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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 72 KB, 900x900, aegisub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
41355052 No.41355052 [Reply] [Original]

Thread dedicated to translation of JP vtuber content. Post timestamps of streams, JP clips, art, tweets you want to understand and anons just might help you translate them

Previous thread: >>41248602

>> No.41355331

Hohoo. Interesting concept. Hope no one abuse it for their personal shitposting gains.
Btw please translate:

>> No.41355354

Fuck-off clipniggers

>> No.41355431

what are you missing? she goes off and doesn't actually say anything

>> No.41355481

Are you guys subbing in the video editor or aegisub?

>> No.41355515

I use aegisub personally, it's what I used first so I just stuck to it

>> No.41355643

Is there anything with a similar interface to Aegisub but more modern? Really feels like it's lacking in effects/typesetting

>> No.41355899

what kinds of effects/typesetting do you need?

>> No.41358056

indies usually appreciate translated clips right? do you guys ask before you upload any or do you just do it

>> No.41358206

Do not under any circumstances post without asking first lest you know they have a good grasp of English otherwise if your clip blows up you'll send a wave of EOPs to them that'll start shitting up their chats.
One idiot translator did exactly this - I forget his name, but the two he translated were the indie 'Nowhere' and a mouse girl I think called Chika? who ended up graduating after begging her chat filled with EOPs to at least google translate their comments beforehand

>> No.41359387

you have to have a pretty big channel already to drive that kind of traffic, especially in 2023 post-boom. I doubt anyone here has that kind of pull

>> No.41360435

I would actually pay for full stream sub

>> No.41360561

cover have smacked full-stream subbers before, it's often just not really an option

I think I saw someone doing like 90% of individual peko streams though and they've lasted like a year without anyone nuking them. The boom is over so they only get like 10k views but they exist somewhere

>> No.41360610

It was only a couple thousand; mind you, this was during the peak in 2020 when 'postmodern' vtubing was still a novelty outside Asia

>> No.41363454

maybe this would be better on /jp/?

>> No.41366954

life-support bump

>> No.41370296

It definitely would last longer

>> No.41375120

Rather than a thread focusing on clip begging, it would be better to talk about tips on translation or video editing

>> No.41377746


>> No.41378144

Could someone summarize what Aki said there until 56:20?

>> No.41380602

I'd be really skeptic about the quality of a full-stream sub anyway. Translating a full stream, even if it's just one hour, and getting it right takes a lot of time. So if someone did that on a regular basis and not as a full-time job, I doubt the quality would be anywhere close to acceptable.

Aegisub. Video editors (at least those that I've used) don't have proper tools for subtitling. While aegisub isn't exactly modern, it has all you need to make proper subs.

What kind of effects are you looking for? Subtitles shouldn't really have a lot of effects because it is distracting and it makes it harder to read for the viewer.

>> No.41382988
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>> No.41386013
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>cover have smacked full-stream subbers before, it's often just not really an option
The subs themselves aren't the issue, the problem is the fact that they reuploaded the entire stream with subs and Youtube would flag the original stream as a "stolen video", demonetizing it.
As far as I know, the only "official" and Cover-approved full stream subs are made by Lyger for Matsuri, usually big events.
He has been doing it for years now, before he even started officially working with Cover.
To this day, I still hate how Youtube suddenly removed community subs... That thing was fucking amazing, we used to have fully subbed streams for all kind of videos, streams and vtubers.

>> No.41390400


>> No.41395983


>> No.41402818

While this is a good idea, this thread won't really survive as there's simply not enough interest towards JP vtubers on the board beyond their designs/models/numbers.
/vt/ is absolutely dominated by EN branches, companies and indies after all.

>> No.41409106

would the /jp/ meidos let this thread stay on their board then?

>> No.41411349

Could always do it like michaeLdoes it, in cut up bits. As far as I can tell, he remains unbonked for several years now.

>> No.41411540

Probably not, /jp/sies also aren't interested in more EN sub clips.
I say just stick around here and see what happens if you really want to make this a thing.

>> No.41416493

Nice concept.

