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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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41586415 No.41586415 [Reply] [Original]

I fell in love with Miori Celesta, what should I do?

>> No.41587678

prepare to get cucked

>> No.41587765

If you drink as much as she does on stream, you'll die. That could be fun.

>> No.41588749

listen to her netorare cover on loop

>> No.41590203

Get better taste

>> No.41590514

t. shit taste

>> No.41590592

She is my wife I found her first

>> No.41590826

Go through with your suicide pact in a few months.

>> No.41590829

You are setting yourself up for terrible pain and heartache when she soft graduates to go to med school. Save yourself now before you become a hopeless gosling like those in /tsunx/.

>> No.41592237

Name some better GFE options

>> No.41592258


>> No.41592282


>> No.41592928


>> No.41593098

I mean. I don't blame you she is a very charming girl.

>> No.41593455

Every day that goes by without Miori's fat sweaty ass smothering my face is a day wasted

>> No.41593557

t. Miori larping as Bae

>> No.41593694


>> No.41594116

She's graduating eventually to get a uni degree because her asian parents don't think vtubing is a real job like doctor
So you're in love with a girl that's 100% guaranteed to leave you for a normie life and bf

>> No.41594418

She'll probably go back to her lawyer ex once she's back in NY.

>> No.41595666

she had an ex?
how did you know that?

>> No.41595742

Her parents are right though

>> No.41595783

She had a "My boyfriend-I mean this guy I dated for a just a little bit-" moment on stream last year.

>> No.41595785

She dated a NYC lawyer? Why is she so down bad then? Everyone told me she was attainable for guys like us

>> No.41596028

another wonton recipe yab lol

>> No.41596214

Shes playing the role for money

>> No.41596280

She constantly says she’s chubby and ugly and how she used to get bullied in Korea for that
The chubby part is true but I doubt she’s as ugly as she says she is, it’s probably just Korea’s plastic surgery culture, she’s probably average at worst

>> No.41596874

I thought her self esteem might be so low she would be willing to settle for chubby blue collar autistic guy like me, but no you gotta be a new York jew lawyer for her

>> No.41596952

I was told she too menhera too keep the role

>> No.41597029

She's the first GFE vtuber i've ever watched. I like her streams, but honestly it makes me feel uncomfortable. I don't think GFE is for me

>> No.41597039

>chubby blue collar autistic guy like me
hit the gym, my dude

>> No.41597192

Her parents have already decided she will marry a wealthy Korean doctor of their choosing. Unless you can raceswap and quickly get into med school, you're fucked.

>> No.41597230

You know how long that takes? I gotta burn off this fat then bulk up. I work out now but it's utterly useless

>> No.41597339


>> No.41597413

>woman instinctively tries to brag
>but then remembers that chat is a jealous orbiter, not a girl friend she's flexing on

>> No.41597477

Time for you to become a chubby kentucky lawyer.

>> No.41597586

Nigga I'm 30 I can't go to school for 8 years. I'll be 40 then. It's useless I won't ever have a chuuba gf, why even live?

>> No.41597685

Mio is dumb as fuck and can't keep her mouth shut, she has a hard time hiding anything, but in a way that can be seen as part of the GFE, she's overly comfortable talking to her fans most of the time, to the point that she forgets it's just a bunch of random people on the internet and not her bf she can vent

>> No.41598501

I miss my girlfriend...

>> No.41598702

Thank you for reassuring me. All these bf brainstorms have been infecting ,y head lately

>> No.41598967

Brain worms stupid phone

>> No.41599049

find another gfe chuba

>> No.41599487

Fuck you

>> No.41600900

I missed her last stream and now I'm depressed

>> No.41601200

You mean prepare to cuck.

>> No.41601399

quit life, it'll be easier in the long run

>> No.41601429


I always wondered....is a "nice Korean doctor" actually peak of what she can get? In theory, one of the most hardcore gachi whales could definitely outclass a doctor for sure? Keep in mind autistic weebs do in fact exist in Ivy League schools and across the Comp Sci/Law/Medical sphere (which is probably her parent's target demographic).

Perhaps the more interesting question: we all love Miori as a character....but if you were a millionaire successful doctor/lawyer/etc, would you still want to marry her RM? Fine line between her just being overly humble/self deprecating, vs being actually average at best (in which case such an "ideal guy" could do better. at least in looks if not personality)?

