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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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41720077 No.41720077 [Reply] [Original]

So is he based because he put management in their place or is he just a whiney manchild?

>> No.41720117


>> No.41720172

>put management in their place
>Literally nothing changed

>> No.41720218
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two omega fights
both are still bottom tier shit.

>> No.41720438

Mysta has more balls than him

>> No.41720623

He out management in their place by getting suspended and throwing an extended tantrum where he doesn't stream nearly as much as he used to

>> No.41720740

What did Mysta do?

>> No.41720796

>put management in their place
i guess when a child shits their pants, crosses their arms and pouts i guess they put someone in their place

>> No.41721060

Can you retards stop spamming the fucking catalogue? Keep your bitching to one thread.

>> No.41721257

Bite the hand that feeds, get smacked. That's what happened. He lashed out at his manager, got put on suspension. This same manager told him he should relax and invited him to Japan to show there was no bad blood. Except Manager-san stressed how Japan has strict laws concerning the import of prescription medication. This was a lie. I've been to Japan with xanax, clonazepam, you name it. Benzos/anxiety meds never got me in trouble. They looked into the bottom, confirmed what it was, and let me through. Manager-san knew Vesper would be out of his element and set him up as an act of revenge. Notice how Gura, with her major anxiety issues, was able to traverse Japan with no issues. Vesper was probably given wrong addresses to the cover office, train and taxi schedules that never came, wrong hotel reservations, ect. All calculated for revenge. Vesper made the worst mistake of his career when he lashed out at his superiors.

>> No.41721326 [DELETED] 
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>> No.41721426

Considering he got suspended I wouldn't call him based. If he was based, he would have not been suspended and whatever autistic thing he was angry about would have changed.

He's just a typical IT asshole who sperged out over nothing, pisses people off, and will get fired for being dumb as fuck when all he had to do was fake being a normal person to bring in easy cash

>> No.41721686


>> No.41721848

I can't even imagine the situation that got him suspended. What did he get upset about? Did he go full meltdown and scream at his manager?

>> No.41721882

>afraid of discord call

>> No.41721960

>he put management in their place
Considering that did not happen and nothing changed except him having a mental breakdown without meds he's just a manchild.

>> No.41721976

He fucked Kronii

>> No.41722056

Mysta told people who were complaining about him collabing with girls that he was going to fuck their oshi.

>> No.41722162

He pissed his pants because management wanted him to join the tempus anniversary events

>> No.41722211

Kronii raped him, this is why he needs anxiety meds now. He's traumatized.

>> No.41722221

Isn’t he literally gay? Who cares what he says

>> No.41722286

>/here/ faggot chumbud and pathological liar NEET who got all his knowledge of any topic from threadreading various boards over his dull ass life but never doing any of it finally reveals himself to be the only member of the male EN branch who genuinely joined to get closer to the girls by running to Japan to "get help" for a song he refused to record on his own conveniently while the girls (amd gura) are there to work on FES shit

Huh. Well, sowing and reaping, buddy...

>> No.41722370

Some say he's based, others say he's a whiny manchild. Me? I say he's just a homo.

>> No.41722553

he's a bitch kwab

>> No.41722657
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>> No.41722727

I've burned a lot of bridges in my life but throwing away an opportunity for a comfortable job with a lot of down time and the ability to pick your own hours seems really retarded. Especially when it's at the detriment of your coworkers and people you're supposed to be close to and have chemistry with.

>> No.41723130

The amount of chuubas that self-sabotage out of sheer retardation is astonishing.

>> No.41723266

Vesper is literally Mori though.
>Applied on a whim, didn’t believe he’d get it
>Got in, doesn’t understand what’s required
>Has menhera lashing out moment before cooling off and falling in line.

If he’s not graduated in 3 months, he’ll cool off and probably do solo only streams.

>> No.41723325

The latter. There isn’t a shred of proof he actually confronted management in a meaningful way; there exists a mount of proof that he is a little bitch, though.

>> No.41723359

Everyone makes mistakes and when you're in a very public position in a Japanese company I understand the struggle. But it's important to own up to it, apologize and try to do better. Vesper seems the type where he prides himself on not conforming or changing himself despite the circumstances or how minor it is.

>> No.41723400 [DELETED] 
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All you drama-hungry lowlifes can go back to Twitter where you belong.

>> No.41723698

From what I heard, considering how hard Vesties were spamming it, one of the first things this dude talked about was having a very cushy well paid IT job that he quit when he got too stressed.
Dude seems like a manchild who had it too easy and doesn't understand how big of an opportunity this job is.

>> No.41723797

He is from (((here))), so which do you think fits best?

>> No.41723935

>zoning in on Kronii because Gura likes her
Bro you are a real scumbag.

>> No.41724004

He's a retard and I'll enjoy it immensely when he graduates. Hopefully he take the rest of Tempus down with him somehow.

>> No.41724025

you're not wrong

>> No.41724504

omega casted this homos just to groom them
