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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 706 KB, 747x747, pippadebut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
41018211 No.41018211 [Reply] [Original]

Say something mean about my sister-wife.

>> No.41020054

dont care

>> No.41021368

She will never be your wife
Stop deluding yourself

>> No.41021423

pippafags control your fucking fanbase

>> No.41021461

someone post the clips

>> No.41021527

I don't like her very much.

>> No.41021550

Whore, boyfriend, annoying voice, obvious 4chan pandering but also only uses reddit, ally of the wigger

>> No.41021627

her anus is really surprisingly tight but a little hairy

>> No.41021711


>> No.41026213

you eventually will

>> No.41026496

She's officially pulling HoloEn numbers.

>> No.41026583
File: 55 KB, 462x273, DO IT PIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself Pipshit you lying traitorous grifter.

>> No.41028653
File: 2.64 MB, 480x270, causticrespectingwomen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who in holoen gets 2k views?

>> No.41029518

Gura is getting around zero this year so Pippa's doing much better

>> No.41029749

pandering to /vt/ doesn't make you "based", it just makes you look like an asshole. your words affect others, and even how others see the other members of phase.
"It's a dangerous thing to mistake speaking without thought for speaking the truth."

>> No.41032014

Keep the cheesy philosopher quotes to your twitter, please. You're already cringe enough even without.

>> No.41032160
File: 54 KB, 590x425, 1653769309152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you antis control yourself? I get you hate her but do you really have to shit /vt/ up in your retarded crusade against her?

>> No.41032351
File: 80 KB, 256x256, pippafrustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All publicity is good publicity
t. capipi

>> No.41032497

and are these 'words' in the room with you now anon? what did these words do to you?

>> No.41034473

lots of people will write off phase entirely because their introduction to phase is pippa joking about stupid /pol/ shit like george floyd or the holocaust or whatever. people aren't into vtubing because they're suffering from a lack of political sewage being shoved down their throat 24/7.
jesus fucking christ can't there be ONE refuge on this god forsaken planet where I never have to hear about andrew tate?

>> No.41034895

You're wondering why you keep hearing about the Incel King on a website that's practically know for being prime incel stomping grounds? And on one of it's boards discussing a hobby with some of the highest incel rates around?

>> No.41035389

no, dumbass. the problem here is pippa, and how she's seemingly the only vtuber dumb enough to want to insert political bullshit into vtubing. say whatever the fuck you want about mori calliope, i'm *pretty sure* she's never referenced greta thunburg. i'm *pretty sure* affirmative action has never been in the title of a tsunderia stream. i'm *pretty sure* kizuna ai would have never made a holocaust joke. not even niji & vshojo are retarded enough to think their viewers want more politics in their life.
what a fucking nightmare these people must be to see vtubing and see another potential outlet for their politics. i'll take your least medicated, most involuntarily celibate, smelliest fucking deadbeat before I'll take someone who wants to tell me "ackchyually, jordan peterson is very misunderstood".

>> No.41035449
File: 285 KB, 680x312, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the strongest argument against pippa is the front page of her own damn channel

>> No.41036605

NTA but VShojo members don't shy away from political topics if they feel the need to discuss it. And concerning Pippa, if you don't want to watch her, then don't. She's not going away, and she's pretty easy to avoid on /vt/ if you stay in your generals of choice.

>> No.41037009

apologies for overestimating vshojo. won't happen again.
>she's pretty easy to avoid on /vt/ if you stay in your generals of choice.
that's exactly the point. pippa drives people away from phase. sure, she gets support from the worst fucking bottom dwellers the internet has to offer, but that support comes with a ceiling, because those retards really think there are more of them than there are.

>> No.41037102


>> No.41037222 [DELETED] 

>she gets support from the worst fucking bottom dwellers the internet has to offer, but that support comes with a ceiling
These worst bottom dwellers are also the very same fanbase most likely to turn against her. Kiwifarms betrayed and doxxed her, and her favourite schizo Henri is now her biggest anti. She deserves all of this karma.

>> No.41037239

Pipa is trying to be the vtuber Asmonbald.
Not a bad thing if she could do it well.
But she's lacking the life expirience.

>> No.41037594

>that's exactly the point.
I don't understand how that's the point? How does staying in a general drive people away from Phase? It only then drives /vt/ anons away, does it not? Something you seem to want considering your aversion for " the worst fucking bottom dwellers the internet has to offer?"

>> No.41037712 [DELETED] 

That was proven to be a fake doxx.
The photos were taken from some randodm russian bronny chick's facebook.

>> No.41037785

I'm saying that pippa's so off-putting to anyone who isn't a goose-stepping /pol/tard that it makes them not want to get anywhere near phase connect at all. she makes people want to not check out the phase general thread nor other phase channels, because those spaces will inevitably involve pippa and her retardlings.

>> No.41038483

>made a couple of jokes about glowies
>suddnely a /pol/tard
She literally has only mentioned that shit in passing and as skits and to a sane person it's obvious she's joking around.
Unless you think she believes in reptilians and moloch child sacrifices in the white house.

Problem is you're a schizo. So you don't get jokes. Good riddance.

>> No.41038930

And even if its not true and she does believe that stuff, then that is Phase Connects problem to work out. They can put their big boy corpo pants on and wrangle Pippa in. But they won't because despite everything Pippa's antics has been a boon to Phase connect and her own popularity so far and they are letting her do what she wants. If you don't like it don't watch her.

