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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40711012 No.40711012 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck are so many Vtubers getting "sick" or have "health problems"!!! why does it seem like so many are physically inferior compared to the average person

>> No.40711128

They probably wouldn’t be chuubas if they weren’t menhera and frail/fat.

>> No.40711233

They use sickness as an excuse because telling their schizo audience that they want a break will lead to the schizos badgering them about making more content.

>> No.40711283

They lie.

>> No.40711306

shut in weebs who wouldn't survive 'actual' jobs

>> No.40711334

>compared to the average person
They're not average people; they're terminally online menheras who don't exercise and spend all day sitting in front of a screen.

>> No.40711438

Some lie. Others are just too lazy to do the five to ten minutes of easy stretching and lifting it takes to maintain health in a sedentary lifestyle.

>> No.40711576

Why would you believe them in the first place? They are no different from other anons here.

>> No.40711642

Hey, I’m quite earnest about my posts, thank you very much.

>> No.40711743

the average person doesn't have mental illness and wouldn't be a vtuber

>> No.40711757

They're stalling to avoid the new collab arc

>> No.40711765

some already have long term health issues, some are just lazy, and some, by having unhealthy behaviour, ends with some sort of health issue

>> No.40711818

>they're terminally online menheras who don't exercise and spend all day sitting in front of a screen.
That is the average white woman with a WFH job nowadays

>> No.40711858

the average person is extremely unwell and barely clinging on to life. this is just the first time in your life you're actually paying attention to the lives of others

>> No.40711981
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It's winter, it's the season to get sick.

>> No.40711986

Being sick is much more convenient for vtubers. If you keep being sick at a normal job you will eventually get fired. If you keep getting sick as a vtuber your fans praise you for taking care of your health.

>> No.40712787

>Most vtuber are people with no real life, antisocials, autists, who prefer to hide behind an avatar and live on the internet.
>This means they stay at home most of the time, basically shut-in and have shitty health due to poor habits and diet. There is also a chance they are menhera, or have some sort of mental illness.
>They have to sit on a chair and stream, as well deal with the stress of being an internet personality if they are popular enough. Such thing definitively does not help with the mental illness, salvo for some exceptions.

>> No.40712809

>Why do people who naturally live unhealthy lives and are actively encouraged to live unhealthy lives always getting sick?
Yeah jeez, big mystery. Honestly no idea.

>> No.40712811

they live sedentary lives usually and work more than 8 hours a day, have bad sleep schedules, and are really stressed. All of that makes their immune system not as good as someone with a normal job so they get sick more often

>> No.40712866

This reads a little bitchy, but you're probably right

>> No.40713140

So am I but I get sick like once per year for a couple days.

>> No.40713183

how does this happen to cute girls?

>> No.40713216

>This means they stay at home most of the time, basically shut-in and have shitty health due to poor habits and diet
We just got off multiple years of global covid lockdowns; everyone was a shut in

>> No.40713264

They’re unionizing, the damn commies

>> No.40713336

I'm sick right now. Multiple co-workers are sick and even a youtuber I like is sick. There seems to be a rough chest infection going around and then you have otehrs getting sick from shit like covid.

>> No.40713368

Life can even be cruel to cute girls, unfortunately.

>> No.40713404

They are the same as normal people but they have the option of not working and still make good money

>> No.40713413

Hang in there. I'm pretty sure I and half the town I live in caught the flu last month, and that shit sucked.

>> No.40713447

You know the reason.

Too many carrots.

>> No.40713471

It's that time of the season. I got sick myself.

>> No.40713509

>work more than 8 hours a day

>> No.40713560

>implying sick people can't sit in front of a PC for 2 hours
Anyone defending these lazy whores should be euthanized

>> No.40713608

i don't believe i live an unusually healthy lifestyle but i barely ever get sick. nothing this year nothing last year. the only difference to the thread descriptions maybe i eat a little bit better

>> No.40713635

no refunds

>> No.40713703

>8 hrs
>a day

>> No.40713806

Do you work around other people?

>> No.40713831

i think some absolutely use it as an excuse. theres vtubers that are basically dying but still stream every day and then some take a week of because they got a little flu

>> No.40713854

The ones that actually probably do work around that amount are usually the same ones that will keep on streaming through minor illnesses that will make others stop funnily enough.

>> No.40713911 [DELETED] 


>> No.40714005

Thanks anon, I hope you get weel soon too. I'm not sure if it's flu since I'm bringing up phlegm, but I feel lethargic as fuck and it's been around a week, as long as I don't get covid the same time because the last time that also had me feeling drained for a week or so.

I work in retail and have customers who won't even cover their face as they cough on you.

>> No.40714154

i go in those places to get food. i worry that i get something but have been lucky so far. just a while ago some of the people i saw were coughing too and you never know who is carrying covid

>> No.40714904

They're not, they're just wanting a reason to not stream that isn't "I don't feel like it." Some companies will force chuubas to reach for ever-more-fantastically improbable reasons to pretend like fate is intervening and that's why they can't stream, instead of it simply being that they don't feel like streaming.

As to why they do it, I dunno, they seem to think it fools enough for people for it to be an effective strategy. Apparently, it does, going by youtube comments. Also more insidious is if you pretend you're sick or suffered some mishap of fate, then because nobody can actually validate it unless the girl chooses to prove it (a la Kiara), it tries to flip the girl's fans around from maybe questioning it to having some fans use it as an opportunity to brownnose further and also attack anyone who dares question it.

>> No.40714930

8 hours a day? more like 8 hours a week for the average non-Kiara holoEN.

>> No.40714972

I use all my sick days possible on my work.

>> No.40715130

I'm already well again, but thanks man. I hope you get at least a little time off while you're sick if you can afford it.

>> No.40715217 [DELETED] 

Hi, Ame!

>> No.40719775


>> No.40719892

Change "ick" into "ex"
That's the real reason.

>> No.40719978

5 letter word that starts with C and rhymes with bovid.

>> No.40720452

None of the chubas I follow ever get sick. However, as someone who's lived with a few girls my age, they constantly get headaches and go to the hospital over the smallest things. They get a sore throat and think it's cancer.

>> No.40721010

Mental breakdown from all the stress of acting pure and chaste to please their bronies fan. Also, white women so don’t expect them to pull through like JP ones.

>> No.40724728

A lot of people are getting sick. Vtubers are people.

>> No.40725751

Tons of people are getting sick, plenty of them are still dealing with Kung Flu while others already had health issues plus the stress of dealing with assholes like you also takes a toll on them.

>> No.40726241

Pregnancy often makes women feel shitty at random intervals. Don't worry, it'll pass soon.
