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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 64 KB, 636x661, 1674281172450801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
41424050 No.41424050 [Reply] [Original]

Playlist for the debuts: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLePDu5sCYzzafR20sTx3M3P9zRb21SA81


All song covers:


【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】

【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】

【Nene Amano 天野寧々】

【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】

【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】

【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

>Gen 3
【Aletta Sky アレッタ スカイ】

【Miryu Kotofuji 琴藤みりゅう】

【Oceane Otoishi 音衣詩おしあん】

【Peony Aeria ピオニー・エリア】

【Sava Safari サヴァ・サファリ】

【Hana Flores ハナ・フローレス 】
【Aruru Gray アルル・グレイ 】

▼Kawaii Friends
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
AkioAIR and Not-Not-CyberLive >>>/vt//aa/
V&U >>>/vt/vnug/
Yuuka - https://twitter.com/YuukaBear1
Ebi - https://twitter.com/ushioebi
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya - https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Mogu Muge - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKj-DqyMpHgYNB3-9lZq8-w
Last thread: >>41415288

>> No.41424069

i'm the first /pkg/ anon...

>> No.41424124


>> No.41424138

Nami's sweaty smelly armpits. [Now in 3D]

>> No.41424191

Do you guys think Isla's vod will come back?

>> No.41424196

You didn't adequately grow your sheeberry...

>> No.41424205

Lua old lol

>> No.41424210

stream leia

>> No.41424247

>It's time for a shower

>> No.41424362
File: 2.43 MB, 996x720, Graceful Form.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is beauty and she is grace
she is queen of /pkg/ threads
she is elegance and taste

>> No.41424387

I don't want Gen4, Koshita. Invest in the talents that already exists

>> No.41424404

god i love this hag

>> No.41424415

and she's all hair, baby!

>> No.41424423
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1080, 1674273496413369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nami boobs

>> No.41424439

Old sex lol

>> No.41424442

fat tits lol

>> No.41424491


>> No.41424546
File: 192 KB, 453x254, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros, why do nene's hands look like this?

>> No.41424578
File: 774 KB, 828x1280, SheeSmooches.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are loved, Shee.

>> No.41424618
File: 1.98 MB, 484x713, lua 3d.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm falling for her, bros

>> No.41424640

>Least amount from backers
>Best model
she won the lottery

>> No.41424645

but she HATES dr pepper

>> No.41424675

sent shee a few hopefully encouraging maros, hope you pawtners did the same

>> No.41424682

i though nami was last.

>> No.41424718

I remember Lua saying she was on the bottom of the list, chadname turned it around?

>> No.41424751
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>> No.41424808

> get Nene daki cover
> dont have daki pillow
> decide to fill it with blankets until pillow is acquired
> have a bunch of crocheted blankets my mom made for me
> put them in the Nene daki
> Daki is literally filled with the love and devotion of a mother
This is it boys. This is how I make a Nene homonculus. I will go to bed tonight cuddling Nene and I will wake up tomorrow with a real Nene in my arms.
It's too retarded to not be true.

>> No.41424858

>Shee is chu anon

>> No.41424866

After watching Charzu 3d debut, I have to admit that I'm impressed. She has as much stamina as Marine

>> No.41424941

she's old and she doesn't go outside

>> No.41424956

You're gonna end up with Nene in your mom's body and vice versa and you'll have to fuck both of them to reverse it, this is why human transmutation is forbidden

>> No.41425020
File: 401 KB, 512x768, nyami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nami, I know you said you scrapped all the prerecorded stuff you did. But I want to know if it really was bad or if you just psyched yourself out.

>> No.41425040
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>> No.41425136
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>> No.41425174

Im betting she psyched herself out, it would have been fine I bet.

>> No.41425193


if not a member she said management will take care of it and youtube already responded to her twitter post

>> No.41425221

she never had 1000 people watching her before, her autism went into overdrive

>> No.41425538

What's that hole cutout for?

>> No.41425589


>> No.41425611

you know

>> No.41425701

>no one actually twerking
Debut ruined

>> No.41425703

Was it really worth it?

>> No.41425880

The girls had fun so yes it was worth it.

