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File: 662 KB, 757x886, 1673355768802886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
40793570 No.40793570 [Reply] [Original]

PekoMiko General

PekoMiko Original Song : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRB1G0cKpIk

Pekora Youtube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1DCedRgGHBdm81E1llLhOQ

Miko Youtube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-hM6YJuNYVAmUWxeIr9FeA

>> No.40795237

When is it coming back?

>> No.40797182

After holofes 3

>> No.40798886

Pity it will never be revealed why they suddenly stopped collabing and both being so incredibly tight lipped about it.

>> No.40799054

Miko already talked about it. It's Pekora who hasn't talked about it at all.

>> No.40799297

"i know you guys are worried about it but it will eventually happen again" is not a explanation.

>> No.40799638

Still more than Pekora ever did.

>> No.40800072

Miko said nothing happened between them. People will interpret that however they want and think whatever they want, being the schizos they are, and no explanation they were to give will ever be good enough for some. What you got from Miko is as much of an explanation as you'll ever get out of either of them. At least as long as they're affiliated with Hololive and Cover. Better make peace with that.

>> No.40800721

what is pekora supposed to say? even if she were to address it she'd just say the same shit miko said.
better for both of them to leave it be and move on rather than breathe more life into it simply to satisfy schizos who have nothing better to do in their lives but be permanently attached to this shit for whatever reason

>> No.40801962

She'll be forced to say something about it when they get their deco song

>> No.40801978

Pekora betrayed PekoMiko

>> No.40802052


>> No.40802445

Yes she did

>> No.40803012
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>> No.40803470
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>> No.40803914
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>> No.40803997
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>> No.40804075
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>> No.40804120

She did it by ghosting Miko

>> No.40804174
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>> No.40804254


>> No.40804300
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>> No.40804319

Yes she did, Miko even called her out

>> No.40804403
File: 82 KB, 634x680, FODCMyWVgAIgcdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora ghosted everyone what's new. Not like Miko didn't know that.

>> No.40804462

she wasn't the only one who got ghosted and she was the only one who made a big deal out of it
clearly the problem was on her end, not pekora's

>> No.40804675

So in the other thread it was because of PekoMoon and now it's because she got ghosted? Make up your mind schizo

>> No.40804679
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>> No.40804731

What else did the voices tell you?

>> No.40804784

i accept your concession

>> No.40804804

Nah, PekoMiko died because of Hikari

>> No.40804870

I accept your lack of proof and medication

>> No.40804929
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>> No.40804928

Which Hikari?

>> No.40805050

lack of proof? how new are you? marine and moona said they didn't get responses either but didn't make a big deal out of it like miko did
do your reps then kys

>> No.40805172

>Miko talked about it
>Marine talked about it
>Moona talked about it
Interesting. I wonder if it's only a big deal for you since PekoMiko died. They all pretty much just said the same thing, so how did Miko make it a "big deal" exactly?

>> No.40805210

It's both, she ghosted Miko to play with Moona. In any case, Pekora betrayed Miko.

>> No.40805216
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>> No.40805255

You can refer to the entirety of the last thread.

>> No.40805302

do your reps and you'll find out newfag, i've spoonfed you enough

>> No.40805323


>> No.40805348
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This still my favorite no matter how long it passes.

>> No.40805355

She clearly did

>> No.40805365

>Didn't do anything but seethe
I accept your concession

>> No.40805473

i informed you about something you clearly don't know about newfag
i fed you a piece, don't expect the whole cake
do your reps then kys and i accept your concession and your admission that you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.40805486


>> No.40805622
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>> No.40805697

Miko called Pekora out about her betrayal https://youtu.be/GsDmXJfaZKU

>> No.40805698
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>> No.40805703

>Still no proof
>Just constant seething
I already accepted your concession, anon. No need to double down

>> No.40805776
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>> No.40805813

Kill yourself already Hikari.

>> No.40805842
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>> No.40805854

Nice schizo thread

>> No.40805951
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So angwy~ Not even doing anything.

>> No.40806156

Still better than the average micomet thread

>> No.40806319

>Brings up miComet thread again
Rent free

>> No.40806372

You hate Miko and don't even watch her, stop posting anything about her.

