned English on discord, barely talks Romanian nowadays
Probably has tourettes, she keeps making those sounds
She will, 6 more days of suspension

>> No.427442

Archived twitch vod?

>> No.427716

Which one do you want?

>> No.427819

last one

>> No.428557

Here, enjoy https://mega.nz/file/MFERiaLJ#zStCe0mxypvU8cK5_wYzbFL_S9OtIj_lddEzvYig_gw

>> No.430044


>> No.430127


Very cool Carol.

>> No.430374
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>she wrote this
Quality content

>> No.430492

Ask Carol stuff https://curiouscat.qa/majo_carol

>> No.431195
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>> No.433230

>worships crit1kal
I can see that. She's her most entertaining when she's wading through cringe.

>> No.433276


>> No.433449

Can she just like... dial it back? By half? She'd probably be okay then.

>> No.433498

She's kind of on a slippery slope right now since she just denied any help she could've received and is now surrounded by degenerate enablers.

>> No.433528

fuck of concernfadger red*itor

>> No.433569

i wish i could be this terribly brain poisoned, it sounds like a fun life

not the romanian part though.

>> No.433631

>not the romanian part though
thats the part that makes this all possible
if you would live somewhere that isnt a shithole your mom would understand english and you would get caught

>> No.433635

What they'll do next?

>> No.433688

Annoying teenaged edgelord. She'll get doxxed and hunted off the internet like all the other morons who do the same shtick.

It's not sustainable, but I guess some people can't be normal, so a straw fire is better than nothing.

>> No.433717

eat shit and die

>> No.433730

I know some people like watching disasters happening live, but this is a bit much. She has absolutely zero self-awareness, and this is going to bite her in the ass.

>> No.433761

Just become theorycel. She keeps spouting rhetoric that is pretty close to certain specific ideologies but doesn’t seem to know that what she is saying has been put into rigorous argument before.

>> No.433813

So basically edgy teen who never got the memo that it's uncool to be edgy now unlike the mid-2000s. Kind of based if I do say so myself.

>> No.433854

You haven't been paying attention, she clearly understands the options and there really is no help. It will only continue as it is unless she gets some power or things fall apart on a more global scale.

>> No.433881

She likes DIY? Like instructional do-it-yourself videos?

>> No.433886

not sure what the big deal is, it's just >>433813
just enjoy the craziness

>> No.433902

The next generation of the fishtwitter cabal.

>> No.433994

What the fuck are you schizos talking about?

>> No.434025

I don't think they understand it's just some big edgy act to attract people like them

>> No.434067


>> No.434145

There's a cap on how popular she can get before a mob reports her for absolutely everything on every platform. Twitch only got her because of a speech recognition algorithm.

>> No.434156

How can she be pedo if she is underage herself, retard?

>> No.434159

its funny if anything listening to her gush about loli and read the manifesto then just suddenly
>she's back, are you going to come in here? I hear you woman
>I have to go my mom says enough internet and I have school

>> No.434188

There is certainly a lot of that, but while she plays it up a bit she is pretty candid at times about the pedo stuff and how she looked into the very few options for getting help about it before (cops, chemical castration).

>> No.434210

Why doesn't she just join the twitter MAP gang or some shit, I thought it was pretty accepted there

>> No.434233

Not in the meme under 18 sense anon, in the legitimate distinction from hebe/ephebo/teliophilia sense.

>> No.434303

There are always more options to get your message out anon, and it isn’t like this has hurt her any: her followers doubled since last Friday.

>> No.434321
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I subbed to her during her Super Seducer stream because she was pretty funny and energetic and now I'm scared I've been put on a watchlist.

>> No.434378

? She seems to lean that way ideologically and politically, but those guys are way more brain poisoned and ironically detached.

>> No.434393

>Super Seducer stream
I'm going to need this VOD

>> No.434397

Thanks 4chan encoding for eating the green circle and "no" emojis that were actually important to understanding the post.

>> No.434404

I wouldn't know, I just know that MAPs hang out on twitter. I think she might be a bit too intense for them though

>> No.434422

>thread is just one concernfaing circlejerk
do you guys even watch her? if you do you obviously know she is neither stupid nor appreciates parasocial "concern" you display here

>> No.434471


>> No.434513

The current or once previous Pol Pot MAP book club shibboleth.

>> No.434521

>worships critikal
When are we gonna get Mori collabing with her first indie on a quest to hunt their manlet god and steal children.

