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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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41659395 No.41659395 [Reply] [Original]

He's sorry for being a fuckup. Do you forgive him?

>> No.41659607

Oh good a cover with Kronii, joy.

>> No.41659682
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>> No.41659811

Is the song cover he's talking about there different from the music project he just got done apologizing for? Because if it isn't it sounds like he's shit talking everyone's efforts

>> No.41659821 [DELETED] 

Forgive him for what? Being too perfect?

>> No.41659849

>still no acknowledgement of ghosting the anniversary collab and ghosting his genmates
>muh song muh song
What a fucking faggot

>> No.41659987

Has this dude even said anything publicly since he ghosted his anniversary thing?

>> No.41660167

His sins have been long forgiven. Fuck cover for having no regard for their employees

>> No.41660179

is that supposed to be his excuse for missing the collabs or does he just not care

>> No.41660462

Nope too anxious or something

>> No.41660540

>Fuck cover for having no regard for their employees
What did Cover do? Force him to work or something?

>> No.41660640

No lol grow up you manhag you're like 40 already

>> No.41660796

he still hasn't taken his meds

>> No.41660887

How can this guy be 40 years old and this bad at holding down a job?
Just stream 3 times a week and join the collabs you retard.

>> No.41660969

Y'know for how much people shill him as some "alpha chad mega bro" he really paints himself as a fucking pussy kek

>> No.41661085


>> No.41661107

In real life, doing that shit and not being a sociopath tends to result in exactly this kind of contrition

>> No.41661192

this is what happens when you spend time with kronii

>> No.41661272

At least he’s honest

>> No.41661300

Why does Cover waste resources on the talents that seem to not want to or don't have singing ability?

>> No.41661358

He's based.

>> No.41661381

>also feel free to not watch the cover its gonna suck
Wtf is wrong with him? Not even Kiara at peak menhera or Kronii at peak depression would type this
What a cunt

>> No.41661484

>somehow being more menhera than the women

>> No.41661495

>tells everyone to watch Odd Taxi
Insanely based.

>> No.41661561

the Chris Chan of Holostars

>> No.41661774

The talents pay for the covers anon. Cover only ponies up the money for original songs.

>> No.41661855

you gotta pay 10 dollars just to see this nigga talk kek
just fucking quit dude, go back to doing your own personal quota as a indie, you wont even need to sing, it's clear he hates this shit

>> No.41661938

Why does he act like a woman?

>> No.41661936

this nigga is a menhera and it's not cute, he's like a 40-year-old man
stop the bullshit faggot

>> No.41662001

He reminds me of my aspergers ex, people like Vesper are really always stuck in a whirlwind of anxiety and the fear of disappointing others ironically causes them to be frequently delivering disappointing results.

>> No.41662029

So he's just going to continue pretending he didn't completely ignore the last two tempus collabs everyone expected him to be in? Is he autistic, why go on about some fucking cover no one cares about?

>> No.41662069

why does he behave like a dumb teenager

>> No.41662089

It's probably the reason he was suspended in first place, Cover actually forces their talents to produce music

>> No.41662097

Dollars to donuts his fans care. This is a members post you know.

>> No.41662106

>lol feel free not the watch the cover
I feel bad for whoever has to work with him.

>> No.41662147

No. Need a paywall for $10. $100 for a special one.

>> No.41662159

No one is a fan of Vesper for his singing ability and lack thereof.

>> No.41662264

pretty sure kiara said the same about the country song cover.

>> No.41662374

We got it Holostars bros!
We've got a star menhera, just like in the main branch!

>> No.41662398

literally who

>> No.41662456

Menhera is only cute when women do it and even then just barely.

>> No.41662596


>> No.41662608

>Vesper singing
oh well, there goes another flop cover from the homos. unless... it's a song collab with en girls (ehem, kronii)

>> No.41662610

But it's the secret key to success, even for males. Look at Vox.

>> No.41662662

I swear vesper antis are just three women posting on cooldown. This thread feels like reading the same 3 messages over and over and over again.

>> No.41662714

its probably that one Axelyume on twitter that had a meltdown over him kek

>> No.41662775

If they don't want to sing, they don't have to, period. However there's enormous internal pressure one you have the job to not be the loser who can't sing and never does. Thus you end up with talents spending their own time and money chasing something that they'll probably never even be anywhere close to average at rather than just letting it go and focus on their strengths.

>> No.41662818

rather than cover, it's on japan for literally banning tons of meds that people here use daily to survive

>> No.41662834

Jesus menhera

>> No.41662837

Omega got the fanbase he wanted

>> No.41662848

That would be your confirmation bias speaking. Being called out for menhera behavior happens with every chuuba, like it or not.