>> No.40806530

You're the one who keeps breaking your containment thread

>> No.40806792

>No mention of miComet in this thread before your post
>b-but you're breaking your containment thread!!

>> No.40806820
File: 168 KB, 850x1203, __usada_pekora_sakura_miko_nousagi_35p_and_kintoki_hololive_drawn_by_qingyunmengyi__sample-b83b8a38624e43c5a9fd61a04a967eb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever the voices in your head tell you, anon.

>> No.40806877

More like PecopeMicope General

>> No.40807077
File: 132 KB, 683x960, 120250899_1069807940123397_1081164783706551044_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40807213

Sell me on pekomiko. Post best clips

>> No.40807312


>> No.40807357

>still admitting to being a newfag who knows nothing
you have already conceded in all ways that can be conceded, anon

>> No.40807621

NTA but please, it's really apparent you hate miko with all the bullshit you posted last thread. way to go being a pekomiko fan and hating the other half of it btw

>> No.40807805

So if, and that's a big if, you had someone to send a text to and did so and they didn't respond that'd be them betraying you because that's what the voices in your head tells you? Sounds like a schizo issue, really.

>> No.40807851

Oh, so there's must be abundant proof of that fabled 'Miko hate.'

>> No.40807990

>Continues seething
>Proof? Still none

>> No.40808055

>still admits to knowing nothing and being a newfag
no need to keep conceding like this anon, you've already outed yourself to everyone

>> No.40808100
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>> No.40808500

Yes. Oh by the way PekoMiko not collabing for 2 years alone is enough proof that Pekora betrayed Miko.

>> No.40808669

>70 replies
>13 IPs
Holy schizo thread

>> No.40808839

So it's what the voices in your head is telling you and it's a schizo issue. Got it.

>> No.40808888

Pekomari and pekomoon are better.

>> No.40809143

>voices in my head
Miko already explained that there's nothing wrong with her and Pekora but Pekora hasn't said anything yet. So Pekora is indeed has betrayed Miko.

>> No.40809255

miComet > all
End of story

>> No.40809294

>Still no proof
Thanks for the solid concession, anon. You didn't have to go the extra mile to embarrass yourself again, though. But I appreciate it.

>> No.40809550

Yes, the voices in your head.
>but Pekora hasn't said anything yet
Redundant to keep talking about something someone else has already addressed.
>So Pekora is indeed has betrayed Miko.
According to the voices in your head only, yes.

>> No.40809556

This. Pekora was the one who ghosted Miko and killed pekomiko just because she hated being shipped. Miko said it, twice, one time during the mario party with Suisei when she said Pekora was ignoring her DMs for months and Pekora didn't say anything. Pekora is a bitch and a shitty friend, Miko deserves better than that whore. At least she has friends who dont ghost her now while Pekora has her cats and monkey

>> No.40809673
File: 265 KB, 1396x2048, EoyM2h0VoAAF_mz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She never said 'months.'

>> No.40809771

>Redundant to keep talking about something someone else has already addressed
No it's not, it's better if we get the explanation from both sides

>> No.40809813

Yes it is

>> No.40810028

What's even the point of this thread when they haven't collabed in over 2 years

>> No.40810043

weren't you the one who killed miko just to cope with pecomet shit in your fanfics? you shit on her in the theories you post and pass them on as facts based on your own projection and schizophrenia. you literally don't even watch miko unless it's a clip of her mentioning pekora in passing. hating miko or micomet won't make pekomiko come back you know.

>> No.40810145

It's a cope thread

>> No.40810231

For schizos to argue clearly

>> No.40810373
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I mean you can repeat that all you want. I didn't kill Miko because I hate her or anything, it's was just an interesting device for the story. Between the three of them, I wanted to create something new with strong emotions evolved. I love writing drama, after all.

>> No.40810490

Yuri bait
Not bad
Yuri bait

Is pekomiko really as kino as you remember it being?

