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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40379836 No.40379836 [Reply] [Original]

hololive knew very well that they will get tons more money by debuting a new holos instead of stars. holox was a success, id 3 was a success, rival company floped, what stoping them? there must be a massive yab behind the scenes going on

>> No.40380015

>what stoping them?
Firstly, ESL
Secondly, it's almost a guarantee that even if they got a new gen of girls, they'll develop lazy syndrome within 3 months after looking at Myth and Council's work ethic.
Council saw how lazy Myth could be, and Myth encouraged them to be lazy. The same thing's going to happen with EN3, where even without being in there themselves, they can see how easy Myth + Council take it and how much money they make, and they will think to themselves "wow, if I get in I can not stream and make tonnes of money too because Hololive is the easy money maker!"
Lastly, Cover isn't even looking at their applications, they could have accepted both Kotoka and Meloco and Cover would have it's own stinky JP speaking EN autistic grinder (who's grinding a ton of ARK and actually streaming) and it's own Fubuki fangirl who gushes over her instead of Luca.

>> No.40380103

Behold, the retard king.

>> No.40380174

you make it sound like joining holoen gives you the lazy curse? if they are being lazy dummies, managment should correct them. if managment fails to do so, then that is managment and the hiring team's fault

>> No.40380187

Short answer is that they haven't found enough people, but schizos will say otherwise.

>> No.40380248

they simply lose faith on en branch, they got 101.000 application and its 101.000 whores and drop the audition. no other reason

>> No.40380267

It was revealed on a homo stream that both EN and Stars management actively encourage them to take breaks.
The homo in particular flat out said he wanted to stream and do things.

>> No.40380358

Yeah joining HoloEN basically mean you the top of the crop and there's literally no one questioning or complain your lazy work ethics because you will be marked as anti or banned from reddit if you mention any of this.

>> No.40380386

yup, holo en has essentially become a retirement plan for western whores
>grind to get in
>get in
>settled for life
cover knows what's up, iirc they even updated the requirements and included "a clear goal in mind"
auditions are always open, they're just being careful about who to hire for the next batch of girls and dont want another sana

>> No.40380405

so theyre basically telling them to sabotage their own career... cringe

>> No.40380426

used to but scorned fans have wisened up. imagine breaking the perfect kayfabe without having done anything to earn it

>> No.40380487

Myth as well as their managers have actively encouraged it as recounted by Council, quite often, in the early days.
You can bet almost anything that this behaviour will carry on to EN3, EN4, etc.

>> No.40380498

They want more Femcels. It's no secret that even HoloStars has more men than women in the audience. They want the Femcel money too.

>> No.40380508

>All ENs are lazy

>> No.40380513

Basically this, the recruitment now is looking for hardworking and competent female streamers but it's fucking hard to achieve because we're talking about recruiting "western women" here.

>> No.40380518

Cover seems dead set on hiring girls for ID and Holostars these days.

>> No.40380533

>7 out of 10 HoloEN members are lazy therefore we should not hire any more holos because the possibility exists that they might be lazy as well
Yeah sure, why even still have an EN branch if they're operating on that logic? Just fucking fire them.

>> No.40380550

Because ID and Holostars willing to put in the hours.

>> No.40380581

Aloe-syndrome. Ever since Aloe happened it's been like this, people refuse to hold the girls up to a standard because "Omg please no more graduations!!". At this point I wish the girls would announce their graduation independently of their yabs just so people stop pretending that hololive is a 90 year job that they need to do until they die.

>> No.40380611

firing vtubers on the spot is bad pr anon, why the fuck are you this new? Can you give it some thoughts?

>> No.40380619

Well, at least they stream.

>> No.40380628

I remember the time when Council was supposed to be a gen of "content creators"

>> No.40380743
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Over half is not a good look at all.
Though admittedly this goes back to my third point.
If they looked at their applications and accepted Kotoka, Cover would have an EN koyori / kaela lite.

>> No.40380901

that's super unfortunate, i dont even have hopes of holoen girls streaming kaela-hours, but just having one to watch during a day would be nice bc at the moment there's days when no one streams at all

>> No.40380904

At debut we got
>artist that refused to draw on stream (eventually gave up and actually did some doodle)
>asmr chuuba (actually surprisingly does her job)
>Crisp Voice VA with arguably sexy design (in the end hides her models boobs)
>1M subs PL that still failed to get 1M in her chuuba form till this day
>passable singer but shit streaming voice

>> No.40381249

So is closing down your fucking subreddit when people get fucking mad because you decide to launch more homos when people have been complaining about no content on the girls side, yet here we are. EN management doesn't give a shit about PR anymore, they're running the branch into the ground.

>> No.40381426

deciding not to pursue the idol angle in the west was always retarded. If people wanted to watch "content creators" they'd be on Twitch. Council was the canary in the coal mine.

>> No.40381476

>implying HoloEN won't debut a GFE gen on valentine's day for the easiest simpbucks ever
I'm genuinely surprised no one's done it yet

>> No.40381511

Then they should have A) Looked at their applications and notice they have a Kaela / Koyori lite applying, and B) pull a niji and hire nip women that can speak decent English.
See: >>40380743
For context: applied to both but niji accepted first.

>> No.40381564

EN management are literally discord tranny SJWs who will burn the company to the ground if they think it gets them a culture wars win

>> No.40381604

>people get fucking mad because you decide to launch more homos when people have been complaining about no content on the girls side

I think I'm in this camp. I don't want to see more and more people introduced. We're already facing oversaturation in Hololive IMO. I just want to see the established members streaming again and participating in fun events with each other.