Realistically, how would such a guy go about grooming a Mio/Bae? Start whaling with akasupas? Send mallos and find ways to get in touch with her parents with an offer?

Lets say 6', non-SEA Asian, Ivy league, making 500k+ a year, <30 years of age.

>> No.41601602

She seems to have a sex drive since she blasts her clit before/after stream. Depends if that appeals to you.

>> No.41601675

not long ago she said she doesn't consider sex important in a relationship

>> No.41602685


Rather than focus on never being good enough for your oshi, I think a more interesting thought experiment is "what would such a relationship actually look like". It's one thing to imagine a sweet romantic life with an idol GF, but the practical realities are sometimes depressingly crushing in practice?

Can you keep up with her menhera alcoholism? What would daily life look like in the long-term beyond the honeymoon phase? Can you really work 80hrs a week being rich/successful/making her parents proud while still satisfying her emotional needs?

Lastly....what if "meeting her parent's expectations" ultimately just ends up with a transactional relationship solely for social status? This is the ultimate curse for nerdy asian guys who finally do climb the ladder into law/medicine/finance: sure, her parents love you, but she doesnt. What if you just become another simp paypig that she just barely tolerates (which is to be expected at that level of autism, tryhard nerdiness, etc)?

In theory a socially well-adjusted Asian doctor (who doesn't watch vtubers and doesn't have a particular attachment to "Miori" as his oshi) would probably be able to do better in finding someone prettier/higher social status etc?

>> No.41603088

Slap yourself really hard in the face.
Don’t fall for Koreans. They are made of literal plastic, and don’t have human emotions.
This chick is some high profile Korean, you don’t have the bloodline or bank account to groom her IRL.

Don’t make the same mistake I did, find a chick that’ll like your fucked up hobbies.
Looks fade fast after 30, you don’t wanna be stuck with a materialistic bitch.

>> No.41603104

>too busy to work
>she doesn't love you
it will end in netorare.

>> No.41604040

Most sane response in this thread....but let's play devil's advocate here.

"someone who enjoys your fucked up hobbies"...literally yandere menhera vtubers. So that's checked off.

In theory, we know more about her personality than most average Koreans you'd see around IRL (assuming she isn't completely faking her entire on-screen persona), and thus its slightly less likely for her to end up with an actual "materialistic bitch" which is rather likely IRL?

Sadly what you say about "plastic without human emotions"....basically applies to most women you can find these days. West is screwed, but no matter where you go in KR/JP/CN, you won't find anything better. It's always about "family expectations" and being "successful", but there is no such thing as actual love/affection.

Call it a LARP if you want, but if it makes you feel any better...life (at least from a relationship perspective) doesn't get better at the top.

Claw your way up to the point where every Asian parent throws their (generally below average) daughters at you, and you'll realize how artificial and materialistic everything is. No one cares about (You), they only care about your success and how to leech off of it. Sure, you can make more money in a year than others can in a decade, but ultimately you just end up as a slave to the wife/in-laws who work you to death (80-100hr workweeks) while Miori's NTR song plays in the background.

In a cruel twist of irony, this is perhaps why some very successful whales end up back here pining over vtubers rather than being successful IRL. At least she can be "perfect" as an idealized waifu in her avatar form, but once the 3D returns, all of the IRL implications return.

Then again, perhaps some of us might be desperate enough to try and use that success to claim the well meme'd spot as Mamalesta/Papa Rat's chosen? Theorcrafting how to go about such an endeavor are always appreciated.

>> No.41604472

I disagree anon, Asian chicks are master manipulators. The only person that knows how this chick actually feels is her mom and dad.
Agree with everything else. Some of us became successful and have parents throw their hot smart daughters at us. But it’s all materialistic bs, these chicks don’t give a fuck about us.

I would rather want the young anons here to go for the frumpy chicks that didn’t laugh at seeing anime on their Netflix account. You don’t understand how empty a life is with a chick that shares zero hobbies with you, even the sex stops being entertaining after a while.

>> No.41605362
File: 1.74 MB, 1350x2324, Ai Idol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I completely agree that Asian girls are master manipulators and that there is essentially no such thing as actual love/affection within such a context. Basically any Confucian country (JP/KR/CN, and even a good portion of SEA is the same. Boys are raised to "be smart/successful" and in exchange you get an attractive/high status wife. Ultimately, it makes sense from a sociological/evolutionary perspective, but it feels rather cold when you actually get into it.