>> No.41425889

my tongue

>> No.41425900
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>> No.41425923

I hope Nene gets her hand size adjusted, they should be at least 1.5-2x bigger

>> No.41425928

GFE idol company

>> No.41425987

Nene's 3D debut was the best because I can actually rewatch it and masturbate to it

>> No.41426059
File: 1.43 MB, 1280x720, isla_explained.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41426065

You don't think so or you didn't watch?

>> No.41426098

thanks Anon

>> No.41426117

i love you

>> No.41426216


>> No.41426273

$80,000 worth?

>> No.41426337

dude, it's been 30 minutes per girl of content we've got so far. they aren't single-use you know? give it some time, this idol project shit literally just started

>> No.41426347

I didn't pay $80,000. I paid around $100. For that, it was more than worth it. I'd easily pay triple that for the amount of CHARZU SEX that comes along with her new model.

>> No.41426544

>pay triple that for the amount of CHARZU SEX
Commission a 20+ pg doujin of her getting corrected for hiding that tummy

>> No.41426621

Kawaii has huge potential. The management just needs to be more competent

>> No.41426652
File: 9 KB, 225x225, download (47).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the 3D debuts were tomorrow

>> No.41426687

>20+ pages
>for $300
HOW? People keep saying this is possible, but I've never seen any doujin artist of any skill level who would work for so little.

>> No.41426693


>> No.41426726


>> No.41426730

Anyone introduce Lua?
Stumble upon her 3D debut and I like her vibe.

>> No.41426763

Sava whore lol

>> No.41426790

Cute GFE hag wife

>> No.41426930

if mean votes from what i remember codename got out paypigged by someone else dont know what lua placed in end but those two maybe pushed her out of last dont know about herojis

>> No.41426929

I'm sorry Anon....

>> No.41426939

Be careful about being too lovey dovey in Lua's chat. You'll get block by chadname

>> No.41426995

ok, what's any "hag" about her

lol, so what's the line?

>> No.41427073
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>> No.41427178

>Isla played bass in a band
Sick. I wish she brings back the singing shows where she invites people to come to her show and sing live. I think she did it in her previous life.

>> No.41427253

she's pretty old, she's an office lady, used to party but doesn't really anymore, smokes, drinks a bit on stream. Doesn't really have any game skills. pop culture knowledge is mostly from the 2000's. Hag stuff.

>> No.41427264

this isnt a black company

>> No.41427332


>> No.41427337
File: 1.63 MB, 1280x720, called out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's so hard not to cheat

>> No.41427520

holy fuck i need her so badly

>> No.41427566
File: 632 KB, 973x1078, underwhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see london, I see france

>> No.41427882

also, she doesn't like dr pepper

>> No.41427898

I'm kinda embarrassed to admit it but Isla's kick got me way harder than it should, it was like 1 second peek but made me rock solid for like 30 minutes straight, kinda weird given how the other girls's outfits revealed more skin but didn't had an effect as strong as that.

>> No.41427954

because it taste like the most over processed beverage ever made

>> No.41427960

What is so special about this Dr. Pepper? They don't sell it in my country

>> No.41428030

It has 23 herbs and spices

>> No.41428179

Do your pushups pkg

>> No.41428507
File: 90 KB, 1277x713, HashtagAd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prechat miryu is late

>> No.41428536

I need the sexiest Lua asmrs

>> No.41428907

>drinks a bit
>a bit
I thought you were gatekeeping but realized you're just another refugee who skimmed 1 thread and watched half a vod

>> No.41429106

What could've been...

>> No.41429125

She's dead, anon. Let her go.

>> No.41429554
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>> No.41429650
File: 1.46 MB, 1920x1080, fd18698d-35fa-4d23-b55b-fac6f4038bd6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apart from Isla's and maybe Lua's, everyone else's look quite bad

>> No.41429725

don't you dare shit on my latina maid wife

>> No.41429747

Nami's looks good

>> No.41429761

Only charzu is bad and needed correction here

>> No.41430056

>tweeting Lunar New Year instead of Chinese New Year
Oh fuck she's a vietnamese

>> No.41430086

One of her arms not sticking out of the silhouette is hampering its impact

>> No.41430174

Shee status...?

>> No.41430220

she hasn't tweeted since.....

>> No.41430229

Somewhere underwater near the local bridge.