>> No.40381631

Ahh yes that cute girl who Axel collabed with a clearly a discord tranny sjw
Holy projection

>> No.40381638

They won't get monetized right away and the audience has to get attached to the chuba, although I suppose that's hardly a problem for the majority of the holotards who will watch anything the brand tries to push onto them

>> No.40381783

I keep forgetting about YT's arcane monetization policies, makes sense then.

>> No.40381963

>closing down your fucking subreddit
You know it's /vt/ fault for invading the subreddit and they fucking force to locked it and if we're to bitch about it why not take it to the fucking Twitter that Elon Musk spend 44 fucking billions on?

>> No.40382120

ESL tranny, the reddit was locked before anyone said anything

>> No.40382128

>people get fucking mad because you decide to launch more homos when people have been complaining about no content on the girls side
'people'? You mean the falseflaggers from /vt/? People love Tempus, and the Japs don't hate Holostars either, they literally had the boys went on stage to sing and dance with the girls on new year and there was no negative reaction from the fans whatsoever.

>> No.40382137

even the redditors hate this garbage don't pretend otherwise. It's gotten that bad and management can't censor its way out of it.

>> No.40382191

it's the Russian bots i tell you. Dear Lord you are in denial.

>> No.40382282

>People love tempus
meds. now

>> No.40382482

Yeah, and they know they can't complain anything in the Subreddit. Its fucking Reddit come the fuck on anon is this your first day on the Internet?

>> No.40382587

Cyкa блять.

>> No.40382602

Fake. /#/ was fucking around back then when Tempus new gen announce. >>40382408

>> No.40382638

>everything I don't like is a brigade/bots
Maybe you should go back to lereddit.

>> No.40382815

>go back to lereddit
It locked thanks to /vt/

>> No.40383050
File: 104 KB, 1080x396, 1672930917554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /#/ have to do with t-chan deciding on the official fan discord to lock down the subreddit?You can go there right now and check the posts

>> No.40383132

forgot to link >>40382815 to >>40383050
nothing to do with /vt/

>> No.40383380
File: 55 KB, 879x126, image_2023-01-06_191450310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40383623

Yes, that was before anything even happened. You can check timestamps by joining the discord if you want.

>> No.40383791

But this happened >40383656

>> No.40384004

1. holofes
2. gura graduation announcement
3. en3 announcement

>> No.40384080

Thanks, gonna ask on the Jap contact form why their fucking Jannie is shitting on concerned fans with this attached.

>> No.40384310
File: 52 KB, 704x360, image_2023-01-06_194105138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because this happened

>> No.40384343

I'll yell it every thread. Hire Ally & Sally. Prior vtuber experience together, halfu's, know Japanese, have a good gimmick (sisters), seiso as fuck, and they have the drive because thry were willing to stream 2-3 times a week while obviously having a day job.

>> No.40384364

>Our absolute flagship product that props up our entire branch up is struggling, shouldn't we, you know, try to fix it?
>Nah, let's just abandon it and pursue the very slim chance that our audience suddenly starts liking this thing that they hate.
You retards pushing this "They don't want more holo girls because they might become lazy after a while" narrative are retarded.

>> No.40384385

You mean people asked 'Why are you doing this'? Isn't the point of a subreddit for discussion?

>> No.40384446

I wouldn't even say hate, it's more like disinterest. I personally tune in to Vesper streams sometimes, but thry sure as fuck wouldn't get my viewtime I'm currently giving them for Kiara anywhere on the Stars realm. There's just better options for male streaming.

>> No.40384547

The "people" you mention are /vt/ btw.

>> No.40384553
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, 1643267734108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what REALLY went down:
Yagoo wants friends. He wants bros that he can actually go and have a drink with, and the girls can't provide that. He just happened to decide he wants more English-speaking friends, that's all.
Also he knows he can use his company and influence to help lift some dudes out of poverty, which he's happy to do because he's just a nice guy like that.

>> No.40384624

>Everything I don't like is a brigade
If /vt/ can magically shit up the subreddit why aren't they constantly doing it?

>> No.40384718

Because that person is being disingenuous. Is some of it /vt/? Sure, but the issue is that there are people who use nothing but that subreddit who are seeing that question and thinking the same thing or agreeing with that lone of questioning. People love to make boogymen so they can easily point at something and say 'it's this that's fucking everything up for everyone!' when in reality nothing is ever that simple.

>> No.40384732

"Let's attract an audience that wants to watch more male vtubers but don't want to watch NijiEN, and aggravate the part of our audience that are still waiting for an overdue EN3."

>> No.40384763

no safety net of anonymity and cowardice

>> No.40384782

Yeah, because /#/ was posting links and asking people to spam and downvote the Subreddit.

>> No.40384825

>proof next thread
Meanwhile someone posted proof that they planned to shut it down to spite hololive fans: >>40383050

>> No.40385135

If they haven't found enough people they would shill the auditions like they did 3 times during 2022, but they haven't dona that once for HoloEN. I wonder why.

>> No.40385145


>> No.40385473

>only 1 of those posts is calling for a raid
>all the replies to it say it's a waste of time
Yeah I'm sure that single post is fucking responsible for hundreds upon hundreds of people telling EN management to get their shit together.

>> No.40385531

Kek no wonder T-chan forced to lock the subreddit.

>> No.40385576

Don't forget, /vt/ is known for breaking containment.

>> No.40385682

Hololive is already irrelevant. just look at Tempus DLC they are still below 20k subs. If they debut EN 3 they will also get the same number of subs which will finally destroy the illusion that Hololive is still the number 1 vtuber company. when it comes to numbers they are now at the small corpo level and they dont want their audience to see that

>> No.40385843

Because it's impossible that people who post on both places exist, right? And /vt/ is the only place that's pissed with how long is taking them to debut EN3, with everyone else being containment breakers, right? The ENTIRE Hololive fanbase is more than fine with only 10 members where around half are out of commission for whatever reason, right?