To be fair, the very act of targetting an idol (even a virtual one) is destined to fail (pic related). She can put on an act on stage, but there can never be a genuine relationship beneath that. You can never know her just based on her streams and virtual persona.

Yet, when push comes to shove, perhaps a "relatable" streamer oshi is the best we can do? I have literally seen Asian parents groom their daughters to start watching anime/playing LoL/WoW as a support in order to specifically target a rich nerdy guy that is on his way to Harvard Law etc.

Ultimately what it comes down to is: "Western" materialist culture via Instagram/Tiktok is cancer, but the "traditional Asian" mindset can be just as toxic, just in another way. Yes, you can work hard, be successful, and marry a "traditional" nice girl via her parents, but you are literally setting yourself up for a marriage of convenience with no shared interests/affection. In the end, a significant portion of such marriages end up in a pseudo-divorced sexless "stay for the kids" mindset to "bring honor to family".

Yet...even after knowing all of this, you can't deny the fantasy escapism of the idea of dating your oshi.

Oh, to be that silly white knight that saves Mio from a cruel life of grad school, to be the ultimate Chad that BTFO's her ex-NYC paralegal wannabe? Truly a wish fulfillment story befitting an isekai....and when life becomes boring and dull enough, perhaps such a grand saga might be worth playing out (no matter how utterly stupid it is in practice)?

>> No.41608483

I don't believe this happened unless there's a clip like with that wonton girl

>> No.41609536

What's this wonton thing?

>> No.41610385
File: 74 KB, 800x536, Pork_Steamed_Wontons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41610615


>> No.41610633
File: 2.51 MB, 1348x1066, 1633401194921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see Mio thread
>expect retarded shit inside
>find retarded shit inside

>> No.41610680

congratulations, you found what you expected!

>> No.41610802

The funny part of this is Mio father is a fucking NEET K-drama netflix hardcore coomsomer getting cucked by his wife on top of that, he got fucking cucked by her on christmas even

>> No.41610955

I don't get EN fans. They get up in arms when Rushia has a so-called wanton slip-up and get mad at her orbiters for being upset about it. Something-something incels shouldn't be mad she has a boyfriend or something.

>insert random EN vtuber
Oh, now they have to be unicorns who can never have a boyfriend. Streamers should try to avoid talking about that kind of stuff... but the hypocrisy of so many EN fans is baffling.

>> No.41610991

Mio doesn't have unicorns

>> No.41611948

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.41612422

schizos that don't even watch streams literally just dont count

>> No.41614659

>I fell in love with Miori Celesta
Does she even like her fanbase?

>> No.41614924

Yeah especially if you have money

>> No.41615952

Have you watched her?

>> No.41619544

>Asian parents
sigh... i feel that

>> No.41622542


>> No.41623974

bumping mio's tits

>> No.41625274

a fucking menhera doesn't deserve normal threads

>> No.41628036

How does such a sweet girl attract so many schizos?

>> No.41628350

because she's sweet?

>> No.41629293

she had a phase where she was getting super needy and schizo almost ate her alive.
Her family enviorment is extremely toxic so she seek solace on the internet, even more so now that all the people she knows IRL in korea went oversea, she is an easy target for schizos

>> No.41629317


>> No.41629454

Buy her a new liver, she'll need it with the oceanic amounts of alcohol also my cum she's guzzling.

>> No.41631179

Anyone in kawaii I suppose...Nene/Oceane/Sava/Lua are all valid options. Peony isn't really as GFE as the others, but she can pull off quite a solid yandere.

In holo, mumei and bae can technically count, but it's very sporadic and isn't constantly GFE themed.

With the new wave of Phase Connect refugees post-Lia yab, seems Kawaii GFE will keep going up as THE go-to refugee company.

>> No.41631671

What is the latest Lia-yab? Attempted suicide again?

>> No.41631675

Quite literally purchased for the purpose of impregnation by one of her chat regulars so you should take her off that list

>> No.41632433

Yet....Nordschizo is somehow perhaps the most inspirational story we can look towards?