>> No.40810926

Stolen membership pic doesn't prove anything, you clearly hate Miko

>> No.40811279

Yup, because I know Pekora doesn't bait for the sake of it. They're genuinely enjoying themselves, the way they act and behave around each other. Really, despite having watched those a lot already, it always makes me smile.
The schizophrenia is really getting to you anon. I'm a member to all three of their channels. This is getting really sad. It's such a petty way of thinking you have going on there. It makes me wonder who is projecting.

>> No.40811459
File: 1.16 MB, 1250x698, pkr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to let go, peko

>> No.40811511

Also reminds me of the good old days of them learning Minecraft, when things were much simpler.

>> No.40811550

Just because you posted your membership pic, doesn't negate the fact you've posted negatively about Miko and that you hate her. This is how you talked about Miko in the previous thread, without any proof:
And your obsession over dissolving miComet is pretty apparent since you've admitted that yourself, even if you insist that you don't mind it "concurrent" with other ships. This is what you said, after all:
>I can wait/hope until the reasonably likely miComet fallout in the future. And then hope that it leads Miko back to Pekora somehow. They're the most influential person outside of their families in each other's lives, and both Miko and Pekora have been shaped by one another over the years. Their connection is not to be underestimated.
You can stop lying now.

>> No.40811661

That's true, at the time. I've since changed that statement as I came to understand miComet better and how their dynamic truly works. And also because Pekora was doing fine, too. Nowadays I much prefer the route where all three of them are in the same friendship circle.

>> No.40811917

the way you talked about the micomet general in the previous thread tells otherwise but sure pal

>> No.40812014
File: 220 KB, 1200x848, Eoi0C5IUwAE72c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize the ones I'm messing with are the anons on the thread, right. It's not miComet itself. I know it isn't going anywhere even as Akusui happen. If there's something obvious I've learned, is that there's no need to choose. You can have all of the pairings, especially when it comes to Suisei.

>> No.40812053

Speaking of miComet, I wonder why Suisei has taken such an interest in Pekora lately. She's mentioned her on her stream, wanting to collab with her and tweeted about their interactions irl lately. Maybe she'll even be a guest in Pekora's live today, because iirc Pekora said a lot of her guests today are first time guests.

>> No.40812147
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I've been making sure everyone knows that. I've asked my hardcore JP Hoshiyomi friend, her answer is 'she's always been interested in a way or another.' So, apparently for the ones who've been watching Suisei for years it isn't nothing new. What's new is how straightforward she's being in the past month or so.

>> No.40812194

Kys already hikari

>> No.40812225

all I know is that Miko won't be a guest lmao

>> No.40812229

>You realize the ones I'm messing with are the anons on the thread, right. It's not miComet itself.
Sure, Hikari. It says a lot that you'll still "mess" with the anons in the micomet thread even though you say you're fine with miComet. It's apparent you still detest it.

>> No.40812294

Now this is a good clip

>> No.40812297

jesus christ just make a pecomet thread instead hikari. isn't this a pekomiko thread?

>> No.40812302
File: 99 KB, 850x478, __usada_pekora_and_sakura_miko_hololive_drawn_by_misago_525__sample-a3d8e14a2c3668681160fd2a8a851474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also watch as the double negative triggers people.
I'm not particularly fond of it, but I don't hate it. I'd say I've grown to tolerate it, and even have fun writing it from time to time.

>> No.40812451
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>> No.40812516
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of course that hikari cuck is here

>> No.40812523
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>> No.40812769
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>> No.40813170

>What's new is how straightforward she's being in the past month or so.
They had good chemistry during Rust so I think that has something to do with it. Suisei in particular seemed to enjoyed how merciless Pekora was. I think Suisei got to see Pekora in a new light during that and she seemed to have a lot of fun, which sparked an interest in her.

>> No.40813361

>pekomiko thread
>talks about pecomet

>> No.40813433
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>> No.40813438

Like I said, this is a cope thread lol

>> No.40813546
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Not doing anything

>> No.40813604
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>> No.40813714
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>> No.40813765
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>> No.40813843
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>> No.40814080
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>> No.40814136
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>> No.40814290
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>> No.40814494

Go back to your thread MiComet fag

>> No.40814515
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>> No.40815024
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>> No.40815773

Has peko ever retweeted/linked any pekomiko art after they stopped collabing?