>> No.434586

WHAT the fuck are you saying

>> No.434598

Screenshot your post before posting it then.

>> No.434620

I remember when critikal wasn't a faggot

>> No.434721

The big MAP group on Twitter is a bunch of egoists anti-commodity Pol Pot worshippers.
They get banned a lot and swap the symbols used to identify each other pretty often.

>> No.434749

Oh okay, I get it now. But what does pol pot mean?

>> No.434810

How many times did she stream on twitch?

>> No.434842

The former communist dictator of Cambodia and leader of the Khmer Rouge.

>> No.434845

Debuted around at the start of this year. Here's her debut stream

>> No.434855

But why? This whole thing is confusing, this whole thread is weird.

>> No.434862

Carol can go fuck herself.

>> No.434928
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Or I can fuck her myself

>> No.434938

I would watch that

>> No.435093

It is all very esoteric and complicated and likely ahistorical. The rest of the confusing stuff is probably the long term consequences of the foreign and domestic maneuvering of shadow government organizations. If you fight you will be destroyed, but we can have fun watching carol stream instead.

>> No.435307

MAPs usually believe in consent between adult and child, but Carol thinks those kind of delusions are gross and rape is the way to go

>> No.435433

Both are losers desu. Real kids are gross and RETARDED, so they can't consent no matter how badly you want them to. loli is the way to go

>> No.435538

That's more child liberation ideology types, and what she's said before lines up more with egoism. MAPs are just broadly pedos who accept some of the leftist acronym bullshit without much more idealogical cohesion.

>> No.435551

good to know carol understands what is wrong and not, and would never do anything illegal. that's why she talked about repression and normalisation of lolicon media as a ways to cope

>> No.435644

It'd be kinda hard not to accept the leftist acronym bullshit when you're coming out as a literal pedophile, why make more enemies?

>> No.435798

Do you have an archive for when she started using her new model? Her old one looks pretty weird

>> No.435821

>he actually fell for that meme
Whew lad.

>> No.435860

I don't have it but she just started using her new model like 2 days ago, so most of her streams were with that janky model. In fact it was her redebut stream that got her banned on Twitch.

>> No.435865

What meme? I'm just saying that if you're coming out as a pedophile, it'd probably be bad to piss off the people that make up most of twitter, AKA the pronoun gang. I think you misunderstood me

>> No.435870

For the peons of American northern neoliberalism sure, but there are so many other avenues to that same point, from the straight up "I'm in the house of lords, fuck you" to the small American town/family secret. The whole political and ideological spectrum is full of people excusing themselves or being excused for it. It's the one unifying constant of culture and status!

>> No.435888

I have no fucking idea what you're saying, and I'm guessing you're >>435093

>> No.435892
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Yeah, the chanreich flags were probably a bit too far.

>> No.435918
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New to this chubba... I'm watching some of her content.. wh-why are you doomposting so hard? haha...

>> No.435953

is there an archive for it

>> No.435964

Yes, and you are trapped in your understanding by the situations and culture you have known.

>> No.435972

Her saying degenerate shit makes me horny to fuck it out of her. Why?

>> No.436032
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My view of the world is the only real one. Reality shifts based on my experiences.

>> No.436074

Same, but have her keep the degenerate shit

>> No.436117

haha edgy elf cute.

>> No.436192

Rather be hole brothers on the normal object of her passion. Or perhaps a spitroast.

>> No.436275

Pretty based, if you ask me.

Subbed hard.

>> No.436307

It is time to die, solipsist!

>> No.436373

Not into solipsism, it's a different way of thinking.

>> No.436468

thank you for posting the link anon, only discovered Carol yesterday but she's unlike any vtuber I've ever seen before

>> No.437756


>> No.438112

I will watch this psychopaths vTubing career with interest!

>> No.438228

caroru makes me coooommm

>> No.438267

she's just autistic

>> No.438313


>> No.438940

Probably autistic and ADHD, and all those paraphilias of course.

>> No.439005


>> No.439021

where's the carol rule 34?

>> No.439082

Wait wrong thread

>> No.439196

That would actually be illegal anon, pornography depicting a (real) minor is banned even if it's a drawing.

>> No.439265

Anon, she's not Carol IRL

>> No.439287

I am so sorry.. :'O

>> No.439388

Yes she is.

>> No.439560

Her online "persona" seems too real to be an act

>> No.439564

This is not seiso.

