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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 37 KB, 711x168, Fm2BVJLXwAEK-yl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
41329663 No.41329663 [Reply] [Original]

why did she delete this?

>> No.41329706

4chan doesn't know.
You should ask her.

>> No.41329719

I guess it's about the whole controversy around the game and jk rowling.

>> No.41329811

Leftists eating their own, you just love to see it.

>> No.41329824

Trannies got upset because Harry potter hates trans rights or some shit

>> No.41329826

This. Twitter retards went ballistic that she dared to mention Harry Potter in anything other than negative status and would willingly give money and, by virtue of how Twitter retards think, support everything JK Rowling says and stands for. Because to them it is impossible to like Harry Potter without also making you a TERF supporting terrorist or something.

She eventually got tired of the bullshit and deleted the post.

>> No.41329859

Perhaps she doesn't want to be associated with it on account of Rowling being a TERF

>> No.41330122

I can't wait for Hogwarts Legacy. I hated HP but this FOTM game will let us know where vtubers stand on the issue without them outright saying anything political.

>> No.41330174

Sounds like projection. I think she just wants to play fun wizard game, personally.

>> No.41330345

It's gonna trigger Gamergate 2.0 when every single game journo revies bomb it for troon points. Then Trump comes back on twitter, tweets #Gamergate, and leaves. I won't take my meds, this has to happen.

>> No.41330377

>big game
>highly anticipated
>will any vtubers play it because Twitter retards!?
Everybody will play it and nobody will care about the retards screeching into the wind.

>> No.41330397
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>> No.41330526

gamergate flopped hard. the right lost that battle in the culture war decisively. no way it happens again.

>> No.41330658

I can't wait to see what vtubers will play the Hogwarts game, is going to be a bloodbath of people feeling ''betrayed'' especially from the corpos that have very sjw fanbases

>> No.41330793
File: 131 KB, 1169x845, Fm2FHHtaYAETr1Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she's wanted to play the game basically since it was announced. She just deleted the tweet because people were fighting in replies.

>> No.41331214

Did she lose her tranny viewers for this

>> No.41331244

You know who won't have this problem?
Talent freedom my ass!

>> No.41331296

I hope she just quietly plays it off stream. No need to be a part of this shitshow.

>> No.41331313

The kind of fucks on Twitter giving a fuck about this aren't viewers nor even vtuber fans. They just do keyword searches for whatever thing they want to be mad about and descend en masse on it.

>> No.41331327

it's so retarded, i'll play the powter game because of that.

>> No.41331363

I hope she loudly plays it on stream. No need to avoid having fun just to acquiesce to the alphabet mafia.

>> No.41331428


>> No.41331461

Oh she will. She does things to spite haters routinely.

>> No.41331539

Sure, if you say so.

>> No.41331595

These aren't haters, these are people who oppose transphobia.

>> No.41331689
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>people who oppose transphobia
So, pedos.

>> No.41331730

Talent freedom unless you wrongthink

>> No.41332362

Most retarded post on this site

>> No.41332511

Nah, lots of them are worse. For instance:

>> No.41332571

Does jkr actually get any of my money if I bought this game?

>> No.41332586

ok groomer

>> No.41332719


>> No.41332746

the transcels got her

>> No.41333100
File: 11 KB, 602x452, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that time she went off on the term "LatinX"

>> No.41333271

>If you play this troon games you're against troon and if you don't play it, it means you support troon
Sometimes i wonder how it feels to have this much of a smoothbrain anybody taking part in this retardation should kill themselves

>> No.41333332

Trump gonna post a video of him being sorted into Gryffindor

>> No.41333452

Not really. Everybody knows gaming journalists are a waste of skin and nobody takes their reviews seriously anymore. We get called mean names on blog sites while they lose their jobs. Plus the knowledge of journalists being snakes is slowly creeping into every other part of the industry.

>> No.41333620 [DELETED] 

red pill on JK rowling, what did she say about trannies? that they arent real women?

>> No.41333698

J.R.R. Rowland made a magic healing spell in Harry Porter or something that cures gay people are now they're really upset because they believe it can't be cured (even by magic)

>> No.41333757

She wants womens' prisons to be women-only spaces so female prisoners don't have to worry about being raped and impregnated.

>> No.41333874

She's a TERF. If you don't know what that is, look it up.

>> No.41334098

no talent freedom ?

>> No.41334104

My god, doesn't she realize how hateful that is toward overweight men wearing wigs and poorly applied make-up?! How thoughtless of her.

>> No.41334223

>every single game journo
all 6 of them? mass layoffs are happening at all gaming """"""news"""""" sites.

>> No.41334225

>Play a controversial game on twitch
That just like shooting yourself on a foot.

>> No.41334756

What are your thoughts on Matt Gaetz?

