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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40986623 No.40986623 [Reply] [Original]

Who is dumber

>> No.40986698


>> No.40986770

Axel is dumb, Luca is a sociopath.

>> No.40986789


>> No.40986813

Whichever one uses /vt/.

>> No.40987042

Luca, Axel just pretends and is actually a smart person, that Weremag collab proves it

>> No.40987110

Axel is dumb, but has good intuition. And the people around Axel know he's dumb.

Luca is dumb, but the people around Luca refuse to acknowledge this. That's why he was given admin rights for the Minecraft server.

>> No.40987254

No. Axel isn’t dumb at all, he’s just misunderstood a lot due to being ESL. Luca is just pretending to be dumb to hide how much of an asshole he is

>> No.40987410

isn't he an Aussie, tho?

>> No.40987426

Why do anons act like Australians don't speak English

>> No.40987452

Australian English is still English

>> No.40987479

He's Australian and this is a difficult concept for Americans to fully parse.

>> No.40987568

Axel is intuitive but kinda dumb in many other ways, while Luca is just dumb sociopath.

>> No.40987631

I like Axel even though he's dumb
I want to kill Luca because he's a sociopath

>> No.40987711

Axel is kinda dumb but no one cares because he's a nice guy.
Luca pretends to be dumb to hide how much an asshole he is.

>> No.40988019

Explain what's so bad about Luca. I feel something off with him, but i can't quite put my finger on it. Preferably with proofs.

>> No.40988157

Nothing, he's just dumb
But Luxiem insists he's bad hence the "sociopath" spam ITT

>> No.40988191

luxiem schizos*

>> No.40988248

Luca for deleting the minecraft server

>> No.40988583

Did Pomu ever blacklisted him for what he did?

>> No.40988602

These two would have the hottest sex

>> No.40988651

No she doubled down and now wants to form and official unit with him

>> No.40988673


>> No.40988722

meant for >>40988583

>> No.40988742

Can someone explain why Luca is seen as a sociopath? Or is it just shitposting? I only know that apparently he nuked an entire Minecraft server.

>> No.40988753

third worlder seething

>> No.40988762

Unironically just antis

>> No.40988871

He is just self centred and can't read the air, it's not that bad, but it gets tiresome for people that already don't like him.

>> No.40988894

That... reads like a closet Stockholm syndrome to me

>> No.40989002

Axel, Luca is only pretending and is actually evil

>> No.40989007

watch his streams holy fuck, People who streams long to bait for SCs has a high chance of being sociopaths because they aren't in it to wholly read your messages, they just want you to keep pouring money

>> No.40989085

timestamp and I drop Pomu

>> No.40989097

>t. Axel
Don't matter how much you spam the catalog, i'm neither watching Tempiss, neither Tempoop. Go back at throwing crumbles at /MANS/, you vagabond.

>> No.40989150

Axel is generally stupid. Luca is a destructive retard.

>> No.40989154

its amazing how cover hasn't gotten a male vtuber who's in it to milk as much money or stuff while nijiEN gets 1 every gen. (Luca, Vox, Early-days mysta, Ren, Hex). I thought Alban was one of the numberfags who wants to milk as much money while stream twice as long, but he's okay, just playing it cute

>> No.40989238

Luca is a sociopath and manipulator, I love him
Axel is actually dumb as a brick

>> No.40989265

He deleted EN minecraft server

>> No.40989318

it’s at 18:14 of this vod


>> No.40989367

Elira is sociopath… I’m Ngmi

>> No.40989421

grew up speaking japanese, surrounded by japanese people, going to a japanese school
he's reverse mori, understand why she's still not fluent despite living there and you'll understand why axel is ESL
it's not even memeing like "hehe he's so dumb he's ESL", or "he's literally japanese guys, I love japan!!!", if you watch him he's constantly asking his chat how to say things in english while providing the japanese equivalent, even for school related stuff.

>> No.40989472

>i love him
takes one to know one. I'm dumb but at least I'm not a sociopath

>> No.40989578

Luca hate

>> No.40989590

>Oh no everyone is talking about holostars instead of nijimales, what can I do to change it back to talking about nijis
You're too easy to read.

>> No.40989724

>plays games he thinks he has perms for but doesn't
>nearly doxxed himself
>doxxed his mom's business
>doesn't know how to rip audio
>showed /vt/ on stream
i wonder

>> No.40989740

console wars in your head

>> No.40989840
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Luca love

>> No.40989855

why do the girls like this faggot so much

>> No.40990186

fucking forced meme of a unit, Pomu and MIllie don't even have that much synergy.
I admit this pissed me off but not enough to drop her yet

>> No.40990313

Luca was actually a thread favorite until people discovered his alt where he airs his inflated ego. That plus his general demeanor and "me me me" attitude, where he just randomly barges in streams because he wants to, turned that opinion around real fast. Unfortunately don't have screenshots so you're gonna have to take my word for it.

Axel is just a better Luca without all the negatives. He grew up on JP and utaite culture so he's plenty respectful of the industry he's in. He's also the most conventionally attractive of all the male EN chuubas irl so the dingo has that going for him.

>> No.40990476

>Axel is dumb, happy, and full of confidence
>Meanwhile I'm dumb bitch and depressed
How the fuck is he doing it?

>> No.40990567

kys doxxfag

>> No.40990611

Luca’s alt we’re known since his debut, nobody cared about them until recently and even then his posts on them were before nijiEN was even a thing, literal twittertranny behaviour

>> No.40990813

you go sis! show them trannies!

>> No.40990984

don't need to be a doxxfag when the fucking idiot does it on his own

>> No.40991154

says the doxxsite luxiem sister, dont like it when it happens to the people you like kek

>> No.40991216

Telling doxxfags to kill themselves make you a luxnoc whore now apparently

>> No.40991811

Because he has ambition and goals and acts on them while (you) (and most other anons) have no ambitions or goals, and if you do you spend your time /here/ and not acting on them