>> No.439597

Her witch avatar is still fictional

>> No.439637


>> No.439641

Anon, vtubers are the same in real life as they are on the screen. It's all real, just like wrastlin.

>> No.439659

I wonder about that too

>> No.439918

Is Caroru in here?

>> No.440903

someone told her about this place once, she seemed disgusted

>> No.441124

She's a fucking degenerate whoregremlin, I don't see how this site would disgust her.

>> No.441173

Yeah, I'm not buying it. She's not really in any position to look down on a place like this, lmao.

>> No.441824

She's just trying to seem as cool as possible

>> No.442574

For Carol's art appreciators

>> No.442662
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Honestly, she's got a lot of potential to be a drawfag.

This one is my favorite.

>> No.447523


>> No.447911

she was disgusted by 4chan so much she literally put clover banner in one of her streams and constantly made references to it. yeah right

>> No.448167
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Someone drop her Discord ID, trying to set her on the straight and narrow if you namsayin

>> No.448366

Her server https://discord.com/invite/6eerPuK

>> No.448416


>> No.448891

I like her eating sounds.

>> No.448900

>Getting suspended to grow stronger
>No, not like that! Not like that! No, I actually, I wanna become a better person
Is there hope for Carol?

>> No.448922

she is becoming such a normie, disappointed

>> No.449219

Wow I though kids in Rose's chat were bad, but those /pol/ edgelords in Carol's are on a whole different level

>> No.449335

literal ifunny invaders.

>> No.449413


>> No.449710

Caroru play Mystery of the Druids.

>> No.449877

Caroru show cunny

>> No.449957

those faggots in chat had better not be any of you guys.

>> No.450065

Seems to mostly be other vtubers and a few youtube poisoned guys with jerma/default avatars.

>> No.450071

I comment some times and I'm a faggot but they're not me I swear

>> No.450124

I feel immense sense of shame

>> No.450190

I feel really horney ;3

>> No.451179

You guys keep talking about her as if she needs to be saved, but it sounds like she has a decent head on her shoulders.

>> No.451213

Last two streams + her yt pre-record were a reason, glad she can talk without meming

>> No.451238

She does. She sometimes goes off the deep end when she's in a negative mood, but she is aware that she's doing it so it's not as bad at it seems in the moment.

>> No.451265

They are retarded concernfadges with a savior complex.

>> No.451290

Let me concernfag on my mongolian forum in peace

>> No.451302

people here only watch stupid clips.

>> No.451313

Carol's finger magic, what the fadge.

>> No.451324

yeah she's just a dumb kid

>> No.451363

This, she seems to have a better grasp of the dangers of the internet than I did at 16. I was sending out pictures of my asshole to anyone that asked because I thought it was funny.

>> No.451380

Post asshole

>> No.451436

She skipped my question
I just wanted to know if she would dedicate herself to Volkish occultism.

>> No.451451

that sounds pretty cute and funny

>> No.451487

I can answer it instead if it would make you feel better.

>> No.451628

based and swagpilled

>> No.451662

>Something you used to believe in that is embarrassing now
>Religion I guess, and god
Based and hedonismpilled.

>> No.451700


>> No.451896

Stop tapping the glass.

>> No.451904

how long until she posts her nudes

>> No.451961

sounds like her mom has sheltered her for the past 16 years

>> No.451969

Good question

>> No.451993

she isn't as stupid as she wants you to believe

>> No.452022

Not until they are evidence in the molestation case against her.

>> No.452071

she's kinda based and swagpilled

>> No.452088

That's the impression I got from her at first. She's just an edgy streamer who can wade through cringe pretty well.

>> No.452160

Daily destruction? Hardcore part I got, but is she some kind of demolition fan?

>> No.452188

haha yeah :)

>> No.452212

That anon is a fadge, he meant "Daisy's Destruction" and "Hurtcore". It's stuff that got memed to death on /b/.

>> No.452234

there is no way she seen D destruction, maybe just heard of it. she barely can use internet and only recently learned what tormenting is

>> No.452252


>> No.452323

No way. I thought this MAP shit is just a meme to dunk on leftists who put "pansexual" and "otherkin" in their bios

>> No.452436

There was some push for that, but it existed before that and all those kind of trolls get bored (and don't like being called pedos).

>> No.452441

It's just a term to normalize pedophilia in the general public. Castration of these perverts is the best solution for all.