>> No.41417246
File: 348 KB, 2182x1662, 20220823_151340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, unusual request since almost no one watches her but could I get a small summary of what she's saying from here until the end of the stream? (Around 9 minutes or so)
It doesn't have to be a lengthy translation either, just the key points...
Thanks either way!


>> No.41420992


>> No.41421369

Based, I wish (You) luck.

>> No.41422615

They were talking about how much progress they've made with learning how to fight Malenia. 'Ranbu' is referencing the waterfowl dance, if that helps.

They also talked about how their sleep routine has broken down recently. For example yesterday someone informed them via marshmallow that vol.10 of "Sukinako ga Megane wo Wasureta" got released, so they bought it immediately and was reading it until 4a.m. They reccomend that manga btw.

There was some other stuff too, about wanting to make/write a cooking recipe notebook, and the Live2D Modeler drinking party that she's going to attend.

>> No.41423047

Oh and I was just about to sleep, that was really fast, thanks dude!
Really appreciate it!

>> No.41423072

Not that anon but I was wondering if there is a simple way to do a double outline on text
I found a script that goes through and adds it to every line but that seems like a very clumsy way and it messes up when there are multiple lines on screen

>> No.41427234

Dead thread

>> No.41427704

shouganai, it's a new idea for a thread without a community yet. Gotta give these things a go

>> No.41429731


hey I just noticed the clip guidelines softened at some point

the original fan work guidelines were pretty good, then they updated them to be a lot worse, but this update (apparently made june 2022) is interesting because it explicitly allows for monetization, which I've never personally turned on

I guess they decided at some point they liked people clipping after all

>> No.41429955

>but this update (apparently made june 2022) is interesting because it explicitly allows for monetization
I'm pretty sure that clip monetization has been allowed by Cover for many years now.
Many, many 2019/2020 clips were (and still are) monetized.

>> No.41430002

it was never said outright that it was allowed before that. The one before this update actually said a bunch of scary stuff about commercial use

>> No.41434796

That's a surprise, Cover seemed very clipper friendly ever since 2019

>> No.41434867

they genuinely were originally, which I appreciated a lot at the time, but the second revision of the fan works guidelines was much more hostile

>> No.41435214

I'm certain it was allowed, or at least tolerated, before that. When Rushia graduated I remember that one clipper (Sushi maybe?) complaining about what to do now for money. Her graduation was on the 24th of febuary 2022, almost 4 months before that update.

>> No.41435334

it was grey-tolerated, they only went after some of the most egregious monetised channels

>> No.41437308

Ah fuck, I don't remember any of that, what happened on the second revision of the guidelines?

>> No.41437335


>> No.41437349

it was just less explicit about allowing derivative works, especially for commercial purposes, and especially without the explicit carveouts that this newest one has

>> No.41438248

How do clipwatchers find clips these days? Is there still much demand for translated subtitled clips of Japanese streamers?

>> No.41438753

>Is there still much demand for translated subtitled clips of Japanese streamers?
nah not really, there are some dedicated clippers for certain jp chuubas but those who pump out a lot of clips daily only do the jps who are sure to get you views, like pekora or miko for example

>> No.41438801

Translator Bros, can you guys look at some of fubuki's tabletop call of cthulhu streams and other holojp ttrpgs? I can't learn jp fast enough

>> No.41439349

Do they allow clips? Quite a few JP TTRPG channels don't

>> No.41440305

link? what do you want exactly?

>> No.41441744

She's always been the type to try to please others over herself. A part of it is not wanting to be disliked, but also she just likes to see other people happy.
She doesn't dislike this part of her, but sometimes feels like she should prioritize her own feelings more

>> No.41442731


>> No.41443156

It's not only Matsuri's big event streams.
There are Cover-approved CCs for big streams of some other members too.
Fubuki: https://youtu.be/fzX4HeL1fpE
Ayame: https://youtu.be/ClrzryIkpTA

>> No.41443562

So if you're dedicated and good enough at translating, Cover is willing to accept your submitted subs...
Apparently, the subtitles for Fubuki was made by Des.P (before he went menhera) and a bunch of other well known translators in the community.
The ones for Ayame was made by Visco, a clipper/translator now working with Cover.

