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41287107 No.41287107 [Reply] [Original]

now that the dust has settled, is Reflect the worst debut orisong of HoloEN?

>> No.41287244
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>most famous EN vchuuba singer
>releases ONE (1) (uno) solo orisong
>dips out and never does it again
What did she mean by this?

>> No.41287520

I love this song

>> No.41287558
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>lyrics are in moon runes.

>> No.41287602

oh nooo my weebshit has weebshit speech lyrics

>> No.41287691

Truth be told REFLECT (instrumental) is pure trash but even still, Gura (the singer) has shown me how talent and passion can overcome the lack of assist and resources, and now it has 15m playcount on Spotify

>> No.41287773

the bass goes hard as hell though

>> No.41288378

>posts millie
She does the same thing though

>> No.41288417

ai sus, anong ginagawin, ate?

>> No.41288421

up to yo ass

>> No.41288470

i enjoyed the greek feel to it - made it super unique, but the chorus missed me.
i actually enjoyed the original composer's latina'd version of it way more and was hoping gura would release a version in that style

>> No.41288605
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I love it, but it can't compare to Suisei's stuff.

>> No.41288809

>Use millie to shit on weebshit

>> No.41288865

no but you're a competitor for biggest faggot on vt, grats

>> No.41289330

>anus tart

>> No.41289689

Nah that’s Daydream. I’d place Reflect as somewhere around the middle.

>> No.41289724

yes, song is cringe as fuck

>> No.41289794

I think it sounds really refreshing and original.

>> No.41289796

i miss her ahhhh

>> No.41289821

Violet is my favorite followed by Reflect

>> No.41290336

It would've been a fine and decent song without the weird talking parts. Just sing, goob. We don't care for your bratty roleplay talking in a SONG. Just SING.

>> No.41290390

I'm blaming the composer. Song's too generic.

>> No.41290637

No, the worst is Daydream by a wide margin
The best one is A New Start

>> No.41291523

Now that the dust is settled is OP retarded?

>> No.41291837

The composer is the one who made the Holo ID original group song. He's actually not the best, but he was the most professional weeb composer in ID back in 2021. But Holo ID is not using him anymore, there are some other alternatives, even Kobo is a better composer than him.

>> No.41293024

Good song. Lack of proper MV makes it laughable. They couldn't afford it for the face of brand?

>> No.41293133

Best: Astrogirl and Reflect
Worst: All the rest

>> No.41293189

The punk cover of Astrogirl goes hard

>> No.41293542

I can't think of a good HoloEN original other than this and Violet and even then, it gets mogged by Suisei's stuff.

>> No.41293862

play dice is camellia at his most mid but it's still better than 80% of the stuff in holojp

>> No.41293869

worst: your oshi song
best: play dice

>> No.41293941

i have to agree, it was pretty well done
some of the en lyrics were a bit cringey but the it wasn't the worst

>> No.41294550

It's the second best after Do U, fuck off with your shitty bait.

>> No.41294596

Daydream is so unbelievably bad. Even Kronii herself hates it and rarely mentions or sings it. It's complete dogshit.

>> No.41294662

i hate seanigger composer

>> No.41294778

>tries to shit on weebs
>uses millie
tanga naman nento to, oh

>> No.41296857

No, by far

>> No.41299858

Daydream is, not even kronii was hyped about it

>> No.41301228

It isn't the worst, but it isn't good. A lot of them aren't good even with the fan buff.

>> No.41301361

I think it's really good. After End of Life, it's the best EN song. Shame she never followed it up

>> No.41301414

kill yourselves, all of you. This is a bop

>> No.41301659

How does Ame's new song rate?

>> No.41301722

It sucks and is ugly. But considering it's Ame, it's really amazing. Never would have thought she could make something that okay.

>> No.41302247

It's fucking shit and forgettable. The best thing that came from it was "muh red gura"

>> No.41302395

Overrated by chumbuds. It's certainly not even in the top 10 original EN songs. The fact that Fauna can release something better says all you need to know about Reflect.