>> No.40815921
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Ugh I know I promised to fill the thread but sleep calls.
I don't recall. But she also wasn't very active on Twitter until somewhat recently. They know people are thirsting for it so she'd never do it unless she has a clear intention of actually collabing.

>> No.40816196

If shinzo post pekomiko it's means there will be a big micomet event

>> No.40817553

I miss pekomiko bros... ಥ_ಥ

>> No.40817921

now that the dust has settled, did hikari kill pekomiko?

>> No.40818015
File: 340 KB, 2880x1620, 65meitg0xj071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yooo the timeline changed again!
never thought id be back in dreamworld!
pekomiko bros youll never believe what i saw

>> No.40819584

I can't find the art or proof but she did retweet a "PekoMiko" art which only has a small hint of the sleeve from Miko's outfit.

>> No.40820050
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>> No.40820138

Ignore my Miko in the top it's the only picture I had of it....

>> No.40820667

Pekora doesn't care about anyone. Pekora streamed over Watame's anniversary live even though Pekora was part of the guest list. Why would Pekora care about Miko who she rarely interacts with?

>> No.40820812

NGL after rewatching rust clips, pecomet kinda sounds fun.

>> No.40821553

PekoMiko is so dead they're posting other stuff than PekoMiko here LMAO

>> No.40822056

Why people keep talking about PeComet? I thought this was PekoMiko thread. I don't care about PeComet as a ship.

>> No.40822481

This is a cope thread

>> No.40825076


>> No.40827818
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>> No.40827851

Yes but these can only be counted with the fingers of one hand. She has retweeted many more of PekoLuna/ PekoMoon/PekoSui/PekoTowa/PeloBota

>> No.40828203



>> No.40829265

I hope Miko gets invited to Pekora's live

>> No.40829542

I don't want Miko to interact with that rabbit whore ever again

>> No.40829907

kys falseflagger

>> No.40830134

If Miko didn't gets invited to Pekora's live...

>> No.40831029
File: 487 KB, 744x711, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get over it already.

>> No.40831387

Yes whether you like it or not this duo is more relevant nowadays than pekomiko, and thus there have been many fanarts during these times when they interacted.

>> No.40832312

I believe bros.
Miko will be in Pekora's live...

>> No.40833679

This 3D live will revive PekoMiko

>> No.40833688

She didn't retweet the live so I don't think she'll show up. There's no reason to get our hopes up anytime soon unless something changes.

>> No.40833885

Guest forecast:
Good chance of Suisei.
Low chance of Miko.
Reasonable chance for miComet, so that’s a thing.

>> No.40834695


>> No.40834867

See, Pekora betrayed Miko

>> No.40834958

According to the voices in your head, yes we know schizo.

>> No.40835074
File: 21 KB, 400x400, 1638069628190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realize pekorone is more relevant than pekomiko and mikorone now
>korone has spent more time with pekora this past year than with miko
>korone even appears in pekora's 3d live

>> No.40837330


>> No.40837340

Is Miko a worst inkya than Pekora? Her past friends spend more time with Pekora than her like Korone and Pekora have more guests on her lives.

>> No.40838928

Nah, Pekora is clearly just more liked than Miko at this point since she's opened up a lot more. Korone is the biggest indicator of this. Korone and Miko used to get along so well and were so close then after the MiKorone 24 hour MiKorone has just been dead. Kinda like how PekoMiko just died out of nowhere. Almost like Miko's the problem.

>> No.40839043

This is some high school tier concern. "Look I have more friends I'm more popular"

>> No.40839361

Its a valid concern because Miko mentions she loves Hololive but is distant
Why does her friends drift away? Does she push everyone away by only focus on one person at once and neglect her other friends?

>> No.40839742

Good job exposing yourself for not watching streams. Mikkorone's streams have always been inconsistent they will randomly collab after a year of not talking you stupid fuck. If you actually watched streams you would see that korone had a call-in stream and miko joined. They were very cool with each other and revealed that korone wasn't replying to miko's DMs which she usually does to most holomens unless your name is okayu. Theres nothing wrong with their friendship

>> No.40839824
File: 181 KB, 400x400, 1628723385663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this amount of cope isn't healthy

>> No.40839911

Miko should stop calling out her friends on stream for not replying to her

>> No.40839913

>one (1) call in
Things clearly aren't the same anymore then. The truth hurts, I know. You'll get over it one day.