>> No.41662877

Thanks for the info.

>> No.41662896

Does he even know that he ghosted the collab? Is he that oblivious of what's happening around him and what's expected of him?

>> No.41662902

That was a group consensus.

>> No.41662964

Didn't Axel's "Yoidore Shirazu" cover do well? I mean that was before kyo's cucksleeve ratioed him hard but still, I think he did good for a Stars cover.

>> No.41662970

is it ghosting if his genmates knew he wasnt gonna make it?
pretty sure ghosting is when he doesnt tell them shit. They knew he wasnt gonna make it to the two collabs.

>> No.41663029

I guess not but that's even sadder. Your coworkers knowing that you're so flaky that they don't even give you a chance to flake.

>> No.41663075

It’s three women and all the guys who hated Tempus and thought it was a terrible idea from the get go

>> No.41663822

Anon, I wouldn't put too much expectations on the covers holopro en puts out these days. Even those god-forsaken nijis are doing better on that end. Myth is the only one that can dominate for cover releases.

>> No.41664285

Yes yes you are the most special snowflake and every country should totally change their laws for your convenience fr fr
Stay in your drugdealing ghetto subhuman

>> No.41664322

I mean Vesper's singing ain't that bad on their debut song. But then again, tempus' debut songs are borderline cringe and laughable, so maybe he'll have a breakout cover with this one.

>> No.41666544

I'm guessing Cover told him he better fucking stay long enough until after his birthday and 4th Fes so they can sell merch.

>> No.41666553

Do you really believe these drugs are helping you and not just putting you in a mental prison of your own construction?

>> No.41666736

Yes you weirdo. Medication is good

>> No.41667297

Only 52 likes after half an hour? Jesus, just how few members do these fags have?

>> No.41667345

this is his 3rd tier, its 10 dollars a month, he did it because hes afraid of gift fags reading him being a teenage girl

>> No.41667373

>Men even menhera better than women
Sorry, sister.

>> No.41668229

>Didn't Axel's "Yoidore Shirazu" cover do well?
To be fair, it had a debut buff with it so all things considered, no cover from the ENStars were great hits or at least replayable for normal fags. Sad cause I actually liked Dez' Sonic cover.

>> No.41668409

Axel has a good voice..but the dude’s song choices are DEBUFF central.
Old boomer Visual Kei and Super Robo songs, I’m sure there are some JP Yumes SOMEWHERE that would be hype for this.

I feel whoever they get to arrange the music at Cover is absolute dogshit. Outside of Kiara and Mori, EN has some godawful sounding covers.

>> No.41668821

don't care, not watching

>> No.41668851

Do they not realise that Cover doesn't expect EN members to release music and be idols? They just want them to be content creators. EN puts that expectation on themselves just because JP does it. He's shit at singing anyway, just have fun with the odd karaoke and stream games

>> No.41668855

Saw his karaoke (or practice stream), and he does have a good voice but it really depends on the song choices. Altare too is the same case. Doesn't help that their arrangements isn't exactly the best so there's also that.

>> No.41668947

Maybe it's something they personally want, even if they're shit at singing. It's at least something Axel wants.

>> No.41669023

Holy kek this loser is fucked

>> No.41669292

Unicorn holocel tempus anti here, just coming by to say I'm so fucking happy that it turned out tempus but especially vesper are exactly as bad as I had expected them to be, if not worse. I'm so fucking glad vesper turned out to be a bad person, all of my hatred for tempus is justified now. I just want you all to know I'm fucking loving this and girl-only watchers can't stop winning kek

>> No.41669299

He's just like me

>> No.41669938
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>> No.41670253

>hey i'm working on this music project with others, don't watch it
kinda a dick move on his part if the others are putting in effort

>> No.41670674

What tier is this for?

>> No.41671056

>27 minutes ago

>> No.41671074

He's former IT. There was that whole story he told on how he quit his job out of nowhere, went on a cross-country bike ride, returned weeks later and they just straight up gave him his job back. This is probably the first time he's ever had to actually work for something.

>> No.41671096

Early numberfag Kiara and Kiara after realizing those few numbers consisted of a potent breed of saviorfag beta orbiters, are like night and day

>> No.41671341

Talk about rent free.

>> No.41671688

He's in the money printing business, you're not. Seethe.

>> No.41671764

>using medication just to function properly.
Blame western predatory 'psychiatric' help, retard.

>> No.41671929

>bans medication that literally leave you comatose
somehow this is bad we truly are a nation of drug addicts.

>> No.41675580

Well at least they don't have someone as bad as Rushia was...yet

>> No.41675673

It wasn't weeks he went on a bike ride across the whole us for 2 years.