>> No.452515

The best solution is to allow them to stimulate the economy of the third world through sex tourism.

>> No.452533

moralfaging on 4chan lmao

>> No.452576

What's moral about castration?

>> No.452664

I wish Carol would ban this luna fag from chat and discord

>> No.452735

Castration wouldn't help Carol. She talked about not feeling horny and that it's all about hurting lolis, also she's a girl.

>> No.452870

I'm into loli and guro but only guro sex, i.e. death by dicking or extremely rough sex. Using tools or hands to hurt em is pointless to me.

>> No.452884

keep us posted carol

>> No.452917

Nah lol I'm not her, I'm describing precisely why I don't understand her fetish.

>> No.452927

but you don't have pingus

>> No.452962

This is because you are normal and not a pedosadist like carol.

>> No.452965

>I was sending out pictures of my asshole to anyone that asked because I thought it was funny.

>> No.452983

Doesn't really matter, she can always pull the "I was underage and retarded" card

>> No.452985


>> No.452997

I hate that little ifunny shitter and his discord friends summoning shittery

pretty sure it's about feeling power and control over someone else's whole being instead of just sex hornyness

>> No.453011

She is not legally underage, however.

>> No.453019

>Shota does nothing for me

>> No.453020

where did these fags come from anyway

>> No.453034

they found her through browsing here

>> No.453050

iFunny discord invasion

>> No.453088

So what? Is loli illegal in gypsyland? Is writing erotic stories involving minors illegal there? I hope they banned A Song of Ice and Fire then because it literally does the same thing and it's one of the most popular book series in the world.

>> No.453121

Getting banned for hatespeech draws the attention of a lot of a certain kind of shithead. They'll probably get bored when they realize she's not a based redpilled chanreich troll, or maybe they'll stay because she's a genuine person who is just stuck in a bad spot because of the social order. Who can say.

>> No.453144

to be fair she baited that kinda audience pretty considerably...

>> No.453155

I don't think people are that concerned about the loli anon, it's more about the real pizza stuff she talks about that has them concernfadgeing.

>> No.453179

discord and ifunny, they talked about luna being banned in some other channel and coming to this one
then he started on about how he created his own channel and invited all of them to Carol's and has been pretending he's popular ever since constantly referencing either his own discord or people on ifunny who follow him

>> No.453181

What's the point of a male that doesn't look masculine?

>> No.453202 [DELETED] 

>starts talking about how when rape victims cry its funny
>talking about 3D shit

there is being an edgy teenager then there is this shit, jesus christ what a fucking retard

>> No.453204

Did you see her using a computer though? I doubt she actually has anything illegal saved. I hope.

>> No.453235

He's bragging about being on the knowyourmeme tomboy page now

>> No.453238

lmao what a fag

>> No.453244

Ask any shotacon

>> No.453247

I'm new, what does she talk about and should I be concerned? I was into pizza when it was freely available on /b/ long ago but grew out of it, it was mostly a game of scarcity more than just attraction.

>> No.453248

Part of the ship, part of the crew!

>> No.453275

see >>433276

>> No.453282

What are you talking about, this is great. She is a genuine monster it's so fun, unconditional support for her.
It was great seeing her light up hearing about a that book that is a collection of molestation survivor stories.

>> No.453293

It's the ultimate shame, seeing someone who is supposed to be masculine getting shown how girly they are, or even better having their little dicks ripped off like that one TKSN doujin.

>> No.453304

exactly, she is /ourgirl/

>> No.453390


>> No.453409


>> No.453424

Just hope she controls herself so she doesn't get taken away.

>> No.453467

That is always just a matter of power anon, she could probably kidnap romani kids and no one would even investigate.

>> No.453489

she's unlike any other chuuba on the market, some are just crass but they always do the whole "no I'm seiso" act either that or
>everyone stay hydrated :)
>every stay comfy :)
>everyone eat right :)
she doesn't buy into that reddit garbage, if you could get rid of the saviorfags from discord and ifunny she'd be even better

>> No.453502

she talked how internet helps her cope, as long as Internet is for her you have nothing to worry about

>> No.453530

Well, that's kinda fucked up but not necessarily at danger to society level. I'm going to assume the "let me be a priest" was a joke/fantasy and not literally what she would do if she had the opportunity to molest children. I understand the sadism part better now, too. I guess I'm now even more interested in listening to her, for educational purposes.