>> No.41335684 [DELETED] 

all trannies are groomers

>> No.41336047

>TERF (/tɜːrf/) is an acronym for trans-exclusionary radical feminist. First recorded in 2008, the term was originally used to distinguish trans-inclusive feminists from a group of radical feminists who reject the assertion that trans women are women.
tldr a less deranged feminist
honestly the fact there are women stating that there are men with severe mental issues are also women, all while fighting against men is fucked up, they are so far gone its not even funny anymore

>> No.41336291

She mentioned she bought the game on stream last week and triggered a few in her chat.

>> No.41336388

She was watching Scary Movie 2

>> No.41336968 [DELETED] 

That biological women shouldn't have their rights eroded because of trans, a completely normal rational take that history will ultimately prove correct.

>> No.41336990
File: 44 KB, 557x495, Warner_Bros_Interactive_Entertainment_2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>publisher: Warner Bros
no jp corpo will play it kek
terfbros it's over for us

>> No.41337322

that's how someone gains clout

>> No.41337440

let's not pretend that a) we care about women's right or b)any "rights" are being eroded in the first place
we do this because making things worse for trannies is an objective good

>> No.41337596

damn, playing a shitty game to own the twittards? you sure showed them, anon!

>> No.41339536

What's with all the talk about Warner bros permissions being impossible for Holoilve. Did they do something bad?

>> No.41339762

Any tubers playing atomic heart? It's developed by russians so that's enough for the twitter mob to be mad about it, despite being in development for years before the war

>> No.41340058

I don't care about Harry Potter or the game but nothing would bring me more joy than a mass suicide of trannies.

>> No.41340195

keffals called her and told her to took it down

>> No.41340366

Trannyjew made her shut it down most likely

>> No.41340455
File: 388 KB, 550x463, 1641316285973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i recognize a trash game, and that game is grindy shitfest, i hate wokeism, but only a pc drone will play this shit to own the libtards

>> No.41340534

that shit aint happening because of trans people, that shit's happening because of conservicucks

>> No.41340542

You were so close to memeing this into reality...

>> No.41340588

The guy who stood up to the FBI, CIA and the establishment GOP? I can know for a fact that they had less than nothing on him after their absolute best efforts to compromise him. They threw an asset at him with the best of their training and she failed to get a scintilla of dirt. The bitch they threw at Assange had to fall back on "the condom broke and that's rape". They bay of pigs it in their failure to compromise him.

>> No.41340683

How do you blacklist 'harry potter' and 'hogward' words on twitter?

>> No.41340697

It is not developed by russians
It is in facted banned in Russia

>> No.41340715

>mention game
>get canceled on twitter
Talent Freed--ACK!

>> No.41340716

That's not common enough knowledge for people to get Online Mad about. At least, not yet.

>> No.41340821

Mouse doesn't even like Harry Potter. She even made fun of Nux one time for saying he liked it.

>> No.41340871 [DELETED] 

sometimes, I want to think these posts as massive fed psyops to convince everyone that the right are full of retards

>> No.41340926
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>> No.41340966

its not a psyop

>> No.41341031

Holy cringe. This place is just Reddit but with opposite political opinions.

>> No.41341101

Aren't most European feminists are TERF? Unlike the majority of feminists of the United States.

>> No.41341205

Yes, but most places online (twitter, reddit, tumblr) are american echochambers, so for every european feminist you'd see 30-50 americans

>> No.41341331


>> No.41342106

why wouldn't she

>> No.41343576

The psyop is the people brainwashing kids to troon out.

>> No.41344699

I think Occam's razor applies here.

>> No.41344751

Is this schizophrenia?

>> No.41345959

Its mostly concern trolling from both sides. For some reason everyone forgot that was a thing.

>> No.41346066


>> No.41346119

She owns the IP.

>> No.41346187

>every single game journo revies bomb it for troon points
From what I remember, it looks like every other Ubisoft game, so I'm pretty sure it's gonna be bad. But how bad it depends.

>> No.41346263

>game journalists
All 3 of them? Game "journalism" websites are now kept afloat by freelancers being paid pennies after all the layoffs that happened. If anything gamergate won in the long run.

>> No.41349001

Wait, this thread is just /v/?

>> No.41349034

Does this mean VShojo'll miss out on all the release hype from the game? Or do they only care on twitter and not on stream?

>> No.41349214

She owns IP, so she gets her slice from game and merch sales.

>> No.41349282

Holos have played Hitman 2 and Back 4 Blood, no? These are published by WB, so why would Hairy Bother be different?

>> No.41349808

The rights that based conservatives have revoked that affect women: the right to murder your unborn child
The rights that tranny rights activists have revoked that affect women l: the right to compete fairly in sporting events, the right to change, or gather in spaces away from men,
The right to not have in legal terms the definition of what a woman is muddied to the point of zero clarity, etc.
Feminists are also largely not women's friends as they've historically painted women as perpetual victims, but in this case they actually are victims.