Proof that grooming your chuuba IS possible, all it takes is to be a millionaire (supposedly 10m NOK/~$1m USD for her?) that spends all day grooming in chat? Would be fascinating to interview him a year or two later to see whether the dream was worth it and the pros/cons of success?

Who will step up to claim Mio by being the successful well-educated, rich Korean doctor her parents always wanted?

Yet perhaps the more questionable forbidden question: is it worth it?

>> No.41632865

>believing the nordschizo shit
Already proofed sava has no fucking enagement with the guy and the voices in his head

>> No.41633137

I'm 100% sure I could deal with anything that comes my way to make her happy, the only real issue is that I don't think I would be able to live in Korea

>> No.41633181

How does one that
>has no problem interacting with male vtubers
>has worked with male vtubers
>is friends with male vtubers
>shills males vtubers she likes
Has unicorns?

>> No.41633707

>she had a phase where she was getting super needy
That’s still going

>> No.41633877

Well, at least we can dream right? Let's just make it a thought experiment: what IF a nordschizo does commit $1m to buying his oshi. Odds of success? What would be the correct approach to pulling off such a plan? What are the downsides? Could she actually love a schizo just for money or is it buying a very expensive live-in escort?

To get back on topic, what is the optimal route to unironically claim Mio? Assume small-time millionaire (i.e. not oil baron money), but someone her parents would only dream of.

I respect the commitment, but perhaps easier said than done? If you can't even learn Korean and move to her country, can you really say you are committed???

Jokes aside, perhaps its a mixed blessing to love menhera yanderes, but also know that it's completely infeasible in reality? Better than being delusional enough to actually think there's a chance I suppose.

There's no way 99% of us could ever actually make her happy, even when fulfilling every single requirement on paper in terms of wealth/status etc. And that is perhaps the sole thing holding me back from unironically trying to pull off a nordschizo.

>> No.41633980

Male on stream followed by disastrous damage control

>> No.41637523

1 million doesn't sound like a whole lot to buy a relationship, unless he has way more than that and is offering the 1 million as a small sample

>> No.41637762


>> No.41640876

The drunk streams show all anon

>> No.41641668


I mean, the entire Sava/nordschizo rrat ended up being just a hoax, but its interesting food for thought.

I would argue that perhaps your view on pricing a relationship might be skewed a tad high though. Sure $1m isn't a lot in an objective sense, but it is more than enough for a small streamer to start a new life, and could easily be a decade or more of work? (Note: earning $100k annually for a decade is quite different than actually having $1m cash lump sum sitting in your bank.)

Realistically, it depends on how you define "buying" a relationship. On a literal level, you can definitely buy your way into a sugar baby for FAR far less than $1m. Just prepare a 50-100k budget and you can be whaling out IRL akasupas to literal escorts for a good while.

Are you buying ownership of her for life? In theory $1m sounds cheap, but your average divorce settlement (even where the guy gets completely wrecked) will usually still be less than that. In this assumption, presumably the goal is marriage, where she would ultimately own half of his net worth (of which $1m might just be a decent sized fee vs a net worth around $5-10m?).

In any case, even your top NYC lawyer/management consultant/investment banker in late 20's is making maybe 300k (straight out of Harvard types). After taxes, housing, expenses etc, he'd be lucky to save 100-150k annually at most. Effectively most Asian parents would be more than happy to marry off their daughter to someone even half as successful as that, and they wouldn't save up $1m in cash until at least their mid 30s.

Unless you go with a super unorthodox case like the one-off guy who sells a startup and retires pre-30, there are basically no self-made millionaires in that age bracket, even at the very top of elite careers. For as much as we love our chuubas, Asian parents would probably devalue her and bargain for even less considering she's not exactly the pride of the family as a non-traditionally employed streamer/shut-in living at home etc.

>> No.41642687

Mio has no brothers or sisters, she is only child.
Either she become an holo or equivalent streamer or she is guarantee a combined marriage before 25 years

>> No.41644072

At the end of the day, I think that's probably the biggest shame due to her impending graduation for an "ordinary" life. She probably could be the biggest shoe-in for the next Holo spot (if EN3 was actually a thing instead of Tempus 2.0).

Med school ain't the easiest path, especially not to someone who isn't really already heavily invested into the field. Given what we know about Mio, she's probably not the most cut out for tryhard academics, and has far more passion/talent in entertainment, so she'd really be wasting her talents to do something she might only be "average at best" in.