>> No.41676173


Cover force it's EN employees to work? Is that some kind of joke?

The girls barely managed 10 hrs / week last year (except for Kiara who has to put in the hours because of her unpopularity) and the guys put in a lot more hours since they're, you know, guys, in this female dominated industry.

>> No.41676309


Didn't they all talk about capping their gift subs at the $2 level for emotes only for this very reason?

My guess is Cover wouldn't let them because they want that extra $3.

>> No.41676431


>> No.41676444

>please watch Odd Taxi
Dude had free time to watch an entire anime series but not to spend time with Tempus.

>> No.41676457

As long as he zatsus

>> No.41676473

So much for being a hard-working guy. Do Fujos really love a fag that can't keep his commitments?

>> No.41676525

You mean superchat stream?

>> No.41676632

I'm a man.

>> No.41676693

>Real brotubers
>Replaced Vesper with Shinri
>Axel knows of Vesper situation but isn't doing anything to help him, a real friend or a bro would do anything to help a bro in need. If Axel cared he'd find Vesper to ensure his safety and convince the power that be to allow this old unmedicated retard to fly home so he can take his fucking meds.
>If they were bros too they'd stand along Vesper against the incompetence EN talent receive from management but the true mind set is that is "every man for themselves" so fujobaiting and money leeching comes before bro codes.

These are your brotubers?

>> No.41676778

I would rather watch oddtaxi than hang out with tempus too, I can't blame him

>> No.41676866

This is a bit of a late reply, but he said he was never IT, he just had some basic knowledge of it. He even said his roommate (like his actual roommate he lives with/lived with) was the IT person, not him. It was the stream immediately after the 7-person Pummel Party collab that he said all of this. I'm still fucking mad.

>> No.41676873

It actually is a really good show but it does not help the narrative of him being a lazy fuck who hates Holostars. This company cannot seem to hire anyone worth a shit in terms of work ethic.

>> No.41676996

Menhera worst than the girls. Imagine that

>> No.41677061

>meds that people here use daily to survive
keep your opioid crisis in your western hellhole of a nation
not blaming the victims, but your addictions are not the problems of others

>> No.41677161

>Axel knows of Vesper situation but isn't doing anything to help him
Vesper is too anxious to meet Axel, how do you help a person who don't want to be helped lmao

>> No.41677185

We just making up members post now?

>> No.41677383

>needs to save face due to lack of communication/drama
>is forced to do a minimum amount of member only content
vesper and gura are just killing 2 birds with one stone

>> No.41677434

What fucking medication is he even taking that gets everyones' panties in a twist?

>> No.41677530

Does it matter? Do you need a reason to be involved when you know damned well the dude is about to spiral out of control because he's off his meds? How long do you think Vesper has before he's on the news after having panic attack and then slaughtering some civilians with some sword he purchased at a fucking pawn shop because in his mind they look like zombies or some fucking giant beard. The dude doesn't even know a lick of japanese so there's that as well. If they were real bros axel would be looking for him you don't need a reason if you know he could become dangerous not only to himself but to others.

>> No.41677594

He's probably taking something like xanax vallium etc

>> No.41677824

why mad?

>> No.41677915

>cold turkey off benzos
Very much doubt this. That could literally kill him if he's been on them long enough

>> No.41677994

I'm IT, and I thought one of my kind managed to get in

>> No.41678158

fair, everyone did genuinely think that

>> No.41678233

Well whatever he's on is banned in japan, I'm not sure if valliums are but xanax are and sleeping meds like seroquel and ambien are also banned. And he's reference on taking strong sleeping pills ambien fit the bill on that one.

>> No.41678351

>to survive
fucking white boy hahaha

>> No.41678938


>> No.41679401

Oh, so people are just retarded and making a big deal about nothing as usual? Gotcha

Anons making it sound like he's on some wild shit rather than bog standard anxiety meds

>> No.41680000

According to their narcotics control department the only outright banned substances are:
>Opium powder
>Methamphetamine and Amphetamine
He's going bonkers without his stims?


>> No.41680202

from what i understood from his stream, its not that the meds he uses are banned
but rather, he didnt even checked and just decided to leave his meds at home for safety
so no fucking clue what he actually takes

>> No.41680338

Spoken like a true burger

>> No.41682457

I will only forgive him if he shows up on Altare's birthday for Tempus poker collab.

>> No.41682483

What if his medication is lean? That would be a pretty ironic twist of fate.

>> No.41682596

>anon thinks anxiety is the same as schizophrenia
Are you 5? Anti anxiety meds are xannies to your retarded zoomer brain, it isn't a fucking meth withdrawal he simply just feels nervous and self concious.