>> No.41350116

She'll still play it on stream. Silvervale just mentioned tonight she's planning on playing it. Mouse only deleted the post because of all the toxicity it brought when all she said was something innocuous. She doesn't want to deal with those assholes any more than we do.

>> No.41350231


>> No.41350376

The sad state of people today, being unable to separate art from artist. What the FUCK does JK Rowling's tweets have to do with the magical adventures about Hogwarts and wizards created 25 years ago?

>> No.41350446

Ah, based then. It'd be kinda dumb to buckle to pressure from peeps who wouldn't even watch.

>> No.41350528

Tranny seething aside I have seen nothing from the game that actually impressed me from a gameplay perspective. Just looks like a generic ubisoft-like open world RPG. I guess the whole Hogwarts roleplaying is a huge part of the appeal

>> No.41350652

From the way holos talked about it, seems it's set in stone that they will be playing it.

>> No.41351399

Ummm trans rights! If you're not an intersectional feminist then don't even respond to my posts.

>> No.41351825
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You made this, didn't you?

>> No.41352378

The only thing that ruins it is the PewDiePie shit at the end. Otherwise it would be Hella based.

>> No.41352446

She deleted it because people were arguing in the reply section and she didn't want her fans to fight each other.

>> No.41352621 [DELETED] 

Most trannies prefer to be in male prisons because they want to get fucked by men.

>> No.41352752

I hate Harry Potter and I hate trannies,

>> No.41352784


>> No.41352796
File: 538 KB, 1080x1053, 1661654476856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick rundown? i lnow jack shit about harry potter

>> No.41352810

Hate 'em

>> No.41352818

The author said women have wombs or some shit. Twitter trannies sperged out and unironically want to kill her.

>> No.41352918

She said that we should call real women "the person who menstruate" thus angering troons.

>> No.41352962

doesn't she also actively fund anti-trans orgs?

>> No.41352966

Rowling had literally no hand in making the game and at worst she banned the inclusion of selectable pronouns or whatever. And worrying about her getting more money is silly when she is already a super billionaire.

>> No.41352986

This is not even like saying you're not going to buy the game because of someone's direct involvement. Don't get me wrong that's retarded too, but demanding that everyone boycott a game because someone said something true and is indirectly associated with the IP is just a whole new ball game of insanity.

>> No.41353085

>Banned the inclusion of selectable pronouns
She might've saved the game with this.

>> No.41353095

In time the twitter trannies will put a fatwa against all pink chuubas.

>> No.41354092

Literally just not accepting their ideology makes you 'anti-trans' to these people.

>> No.41354355

Yes. Chuds want absolutly crazy about the game and their crazy /pol/ theories in every thread/video/comment. She had enough of these mentally ill folks following her.

>> No.41354406

The same reason I'm buying the game, seething trannys

>> No.41354488

How many people who oppose their ideology aren't anti trans? Few to none.

>> No.41354515

I know I'm an anti-trans bigot. No question about it.

>> No.41354690

>/pol/ thread

>> No.41354759

Born: July 31, 1965 (age 57years)
Impressed she hasn't hit menopause yet.

>> No.41354796

If were just being fair, the reaction from troons to jk rowlings shittalking is the same way far right niggers act when someone shittalks them.

>> No.41354801

Most people who disagree with their gender ideology are still libertarians when it comes to actual rights and legal issues. Their opposition is merely a refusal to shift their definition of sex and gender to align with woke views. Does that make a person 'anti-trans'?

>> No.41354806

Have you been living under a rock or something? Twitter troons declare troon fatwas on things for the most flimsy of reasons.
The worst part is that companies listen, I have no idea how this game has been made in the first place. Expect any chuuba that even mentions this game to receive death threats for the rest of their life.

>> No.41354827

How many people who support this ideology aren't mentally ill? Few to none.

>> No.41355119

It's a self repeating cycle since Rowling is terminally online and spends most days on twitter getting mad at people getting mad at her for being mad about dumb shit.
These billionaires need to find something better to do like watching middle age women pretend to be anime dogs.

>> No.41355186

When will Rowling debut as a vtuber?

>> No.41356318
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Don't use my wife to support degenerates you faggot.

>> No.41358993

What's wrong with that?

>> No.41359625

Ask people with a mental illness they sure will explain that to you.

>> No.41359881

>tranny poster

>> No.41360211

trans people want to be included under the umbrella of the word woman and never want to be seperated from the idea of real women even in cases where its undeniably true that they are different aka having a womb

>> No.41361368

Why is this controversial? I thought this was a Scary Movie 2 reference

>> No.41362136

She's a terf, (Trans-excluding radical feminist)
They leave a sour taste on the other lefties.

>> No.41362322

'Actual rights and legal issues' have nothing do with trannyism. It's pure point deer call horse bullshit on society scale you are supposed to go along with if you are a good boy. More a loyalty test than anything.