At this rate, she'll be suffering from cramming for exams for the next year, then spend a miserable 6-7 years stuck in Asian tryhard academic hell, only to go into debt where she won't be making a cent until she's least 30 (which makes any prospect of marriage/kids questionable assuming she actually wants to work as a doctor, which requires a ton of time/effort). Most likely outcome is to find an up-and-coming doctor to get hitched to and dropping out/graduating just for the diploma and never actually working, but at that point she's probably better off just picking a more successful whale from her streams.

Doctors are successful....but only in the SUPER late game. Even for those going to Harvard/Stanford Med, most are dead broke/in debt and dying from studying until 30, and won't really be breaking even to justify the heavy investment until late 30s/early 40s (especially compared to similarly top tier careers in comp sci, engineering, finance, law etc that have been working since early 20s). If the goal is to pull a rich trust fund kid, she'd have much more luck in Business School (or pulling a gachi viewer).

>> No.41645267

watch streams

>> No.41648456

get a real gf

>> No.41648912

the only gf I want is Miori Celesta and that's never happening

>> No.41649100

>but if you were a millionaire successful doctor/lawyer/etc, would you still want to marry her RM?
Of course not.

>> No.41649411

I love mio cuz of her music and I wish she'd never revealed her menhera because now she has all u faggy schizos arguing over who truly deserves her heart
Please just get the courage to end it yourself. You're already genetic dead ends if you're making a serious post here. Save your parents the trouble of feeding you well into their retirement and death.

>> No.41649652


Given examples like >>41649100 >>41633137 >>41632433 >>41603088 >>41596874, you can still have hope?

Clearly no one wants her (that is good enough to meet her standards), so you can rise up and BECOME the rich/successful guy her parents want to pawn her off to? Clearly no one actually that successful would be sane enough to want her (or is there?)

>> No.41649891

Dude, if I had 1% chance of dating her I'd fly to Korea right now, but I know it's hopeless

>> No.41651174

My girlfriend Mio

>> No.41651201

Even between all us schizo gachis....I somehow can't really fathom there being anything positive/productive out of such a relationship in reality. As was best summarized by >>41603088 , such a relationship sounds like a dream, but would most likely quickly turn into a nightmare in practice? You can't ever keep an alcoholic menhera happy, you only have so much emotional endurance as her psychologist, you offer nothing of value besides becoming a paypig, etc. Even if you got her parents to shove her into an arranged marriage with you, all you have to look forward to is listening to her NTR cover on repeat?

As the anon above mentioned, if you WERE successful enough to win her over, you begin asking "is she really worth it?", which directly leads to the paradox of Asian attainability. Once you start evaluating relationships in terms of cost/benefit and "earning" a date, it's already hopeless (which is exactly how Asian parents operate).

Ironically hopelessness might be a good thing that is keeping you grounded as a gosling who has given up (rather than a gachi who might actually ruin their life pursuing a dead end relationship?)

or at least I need to keep telling myself that...must ward off the intrusive thoughts of BECOMING the son-in-law her parents want

>> No.41651753

I thought gosling and gachi mean the same thing.
Like gosling is the western version of gachi.

>> No.41652282

Hate to spoonfeed...but Goslings are based in the acceptance that you will never be together with your oshi. You still love her, but understand that a relationship is impossible and that you will never meet her.

A gachikoi has much of the same connotation, but contain those who are insane enough to actually make an attempt to get into a relationship with their oshi (including the top akasupa donators, actual stalkers, etc).

As the feasibility of a relationship increases, the more dangerous it becomes to start wandering out of gosling territory and into becoming a schizo gachi who will actually intrude into their oshi's life. Given the notoriety of the Lia drama blowing up right now, maybe there is hope for even the fattest and ugliest of groomers to take a shot at their oshi (rather than just being a donating simp)?

>> No.41653006 [DELETED] 

Thanks for enlighten me.
I was a gachi last month and spent like several hundred bucks for my oshi last month.
But I've been regaining my sanity since new year and started stepping back from her.
I know it's going to be worse for me if I don't crawl up the rabbit hole.
I still want to be close to her but not that close.
I guess I'm becoming a gosling now.
I still love her but I don't expect anything from her because I know nothing won't happen between us and I will ended getting hurt if expect too much.