Yeah... I think she'll be fine. She's sperging out in a safe environment (relatively speaking), that is arguably even healthier than repressing it.

>> No.453746
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>> No.453778

she sounds kind of sheltered by her mother. Not allowed to have junk food, not allowed to drink soda, not even allowed to chew gum and having to get it from park kids instead. Plus her birthdays are mostly trips to the book store to get another book she won't read.
Feel almost bad for her, stream is probably the most social interaction she gets in a day

>> No.453808

Her brain grew too big for the cage it was in...

>> No.453871

this is disturbing

>> No.453882

uh, based? based and cunny pilled?

>> No.453885

Yeah, all that sounds way worse for her mental health than fantasies of any variety. Rather, fantasies are probably an expression of her real issues. Maybe she wants to control a loli because she's a loli being controlled.

>> No.453916

based and swagpilled ;)

>> No.453971

Fucking normalfags.

>> No.454011

not very based and swagpilled of you, anon

>> No.454061

she never talks about her dad which makes me wonder if he's either more strict than the mom or just not even in the picture anymore

>> No.454068

he brought her food during stream the other day

>> No.454333

I lost a few streams. Did her twitch get deaded?

>> No.454423

Yes, banned for hatespeech against incels.

>> No.454599

Twitch have recently become more anal than Youtube about "slander" you cant say incel or virgin anymore. Just a 7 day ban but she may keep the youtube streams who knows

>> No.454696

I hope she stays yabai, though toning it down every now and again is probably for the best
Incels need internet protection just like every other poor down trodden group on the net. I am glad twitch staff cares about these wonderful people when they being discriminated against worse than gamers.

>> No.454783

All she needs to do is avoid gamer words and symbols.

>> No.455033

fart of the shit fart of the poo

>> No.455176

She mentioned her dad being the one who helped her buy her computer. I think she mentioned he has some sort of IT job but she would be embarrassed if her family knew she was using her PC for streaming.
These rrats fucking suck. I don’t want to see a timeloop of the same fucking concernposts over and over again.

>> No.455250

Yeah alot of them were in the chat today even asking shit like "do you think this is wrong?" not gonna lie and say I don't feel concerned for her, but its her life let her live it the way she wants to

>> No.455334

watched few of her streams. she is clearly asexual.

>> No.455350

Probably doesn't even masturbate

>> No.455381

her whole enjoyment is purely psychological in nature. yes I assumed the same.

>> No.455398

she said that she's not sure. Either bisexual leaning female or asexual, that's what she said.

>> No.455436

How can you be unsure if you're 16

>> No.455451

I meant asexual, not aromantic.

>> No.455507

that's what I FUCKING SAID, CAROL. Be more based and swagpilled god damn it

>> No.455524

Because she hasn't been in a real relationship or had sex before.

Asexual pedophile sadist.

>> No.455534

Yeah, either she's a monster and we can't help her anyway or she's gonna be fine (relatively) and we're being condescending.

>> No.455549

She reads hentai, she should be aware what arouses her or does not

>> No.455558

She's probably going to be fine, especially with the self-reflection she's been doing. But the ifunny faggots need to fuck right off.

>> No.455589

Hentai isn't real life anon, what you like there doesn't really transfer. The same is true of normal porn but to a lesser extent.

>> No.455680

Both can be true simultaneously, a perfectly fine life she could have outside the walls of social and moral acceptability. Whatever the case concernfadgeing is very much imposing and far more gross than whatever she ends up doing.

>> No.455711

she isn't aroused by hentai, she just finds it very mentally stimulating and interesting

>> No.456199

She's fucking 17. She's nothing. Sexual preferences can change at that age like 150 times for a few years.

Jesus I cringe so hard reading and writting in this thread about underage clown girl.

>> No.456288

I never heard of a person going from not feeling sexual arousal to suddenly feeling one.

>> No.456531

>Sexual preferences can change at that age like 150 times for a few years.
If you're autistic, yeah. Normally people are straight forever.

>> No.456573

I never heard of a person not feeling sexual arousal and believed it. Sounds to me like someone that never tried X saying the don't like X.
I said relatively, meaning I reserve monster for things that go beyond thought crimes. If all she does is think bad thoughts and talk about it she falls under my categorization of relatively fine. Anyway, yes, don't concernfa... fadge...
Yeah, self-reflection is important and she does seem smart.
An example of not even regular porn transferring is anal. I bet many more people like it in porn than reality, because in reality it's way more disgusting.