>> No.41430256

unless you want children for some reason, aren't hags just straight up better than younger women? just for being more seasoned in every facet of life by default

>> No.41430278

>unless you want children for some reason
>for some reason
Anon, I...

>> No.41430333

I would have at least liked to watch Shee show off that fat latina ass

>> No.41430361

>he doesn't know

>> No.41430519

yeah "for some reason", I don't see the appeal in raising children at this point aside from prolonging the species, and considering there are 8 billion of us I think we're in the clear. seems entirely joyless and miserable

>> No.41430585

this is why whypipo are losing

>> No.41430709

i feel bad for shee. hope she's doing okay

>> No.41430808


>> No.41430846

It's ok, anon. It's 2023, and we unfortunately no longer lynch faggots. You've nothing to fear.

>> No.41431107

Why did they nuke 2 of the 3D debuts?

>> No.41431251

yeah, I must be a fag for actually wanting to enjoy my life, kek
everyone wants children until they're 3 years into raising one and realize that their life will be hell for the next 16 years

>> No.41431294

nobody linking dragon wife?

>> No.41431391

Only Isla's was taken down last I checked. Copyright most likely, check her twitter for more details. Scroll up if you missed it

>> No.41431736

Isla sex btw

>> No.41431807

Ah, I opened the playlist and it said 2 videos unavailable.

>> No.41431964

>lol, so what's the line?
It's a bit unclear but making her laugh or possibly just receiving any positive attention from her whatsoever seems to be grounds for being blocked by GODname. He was, however, forced to unblock most (if not all) viewers from the discord because he wanted to join the anniversary project.

>> No.41432019

I don't understand Aletta's banana polls

>> No.41432041

there's nothing notable about codename aside from being Lua's top paypig

>> No.41432081

it's codename for my cock

>> No.41432193

I forgot about the stream
Now catching up at 2x speed. I will be fully caught up in 30 minutes maybe

>> No.41432388

I will post about what she talked about but minutes late

She talked about taking too long in the showers
She's apparently pretty good at Korean already, the alphabets at least
She's a filty Adblocker user

>> No.41432493

She learnt Korean for IU and to be able to read Korean restaurants menus

>> No.41432605

She was amazed by Reina's 3D redebut, she's gonna rewatch it

>> No.41432652

>filthy AdBlock user
don't tell me you use the internet willingly subjecting yourself to ads...

>> No.41432667

She thinks Charzu's was funny and really loves her outfit

>> No.41432720

Bro... your oshi need the youtube ad revenues, and it might fuck up the view/algorithm
I still use adblock but would never admit it to the girls

>> No.41432831

She wants you to google "year of the rabbit"

>> No.41432916

fuck this isn't lmgtfy
it doesn't even really use original google

>> No.41432974
File: 7 KB, 349x42, 1666711884900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she was here

>> No.41432978

I heard somewhere that if you member you've already given them more money than they'd ever get from you watching ads but I think not being counted as a live viewer is true. They probably prefer the money though.

>> No.41433066

I fell asleep during Nami’s debut, how were the others?

>> No.41433085

i've heard that from a Gamers Nexus video lmao. a 5 dollars dono already covers a lifetime of watching their VODS iirc so they don't mind people using adblockers

>> No.41433095

Miryu is confused how old people like Einstein (and Lua) know when they were born. They don't have computers to document things.

>> No.41433105

>youtube ad revenues
Basically nothing with the amount of views they get. You need 100s of thousands of views for adblock to start mattering.
A superchat of like 5-10 burgebucks is worth dozens of hours of ad-watching.

>> No.41433114

Miryu disappointed in chat...

>> No.41433214

I love my cute wife Nami!

>> No.41433318

There's a very interesting anecdote about how Gauss (a renowned 18th century mathematician) determined the date of his birth by means of maths alone (more or less).

>> No.41433364

She wonders why vtubers use Duolingo to learn languages. She thinks it's shit (It is).

>> No.41433396

I love my bisexual dragonwife Miryu!

>> No.41433473

She thinks there are better app for learning.
I agree. I used Busuu and thought it was pretty great.