>> No.41445862

>before he went menhera
? He seemed like a nice sukonbu

>> No.41446290

He just got tired of Fubuki's content, but kept on translating her anyway.
At some point he started complaining and shittalking her whenever possible.
The Morning Shin-chan Summer streams were probably the ones that completely broke him for good.

>> No.41446860

Damn, that's a shame. Not watching your oshi every once in a while is good to avoid burn outs
>At some point he started complaining and shittalking her whenever possible
On Twitter? I can't imagine he'd do it in his TL

>> No.41449634
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>> No.41454153
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>> No.41457910


>> No.41463077

You're on life support. Looks like you won't even make 200 image replies. I'll give you a pity bump.

>> No.41469680
File: 234 KB, 640x360, kampai.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll help bump a bit too. I think this is a good initiative and I'd like to give it time to gain some traction.

>> No.41473677

how do you translators get past dull and painful work of timing the subs?

Alao is there a way to make the "speaker portrait beside subtitles" effect when you're mostly using aegisub?

>> No.41476006

I hope it does catch traction too, I think it's a neat idea.

>> No.41482590

I got a lot faster when I started using kb shortcuts

You can also take advantage of division of labour and get someone else to do timing while you focus on translating. It's possible to become a lot more productive if you have two people or more splitting up the work. Back when anime fansubbing was a thing it was pretty standard to have the timer be someone different to the translator. Not everyone is fluent in Japanese but most people can still contribute by timing.

>> No.41482829
File: 2.49 MB, 2508x7082, 101297857_p0 ふたなりフブキちゃんと黒ちゃんの発情期事情.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translate it weebs

>> No.41483486

>is that fubuki?
>"what's wrong?"
>"I can't sleep if you cling to me like that..."
"mm.. hah...<3"
>"Oh my god, seriously"
>"Don't rub that fucking thing on me!"
>"If you wanna do it then you can just ask to do it, you know..."
Even when I ask Kuro-chan you're so mean...

>> No.41485252


>> No.41486205

maybe we could expand the scope of the thread? Like if you're a translator who wants translation checking or quality control or advice, or if you're a clipper who wants feedback on their most recent clips.

>> No.41486264

Sounds good

>> No.41487138

Very based thread. Remember to fo your reps, everyone.

>> No.41487543

actually, people of any level feel free to talk and ask questions. If you were watching your oshi and just couldn't understand any particular word or phrase or sentence or something, it's fine to ask about it here. You don't have to ask for a full translation of an extended section of a stream

>> No.41488094

I don't
That's why it sometimes takes me a few days to finish a 2 minute clip and why I've mostly stopped

>> No.41488187

you need to get someone to do that part for you. Ask in the fan discord of the vtuber you're clipping for volunteers maybe?

>> No.41488362

I clip a variety of nijis so it won't be that easy

>> No.41490033

Can someone give a QRD on why she's going on a hiatus at the end of the month?
Please and thank you

>> No.41491195
File: 1.79 MB, 1461x1371, Snipaste_2022-11-08_12-15-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a negative hiatus like burn out or something, she'll be back April 6th, so trust her and wait patiently. There's also a new outfit being worked on and she thinks it's very cute.

This is all from the tweet btw, I'm not going through the vod

>> No.41491652

first she wanted to make clear that she's not taking a break because she's tired of vtubing, or because she got depressed, or because she started to hate vtubing

then she wanted to make clear that she's absolutely, definitely coming back

the reason she's taking a break is because she's in a "guild" (as she had apparently already informed her audience) and she has a lot that she needs to do because she's in that "guild", including studying a lot and apparently a bunch of other things. There's a goal she's been aiming for for a long time, something she wants to achieve, and she needs to do a lot to actually make progress in achieving it.

until now that's meant that she's been limited in terms of the amount of spare time she's been able to give to her vtubing activities. blah blah basically she's having a hard time balancing her "guild" stuff with her vtubing stuff. Instead of half-assing both she wants to full-ass one. She says she has a perfectionist attitude where she wants to give 100% of herself to stuff and she doesn't feel like she can do that while doing both her "guild" work and her vtubing stuff.

