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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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41603306 No.41603306 [Reply] [Original]

The fact is, people can't respect something they don't understand. And, to put it quite frankly, humans have a terrible track record of showing true sympathy and understanding to anything that is considered "outside the norm." So... This board will continue to disrespect any girls or boys who are not "normal" in their eyes. This is the harsh reality, and the people who cannot understand something, fear and thus hate that same thing.

>> No.41603355

pekora monkey

>> No.41603489

Why bother /vt/ doesn't watch streams at all

>> No.41603700

You don't need a 3 digits IQ to understand whores and faggots both love cock, fuck off reptilian faggot.

>> No.41603895

Is all of the anger because of what happened with Lia?

>> No.41604340

I have no idea what this ESL word salad is trying to say and I couldn't give even the slightest of shits to figure it out.

>> No.41604428

Put yourself in their shoes. How would you feel if you had to play video games every week for a few hours each week?

>> No.41605035

The horror!

>> No.41605706

Low iq detected

>> No.41605919
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This. Sometimes you even have to sing, or talk!

>> No.41606766

Sign me up

>> No.41607401
File: 292 KB, 500x500, 95743672_122135486125165_7282389329819729920_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>respect women
Kiara isn't my type of entertainer but I also don't go after her or any of them. I have better ways of wasting time like getting banned from /a/ over faggots bitching about pics, I don't repent.

>> No.41610316

I can fight only for something that I love,love only what I respect, and respect only what I at least know.”

>> No.41610450

Live is an eternal stuggle let me tell you

>> No.41613998

First they'd have to do something worth respecting for.

>> No.41616235

The girls need to earn it if they want to be respected.

>> No.41619316

that's not Moona

>> No.41619649

I won’t expect 4chan to respect any kind of hobby they claim to like.
But at the very least, they should be open to their actual opinion instead of falseflagging, baiting, astro surfing dramas when they have no stake in it, playing both sides, trying to start fanbase wars and paying gift cards to shitposters.
This is an Anonymous board you can share your opinion however cringe it is. You can also share your oshi so that we can make fun of you in return. Stop being a pussy by trying to hide in an already Anonymous website. And stop trying to self-reply falseflag or push your fake rrats. Nothing that you will post here will make your anti-oshi graduate, so why not just share your opinion like a normal person?

>> No.41620121
File: 102 KB, 612x717, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41620292

I would genuinely be a much more well-adjusted person.

>> No.41622749


>> No.41626533


>> No.41626564

All girls need respect it can be your mom,sister or wife