>> No.41433505

>>41433318 (me)
>While his mother couldn’t read or write, she knew her son was born eight days before the Feast of the Ascension (39 days after Easter). At the age of 22, Gauß set about using math to solve the mystery, devising a formula to compute the date on which Easter fell in any given year, and his exact birthday — April 30th.
Also, the printing press has existed for a long time. It was done by hand before that, scribes

>> No.41433553

Miryu wants more zodiacs for every day of the year. Having only 12 is too little and not unique enough.

>> No.41433566

so not only is Miryu a lesbian but her friends are as well? I guess that's not too surprising

>> No.41433600

Miryu got more RAM from her dad.
Not the sheep, the computer memory.
Didn't get the ethernet cable she asked for though.

>> No.41433653

>check my animal year
>it horse
accurate to my penis size

>> No.41433666

She has 48GB of RAM now. Dad bought 32GB to add to the 16GB.

>> No.41433682

Mine's rabbit...

>> No.41433698

BASED Miryu shitting on romance in media

>> No.41433758

The reason she was disappointed in chat was because they tried to gaslit her with her RAM configurations

>> No.41433778

Miryu wants to be a wedding singer if anyone in chat wants to marry

>> No.41433877

Miryu's friends would use dating apps for comedy purposes, just trolling people...

>> No.41434237

I think I understand why we've never gotten Miryu GFE now, she's literally just not into romance

>> No.41434268

Magical girl Miryu art commission soon?

>> No.41434283

I know other Australians like this. What did they do to the Aussie girls...

>> No.41434322

Miryu bought Danganronpa cards with scandalous arts...

>> No.41434344

And played it with people without checking first.

>> No.41434382

It's the radiation

>> No.41434380

Miryu stealing art making her own Love Live card

>> No.41434611
File: 1.28 MB, 1920x1080, vtScreen--YouTube-DUOLINGOKOREANItstimetofacethescarygreenbird-105’07”.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41434615

it's the spiders

>> No.41434801

I'm finally caught up. Took an hour and a bit more with all the rewinding and my bad maths.

>> No.41434893

Watching Charzu's 3d debut right now and it's absolutely fucking kino.

>> No.41435117

Miryu's sweating rn trying to post the love live card to twitter

>> No.41435197
File: 422 KB, 1363x1923, miryu_kawaii-20230121-130928-1616785046639374342-Fm_5akoaUAAjXG--photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41435233

your new phone wallpaper, thunderlings

>> No.41435347

Miryu is gushing about Reina's 3D again as Reina drops by

>> No.41435667

Miryu real zatsu tomorrow. Today is just training.

>> No.41435697

Proof all her friends are women

>> No.41435729

Miryu raided Oceane. You knew she was streaming right?

>> No.41435760

We need to give Australia to Xi. He can fix them.

>> No.41435827

of course she wouldn't be friends with yucky m*l*s

>> No.41435880

It's not even that she's not into it, the way she described it makes me think she legitimately doesn't understand what romance is. Seems to be a pretty common thing with neets

>> No.41435958

interesting indeed

>> No.41436910

How am I still the last /pkg/ poster
I thought we inclined with the 3D

>> No.41436938


>> No.41436992

dead hours because only Oceane is streaming

>> No.41437044

I'm busy grooming other 2views...

>> No.41437058


>> No.41437330
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1080, vtScreen--YouTube-thetimeforT-posingisuponus3Ddebut-8’06”.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my imouto

>> No.41437361

This loli has passed her expiration date.

>> No.41437552

wee woo wee woo thaaaank you

>> No.41437561

All lies, she doesn't, and she isn't even that old.

>> No.41437573

>wake up
>sobered physically and mentally
If my younger self knew id spend a night cheering on anime girls on the internet, hed probably have deep shame. But fuck you, me! It was a good night.

>> No.41437606

i want to pass away in nene's warm and comforting embrace

>> No.41437726
File: 1.02 MB, 785x1079, sirenwife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oceane love!

>> No.41438056
File: 420 KB, 614x715, Opera Snapshot_2022-05-14_234617_www.youtube.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isla's 3d debut with the Bocchi song muted. She has a link to the unmuted version in the description.