>> No.41686067

I dont even know who that is

>> No.41686345

>Vesper is too anxious to meet Axel
that must be awkward.

>> No.41686377

He's hiding behind his pay wall

>> No.41686418

the guys put in more hour for the same reasons as Kiara.

>> No.41686542
File: 269 KB, 1200x1200, Noir.Vesper.full.3722244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd give this man the sloppiest wettest leg trembling hands desperately grabbing the sheets legs stretching out again and again waist slowly moving up and down small heavy breath "i can't take it much longer" breaths getting quicker twitching throbbing eyes shut lip biting back arching edging begging for relief warm hot rush bubbling up spit upon spot tongue twisting around tip-tapping against mouth sideways licking spit from the end and lick from the bottom to the top then spit from the top and lick to the bottom deepthroating mascara dripping down my face slower then faster then a little faster then perfect pace twisting mouth around each side spiritually enlightening chakra balancing golden light like a halo around the tip noise from the very edge of his throat for the final release head.

>> No.41686550

Are benzos actually given as a daily treatment? I thought they stop working if you take them too often.
I think it's more likely that he's on SSRIs but he's a retard if he stopped those cold turkey.

>> No.41686648

>please watch Odd Taxi
Fuck him.

>> No.41687179

Tell us how you really feel

>> No.41687300


>> No.41687493
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>in this female dominated industry.

>> No.41687650

Its him who doesnt wanna meet axel, and you dont know what is happening behind the scenes

>> No.41687668

This guy is 30 something years old and writes like a fucking jk. HOLY SHIIIIIT

>> No.41687991

Why would he be on stims?

>> No.41687996
File: 140 KB, 1080x316, edited on an android cause fuck you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recommending Odd Taxi

>> No.41688041

There's nothing to forgive. I don't even watch the guy. If it wasn't for him doing his best impression of a lolcow, I would've completely forgotten he existed.

>> No.41688080

Truly the Mori of tempus

>> No.41688796

>but rather, he didnt even checked and just decided to leave his meds at home for safety
Are you fuckin serious?

>> No.41688884

Women like the boss. Not his fault life put him in a position of authority.

>> No.41689265

This is just a slightly more coherent version of Gura's statement

>> No.41689524

I love this schizo

>> No.41689572

>Odd Taxi
Great Vesper is a furry too

>> No.41689582

took you this long to notice?

>> No.41689638

better than gura who talks like shes 5

>> No.41689991

ToT forcing Vesper into a JK outfit and fucking him!!

>> No.41690223

You don't become a Vtuber close to being 40 if you are a functional adult that use google research.

>> No.41691215

Why is he in Japan in the first place retard? Not even the EN girls who had an ACTUAL GOOD REASON to stay there haven't been staying as long as he has.
This is the equivalent of flying to Afghanistan and acting surprised when they fucking stone you for drinking alcohol in public.

>> No.41691293

Literally all of them said it sucked and now act like it never happened.

>> No.41691504

I see a lot of words but no apology therefor no.

>> No.41694785


>> No.41697625

>pretty sure kiara said the same about the country song cover.
That was because management dragged their feet so long in releasing it that all the weaker singers had improved noticeably, so it sounded like fucking garbage. It was ok to shit on it because they all universally agreed it sucked

>> No.41698250


>> No.41699916

>all the weaker singers
So... Ame?

>> No.41699983

And Ina

>> No.41700061

Isnt this supposed to be a male character?

>> No.41700361

Yeah I think he's talking about his own cover which I assume needed to be done in time for his birthday.

>> No.41700633

Is this part of the curse?

>> No.41701508

>Is this part of the curse?
At least 60% of the "curse" is just events and streams being scuffed because of the talents and managements lack of preparation

>> No.41701989

Fauna recommended it too, about a year ago.

>> No.41702124

Vesper not cut out for Idol life.. i do not think any of us would be either. Why do they all have to fucking sing songs. The peer pressure to fit in with the rest of Hololive must suck. I would not like it.

>> No.41702182

Song collab is confirmed to be with Fauna... FML

>> No.41702333

Doesn’t take meds on purpose plays the victim might as well graduate already.

>> No.41702491

Expecting people who barely know each to stand up for each other, especially when the person is off their meds and dragging the whole group down with their bullshit.

>> No.41703025

>I feel guilty for delaying the cover
>feel free to not give the cover people worked hard and I delayed a view

>> No.41703171

Gura of tempus. Will he love bomb her fans when he stream?

>> No.41703273

Damn didn't know anxiety turn people into a Postal protagonist
also we need something like that so shake up the industry
imagine the headlines
>Mass Murderer Vtuber kils 6 and injury dozens in Tokyo with a fake katana

>> No.41708457


>> No.41708624