>> No.40386015

Anon, anyone with a fucking pc with two open tabs can do this. It's not that hard.

>> No.40386073

Cool, and that makes them a containment breacher because? Did you forget how many people kept asking Cover for StarsEN since 2021? Why those people are fine but the people asking for EN3 are all /vt/ dwellers?

>> No.40386085

Why does /vt/ suddenly care about ledditor opinions

>> No.40386128

Bruh /vt/ is 80% reddit infested.

>> No.40386214

Then the people who are asking for EN3 aren't all containment breachers. Glad we could come to an agreement here.

>> No.40386350

>Breaking containment doesn't count because it's was a topic here
Huh?! Bruh /vt/ literally got the subreddit on lockdown.

>> No.40386435

>pull a niji and hire nip women that can speak decent English.
This was a stroke of genius for solving the widespread lack of work ethic in western women!

>> No.40386454

because reddit and discord fags are invading to fight their activist culture war

>> No.40386547

When's our lockdown?

>> No.40386597

I'm sure it did. Again, is every single person asking for EN3 containment breachers and there's literally no one in the entire Hololive fanbase outside of here who isn't fine with how long it's taking for EN3 to debut, or they put that hellhole on lockdown because they're cowards and don't want to deal with people rightfully asking why the fuck is it taking 17 months and counting for them to announce a new HoloEN gen?

>> No.40386616

Once someone mentions jews.

>> No.40386856

There's an entire Jew idol corp you idiot

Oh, you mean those OTHER Jews? Those who bought Cover out and are dictating its direction to further their culture war on the goyim. I see.

>> No.40387011

You mean Nijisanji?

>> No.40387138

Probably still waiting for what they feel is the right time/they don't have enough "suitable" candidates. We know they like to take their time with the girls and how it took them forever to debut HoloX after gen 5. This along with them thinking people would be reasonable enough to ignore things they don't like while they try to build one of their smaller niche brands that was a small hit for that brands standards. Them adding more boys is a lot faster than they've ever added new girls to the main branches, but it's always been like that with the stars. The OG Gen 1 debuts where spread out over a few months, then Gen 2 came out like a few weeks after all of Gen 1 was debuted. Then Gen 3 came out fast as well.

>> No.40387159

>why the fuck is it taking 17 months
Bruh Jp side literally took the same amount of time for gen 3 and gen 6 you don't see them complaining

>> No.40387194

Nijisanji mindbroke HoloEN management's decisions.

>They went from having a monopoly of the Western YouTube market to being completely outmanoeuvred by NijiEN.
>Council should have killed Lazusydia and they failed.
>They lacked an appropriate response to Luxiem despite knowing that Niji attacking the female demographic was inevitable.
>Sana graduates and no one cared.
>Myth 3D is locked behind a paywall with other people piloting some of the models.
>Tempus are announced and they looked so awful that ILUNA became disproportionately more popular than any other wave ever just to clown on them.
{It has now been 1.5 years since Council and we have 8 males and 10 females in HoloPro, but the second gen of Tempus is growing slower than even their shitty 1st Gen.
>The EN branch that made the most money in 2022 was not HoloEN.
>The EN branch that had the most appearances at convention's was not HoloEN.
>The EN branch with the most sponsorship opportunities was not HoloEN (Though Among Us was probably bigger than all of Niji's combined, it was a multi-branch collab and EN management likely did nothing to contribute).
>More than half of HoloEN are no longer doing their job, and possibly even buying time for the company to prepare EN3 before they graduate.

Even the smallest competition made HoloEN self-destruct. It's actually over.

>> No.40387370

Or they're learning their mistake from Council and Myth since they're lazy as fuck? They probably careful and strict about with EN3 because they don't want to make the same mistake again.

>> No.40387463

Any comment that's negative or criticizing is containment breaching to these faggots. I fucking hate how retarded some people are.

>> No.40387541

What in the fuck are you talking about? What Gen 3? JP? Because they started debuting 2 months after Korone and Okayu, 7 months after Mio and 9 months after Gen 2. Holox debuted 15 months after Gen 5, but they had (at the time) 31 members, which is more than 3 times the amount HoloEN has right now, and that's even higher if we only consider the active members. But sure, your comparison is totally fair and doesn't ignore a bunch of other shit related to it.

Their biggest mistake was not debuting new gens faster. That's it. There's no amount of time that'll fix the problems EN has outside of inserting new blood. They won't find these mythical creatures that will stream like Kaela/Koyori if they keep letting every single other agency grab these girls before them. They're taking so damn long that it's more than possible that there are a couple of Nenes out there who sent their auditions multiple times without getting any reply. Stop with this retarded argument that Cover is being careful when they're doing more damage to the brand by doing this shit than just grabbing 5 girls and debuting them already.

It's obvious that they're the ones coming from reddit.

>> No.40387546

Yagoo sold out to Chinese fujoshi. HoloEN was just a grift to create a backdrop for maletubers who could enter the lucrative Chinese market via backdoor. That is why HoloEN girls got no support. They were only there as a placeholder and HoloEN wanted them to simply exist, not be successful.

There will be no new girl gen in HoloEN, and even if there was I'd never watch them because Hololive has betrayed us and I don't want to support them in any way. But even if they tried (they didn't) HoloEN wouldn't get enough applications from girls, because the news of their incompetence has spread far and wide. No chuuba, big or small, actually wants to join Hololive anymore. It's that bad of a situation and it's all a deserved position for HoloEN. You still don't understand that the branch is DEAD, truly dead, and that the brand is now utterly worthless. Unless you're a fujoshi or a fag HoloEN simply isn't for you, and guess what - there's multiple small corpos which are for you, and me. And they are where vtubing lives on. They are the big corpos of the future, not Hololive.