>> No.41438096

I fucking knew it was the bocchi song.
Fuck Aniplex

>> No.41438142

I should consider doing something like this to further develop my Lua tulpa

>> No.41438175

Oh cool, another thing to hate FGO for

>> No.41438201

Watching Miryu's vod and people decided to seethe over how America writes dates. Totally rent free.

>> No.41438372

Making fun of your circus of a country is not seething, it's just making fun.

>> No.41438439
File: 492 KB, 976x850, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine using feet as a measurement

>> No.41438453

Sleeping now

>> No.41438462
File: 1.56 MB, 1121x1074, TargetAcquired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to use Lua's feet to measure my penis haha

>> No.41438557

I wonder how hard this old lady was getting off knowing so many young men were spilling their loads to her and her new model

>> No.41438690
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1080, 1674272915600122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nami was so great last night bros

>> No.41438715
File: 2.31 MB, 1036x580, 1674275967665413.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she knew exactly what she was doing

>> No.41439070


>> No.41439082

>100k from backers
>months and months before the actual debut
>models look like ass + the whole thing is scuffed
Unironically lesson learned. Never back any of these small scam artist corpos. There are indies that make better 3D content in VR chat than the supposed "idol" groups that can't even sing or dance for the most part.

>> No.41439279

so true bestie *nail polish emoji*

>> No.41439367
File: 837 KB, 794x893, 1674276352083589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her

>> No.41439460

> imagine being so bad at fractions you need to measure everything in divisions of 10
> imagine using systems of measurement designed to make academic life easier instead of using the folk measurements that naturally developed as a consequence of normal human use and convention to make the common man's life easier
> imagine thinking that gives you the intellectual high ground in any consequence
> medieval peasants knew the area of one chain by one furlong intuitively and could divide and work that land as a matter of course
> modern brainlets can't even hitch an ox to a yoke and nurture the earth to yield good bounty.

Metric is the greatest scam perpetrated on man in the history of weights and measures.

>> No.41439635

Did you people even know that a volume of liquid roughly equivalent to a gallon has been in existence since classical Greece? These equivalent measures have arisen independently to one another across different and distant cultures because it corresponds to the amount of liquid a person can comfortably carry in a conveniently sized vessel with little effort.
You gave that up so you could fit in with blood thirsty imperialist overlords who press good Christian yoemen into war to fatten their coffers and tax new lands.

>> No.41439647

3D Debuts in order of kino:
(Grand Canyon)

>> No.41439664
File: 75 KB, 727x658, 1674280115817794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this post

>> No.41439667
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>> No.41439681

>100k from backers
Shit's expensive and the girls are very thankful for it
>months and months before the actual debut
Making stuff takes time
>models look like ass + the whole thing is scuffed
Nobody is perfect but they did their best

>> No.41439722

Nene treats me like the retard that i am
i appreciate that

>> No.41439726
File: 60 KB, 500x500, 1430101284097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exposed sides for direct skin contact when holding
She can't keep getting away with this

>> No.41439760

>Nobody is perfect
Wrong, please refer to

>> No.41439764
File: 134 KB, 935x935, sheecry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41439794

I hope Shee is okay...

>> No.41439799


>> No.41439839

I hope Shee's face isn't too cramped from all the intense sobbing...

>> No.41439842

Who do you guys think was the happiest about the 3D debut?

>> No.41439853


>> No.41439878


>> No.41439918

Nene cried

>> No.41440028
File: 1.65 MB, 1173x1080, Screenshot (1784).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lua may not have been the happiest, but she felt like the most psyched about her model and was really eager to show it off during the debut and her after party

>> No.41440063

Here's my rrat
All the girls were initially going to start the debut with their lore video, this is why Lua said she was originally planning to do it and what Nami meant when she said she scrapped what she had planned. Isla's debut structurally would have supported it as well but she obviously changed it up. This was probably a recommendation from management but not a requirement. Nami still had it planned but saw this threads reaction it during Shee's debut and freaked out. Shee trusting management's judgement and being under the impression that her genmates were going to be doing it also left it in.
Shee was a victim of circumstances.

>> No.41440100

My heart

>> No.41440104

Lua carried herself like a true professional, like she always does. If I needed to hire someone for fucking anything, I would hire her just for her professionalism and work ethic. Bitch is amazing. I am jealous of anyone that marries that loud chink. She is quite literally my dream girl and I don't even know what she looks like.

