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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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41132721 No.41132721 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't they just hire new seiyuus for the vtubers that refuse to stream? Clearly the person behind it isn't important to the continued popularity of the character when the person isn't even streaming.

>> No.41132781

Let's fire Pekora and hire a new one to prove your theory, ogey?

>> No.41132795

even better, why won't they develop an ai like neurochama, I can see millions free bucks flowing already

>> No.41132854

why Pekora? she clearly still streaming regularly though.

But we can take Gura as an example on this point, maybe they already looking for her VA replacement by now.

>> No.41133008
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They did it once.

>> No.41133065
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>Why don't they just hire new actors for the roles that actors refuse to play anymore? Clearly the person behind it isn't important to the continued popularity of the character when the person isn't even streaming.

>> No.41133132

They’re working on it, you just know it.

>> No.41133134

I was going to post the same.

>> No.41133158

biggest mistake activ8 ever made

>> No.41133300

Gura is not just the actor, she is also the director and writer.

>> No.41133305

a lot of them already do that at japan, vtuber its just a side job, china got a few too, idk if any at EN does it, i guess the main problem is that there is a lot of woke doctrines among them that spoil any kind of fun.

>> No.41133360

don't use my fuwa-fuwa sheepgirl to shitpost niggerfaggot

>> No.41133852

>doesn't know what happened with Kizuna Ai
Damn newfags.

>> No.41134222

>Clearly the person behind it isn't important to the continued popularity of the character
Ai-chan would like to introduce herself, or rather themselves.

>> No.41139452

>vtubers that refuse to stream
Are you mentally ill?

>> No.41139887

Look up game-bu incident

>> No.41141323

Upd8*, and honestly the list of mistakes they made was massive. Still the biggest one obviously, but damn did they speed run digging their own grave.

>> No.41142131

Even if they are deaf, they still gonna know that some mf replace their oshi. Goodluck with that
they did that with Kizuna Ai and it didnt going well

>> No.41142234

what the actual fuck are you even talking about you retard

>> No.41142247

If the actor wasn't important, "pekora" is just as replaceable as "gura"

>> No.41147285


>> No.41149316

OP is a retarded newfag, what else did we learn today? nothing.

>> No.41149648

>"Just Oyabun my shit up!"

>> No.41157134

they tried to, didn't work so well

>> No.41157356

Why are there people who think that chuubas are like Disney princesses that can have a roommate change every time they appear in a new movie?

>> No.41161847

If you can replace another and be as entertaining; why not just hire them and keep both?

Now if want someone who streams a lot, AI is the perfect replacement. Don't have to be as entertaining.

>> No.41162012

AI could easily do as well as NijiEN. Easier to accelerate, and no worries about individuals' consistently low views. Just add more AIs. Niji would be the first to adopt AIs and no one would notice.

>> No.41163245
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>> No.41167266

Don't use my sheep wife for bad posts.

>> No.41168665

was going to post this

>> No.41168773

They don’t watch streams.

>> No.41168887

Why does continued popularity matter so much? WWE wrestlers go away for years and then return with a deafening pop. Sometimes you need that type of shit. Otherwise, there's plenty other Hololive chuubas to watch with even EN3 on the way.

>> No.41169125

A company tried this once >>41133008
The reaction to it is why nobody else will try it again

>> No.41169497


At this point i hate nonstreaming entities so much i genuinely dont care if Cover recasts the model with a new actress.

>> No.41174036

>replace gura
>SHE goes on a meltdown
>holo chats unusable for a few months
>kiara says it was about time, gets death threats

>> No.41174121

Unironically this actually works with Kronii though, anyone can do a better job with that model

>> No.41174264

Legit can't believe they had both Korone and Polka yet nothing to show for it.

>> No.41174392
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>EN3 on the way
yeah, sure..

>> No.41174470 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 1000x1000, jakinabox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knob gang
>you are not immune to jewpaganda
>based blacked checked and saged!
>the Onions know shut it down
>Allah who?
>Allah who akbar!
>hahaha gottem

>> No.41175537

It's pretty crazy how the poor management of Kizuna AI established this strict norm that vtubers aren't like other fictional characters with different voice actors over time, but have to be personas of a specific person.

>> No.41177523

The Kizuna Ai replacement failed so horribly that no vtuber company has tried it again but Cover puts so much money into promoting hololive characters for selling merch they most likely do have this option in their contract. There will be a time when they become tempted to replace the VA of someone who has graduated and despite knowing that it will almost certainly fail they will try it.

>> No.41180056

Would be a kino arc desu

>> No.41180817

I think if they tried to do that with even Aloe's model the community would meltdown

>> No.41180944

That would be pretty funny.
>find a chick that sounds like gura and is autistic
>gura lets her be her stand-in
>chumbuds split into gura purists and gura radicals over whether they like the new voice or want the old voice back
>chumbud civil war
And especially if they replaced Rushia's voice, since Peter Puma would have a meltdown.

>> No.41181025


>> No.41181037

upd8 tried it with Kizuna Ai and the Game club, and it failed so bad that they effectively killed the those channels.

A vtuber is not just the avatar, but the personality of the person behind it.

>> No.41181082

Hire someone to stand in as Red Gura and stream regularly, while og Gura would keep being Blue Gura and only do whatever she wants. Plus you could have GuraxGura collabs.

>> No.41181210

The reason hololive sells so much merch is BECAUSE of the one original seiyuu. If they started replacing, everyone will get mad and cancel their gura figure preorder.

>> No.41181253

Fucking checked

>> No.41181297

Only if it's a poor replacement, or if the character reached a satisfactory conclusion. If someone like Rushia was replaced I don't think anyone would mind.
besides other holomem, that is>/spoiler]

>> No.41181722
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Thought about this myself. My bet is that the fans would riot and it would further damage the company. I was even thinking that, say if Gura retires, Hololive could just debut another shark-based vtuber to take her place in Myth. Doesn't have to sue the same model. Same with Sana, a new Space Councillor or whatever; but it'd still elicit a messy response from fans. So HoloEN has no choice but to look like swiss cheese with the Sana gone and Gura not streaming. Pretty funny considering in any other company when a position is vacant, it is filled up by a new employee but right now Sana's seat in the council is empty and will forever be.

>> No.41182161

Polka I can understand, but Korone wasn't anything special back then.

>> No.41182296

Nah, even as someone who thinks she deserved to be shitcanned and is bummed about such a great model being retired, it just really wouldn't sit right if they re-cast her. They're not sitcom characters dude

>> No.41182537

They TRIED this with Kizuna Ai, it was what helped kickstart her decline in popularity. Given that EN vtubing isn’t that fully developed, and that the meta is to copy the tactics of traditional streamer (I’m not saying that it’s *just* fleshtubing with an anime avatar, just that EN fleshtubers are a more relatable template than JP vtubers for a lot of EN vtubers), replacing the rm would go over even worse in EN than JP, I imagine (and it already goes over poorly there).
You’re absolutely right; vtubing relies so much on the creators, and most of the public actions of management related to HoloEN seem to have made the branch worse, not better.
I wouldn’t be surprised if two or three years from now, when/if HoloEN is dead, that it comes out that a lot of the girls were saying things similar to what we were saying but got brushed off by JP as wanting “undeserved money and attention” (ie more investment).

>> No.41182581
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it don't work like that.

>> No.41182636

>They're not sitcom characters
They are, that's the point. If you don't want to watch characters then there's plenty of other ecelebs out there for you.

>> No.41182637

Doesn't work. What works is hiring new talents that stream, but council just isnt doing it