>> No.41362911

we willing to side with people with opposing political opinions to destroy a greater threat.

>> No.41364159

bro who cares on god just play it or dont
game looks mid as hell anyways and you're all making this shit your personality

>> No.41365881

You shouldn't support a radical feminist's work because you agree with her on one (1) issue.

>> No.41366099

What a bizarre timeline where liking Harry Potter is controversial.

>> No.41367127
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The same timeline where this tweet is enough to start a witch hunt.

>> No.41367320

>you hate Rowling because she's trans-exclusionary
>I hate Rowling because she's a radical feminist
>we are not the same

>> No.41367376

I'm team terf

>> No.41367554

I have no idea what the fuck is this title even implying, why not just write women.

>> No.41367641
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Because that's not inclusive to female trannies who want to be men since they also menstruate but don't identify as women.

>> No.41367665

Because in the year of Moloch 2023, women aren't the only people who menstruate.

>> No.41367720
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>> No.41367725

Angry feminists harassing anyone who dares to touch the Potter shit

>> No.41367857

Funny how just some years ago Rowling was a saint for retconning Hermione into being black but now she's the devil.

>> No.41367918

Don't trannies think they are women? Just write women, what the fuck is this retarded nonsense.

>> No.41368075
File: 54 KB, 903x508, 1663769716577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See >>41367641

>> No.41368092

>person doesn't do things that people hate
>people don't get angry
>person does things that people hate
>people get angry
wwowooowowooww how does that work???

>> No.41368116

begone troon

>> No.41369117

Not all women menstruate. Not even all females menstruate. Duh

>> No.41369412
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x720, 1603595509737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fucking Coco, you retard

>> No.41369450

imagine being so clueless about human biology to not know what menopause is

>> No.41369763

You're both retards. That was originally from Anthony Fantano, the god of /mu/.

>> No.41370009


>> No.41370193

>the feminist isn't the hairy one
Missed opportunity

>> No.41370232

This is true. Even Epstein knew this.

>> No.41370367

Wasn't aware that children and people with IUDs are menopausal.

>> No.41370457

Hitman is self-published by IO now.

>> No.41370496

Yeah, that's why hitman 2 skimped so much on cutscenes and stuff

>> No.41370593

Do people still actually?

>> No.41370671

By mouse's own admission, it's a boomer ass joke. As a fellow old fuck, I have some nostalgia for it.

>> No.41370814

I'm probably similar age but I never found it remotely funny.
Maybe it was just so done to death that any humor's gone from it but it reminds me of how modern net culture just runs any joke into the ground so hard it pops out in China

>> No.41371051

Western corpos will ban their talents from playing it.
I just know that JP and ID Hololives will stream it, but no ENs will be allowed to.

>> No.41371170

ESL humor is 3-6 years behind English-speaking humor, at bare minimum. By the time it was done to death for you, it was just picking up steam in Spainxico.

>> No.41371796

She said that there canonically exists no magic to turn a male into a women and vice versa because thats not how it works(also no trans wizards and witches btw). Troons seethed because "magic can be anything!" and can't fathom why polymorph wouldn't allow them to cut off their dicks. They never once thought about how stupid from a worldbuilding reason this notion is. All tranny magic faggots would be classified the same as the evil dudes, because the magic they're using causes direct harm. Polymorph itself is treated like a powerful spell with a dual use in both disguises and extreme punishment. What utility does Dickus Nolonger Onus have? It's blatantly evil in concept because it's only use would be self pleasure and ruthless maiming. Any faggot using it would be hunted down like the dickeater they are.

>> No.41372452

I thought Mousey was a burger?

>> No.41372581

She's Puerto Rican. Technically a burger. They can go either way

>> No.41376045


>> No.41377496

Fuck off Sargin

>> No.41381503


>> No.41381626 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 579x553, 1671156106514484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did she delete this?

>> No.41381649

>made trannies seethe
I'm thinking based

>> No.41381699
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>> No.41382061

Hey turbonerd, everyone already knew journos couldn't be trusted, it was just the normies that flooded the gamersphere that were too npc to question reviewers. Now if you question journalists the FBI might visit you. It's all because the industry was designed to be a military recruiting tool.

>> No.41382918


>> No.41385878

Doesn't the Polyjuice person let you turn into someone else? It's not even illusion-based, it's a full on transmogrification

>> No.41385893

Trans "women" should shut the fuck up then.

>> No.41386030

Yeah, it's a full on transformation. You can also use transfiguration or charms to make things bigger, or grow facial hair, or burn someone into an animal. Rowling just decided that curing trans people's body dysmorphia was a bridge too far.

>> No.41386111


>> No.41386391

It's only based if she never does some stupid "apology" over the tweet. Deleting it already is negative-based.