>> No.41440124

>3D debut
>2/3 of the stream is in 2D
Shee can't be this dumb, right?

>> No.41440154

not dumb, a victim.

>> No.41440181

Yeah TWO thirds in 2D then the THIRD third in 3D, Shee is actually a sheenius

>> No.41440226

My rrat. I think the reason why Shee stuck with it is because her internet was already being shit and she had the worst tracking in the group so she decided to fill up time with that lore and MMD videos.

>> No.41440272

Based Nami then.

>> No.41440285

She'll be fine, there is plenty of time to make up for it.

>> No.41440315

>post a tweet about Nene
>wake up
>both Nene and Peony liked it
I love my wives.

>> No.41440464

Much more likely that Shee didn't have much planned and only had 1 song to sing so she filled the time up with something else.

>> No.41440524
File: 1.37 MB, 1920x1080, 1674267526883258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene 3d afterparty

>> No.41440580
File: 322 KB, 500x500, 095845868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aletta reacting to the 3D debuts

>> No.41440771

Lua good elegant but latency issues
Nene tits too big but she's a good showwoman
Isla very nice as expected, best performance
Nami big tits
Reina very silly, but also performative
Shee silly, planned for silliness, as expected
Charzu didn't give a fuck at all, the brat

>> No.41440863
File: 1003 KB, 1000x1000, 100656042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peony is joining her.

>> No.41440885

I put a hole in my floor from kneeling to Charzu so hard, the absolute trooper dancing herself to exhaustion

>> No.41441030
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>> No.41441057
File: 1.86 MB, 1920x1080, 1674101607831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene says check 'em

>> No.41441213

she JWU

>> No.41441341

>Aletta is kind of a cunt
>get sad when she's not streaming
Why do I always become attached to the cunty vtubers?

>> No.41441343

I sent a supportive maro, hopefully she is not too upset about this

>> No.41441426

>Nene can stick her tongue out
it's over.......for my cock

>> No.41441447

Nene's begging for my D

>> No.41441670

Nene's giant head.

>> No.41441694
File: 2.05 MB, 1920x1080, 1651426396474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're so big...

>> No.41441758

Azur Lane ruined my perception of breasts so now those look average to me

>> No.41441790 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.41 MB, 1210x1661, 1646863985473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sirius, my beloved...

>> No.41441818
File: 400 KB, 452x778, 1662731671531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41441924


>> No.41441959

I hope Nene knows that I'm masturbating right now

>> No.41442015

Nene showing off her model in it's full glory, can she be any more based than this?

>> No.41442058

Savantha my love i am so sorry...Nenes thighs and bounce just draws in eyes...

>> No.41442159
File: 1.84 MB, 1920x1080, 1662457134586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41442227

I don't want to become a whoretomo...

>> No.41442231

3D is already paying dividends.

>> No.41442270 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 629x477, GoodnightDewdrop[sound=streamable.com%2Fp6ekjf].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41442289


>> No.41442411

Awww cute.

>> No.41442429
File: 2.27 MB, 1920x1080, 1652900718220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so fucking cute, bros.

>> No.41442447
File: 2.00 MB, 1920x1080, 1670340231341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41442490
File: 16 KB, 629x477, GoodnightDewdrop[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0hstf1.mp4].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41442545

I think I'll stick around for Nene and Isla.

>> No.41442586


>> No.41442608


>> No.41442708

nene has really small hands

>> No.41442758

She'll make your micropenis look huge

>> No.41442789
File: 812 KB, 1280x720, Gigglemesh [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fdoh0d6.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41442788

everyone has, I think it's the only issue with this model style

>> No.41442795

i would rather her make genes making my children look good

>> No.41442811

> nene trying to squish her oppai around your dick but her tiny hands just don't have enough surface area to apply enough strength.

>> No.41442942

JWU what did I miss for Nene's stream?

>> No.41443027

not allot just her being silly and bouncy

>> No.41443046

accidentally leaked her nude model and interview with president biden

>> No.41443078
File: 2.43 MB, 3264x1740, kawaii collab v14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aletta and Nene collab next week. They are playing nekopara together.

