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File: 284 KB, 498x498, Takanashi_Kiara_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
41380362 No.41380362 [Reply] [Original]

Why does she always explain things like a retard or end up causing even more confusion when JPs ask her questions?

>> No.41380589


>> No.41380758

well, it helps that she's the EN who can actually speak Japanese

>> No.41380837

Wild idea, but maybe... just maybe if the rest of EN got off their lazy fucking asses and, you know, reach out to the JP members like her? The only other proactive member in EN is Baelz.

>> No.41380857

Because Coco graduated and now there's no one else.

>> No.41380937

because she's an insufferable retard

>> No.41381550

>she actually fucking streams
>she can actually speak nip

>> No.41381696

that's IRyS though

>> No.41382478


>> No.41383261

What makes you think she is representing EN in the first place? Is that what KFP keks are thinking? I see so many EN-JP collabs and the chicken wasn't there.

>> No.41384420
File: 67 KB, 1024x788, 1613004180706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posts of truth

you dont think we notice?! I watch constant Kiara JP clips and seethe - I imagine how much better the moment would be if Gura, or Ina had 10% of Kiara's confidence and actually did their reps in learning JP.

We could be living in the hololive GOLDEN AGE. But these western whores chose to be lazy and weak.
Its not Kiara's fault she works hard and is taking up these precious collabs with JP girls, and making tons of clips and viewership.

We dont have Coco - who was similarly hard working, and JP fluent, so we're stuck with another oragne lady who is capable
en is fuckin shit.

>> No.41384719

good one

>> No.41386574

>pepe poster
Why am I not surprised

>> No.41386693

>Actually reaches out to JP members
>Can speak JP
Not really that complicated OP, in her 3 weeks in Japan shes met most of the holo girls and collabed with almost half of them.
Tell your oshi to be proactive instead of whining about the one EN girl that does her fucking job.

>> No.41386703

I agree

>> No.41386716

I was more disturbed by the US girls teaching JP girls that westerners french kiss strangers on new year's eve.

>> No.41387350

do they really?

>> No.41387511

common in europe, its a good way to smooch a girl you have a crush on
not sure what amaerican's do, maybe fistbump?

>> No.41387680

They don't, at least not in the US. It was a weird thing to tell them.

>> No.41387687

American couples kiss, if you're just with friends you just cheer and maybe toast.

>> No.41387881

>common in europe, its a good way to smooch a girl you have a crush on
No, it's not.
You kiss people on the cheek like when you're greeting them in countries where it's a thing. That's it.

>> No.41387963

Because she's Austrian. Hitler was Austrian. Make sense? Screaming and rudeness.

>> No.41388289
File: 544 KB, 1280x720, Kiwawa...jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I avoid her as much as i can but the few clips i saw of her are horrible. Me Me Me isn't just a meme

>> No.41388367

There used to be a program on TV where we'd watch the ball drop at midnight and everyone would say HAPPEH NEW YEAR WOOOOOO
Then we'd spend time with our families. I don't need a new year occasion to smooch a significant other.

>> No.41388524

>Its not Kiara's fault she works hard and is taking up these precious collabs with JP girls, and making tons of clips and viewership.
>and viewership

>> No.41389203

>Hello, let me take a painfully long time to explain the "bottom left" meme to every single member of JP

>> No.41389377
File: 855 KB, 480x320, 1655607856961.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are approaching nearly 3 years of subhumans seething about a chicken woman
Imagine all the constructive things you could have done in that timeframe.
Instead you did nothing but cry about Kiara, and what did it amount to? Absolutely nothing, you didn't break her spirit, shes got her loyal fans and will return from Japan having the time of her life and spent a ton of time with her senpais.

She won, you lost.

>> No.41389502

my oshi laughed at how shit Kiara's japanese has become

>> No.41389690

>speaks fluent Japanese
>understands the culture
>works hard
>knows how to start a conversation and keep it rolling
>looks like a Final Fantasy character
>is cute and funny
There's literally no reason why Kiara shouldn't be the EN representative for JP. She's the most qualified in every single way. You should feel bad for making this gay thread.

>> No.41389935

>literally no reason
she uses a fake retarded annoying voice that makes it hard to listen to and understand
she insists on using the fake retarded annoying voice no matter how many people say she shouldnt use it and should just use her normal voice

>> No.41390040

>being so homosexual you can't stand her sexy chicken voice
Sounds like a you problem

>> No.41390146

That was definitely the stereotype when I was young but I've never celebrated New Year's so I could totally believe it was all bullshit but it seems like the sort of thing college kids and such probably do. It's like the meme of mistletoe in media too, that was a thing my entire life but I've never encountered a single person who believed it. I don't even know if I've ever seen mistletoe in real life.

>> No.41390245

this is no longer the case. you are half correct.

she did insist on the fake retarded voice, but shes insisted so hard on it - it has now morphed her normal voice.
after throat problems,
shes basically lowered her voice to halfway between her old normal voice, and her old fake retarded voice - so shes still pretty high pitch, but much more smoother and natural now.

>> No.41390588

I remember mistletoes be a thing when i grew up but probably because we are stupid europeans and believe what we see on TV. The kissing on new year was a couple thing as well as some teenage girls trying to break the ice on their crush in the most awkward way.

>> No.41390600

Dunno bro, that's sounds like a you problem. Kiara, Bae and Mori interact with the JPs just fine. It's unfortunate that the ENs you like don't do it, but maybe you should blame them instead of seething about Kiara?

>> No.41391267

no one else will otherwise

>> No.41392447

Then she got her ass played like a drum

>> No.41393771

English is her 3rd language, please understand. Also she is the most competent in JP out of all EN save for IRyS.

>> No.41393983

Her only problem is the JP girls thinking she’s American like the rest of them.

>> No.41394922

Anon... that's exactly his point

>> No.41401111

All of you mentioning she speaks japanese and reaches out to JPs is irrelevant. I just need her to stop explaining things badly or causing confusion. For example, when she was talking to peko about her fucking monkey. Peko was told by her chat its a meme and not to take it seriously but kiara made her doubt it

>> No.41401451

I'm willing to give her credit for the improvement but it's a shame it took damaging her throat for her to tone it down

>> No.41401792

basically suisei moment

>> No.41402086

She can't win against Mumei...