>> No.41653130

How the fuck has Bae not nepotism'd her into HoloEN yet? She would be a great fit.

>> No.41654624

Mio's crazy ass brainworms made her turn down the offer, saying she's not good enough for Holo.

>> No.41654716

yeah and ruin all her GFE appeal of interacting with her fans and replying as affectionate as possible to every single post specially in membership streams
I can't wait!

>> No.41655032

>join holo
expect some tempus collabs lmao

>> No.41658564

the main question I find fascinating is the appeal of being a gosling for your oshi. What drives someone to be a top donator while orbiting as a simp? It's one thing to use vast wealth to flex and outright buy your way into a relationship (Asian parenting style), but it's another to dump thousands or more into a black hole as just another paypig.

Findom fetish aside...what are you trying to achieve by donating? Just wholesome support like you would for a male streamer/personality? Tipping out of courtesy for a nice song performance or GFE/ASMR service? What does it take to ascend into a new realm from "she is my oshi" to a genuine "I actually love her"?

Such a shame too...she could save the dying remnants of Holo as a renown idol, but instead she will graduate into a ordinary life of graduate school Asian mediocrity.

>> No.41659479

I'm far beyond her top donators.
I spent much less compared to last month too.
I might spend even less in the future.
I don't want to be a paypig, being just a casual supporter is enough.
Being a gachi for a month is enough.
I've experienced it now and I don't think it's good for me mentally and financially.
>"she is my oshi" to a genuine "I actually love her"?
Explain these two terms to me pls.
I'm not sure if I get what you mean.

>> No.41659618

When has the last girl generation come out again? That's probably why.

>> No.41659876

In essence, what drives that "next level" support?

Most casual viewers will just pick their "oshi" as the streamer they like most/support the most, but generally most won't go beyond just being a member, being in chat, and maybe occasionally tossing a small supa. Think of it as a casual hobbyist who enjoys a streamer, vs "I LOVE HER AND WILL DO ANYTHING FOR HER" in becoming completely emotionally devoted (and becoming a full on top donator).

Again, it's one thing to have an IRL relationship (or at least aim for one with her) and thus want to splurge a bit, but given how even top donations just get tossed into the wind, what drives that self-destructive behavior in giving your life savings to a woman you don't actually know? I guess you can splurge on any hobby (such as a gacha addiction/being a merch collector etc), but somehow it feels just a bit "wrong" to go down the path of being a simp/paypig?

>> No.41660965

I was like that last month and it made my saving bleeding, now I'm trying to become a casual one.
I realize not even her top donators are guaranteed to have an IRL relationship with her.
I should be wiser with my life savings.
I still send her superchats but in moderation.

>> No.41661093

Literally just go to LA or something, there's probably thousands are girls just like her there.
She's not special just because she has a vtuber avatar.

>> No.41661206

While it's true there are lots of girls out there, how do you expect incels to go out and get girls?
If they did, they won't be watching vtubers.

>> No.41661329

my gf is unique, special and perfect, there is no one else like her in this world, she's a one in 8 billion

>> No.41661409

If you're asian or white, look okay and are clean, then it's not hard at all to pick up westernized korean girls
the only problem is they probably won't marry you unless you're successful and it's likely you get dumped or cheated on

>> No.41662321

My oshi is not Miori, although I like her model.
I'm not into korean girls, their faces are usually too fake because of surgery.

>> No.41662581

anon you shouldn't listen to japanese propaganda..
most korean girls get double eyelids and thats about it

>> No.41662808

There are thousands of girls out there...but none of them will ever want to give weebs like us a chance? Sure, you can go Asian route and buy one with your money/status, but will she be a menhera yandere weeb? Not impossible, but odds are tough (then again so is trying to groom your oshi once she is beyond a tiny 2view territory).

Exactly this...even if you can claim her parent's approval, that is far from gaining her interest/affection. Don't need to explain why getting an arranged marriage probably isn't great if she's only barely willing to put up with you (impending NTR song or divorce incoming).

Then again....you are talking to shutin weebs on 4chan..."picking up Westernized Korean girls" is kinda out of the question, so you can't really expect that to be workable advice for most on this board. There's a reason why we gravitate to menhera chuubas where we can be under a delusion that she would love us (at least she sells us on the fantasy goddammit), compared to being isolated and ignored.