>> No.41039023

what the fuck is a "glowie"? you people don't even realize how estranged you are.

>> No.41039029

I thought she is funny 4chan freak.
But she is actual twittereddit zoomer tranny, that can only speak in trends.

>> No.41039073

Go the fuck back

>> No.41039110

actually; nevermind. i don't want to know.

>> No.41039247

>rants about Pipa because she's too 4chan according to him
>on 4chan himself
>turns out he's a psyop zoomer twitter kiddie

Go the fuck back to your containment zone you fag.

>> No.41039286

even fucking twitter leftist grifters know what a fucking glowie is. its general internet slang at this point

>> No.41039311

Le epc 4chan meme! I tip my hat to you, good sir!

>> No.41039478

>They can put their big boy corpo pants on and wrangle Pippa in
Considering who she choose, she will definitely be more tame and mainstream from now on. The time of the edgy and based Pippa that we loved is OVER.

>> No.41039740

I guess we will have to see. I think it will be fine though. If I enjoy her streams I will keep watching her. Otherwise I will watch someone else.

>> No.41039885

Yo mama so fat I'm concerned with her wellbeing. Now go back and pay musk for your checkmark.

>> No.41039930

She’s got weird toes

>> No.41039961

Keep crying, Henri. She'll never take you back, you aren't missed and she'll continue on enjoying life without you.

>> No.41040065

What i never understood is how someone could willingly be an anti. Like what a lame existence that is.

>> No.41040237

There are pawns and random trolls, like Chase. And there are people who used to be the most loyal and beloved fans/angels, but cast down and forced to take the role of Archenemy, like me. As C.S. Lewis said,
>The higher and mightier it is in the natural order, the more demoniac it will be if it rebels. It's not out of bad mice or bad fleas you make demons, but out of bad archangels.

Then let Evil, be thou my Good.

>> No.41040373

I dunno man. It’s so easy to just focus on things you like instead

>> No.41040474

>And there are people who used to be the most loyal and beloved fans/angels, but cast down and forced to take the role of Archenemy, like me.
Hate and love are on the same scale. The true antithesis of love is apathy. I don't know your personal situation but you need to move on and forget about her. For your own sake. Being an archenemy does nothing but wast your time at best.

>> No.41040510

yeah I totally agree! if you don't like something vote with your feet (or in this case eyes) if you don't like it don't watch it.

>> No.41040511

i cant imagine any of them having the guts to. i was impressed when merry did and had a real conversation with her.

>> No.41040662

Borderlines literally can't move on. It's conceptually impossible for them. They rather take their oshi down with them.
>If I can't have you, no one will

>> No.41040746

if that is true then it is truly pathetic. What a horrible existence to live.

>> No.41040952

Unless you're Rushia who made money out of it.

>> No.41041294

Rushia was an anti? thats news to me. Or am i misunderstanding your meaning? .

>> No.41042129

Rushia was an unstable BPD menhera who can't stand it if her fans/most beloved abandon her. She literally vowed revenge against Hololive and Mafumafu, going on a doxing spree, before Kson slapped her in the face. In Hololive itself, everyone, including Watame, hated her for this.
Henri is basically a male version of what she is. He can't stand being rejected by Pippa. Now he vows revenge against Phase Connect, blaming Sakana, Xalamon and of course Pippa herself for everything, and going on a doxing spree.

>> No.41042469

I didn't know the doxing thing was proved although i did hear about something like that now that you mention it. Was that what got her terminated or was it in retaliation to her termination?
I'll take your word for it for the sake of the conversation though. Even if I could make money doing it, I'd hate to be an anti. Being negative just brings more negativity into your life.
But that's a rare situation. Most Antis do it for free lol.

>> No.41042618
File: 30 KB, 592x335, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf you expect from a 40 years old faggot larping as zoomer? Reminder that he beheaded a dog and is trying to get followers half of his age

>> No.41042664

When Rushia got fired she suicidebaited while ordering Korekore to release all the Hololive dox in case she dies. That's literally the same thing Henri did, suicidebaiting and ordering Chase to dox Phase.

>> No.41042669

considering Henri jerk off to dogs and chase behead them I think its something to do with puppiesj

>> No.41043686

All her anti's being either SEAfags or 40 year old kiwis who failed in life is pretty funny ngl

>> No.41044188

>only vtuber dumb enough to want to insert political bullshit into vtubing
Nooo my hecking vtuberino cant talk politics because.. because fuck you!

>> No.41044297

so all this is twitter trannies again?
who could have guessed

>> No.41044734

She's got a weird approach to footfagging in general.
> Oh nyo, i reached 100k, pls i dont wanna do it
> Does a full kinkshame presentation
Still takes 2 pics and shows feet on stream.
Still, I love my oshi sister autistic rabbit.

>> No.41046988

Who? My sister-wife is Panko

>> No.41050658

Maybe if you are a troon.

>> No.41050744
File: 61 KB, 434x509, kiara_die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being based isn't supposed to be politically charged
>blue checkmark on twatter

>> No.41050872

Oh, I get it. You're a little commie leftist that likes to tell people everything is political when they bitch about troons shitting up their entertainment.
Well, the detached penis in on the other surgical tray this time, sir.

>> No.41050938

>vtubing is supposed to be apolitical
Translation: my beliefs are not political, only things I disagree with are political and make me angry.