>> No.40387624

>negative or criticizing is containment breaching
Yeah no shit, when you say these shit in the Subreddit, you either got marked or banned from it. Come on anon, is this your first time on the Internet?

>> No.40387850

It's baffling indeed, they could've simply made HoloEN as "HoloJP but in English" with the number of talents to become self-supporting like HoloJP and it would've been an easy ticket to continued success.

>> No.40387885

>grabbing 5 girls and debuting them already.
Don't you know that getting a western woman that will stay hardworking and competent is nearly impossible?

>> No.40388020

EN management was arrogant enough to think that HoloEN would remain at the top forever without continued support, and that they could somehow beat Manjisanji EN at their own game.

>> No.40388090

You know there are tons of female streamers that put in more hours than all of HoloEN, right? Fucking Shilily had more hours than Koyori, and she's the gold standard of hardworking on Hololive. Also even if they can't find these types of girls what do they gain for waiting so damn long? The branch already reached only 3 active members back in December, what makes them think it won't happen again?

>> No.40388296

Yeah, but ask yourself this, if you're hired in a top agency in the vtubers Industry, will you put in as much effort as you did before? The answer is simply "no".

>> No.40388475

You need to establish a loyal following of paypigs before you can start raking in the cash.

>> No.40388512

>They went from having a monopoly of the Western YouTube market to being completely outmanoeuvred by NijiEN.
Anecdotally, I've been exclusively watching HoloEN for 2 years, but now I'd rather watch Kotoka and Pomu than the 3 Holo streamers who still do anything at all. HoloEN is dead.
What a way to shoot themselves in the foot.

>> No.40388520

And again, what Cover has to lose by just hiring more girls? They're guaranteed to be a bigger success than any of the guys, they'll at least put some effort early on, there's a chance they'll make their senpai more motivated to collab and that includes everyone and not just those who are fine with co-ed collabs. Seriously, tell me why is it so bad for Cover to just stop having this immense standards you people think they have (I don't, I'm pretty sure they're just not planning an EN3 anytime soon) and just do what they did with JP, expanding the branch to a healthy enough size so catastrophic events like what happened last month don't repeat itself?

>> No.40388535

Exactly why Council and Myth were working hard for 3 months then proceed to show their laziness.

>> No.40388590

>Cover has to lose by just hiring more girls
They're no Nijisanji anon, they do not run RGN application poll and assign them to avatars.

>> No.40388620

>Simply saying you don’t want Holo to turn into niji
>Instantly blocked
You act like twitter is any better.

>> No.40388682

The next step should then be to release a new gen, so the ones who slack off will lose their paypigs to the new hires. This way the money will continue flowing into the company.

>> No.40388776

Anon, it's been 17 months, which is 3 months less than the age of NijiEN funnily enough. HoloEN started 28 months ago, with that same amount of time HoloJP debuted 28 members. You know damn well there's a balance between ACCELERATE and whatever the fuck Cover is doing right now, you're just refusing to accept it because you convinced yourself that Hololive has these amazingly high standards even after they hired someone like Sana.

>> No.40388793

>twitter is any better.
It's literally what it's for anon don't waste that 40 billion dollar.

>> No.40388858

This is why people who enjoy small corpos and indies should stop shilling their chuubas here. When they get big enough they'll do the same thing.

>> No.40388861

>they hired someone like Sana.
Which why they don't wanna make the same mistake for EN3

>> No.40388920

They don't think they performed well as vtubers so I don't think they'll ever come back

>> No.40388942

Like what the actual fuck is happening at this company?

Honestly everyone here should start spamming their “contact us” page. This is beyond bullshit at this point.

>> No.40388967

Again, 17 months. They're doing a much bigger mistake waiting that fucking long than risking another Sana. Nijisanji just opened new auditions and I dare say girls have a much bigger chance there than ever be noticed by Cover, and that's fucking depressing. It'll reach a point when they'll be forced to bet on more Sanas to even have a full gen, but you refuse to see this.

>> No.40389012

Fallenshadow claimed she was involved in the Holo audition process almost a year ago now. Something must have gone badly wrong with that batch, assuming she wasn't just talking shit like the mehera she is.

>> No.40389110

It's either there's too much application to go through or it's already done and they're revealing it on HoloFes.

>> No.40389152

obese femcels and trannies in management

>> No.40389186

So what you're telling me is it's containment breaching because people who voice their opinions on the subreddit get banned, they come here? Isn't that reverse?

>> No.40389211


>> No.40389400

I feel like it's some kind of convoluted social experiment. They testing how much peoples can endure until snap

>> No.40389421

>too much applications
They hired a bunch of people last year, why the fuck they wouldn't have enough people to deal with this? Not to mention the auditions have a time limit before the candidates can try again, so if there's too many it's because they're taking way too fucking long and letting shit pile up.
>already done and waiting for HoloExpo/Fes
That's the next piece of hopium, but even then it would be 19 months since Council, which is way too fucking long. Will they take that amount of time for EN4? Will they do the same thing they did with StarsEN and already have around 10 girls ready so they won't take an eternity for more debuts? And that's betting on the possibility that we'll even hear about EN3 in March, because it's quite likely that the EN management with their dreams of HoloPro won't debut a new EN gen so close to Tempus 2: Tempus Harder.

>> No.40389433

>what stoping them?
It's HoloEN

>> No.40389437

It's bullshit because they were an extension of a subpar VN that people only remember for the memes from their favorite youtubers/streamers playing it, and it was 5-7 years old at this point. They did alright and their gimmick would 100% sell well at larger corpos.