>> No.40839970

Link me the last peko korone 1 on 1 collab. Unless its okayu, korone does not 1 on 1 collabs. Also, just cuz korone showed up in the 3d stream doesnt automatically mean theyre closer than mikkorone

>> No.40839992

>ITT: retards shitting on Miko
Never change, pekomikofags

>> No.40840020

Miko is just more comfortable with her girlfriend Suisei now

>> No.40840055

Once again this dumbass doesnt watch streams. Korone asked miko why she didnt dm her and miko replied she did.

>> No.40840104

and they currently have another 1 on 1 collab in the works

>> No.40841140
File: 17 KB, 300x168, download (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unless its okayu, korone does not 1 on 1 collabs

>> No.40841282

>Unless its okayu, korone does not 1 on 1 collabs
lmao look at this retard
imagine exposing yourself as this much of a threadreader

>> No.40841808

I mean to add " does not collab often " but anyways mikkorone spoke 3 months and were talking about planning a collab. Miko isn't "pushing " korone away

>> No.40841865

I missed adding often you dog.

>> No.40842056

not my fault you're retarded

>> No.40842239

I don't care about mikkorone, you're being too defensive. I just provided a link to the latest pekorone collab like you asked and said that they have another collab in the works

>> No.40842251

>Things clearly aren't the same anymore then. The truth hurts, I know. You'll get over it one day.

Coming from the pekomiko begger LMAO. How about you take your own advice dumbfuck. Mikkorone will be fine and always has been. Unlike pekomiko

>> No.40842388

>deflecting this much
I didn't even mention pekomiko, anon. Your insecurities are showing with all this seething. Just calm down, it'll all be okay eventually and you'll get over it.

>> No.40842442

I'm being defensive by replying? Ok bud. If you don't care about mikkorone then don't reply to my reply to that other anon who is claiming pekorone is more closer.

>> No.40842545

NTA but you are in the PekoMiko thread, so saying shit like this >>40839913 is hilariously hypocritical

>> No.40842641

>I DiDnT MeNtIoN PeKoMiKo
Even tho you're replying in the pekomiko thread lmao. Did you forget the whole thread is about that you stupid fuck or are you just lying because I hit the mark

>> No.40842764

like i said you asked for the latest pekorone collab and i provided a link to it and mentioned they have another collab in the works since it was on topic with pekorone and you started going on about how you meant to add "does not collab often" and shit i didn't even mention or care about
it just seemed oddly defensive when i didn't even mention that, sorry if i misunderstood i guess

>> No.40842780

Nice reddit capitalization

>> No.40842873

Hikari can't stop himself from shitting on Miko again kek

>> No.40842913

I noticed my mistake of not adding that so I wanted to clarify. Unfortunately you can't edit your comments on this site so I opted for that. But its all good

>> No.40843013

>Even tho you're replying in the pekomiko thread lmao
I mean, so are you. Pot meet kettle. This just looks like a whole lot of cope to cover up all that seethe you're displaying.

>> No.40843073

Who the fuck is Hikari and why does everyone here keep bringing them up while seething?

>> No.40843090

Nice try

>> No.40843113
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>> No.40843222

He isn't the one who said this >>40839913 though? He's pointing out how saying that shit was funny coming from a PekoMikofag

>> No.40843304

Who is Hikari?

>> No.40843309
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>> No.40843420

What proof does he have that was a pekomikofag though? Just because this is a pekomiko thread? Plenty of posters in here who aren't pekomikofags. I'm not a pekomikofag. I'm just here to shitpost because that's the only reason this kind of thread is created nowadays.

>> No.40843473


>> No.40843530

So you admitted to shitposting because you have nothing else to do you fucking loser. This is why this thread is useless because there will always be fags like you

>> No.40843585

>he says as he posts in this thread and is on 4ch
Stop projecting and seething so much already.