>> No.41302649


>> No.41304975


>> No.41305015

No. That's Fauna's

>> No.41305145

You guys are such fucking hipsters, you dislike her solely because she is popular, it’s fucking cringe

>> No.41305328

No. I dislike her because she's a lazy whore and a fucking deadweight to the hardworking ones in her branch.

>> No.41305369

And likewise, why do you expect people to like her simply because more people watch her than others?

>> No.41305392

>hit 1 million in 10 hours
>worst song
Nope. It's a good song. We found another person jealous of Gura cuz she is better than his oshi

>> No.41305465

>B-but muh numbers!
This is how you know chumcucks have nothing to defend her kek

>> No.41305517

RIP has way more views. Does it mean it's the best song in hololive? Get numbers out of your ass chumkek

>> No.41305546

It's nothing great but youre delusional if you think it's the worst orisong ever

>> No.41305690

Gura is corporate. My oshi only makes indie songs.

>> No.41305707

It's the third worst song after Let me stay here and Chikutaku

>> No.41306011

And? It couldn't beat Gura to 1 million. If you add up the 3 official YT releases and the Spotify plays, Reflect has something like over 50 million plays.

>> No.41306073

lol, there it is. A contrarian faggot who is jealous that his oshi is way less successful than Gura

>> No.41306155

Nope. You dislike her because she is lazy but also popular.

>> No.41306218

The people saying it's the worst are just jealous that their oshi isn't as popular as gura. That's the bottom line

>> No.41306262

>Numbers numbers numbers!!!
There's no point in discussing this with braindead cuckbuds

>> No.41306421

Normalfags (Gura's audience) have shit taste in music, news at 11.

>> No.41306492

Since when did Chumbuds become such blatant numberfags?

>> No.41306566

They have always been numberfags because that's all Gura has lmao

>> No.41306838

>most famous EN vchuuba singer
>drops the best song ever made in vtuber music industry
>never does it again
i love my oshi

>> No.41307854

Who are you referring to?

>> No.41310674

Well yes Gura can’t sing for shit

>> No.41315368

She's good at singing one type of song

>> No.41315432

Literally since she hit 1 mil subs? They have basically always been like this

>> No.41315540

the best

>> No.41315583

You hated it when it was released and you still hate it
The dust never seemed to even be disturbed

>> No.41315780

the haters said she would never be able to sing idol songs and not sound like a retard and here we are with her fansa

>> No.41315997

Ame's is the only one I had a hard time listening to all the way though.

>> No.41317248

the best hololive song actually i duno wtf you are talking about

>> No.41317488

I know this is bait, but chumbuds actually believe this.

>> No.41318245

Are you actually gonna say with a straight face that generic anime opening, saturday morning cartoon astrogirl 2.0, laughably bad rap are better? Reflect and Violet are lonely at the top.

>> No.41318323
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>> No.41320766

Its the best holosong in general
by miles actually since its not extremely cringe and annoying idol garbage

>> No.41320847

Why are dogfuckers so dishonest?

>> No.41320996


>> No.41321371


>> No.41321447

This because it feels like more classic anisong and not idolshit, vocaloid producer, or dubstep "music", there's enough of that.

>> No.41321527

Yes I will, and I'll say it with any face you want me to. Also Violet is definitely top tier, but Reflect is not even close to being in the same league.

>> No.41321898

Violet's pretty generic, I dunno what you're on about. If you're gonna say something's on another level at list pick Treasure Box or something.

>> No.41327931

it's pretty catchy

>> No.41328400

Violet mogs the shit out of Reflect. Sit down cuckbud

>> No.41328479

I listened to it once and that was enough, not as bad as Fauna's song but stil pretty mediocre.

>> No.41330098

Are you tone-death or something?

>> No.41332081

reflect fucking sucks

>> No.41334807

I don't even watch Gura and ik this is wrong