>> No.40389457

>they're revealing it on HoloFes
They won't reveal EN3 then, but will reveal JP7 during 4th FES. Reason being is that Cover is aggressively prepping for their IPO and if they can get a new JP gen out prior to their IPO, it will set them up favorably with their target investors. Plus they have never announced a foreign branch's new gen announcement at FES before. Take 3rd FES, they announced Uproar duing FES, but not ID3, despite ID3 debuting before Uproar and debuting a week after Fes 3 ended. So if there is a new EN gen to be announced, realistically, it will be after 4th Fes and some time after JP7 debuts.

>> No.40389472

EN3's reveal would already be soured by Tempus 2 debuting earlier, and EN3 will have sky high expectations because of the long delay. If there were really so many applications to go through, they should've gotten EN3 out in 2022 and prepared EN4 for HoloFes.

>> No.40389557

>Sky high expectations.
This is the real thing to think about. You keep pushing it back and back, and if it doesn't come out just right, people who check out every holo member at least once are gonna wonder why it took so long for you to debut a lackluster gen. No one is asking for Niji levels of new members, but once a year isn't so hard.

>> No.40389621 [DELETED] 

I’m sure there’s assloads of applications.
Hololive is the major leagues of Vtubing.

Which is what makes this insane mismanagement even more incomprehensible.
Imagine being the owner of #1 female EN bribing branch and pushing them aside to focus solely on your 3view homos.

>> No.40389643

>will have sky high expectations
That was exactly the problem with Council as well. They were overhyped and debuted after Myth amassed 8 million subs in total. The sequel to the biggest Hololive gen had all the eyes glued on them, and Cover was retarded enough to increase the hype levels with those worthless lore videos. Now the hype is almost negative, with people expecting the Hololive who took the longest time to debut to have killer talents that will revolutionize the scene, which realistically won't fucking happen. If Cover followed the JP model closer we should've had EN3 in early to mid 2022 and EN4 at the end of 2022 or around early 2023, but instead god knows when EN3 will drop, much less EN4.

>> No.40389728

It's amazing to me how little they gave a shit about IRyS compared to how much they're pushing the male debuts

>> No.40389917

>It's amazing to me how little they gave a shit about IRyS compared to how much they're pushing the male debuts
Explain Magni and Vesper shitty avatar then anon

>> No.40389975

Don't remind me. It was with IRyS that I started thinking it wasn't just incompetence but also malice. There's no way they would mismanage someone that fucking hard without actual intent.

Another page on Cover's lack of quality control? They're not the first ones and won't be the last with shitty looking models and bad rigs. And IRyS problem wasn't just her model.

>> No.40390062

>Cover's lack of quality control?
Not the first and not the last anon, welcome to hololive.

>> No.40390074

Just look majority Fujo manga artists!

>> No.40390077

What's even funnier is that they tried to fuck Kiara's birthday over with Iry's debut, and then go and dumpster the fuck out of her with little to no promotion anywhere. What a wild ride, I'd love to hear what they said to Omega when he started posting on twitter.

>> No.40390089

Wait who had a million subs? Bae?

>> No.40390110

What a fucking retard.
The avatar has nothing to do with how much Cover came out for “THE BOYSSSS”.
They pushed the male collabs behind the scene, despite knowing that their main fan base would be unhappy with it.
They have dedicated the entire last year to creating, debuting and promoting these fuckers.
They have taken over all Hololive spaces like the official Twitter and Reddit and used it to push the homos.
The EN girls have been going non stop for 17 months without any new help.

The fuck are you talking about anon?

>> No.40390111


>> No.40390236

>But instead god knows when EN3 will drop, much less EN4.

Anon I say this without any irony or tribal faggotry whatsoever. EN3 and EN4 have either already debuted or will debut in another company.

Literally every girl in NijiEN auditioned after Council auditions opened. Take your pick. Elira, Pomu, Selen, Rosemi, Millie, Enna, Reimu, Maria, Zaion, Meloco, Kotoka. That's 2 1/2 generations' worth of picks there alone. Idol, Phase and Kawaii is packed with people who probably at least applied for Holo or wanted to.

EN3 will be good, but they will never be able to stop HoloEN bleeding momentum or their hold on the market. Their mythical scouting ability and status as 'the best of the best' has been left to rot for nearly 2 years.

>> No.40390243

>They pushed the male collabs behind the scene, despite knowing that their main fan base would be unhappy with it.
Prove? Pretty sure was the female talent that ask for the collab.
>They have dedicated the entire last year to creating, debuting and promoting these fuckers.
So did the females. Have they tried to promote the Hololive adition? Boy did the girls didn't
>The EN girls have been going non stop for 17 months without any new help
That or they just lazy to ask, simple as.

>> No.40390291

>so the ones who slack off will lose their paypigs to the new hires
>This way the money will continue flowing into the company
That doesn't make any sense. They don't need to stream, the paypigs will never leave(since they love Holo and the characters from Holo, not the girls themselves) and will still buy merch or whatever Cover shits out, if these paypigs change oshi because new girls are better, then the same amount of money will just go to the new girls and Cover will get the same amount of money, though they'll lose some money because they need to support the new girls.
On the other hand, they debut Tempus, Tempus gets new paypiggies that aren't from the girls, therefore Cover get more money.

>> No.40390394

No. There are no new paypigs for men.
There is a very small group of Chinese Fujoshis, and Vox Akuma already owns 90% of them.
That’s why the homos had to leech of the girls for a solid 2 months before the girls realized how bad it was for their finances.

>> No.40390591

>Explain Magni and Vesper shitty avatar
Their artists are big name FGO artists with at least 500k+ followers, not some literally who like most Niji's artists.