You'd be surprised by how many nerdy beta guys end up making bank but still end up a lonely incel that can only find fulfillment via their virtual e-gf chuubas who offer a simulation of what they'll never get IRL (at least without paying for an escort/sugar dating). In a sense, that's exactly what GFE is...its a rental GF, just one that is replicated for the masses via digital distribution (which lowers the price to free/$5 membership) vs you individually renting one for a much higher cost.

>> No.41662870

Look at all the retards posting in this thread. This is why women are repulsed by weebs.

>> No.41663218

And that's exactly why we are here to simp for menhera chuubas instead of being a normie (and chasing tinder/insta thots).

By the point we are declaring our love for our oshi, I think it's safe to say we have completely given up on ever having an IRL relationship (and anyone who hasn't come to that acceptance probably needs to reach that realization that we are all too far gone).

Better to embrace "being yourself" as a degenerate weeb that will be foreveralone with our oppai mousepads and body pillows while listening to GFE ASMR, than to pretend to be a failed normie in an unhappy relationship with an uggo (who will still cheat on and leave you anyways)?

If there is no salvation in a "real" relationship, at least we can indulge in a simulated version (no matter how artificial and commoditized) that feels close enough?

>> No.41664155
File: 234 KB, 1280x1260, 1460845491176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's probably thousands are girls just like her there
This logic always falls for two reasons:
1) It doesn't take the issues of the viewer into account.
2) It doesn't take into account that the person being crushed on is in some ways special.

A lot of what makes people fall into parasocial relationships is their own issues. Maybe they can't actually support a real relationship economically or emotionally. Maybe they're a shut-in. Maybe they don't want a real relationship. You can't simply assume that it's simply a checklist; that's not how people work. One of the hardest things in any kind of relationship is determining whether your judgement of someone else is due to that person or due yourself.

Segwaying from that, it's also not true that you can "just" find someone like that. Not only will they not be the same, they will also have baggage of their own kind; it's not like it's going to signify any kind of effort, in some ways it might mean more pain than just withering away without ever getting anything, and that pain might be precisely the kind of thing the person with the crush might want to avoid. It's not like you can just fish a perfect person from the ocean. You already have memories attached to this particular person too. More importantly, being considered special and being recognized is the area of a personality's work. It's really stupid to say they're just like anybody else. That's the last thing THEY want to hear.

>> No.41670956

Beer sexo

>> No.41673018

Mio, I know you (will) read this thread. Don't think too much about it. The world isn't as bleak as the picture these armchair sociologists paint. Just focus on yourself and things will work out.
Hah, these kinds of schizos were what I feared when you went down the deep parasocial route.

>> No.41675729


Mio, if you're reading this, take the Holopill and create the ultimate GFE duo with Bae. You can be the savior of HoloEN and go down in history as one of the greatest idols in vtubing.

The world can be very bleak indeed, but you can still carve your own path through life (no matter how unorthodox it may be). Better to walk the path less traveled than be forgotten as an average nobody.

Don't settle for a path of mediocrity and become a cog within a dead-end "normal" job out of Asian parent obligation. Don't suffer through a decade of exams for nothing while wasting your talents for music and performing.

>> No.41676652 [DELETED] 

I went to school with her she was quite the fatty. liked her better when she was Yaoibutter and Flutter. AMA

>> No.41677308

To put the rrat to bed....is she actually as uggo as she says she is, or just being self deprecating? Presumably she has slimmed down since then, but still bears some of the chub?

Any signs of her having the potential to be attractive enough (once losing the weight) to actually lock down a NYC lawyer/similarly high tier doctor type?

How similar is her stream personality compared to her IRL persona back then? Is the yandere/menhera based in reality, or mostly playing up a character?

Back then, were there any signs that she would become an actual singer/performer (and heartthrob gachikoi magnet), or was it closer to being the weird overweight fujoshi in the class?

Given her grades back then, what do you think are the odds of her actually making it successfully into some kind of graduate school/normal job vs continuing on in streaming?

>> No.41680346


>> No.41681941
File: 99 KB, 850x851, 1667700951809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone in kawaii I suppose...Nene/Oceane/Sava/Lua are all valid options.
Miori GFE is way better than anyone in kawaii. Kawaii is forced GFE while Miori is actually parasocially obsessed with her fans
t. seasoned GFE enthusiast