>> No.41443175

god she is so jiggly I love it and I'm excited she's going to pick up dancing

>> No.41443203

can't make this shit up

>> No.41443210
File: 1.87 MB, 1920x1080, 1653440721710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41443287

>premarital hand holding
it's happening boys

>> No.41443363
File: 11 KB, 213x237, 1669358812409525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3D Nene with heart eyes telling you to hold her hand
it's over for me

>> No.41443412
File: 45 KB, 560x486, 1671029809093614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hopeless.

>> No.41443430

>Nene sits like a man
it's starting again

>> No.41443461

>pick the dumpy, it's in the title!
Peony sounded very passionate about the vote.

>> No.41443624

>not falling for Nene sooner

>> No.41443653

My baby deserves so much more. Honestly her 3D debut was great, she new what people wanted and she delivered, not shy to show her butt, no edging, beautiful song and a video she made herself

>> No.41443875

Aletta doesn't know that Shee used a mmd for her dance movements.

>> No.41444187

Isla's style translated very well to 3D, her physical comedy is on point and she looked comfortable on stage

>> No.41444382

God imagine if Isla wasn't in 360p

>> No.41444641

this is an Aletta crying stream at this point

>> No.41444706

that's every aletta stream

>> No.41444713

Take notes Aletta and Peony. You girls need it the most.

>> No.41444724

god it's hard not to look at Nene's tits

>> No.41444768

Just look, dude. It's good for you.

>> No.41445369

god i wish peony was actually my little sister

>> No.41445413

Peony (and Miryu) were having multiple orgasms during Reina show, can't wait to see her react to it again

>> No.41445416

For legal reason I am glad she isn't and also on a different continent.

>> No.41445620

I'm not one of the peony fuckers don't worry

>> No.41445956

Am I just dumb and can't find it but whatever happened to the spicy voicepack that Sava said she would upload to members?

>> No.41446012

she hasn't done it yet I think, for reasons

>> No.41446057

Liar. Who wouldn't want to rape peony given the chance.

>> No.41446099
File: 4 KB, 495x215, rat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41446275

You can think something is cute without wanting to fuck it, anon. I would give her head pats, but that's it.

>> No.41446353


>> No.41446382

Unironical coombrains. They always think that if someone watches cute vtubers it's because he/she wants to fuck them. To me it's like watching clips of cute puppies or kittens.
On the other hand, I would engage in watersports and heavy anal warfare with Lua Asuka of production Kawaii gen 2

>> No.41446472

I wonder what Peony's moans sound like.

>> No.41446477

Charzu was already out of breath after 1 (one) song.

>> No.41446479

I mean, if she was down for it she'd be able to talk me into it, but that's the extent of it

>> No.41446620
File: 73 KB, 1006x598, tunaktunaktun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peony is so fucking adorable, look at those ears!!!

>> No.41446849

Sex with fairy onahole!

>> No.41446950
File: 94 KB, 979x594, peonylooking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41447238
File: 24 KB, 295x511, PeonyBunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41447306

Did Peony ever go to sleep?

>> No.41447356

she probably napped. its 8pm her time now.

>> No.41447388

Sava is in VC too

>> No.41447537

the whore is here

>> No.41447556
File: 51 KB, 670x513, 3 bunnies!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41447624

Reina showing off the model

>> No.41447643

too bad she wasn't there from the beginning desu

>> No.41447649

Oceane and Miryu doko

>> No.41447707

Oceane hates gen 1 and 2.

>> No.41447741

Lua weird mix of teen boy + smoking hag voice is top tier, one of the most unique in the industry desu

>> No.41447742

Miryu is asleep probably

>> No.41447822

I thought that kind of mix would sound like towa

>> No.41448029
File: 56 KB, 818x519, scarredforlife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41448274

Reina mogged everyone, only Isla kept up in stage presence

>> No.41448293


>> No.41448297

Leti is the Watame of Production Kawaii.
>anything ever happens
I have to admit, the horse is growing on me.

>> No.41448324

>Miryu banned Neme
lol, lmao

>> No.41448340

I ordered a Miryu standie when it came out. I hope I get it before 2025.

>> No.41448375

how do you know

>> No.41448414

he was complaining in the discord about it

>> No.41448417

kek what happened? i thought Neme was a girl btw because she/he or whatever the fuck it is talked about working at a maid caffe in japan. cant be a dude....r..right?