>> No.40843663

shitposting is what this place is for retard
especially the general of a dead pairing kek

>> No.40843691

Holy shit the NPC automatic dialogue. Do you have anything different to say? Or is your vocabulary limited you dog?

>> No.40843723

Fair. Pekomikofags tend to put down Miko a lot in these threads so it becomes unrecognizable whether or not someone's just shitposting

>> No.40843763

I know me stating facts causes you to seethe and froth at the mouth uncontrollably. Just look at you. Try not to break your keyboard smashing away with all that seethe.

>> No.40843823

>Replies within a minute
Whos really seething and keyboard mashing anon?

>> No.40843907

>within a minute
Math is hard for the retarded, apparently. By all means, continue projecting and seething.

>> No.40843967

Nah, I don't care either way. I have nothing against Pekora or Miko and I watch both. It's just funny to see reactions. Particularly this one who keeps replying to me right now.

>> No.40845755

>using the same reply
Cant make this shit up KEK. You really are an NPC.

>> No.40846433

>uses same words himself while projecting and seething
Again, pot meet kettle. I'm merely stating what you're doing and continue to do because you literally cannot help but reply due to seething so much.

>> No.40847151

>pot meet kettle

Holy limited vocabulary. Anyways I know you'll be waiting for my next reply but don't bother lil sis.

>> No.40848733

>still proving me right
Like I said, you just can't help yourself. One day you'll find a way to overcome it, anon. I believe in you.

>> No.40852510

>Too retarded to understand what a watch-along is

>> No.40852765

This shit is sad even for /here/, bunch of whiny cunts.

>> No.40853849

I like living so rent-free in anon’s head that I don’t say anything the whole day and he argues with someone thinking it’s me. So very endearing. Actually he thinks everyone is me. It’s the TF2 spy meme, except it’s not a meme.

>> No.40853957

Stop bumping this dead ship thread, let it die just like the ship itself.

>> No.40853998

Will do that.

>> No.40854031

>2 of the biggest cliquish divas in the company don't like Miko
>everyone else loves her
Clearly Miko is the issue

>> No.40854189

Pekora cliquish? That’s a threadreader if I’ve ever seen one. She struggles making close friends, but she gets along with everyone. She was the most invited member for 3D concerts, above even Suisei, who was second.

>> No.40854301

Meanwhile Miko was barely invited to 5 lives and that's a stretch

>> No.40854329

miComet > PekoMiko & MikKorone

>> No.40854374

Pekora is a fucking recluse.
Her recent "opening up" that everyone is championing is new behavior, and doesn't have relevance to PekoMiko which was 2 years ago.
Also Pekora being invited to events isn't suprising, she's the number one vtuber in the world.
Are Pekora and Gura close now too?

>> No.40854393

Miko is more introverted than Pekora and Korone.

>> No.40854400

It’s really worrying for Miko. I don’t know why she doesn’t get invited. Either she’s hard to get along with behind the scenes, too introverted or her body is just too weak to handle appearing in those. Most likely a combination of the later two. Last year Miko mostly played with the same members over and over. If anyone has become more cliquish, it’s her. She wants to collab with people from what she says, but she struggles to make it happen.

>> No.40854415

Miko isn't as gifted a singer as others, so she gets passed up for lives.
It's not because people don't like her lol.

>> No.40854491

Pekora has a long queue of people wanting to collab with her, too. Yes, she’s opening up as she grows, and watching that growth is amazing.
She didn’t need to open up before because her precious Miko-senpai would always be there for her. It’s natural that, with that dependency gone, she would gradually open up.

>> No.40854556

She’s better than Pekora, especially since she’s being influenced by Suisei and trying to be a better singer, and both are at the top of Hololive. That’s not an excuse.

>> No.40854558

Sora doesn't get invited to other holos lives as well, so does that mean everyone hates her? of course no

>> No.40854695

The point your missing, is the claim that the PekoMiko split has to be Miko's fault because Pekora would NEVER do anything wrong/petty/antisocial is complete and utter horseshit.
Trying to point to Korone, someone who exhibits all the same antisocial behavior, as proof, is also laughable.