>> No.40390662

it is an absolute retard take considering the first few gens of Hololive have about the same ratio of people who stream to people 'who don't', fucking Gura has more stream hours than say Mio and Ayame etc, but it doesn't matter for JP because they added new members

anyone who says this btw is just a homobeggar or even worse a falseflagger

>> No.40390697
File: 149 KB, 931x569, image_2023-01-06_222055084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No. There are no new paypigs for men.
That's not true.

>> No.40390759

>No. There are no new paypigs for men
Wrong. They're doing very well even compared to the girls, you think those are not new paypigs? Just because they made less money than Vox doesn't mean they're failures.

>> No.40390779

And I don't disagree with you on that point. There were dozens of picks Cover let go to other agencies and only Coverdrones still convinced that Hololive has this mythical scouting ability believe they wouldn't be good fits. Now who knows if there are people out there like Nene who are still waiting for their time to be noticed.

Come on, anon. Are you really expecting these people to not be HoloEN or worse, Tempus newfags?

>> No.40391386

You people need to legit look at a real western woman.

West is not japan or 4chan, fermales do not grow up surronded by anime/manga shit, to a western woman a anime avatar is ABSOLUTE CRINGE.
West fujos do not really exist as mainstream demo.

>> No.40391711

Because the guys are much better, right?

>> No.40391749

You need to go to anime cons. I can say it's a small niche than the amount of guys who want cute woman piloting anime avatars, but I have seen and talked to my fair share of Fujo's.

>> No.40391815

>You people need to legit look at a real western woman.

I watch vtubers because real western women are largely disgusting, inside and out

>> No.40391825

The western equivalent to fujos are the weird tumblr type fanatics who obsess over Harry Potter, Supernatural and shit like that.

>> No.40391895

that is a JP manager, retard

>> No.40392032

>You need to go to anime cons.
This. Everytime I've been to an anime con it was at least 70% women. Disclaimer: This was in mid-to-late 00's Finland, but as far as I'm aware it's still the same.

>> No.40392060

That's a boomer take anon we're not fucking 2004 anymore.

>> No.40392078

Must feel great to be a gen2 tempus right about now. Whatever, keep hiring guys and giving them transvestite models. I just do not want to hear about it. Go find girls to market to and stop polluting the places I hang out.

>> No.40392097


>> No.40392125

It's not boomer, it is just uninformed. Spot the non-anime fan!

>> No.40392225

I wouldn't say it was that heavily skewed, but there are a lot of women at cons. I'll say there's a decent chunk who are there just for cosplay and self promotion for their twitter or garbage only fans or whatever, but there's a lot more than you'd expect going to shit like Free! panels. I've got some gay friends that I go to cons with sometimes, and it's so funny to see their disappointment in the crowd turnout for shit like Free or Yuri on Ice.

>> No.40392241

We live in a society where it's easier to find western male vtubers for Holostars than finding a female vtubers for Hololive.

>> No.40392321

Nah, it's easier for men to be noticed by Cover than girls. There are good enough female candidates out there, Cover is just ignoring them.

>> No.40392325

serious question, how many of them actually cosplaying character from obscure or non-FOTM manga/anime

>> No.40392502

That's like 80% of the anime fans at cons now-a-days. With it becoming mainstream in the early 10's, the scene is filled with people who jump onto whatever the newest, best anime is. It's also why there was a boom in EN vtubing. All the anime kids wanted the new hotness and now it's wearing off. I'm interested to see how the dealer floor and artist alley look this year with vtuber stuff. Early 2021 it was really starting to hit hard and I saw tons of options.

>> No.40392542

well, then go give them a call cuz sure they seem to not give a single shit about male vtubers

>> No.40393049

If they could convincingly act female...

>> No.40393132

yes, it's possible to blame the talents being lazy and management for poor decisions at the same time. half the threads on this board are arguing that both can't possibly be true when it's actually the most common sense solution. Girls got lazy, managers made bad decisions out of personal interests and spite.

>> No.40393713

en management doesnt want money they want to own le evil idol culture

>> No.40393997

Smarter businessmen behind the scenes? For sure. They are swimming in money after all.

>> No.40394295

>closing subreddit is equally bad with firing your workers who are still under contract
not even plebbitor is this retarded

>> No.40394396

I bet they had a hard time finding 5 girls good enough and that fit what they were looking for with this group.
That is the most likely explanation.

>> No.40394654

Why is that explanation more likely than Cover just didn't want to debut EN3 in 2022? If they were having troubles finding girls they would shill auditions just like they did 3 times for StarsEN last year, but they didn't do once other than the original announcement back in early January.

>> No.40394720

They hired Kronii. The girls don't need to be very talented.

>> No.40394793

EN3 was hired after the Jan announcement. They've been in training to learn to play minecraft, sing karaoke, maximize SC. Once they pre-burn them out they will be announced.

>> No.40394853

>It's amazing to me how little they gave a shit about IRyS compared to how much they're pushing the male debuts
they gave her her own project and multiple company funded songs but the bitch cant sing for shit. makes me wonder why they hired her.

>> No.40394873

This rrat is so fucking retarded I can actually believe in. Thanks for the laugh, anon.

>> No.40394912

Her singing is fine. The lyrics however... please only sing in Japanese from now on.

>> No.40394925

100% correct.
Like all things woke, it is self-destructive.
Disney, Hollywood, video games, comic books, Star Wars.
All of it ruined by people who were like, “Wow! This hobby is great! But you should really change this and this and this and this and this and this and this and also I’m a faggot so more trannies please.”

>> No.40394972

holobegging going strong itt

>> No.40395012

>uncanny model she fought to get changed over a year
>little to no input on her songs that are written by different ESL songwriters
>doesn't know the release schedule which often results in songs being released on her breaks, and MVs only come out months after the song was already out
Sure thing. And the Tempus guys are better singers than her, right?