>> No.41448477

the fuck, i thought he was one of her paypigs

>> No.41448504

He started complaining during her recent unarchived karaoke, probably from when chat got weird

>> No.41448503
File: 9 KB, 363x94, CommunityUnity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41448505
File: 2.29 MB, 373x498, aletta wink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look ih'm groovin
Reina's accent is kind of hot, but she also sounds like she's Carl Brutananadilewski's niece.

>can't be
Anything can be anything.

>> No.41448559

it probably was during the autistic chat moments during the karaoke. I don't recall him making Miryu uncomfortable though, it was other people

>> No.41448569

Neme is a guy. You can ask himself yourself he is /here/

>> No.41448579

Peony singing along to Reina, my heart...i can't

>> No.41448611

why are women so into kpop

>> No.41448660

Because other women are into kpop.

>> No.41448662

"strong and independent women who need no man" genre

>> No.41448702

Closest thing to boybands, teen women eat that shit up.

>> No.41448704

why is reina's skin color wrong

>> No.41448705

After yesterday performance, she's closer and closer to be Kiara of kawaii.

>> No.41448715

>Miryu uncomfortable
literally all of his flirting attempts make her visibly uncomfortable

>> No.41448754

Asking for DMs may have made her actually scared.

>> No.41448823

wait, what was his username?

>> No.41448926

I can really see a gen 4 girl saying Reina's 3D debut was the reason they wanted to join kawaii.

>> No.41448935

Not even teenagers. Had a 40+ year-old coworker who was really into BTS. Apparently, when they were starting out, they were 2views, and they ended up having tons of groomer women lmao.

>> No.41449136

Its Neme

>> No.41449172

Oryudeis asked something related to DM's because he wondered how do fans get gifts for the girls.

>> No.41449177

He could very well be the cause that she felt the need to address that. From the way she talked about DMs, someone has tried to DM her but got ignored.

>> No.41449181

Fuck, Reina's funny. She really makes the 3D come alive

>> No.41449216

>start to really get into Lua
>find out she has a tinpot gatekeeper mod
that's unfortunate

>> No.41449246

He's not a mod, he's just a schizo that blocks the other chatters so he can pretend she's only talking to him

>> No.41449286

>why is reina's skin color wrong
That's Charzu actually.
Oh wait you mean the model?

>> No.41449338

I'm still blocked, I'm not a discord nigger though.

>> No.41449388

oh yeah, that makes sense.
Honestly she should just ban on sight all the nigs trying to get into her private comms, but I understand that women try to talk it out first. I am in the "close maros" camp so I am on an even more extreme position anyway

>> No.41449406

Has Shee really gone radio silent? Poor girl

>> No.41449417

Sava going to go start her stream

>> No.41449480

Didn't check youtube today, thanks for reminder anon.

>> No.41449497

I watch Lua fairly often and I also have to block a lot of cringey faggots. Anyone that is overly concernfagging or professing love in the chat in a cringey way is instantly blocked. Weirdly enough, Codename is not one of those guys in Lua's chat. But that 1-25 guy, holy fucking shit. I think I blocked him in 10 seconds, and Aliaga also.

>> No.41449513


>> No.41449870

new bread

>> No.41450002

I used to be very pro maro but I've cooled off on them after realizing how many faggots attach their usernames to them. That bothers me, I'm 100% okay as long as they're anonymous and there's no back and forth interaction but as soon as it becomes DMing with extra steps it really does become a question of what the point is of not having private fan interactions since you're having them anyway.
I say this as someone who was an avid Nene maro enthusiast,

GFE is not an anime tinder. It's not a competition to see who can get the most attention and win the Kawaii-bowl but there are allot of dudes who seem to think otherwise. I can groom with the best of them, believe you me but corpo vtubers really isn't the target you want to go after and guys who don't get that keep getting in the way of people who do get that enjoying the streams for what they actually are.

>> No.41450143

You're codename LOL

>> No.41450408

there's nothing wrong with charredzu's color

>> No.41450463

Fuck do i feel this, what has my life become. Cant tell if i should be happy or sad about the fact watching my cute wife be happy in 3d brought me so much joy...