She said she's picking her vtubing as the thing she wants to full-ass, but to prepare for doing vtubing seriously (to give 100% to vtubing) she needs to prepare. She can't quit the 'guild' overnight and there's a lot she needs to wrap up there, but she also needs to prepare a lot in order to be able to do all the things she wanted to do and give 100% to vtubing. She says instead of streaming a bunch and while doing so preparing in that way in her spare time, she needs to be able to take a big chunk of time in which she can focus on preparing fully so she can come back at 100%. So she's taking a break from streaming.

In particular, in terms of stuff that she's felt she was unable to do, she felt bad that for two months she wasn't able to find the time to do superchat thanking. She appreciates the support a lot and found it really difficult to not to have been able to do that. She also feels bad about not being able to be very active on twitter or replying to comments etc. And she wants to be able to stream every day, she wants to stream twice a day, morning and night, but she can't while she's in the guild. At the moment she averages like 3 times a week and she wants to do a lot more. And she wants to practice and get better at singing. She wants more time to put into her vtubing. She wants to have the time to study up on indie vtuber knowhow. She wants to be able to read more to learn more about the world. She feels like she's spending all her time and effort on being able to have an 'output' and she's neglecting being able to have any 'input' i.e. have any personal growth.

tldr she wants to vtube full time, to only be doing vtubing, and needs to take time off to prepare for that, apparently

>> No.41491935

NTA but thanks

>> No.41492523

There's something nice about finding out about the random indies people are following and want to understand more.

>> No.41492555
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praise be, a high effort vod summary

>> No.41495378


>> No.41495403

good thread

>> No.41498211

Amazing thread!

>> No.41498800

If you know what kinds of things are likely to garner a lot of interest that aren't already being taken by other people, and you know where to promote your stuff, and you know how to title things and how to make thumbnails such that you're algo-privileged, then yes. It can be pretty good business.

If you know what there's latent demand for, and you're capable of filling that demand, then it's pretty straightforward. But the vtuber boom is over so there isn't much latent demand left to fill anymore. In 2020 you could release a clip and get a million views without even trying. Nowadays the casual interest in vtubers has waned; people have had their fill and moved on. What's left are the people who stuck around, and there's significantly fewer of them and they aren't binging on clips they way they used to.

It's the same reason this thread is dead. Anglos who don't speak Japanese mostly watch Anglotubers, and Anglos that do don't need the thread. There's no real target audience anymore.

I guess there are people who are trying to learn Japanese, and they're welcome here I guess. Listening to vtubers is a great way to boost your listening comprehension.

>> No.41499662
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Interesting thread

>> No.41500923

what's interesting about it?

>> No.41501210

The channel was in japanese and I can't find anything by looking up fubuki ttrpg, I just know it was a massive playlist of her and other holos playing Call of Cthulhu and other tabletops

>> No.41501829

It must be this one. It's the only "massive" ttrpg playlist I know of in japanese.

>> No.41504238
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>> No.41506944
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>> No.41511137


>> No.41514029


>> No.41517259


>> No.41517372

Can this make me money

>> No.41525108
File: 88 KB, 937x522, heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It won't fill your wallet... but it'll fill your heart

>> No.41527412

it's a lot harder now apparently

>> No.41527450

/jp/ is cancer.

>> No.41530903

what makes them worse than /vt/

>> No.41539665

Hag sex!
Translated sex!

>> No.41547433
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>> No.41553882
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>> No.41553892

Works on my machine

>> No.41555265
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>A new general
Nice. Keep going, kings.

>> No.41555336
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Can this double as /djt/? There are some vtubers I want to watch but the language is a massive barrier for me because I AM interested in hearing what they have to say and not content with the cute noises.

>> No.41555720

I don't see a problem with that

>> No.41557690

yeah, i'm fine with another schizo's paradise

>> No.41558234

how much editing do you do on top of subtitles?