>> No.40395031

Cover doesn't like hiring nip women for holoEN because the last nip they hired just complains about not being holoJP, and its totally understandable given how much better holoJP get treated and do relative to holoEN.

>> No.40395061

Her singing's fine. The songwriters they got for her were not. I'm convinced that having competent people on the team and having them help out with original songs for the other girls too would have solved a lot of the issues HoloEN's had. Good music is a huge boost to a vtuber's popularity, and we haven't had many since early Mori.

>> No.40395072

Honestly both. The bad english lyrics make it clear her english singing voice can't carry the songs.

>> No.40395152

The solution, of course, is to start treating HoloEN better and not use "results" as an excuse, especially when the branch's troubles are partly due to them not feeling like a genuine part of Hololive.
Yeah, I know...

>> No.40395203

She has adapted though. She is fun to watch play games. I respect that at least. She could have just chosen to disappear and not stream. It does seem like if they were serious about her she could do a lot more though. They got Mori a recording contract. Her lyrics are just as cringe as Irys'. Irys could probably write Mori songs in her spare time. They are like grade school white boy rap.

>> No.40395206

she is probably refering to the audition she did with lemonleaf for council. only one got in, and then the menhera awoke, starting the first council yab just before their debuts

>Something must have gone badly wrong with that batch

>> No.40395268

>Can’t sing for shit
Her roommate has a Renai Circulation cover with 145,000,000 views.

She is a great singer.
Her manager, like the rest of EN management, is retarded.
The songs and artwork they give her are bland a lot of the time.
Callie’s music is terrible but they go all out on her album covers and her image.

>> No.40395271

she isnt the only one who wishes she was holojp

>> No.40395341

IRyS still going strong is one of the many mysteries of Hololive, and I deeply respect her for that. Ironically if she wasn't a vsinger her songs would probably be way better because she would be more involved in the whole process and not be treated like a singing slave for Cover to sing whatever songs they commission for the project.

>> No.40395396

I know I'd be pissed if I got put into holoEN over holoJP for the sole reason that I was fluent at English, which normally would be a buff.

>> No.40395405

I was shocked at her roommate's account. It is so much better than what Irys has been given. Her lyrics are just not memorable. Both her and Mori make songs you hear as background music on TV shows. Not overly offensive, but totally forgettable.

>> No.40395426

Not, she time framed it, it was well after council.

>> No.40395465

I'd be thrilled with a mix like Pikamee.

>> No.40395506

Mori makes, IRyS just sings. She has no input in her stuff and is as important for the project as the former singers of Supercell for example.

>> No.40397268

I wonder if there's any JP girl fluent in English who's hiding that on her audition for HoloJP because she knows how bad things are on EN.

>> No.40398951

>Her roommate has a Renai Circulation cover with 145,000,000 views.
Because everyone thought it was the actual song
Irys is a good singer, not a great singer, the shitty lyrics might be a setback but nothing that a great singer can't simply turn into something soulful, there are a lot of shitty ESL songs sung by japs that are still fun to listen to simply because the singer puts a lot of emotion in them, if Irys isn't good enough to save shitty lyrics she wouldn't be that much better even if she had well written songs, as proved by her covers of way better holo songs

>> No.40399627

>if homobegging works, does holoEN3begging work too?
Seems fair or what? Only one side can beg? Is the majority we are talking about

>> No.40399770

I have to disagree with using her cover of other holosongs as example. Those songs in particular are written for a specific member, they are pretty much that talent's signature song and aren't for IRyS by design. Whoever chose those songs for IRyS to cover made a really bad decision, she sang Idol Project songs like Suspect and did amazingly.
And the other way around is also true, multiple members have sang IRyS first EP songs and none of them made it sounds as good as IRyS does, and they are great singers too (AZKi sang diorama, Suisei sang Here Come Hope, Moona sang Caesura of Despair)
Also be honest, holosongs aren't that great to begin with, they are good songs but not great songs. A lot of the love they get are sentimental from the fan for the talent. Take talent away and the song will also get less love

>> No.40399873

bro, you are saying like their management is competent and they have some agenda or plan.
Look how they are handling IRyS. Or how they turned Council nepotism hires into this 'artistic experiment' models. Also overall handling of perms and shit.
Common consensus in /vt/ is that random crackhead hobo would do better job that those paypig manchild groomers that they have there currently

>> No.40399955

As to music it's just coming down to the team working on the holosongs other than the talent. Suisei has Taka Inoue and MGO. Singing talent aside, a good team behind the music goes a long way.