>> No.456857

She's a girl, it will be ok.

>> No.457187

She said in her most recent stream that she does not masturbate and when in rare occurrences does feel horny she slaps her hands to calm down. In general doing "no nut november" indefinitely

>> No.457524

rough stage in her life at the terrible teens, all girls do is scream and cry and they have no idea why

>> No.457640

Hopefully...I have the overwhelming urge to protect her but am too socially awkward to talk in the chat or to her directly

>> No.457710

It's true. Girls can't commit rape (legally).

>> No.457780 [DELETED] 

It is clearly a neckbeard with a voice changer

>> No.457854 [DELETED] 

Atleast you pedos have admitted that it is not normal to be attracted to little girls

>> No.457855

You overestimate the capability of voice changers.

>> No.457858

Fadget, kys lol

>> No.457888

So, is autism sexy?

>> No.457915

Checked and yes, autism is very sexy

>> No.458212

p-please Carol...I-I love you...

>> No.458259

How old are you? KEK

>> No.458312
File: 92 KB, 600x705, 1601750951331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.458321

old enough to be a fat old bastard

>> No.458325

I said c u c k, what the fuck?

>> No.458361

Carol seems to disagree

>> No.458418

wasn't cuck always wordfiltered

>> No.458449

No offense to Carol, but I think she's the last one I'm going to with questions about what's attractive.

>> No.458467

I don't know, she says almost the same at >>430127

>> No.459791 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 574x483, 1609428980658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>became a meme on 4chan
>doxxed 2 hours ago
>on her late 20s

>> No.459840


>> No.459847

wrong thread, bucko

>> No.459849
File: 126 KB, 241x244, 1603380570222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.459855

she doesn't look romanain at all, that would explain her good english

>> No.459881

fuck I missed it

>> No.459897

It was a nothing burger.

>> No.460476

It seems like it would be a lot more difficult for that to be true and for her to keep it up for things that don't make much difference and aren't being advertised really.

>> No.460769

Why do her little "mm mm" sounds make me so hard?

>> No.460787

Wait which "mm mm" sounds? The ones she makes when eating or the inquisitive ones?

>> No.460932


>> No.461098

Yes, those are so good. It would be great to be a loli and have her eat you alive, getting to hear that the whole time she's killing you with it.

>> No.461263

i didn't know i needed this fantasy

>> No.463122

It's a shame she didn't answer that and the questions she deleted too.

>> No.464896

anon stop...that and her moans when she's frustrated and her little squeals when she laughs Carl knows what she's doing

>> No.465500

she's a fucking brat and I hope she gets kidnapped :))

>> No.465545

probably she like that

>> No.465582


>> No.465779
File: 75 KB, 624x642, carlos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.465808

she didn't like my drawing :'(

>> No.465838

I thought it was good and not reddit garbage if that's any consolation anon

>> No.465972

Thank you, based and swagpilled :') I'm horny

>> No.466051

I can recognise you little ifunny fucker from the lingo you use. chill the fuck out. you are making everyone uncomfortable.

>> No.466100
File: 69 KB, 355x500, COUPON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have autism I am so sorry..

>> No.466235

I will touch myself to the thought of you

>> No.466273

Damn, Carol sounds based.

>> No.466326

You guys better have fun with this girl while you still can because there's no way a 16 year old who talks openly about being a pedophile for male attention is growing up mentally stable, in fact I doubt she'll mentally "grow up" at all

>> No.466422

She bullied me :'O

>> No.466435

The various things she said make me think she has genuine autism, not the meme kind, and is probably severely psychologically unbalanced on top of that, due to overexposure to internet and living in a place with zero autism support or even awareness.

>> No.466460

Help for what? Being dangerously based?

>> No.466507

Omg THAT'S why she doesn't think autism is sexy, because she has low self esteem. That sucks, sorry Carol. PLEASE have torture sex with me I promise I'll stop being silly.

>> No.466530

the thread hit bump limit, you don't need to shitpost like a retard to keep it alive anymore

>> No.466558

I'm not doing it to bump, I just want my senpai to notice me :3

>> No.466585


This song reminds me of our relationship, Carl.

>> No.466836

Cool, now post ur butthole.

>> No.467242

Yeah, she was teasing letting us hear her vomit and this makes me want that.

>> No.467362

mmm fuck yeah, baby