>> No.41558269

go for it

>> No.41558317

what does this mean

>> No.41558400

I mostly just cut out dead space and parts that are irrelevant to the clip, very rarely I'll add something extra

>> No.41558984

it's a general on /a/ and /jp/ and /int/, I think.
for people learning Japanese to talk about everything relating to that

>> No.41559000

and your monetisation works fine?
I never had issues either, but I did most of my clipping in 2020

>> No.41559287

Daily Japanese Thread
It's literally the origin of the word "reps" as it's usage in /vt/ because it is used to reference doing your Japanese repetitions. No, it's not from /fit/.

>> No.41559301

Yeah, I'm not exactly active either anymore but I have uploaded some stuff recently and it's been fine

>> No.41559460

What do you use to edit your videos?

>> No.41559578

Vegas, just because that's what I learned in the 00s
It's not particularly good for subtitles but it does the job for me

>> No.41559779

it's specifically about your Anki reps right? the flashcard software

>> No.41559903

NTA but the clipper thing lyger made is secretly pretty handy, being able to make a translated clip straight from aegisub without even having to open any video editing software or whatever is kinda neat. It's definitely the lowest-effort and lowest-skill option out there

>> No.41562924

The simplest way is to effectively duplicate the line, positioning both with the pos tag in the same location that the regular line should be in according to its alignment (should be the same value for virtually every line so you'll only need to figure it out once). Create 2 styles with the same alignment font size boldness etc as the original, but give one a much larger outline than the other. outer = larger + optional shadow, inner = smaller + no shadow. First line gets the outer style, second gets the inner. You're done.

Note: If there's multiple separate lines with the same alignment visible at once and stacking on screen, the default Y value you use for most lines won't work for that line so you just need to tweak it manually. Play with the Y values in the pos tag so it lines up.

It should be possible to make a script that takes that all into account, but to be honest the only type of stream that's likely to have lines stacking like that are chaotic collabs, and my oshi doesn't collab often enough for me to spend the time figuring out how to do it.

>> No.41566241
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>> No.41566496
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Are there any simple and comprehensive guides on how to use aegisubs and lyger's clipping addition? I'd like to do everything in one place instead of using my laptop for thumbnails and my phone for clipping and subtitling.

>> No.41566600

aegisub is pretty straightforward, lyger's thing comes with a guide here I think https://lyger.github.io/scripts/guides/clipper.html

>> No.41566875

I downloaded both aegisubs and lyger's script but I'm too stupid to learn how to use them without a detailed guide or tutorial video.

>> No.41567077

Nta but used this to learn aegisub. Can't talk towards lyger script

>> No.41567207

Thanks anon. I appreciate it.

>> No.41567358

You're welcome
Also I use handbrake to hard encode subs over videos. It's super easy to use and free software.

>> No.41570124
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>> No.41571440

another example of translators getting demonetized:
interesting how many clippers were doing it more for the money than for the love

>> No.41574507
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>> No.41577071

The RPM is terrible anyway. Unless you can get a big enough following that even the most low effort 30 second turd gets tens of thousands of views there really isn't any money in it. And even then it seems like Youtube is cracking down on unedited videos.

>> No.41579643

I don't want a fish, I want to know how to fish. In other words, what is the 2023 way of learning Japanese? /jp/ still seems to be in a eternal civil war as to which guide is the right way to do it and which guide is made by grifters.

>> No.41582261

by not being a lazy lil bitch

>> No.41586210

I don't really go there at all so maybe there's more than I remember but the two I saw when I started were Refold/MIA/??? and TheMoeWay, both have some issues but they're also both good enough to understand how the shit works before you start, MoeWay is tailored to Japanese more so it's got some more specific advice. Only thing I'd suggest is don't use Anki just because it's what everybody else uses, JPDB is getting pretty good, being able to see how much of a show/episode/novel/VN/route you know is incredibly useful and being able to learn the words you're going to need in order of how often the words are used in whatever you're trying to watch/read was a game changer for me. Just remember that the bottom line will always be just getting those numbers, as long as your known words and hours of input increase everyday you're gonna get there

>> No.41592631

I've been away so I don't know when this started but this general is based