>> No.40854730

She’s invited by those close to her. Miko is invited by those very close to her. Pekora is invited by the whole company. Her collab partner diversity is much highee, too. All of that to say, saying Pekora is cliquish is such a threadreader thing to say.

>> No.40854778

Pekora isn't a good singer either lol

>> No.40854784

I never said that. Both were equally socially inept, anything could’ve happened. They are much better now, and I think they’d more than capable of sitting down and talking it out if happened today.

>> No.40854889

She does sing better than Korone, but the girls want numbers. And for reasons I can't understand, Peko brings the numbers.
It's simple math, it's not based on merit.

>Pekora is invited by the whole company
for reasons I stated above, not because she's everyone's best friend lol

>> No.40854930

PekoMikosharts shitting on Miko again. Kys retards. I hope they'd never come back and never interact with each other until they die.

>> No.40854993

Suisei would never betray Miko like what Pekora did

>> No.40855031

I love Miko and still do have a soft spot for the pairing, and enjoy discussing it.
But I try to avoid it these days because it always devolves into what a horrible person Miko must be, and how put upon poor innocent Pekora is.
It's gross, and I unfortunately take the bait too many times.

>> No.40855222

Miko is only second to Pekora in terms of CCV and most watched hours in 2022. She's also organized big events like the undokai and mikkorone 24, and others like holobaby. She's described as kind and easy to talk to. Everything points out to other members requesting her as a guest to their lives yet it barely happens. Why is that? Pekora isn't a strong singer either.

>> No.40855277

you just replied to a post that answered that very question

>> No.40855360

It's precisely because of that. Why not invite Miko if she'd bring numbers too

>> No.40855534

Miko has a congenital illness that would prevent her to perform in other holos lives. Simply put, it's most likely because her body is too weak to handle all the lives and would rather stream instead, plus she's a big introvert. And other holos know that fact. Not because she doesn't get along with everyone. She's still get along with Mio and Subaru or Shiraken for example.

>> No.40856412

Isn’t it exactly what I said. Given no one knows the extent in which it affects her.

>> No.40856478

>into what a horrible person Miko must be, and how put upon poor innocent Pekora is.
I see more of the opposite really. Fact is that Miko or Pekora being horrible people have no basis in reality as the other Holos have nothing but good things to say about both of them.

>> No.40856821 [DELETED] 

Other holos definitely know it.

>> No.40856999

this is what always gets me. pekora is treated as some kind of evil, callous mastermind on here but there is absolutely nothing to support this claim. same for the claims about miko.
can't speak for anyone else but i take the words of the holos over the schizo delusions of a handful of schizos on /vt/

>> No.40858374

People who don’t know Pekora, clearly.

>> No.40858715

Pekora showed up in 6 3D lives if you remove her genmates (aki,roboco,laplus,lui,botan,watame)
Miko showed up in 5 3D lives if you remove gen 0(Polka,matsuri,koyori,nene,ayame). So why the fuck are you idiots pretending like pekora is showing up significantly more then miko?

>> No.40858749

for 2022.

>> No.40859787
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>> No.40859833

I thought cuz miko is a lesbian and pekora doesnt swing that way

>> No.40859926

This comic doesn't even make sense. Miko is not even a human in her lore.

>> No.40860260

Pink whore is the sole problem if you haven't paid attention enough. Weird how more and more people stay away from that whore while they start getting close with Pekora instead.

>> No.40860297
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Oh sorry, I wasn’t aware Pekora had 11 genmates.

>> No.40860340

I love this one. It also hits extra hard when you notice the implication of both Noel and Marine having already passed out.

>> No.40860522

>passed out
The phrase you're looking for is "passed away"

>> No.40860678

Yep, that’s definitively the one. Passing out is quite harmless now that I think of it.

>> No.40860706

Go ahead and post the 17 times she showed up

>> No.40860875

Might do when I’m home, no promises.

>> No.40860917

Nice schizo thread

>> No.40860985

You act like Miko is not getting close with anyone either lol, cope cucksagi

>> No.40861177

You sound like a jealous ex-girlfriend.

>> No.40863373


>> No.40864918
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