>> No.40400216

This didn't just happen for Renai Circulation, it also happened for her Only My Railgun cover. The fact that hundreds of thousands of people couldn't tell that it wasn't the 'real' singer singing it is testament enough to her ability. Many Japanese singers became successful even though they simply sound competent, if not very distinguishable. IryS at the very least meets that standard. She's definitely no Aimer, Ado or Lisa with a thoroughly distinctive voice you can hear from the first note, but come on, you can barely tell Minami Kuriyabashi apart from Nana Mizuki with half the pop stuff they sing. The standard she has reached is more than high enough for it to be nowhere near the limiting factor.
On the other hand, I have no end of criticism for the songs that have been pushed out. At this point I have zero doubt its her management or music team that is overwhelmingly the cause of the issue. Even in the worst-case scenario there's only so much you can fuck up a song as a singer - and she's not doing that. It's easy to do a thought experiment - if someone else covered her music, would the cover annihilate the original? That's not going to happen. No holos are snapping them up for karaoke like hotcakes. They simply aren't memorable pieces. Suisei isn't going to do a cover of Ai no Jikkai and get even five million views.
So many of her songs try to do too much and trip over their own feet, whether in lore-related bullshit or musical complexity. It's so difficult for the average listener to connect with their lyrics - they only create any emotional resonance if you're well-versed in a strange kayfabe version of this 'Hope' nephilim character that bears the faintest resemblance to the actual vtuber, and even for that barely anything has been revealed. They just expect you to, I don't know, do critical literary analysis of the song lyrics so you can piece it together like Dark Souls lore. They're so up their asses about the lore that they made a last name for her and then hid it because that would add to the mystique or something, who the fuck knows.
Frankly, I was flabbergasted when Moment of my Life released. It's one of the most muddled, over-complicated pieces by far, and I thought they couldn't get worse than See the World. It's certainly not a catchy song. Try to hum it after listening to it once - it's impossible. In it, IryS sounds like she tries her damnedest to carry it, but it rampages all over the place with no easily discerned structure or direction. The nicest thing you can say for it is that it's certainly a musical experience. It leaves the listener feeling like IryS sounds in the song - lost and desperate even while singing her heart out.
Well, maybe it's the composer? But the guy who composed this is Ren Morimoto, who also composed Asuiro Clearsky, Plasmagic Seasons, and Interact Fantasia. The people who made See the World were Takuya Sakai and Taishi - who made Suisei's 自分勝手Dazzling. Yet See the World and Moment of my Life share that uncanny lack of direction and sound more alike to each other than their respective composers' other, vastly more successful work for Hololive.
I wouldn't be surprised if IryS' songs are being filtered through some sort of committee. When broken up, each part of the song sounds coherent and makes sense on its own, but become exhausting and befuddling when lumped together. The lyrics are bland and inoffensive, but thoroughly unmemorable when taken as a whole, each passage seeming like it wants to shove off the responsibility of emotional satisfaction to the next passage.

>> No.40400988

Wall of text but you pretty much hit the nail. IRyS is just a voice the people in charge of Project:Hope use for their retard songs. They're the ones commissioning, analyzing and giving the approval of those shitty lyrics, not the person who's supposed to be the focus. The position of vsinger might be the biggest trap Cover ever made in their short history because the girl is pretty much a slave and has no input on her songs, and the fact that she still pushes through even with everything working against her is both respectful and honestly quite stupid because even if she would perform worse outside of Hololive as an indie or whatever she would at least have the freedom to do her own stuff. I believe Mori even commented how they're not letting anyone but the people they want to write for her, and while her lyrics aren't much better it shows an authoritarian control over IRyS stuff that no one in Hololive suffers. I wonder if she's even allowed to write her own songs or that is also prohibited.

>> No.40401116

More like reddit faggots who can't voice their discontent over there come to /vt/ and post there again when the occasion seems right
There are more reddit faggots in this board than what people think
I can probably buy the newest Pekora's 1/4 figure if I got 15 USD for every reddit faggots in this board

>> No.40401379

IRyS' songs are good in term of arrangement and composing, they hire really well known names in the anisong sphere after all. With the only exception of Moment of my Life, that song was a mess.
Lyrically, her English songs are the one that have the most problem, they need better lyricist, the one wrote One Step at a Time and Gravity was pretty good but it could be better. Her Japanese songs are still very good to listen to even if the lyrics is either lore shit or generic anisong, they just aren't popular because they aren't catchy for the average Vtuber/anime fan. Akatsuki to Hana is a good song that doesn't have an MV even though it's a single. Till the end of me did good number wise but also fucked by MV releasing 2 months after the song release. Also some of her best songs imo are locked behind EP that have no MV. That just shows how incompetent Project Hope management is.

>> No.40401456

>instead of putting more effort to find better candidates for HoloEN3, you know the thing that a lot of people have been asking for, we should just put more importance to find candidates for StarsEN

>> No.40401548

Her Internet Overdose cover is better than the original imo.
Her covers are always great.

She just gets screwed by bad management like the rest of EN unfortunately. Better songs and better album art would be a game changer.

>> No.40401602

Beggars logic. HoloEN is doing poorly (not really) so Cover should focus all the efforts on debuting guys because they'll be better (they aren't).

>> No.40402613
File: 37 KB, 945x633, 1671976472211251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Numbers thread
>is not about numbers
>it's about unicorns using hasbara-like tactics
>probably using bots too

>> No.40402927

Most retarded take.
90% of twitch roasties would be more interesting than fucking Bae when main point of her debut was shilling MALES

It's obvious tranny-infested management pushing this

>> No.40403002

I cannot leave Moment of my Life alone. The dude basically just threw in the entire kitchen sink. Neither IryS nor the composer can really be trusted to be thoroughly objective on this because they will know the song inside-and-out, and you get blind spots from that. Not that IryS would have probably dared to shake up the boat given how much significance she placed on requesting space for a single breath in Caesura of Despair.
And all of IryS's team, the people supposed to sanity check and evaluate this, probably went in their heads, 'hey I don't know what the FUCK is going on in this song but it certainly sounds like music and they probably know better than me so I'm going to give it the thumbs up.'
Compare and contrast Gravity and Moment of my Life:




Verse 1
Verse 2
Refrain (ver 2)

Verse 1
Verse 2

Break (ver 2)


Not only are there like seven different ideas going on and sometimes clashing in the song, it seemingly randomly mixes them around as it goes so the structure is completely inconsistent. It's utterly baffling how people listened to this song and went 'yeah, ship this, it'll be a smash hit'.

>> No.40403068

> all are not burgerlanders or wanabe japanese
Make you think

>> No.40403489

Why didn't they just use Miku.

>> No.40403894

Twitch thots know better not to mention other men

>> No.40406225
File: 75 KB, 640x480, monkeypaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish for EN3
Very well, here's our first hire.

>> No.40406692

>holox was a success
holox is fucking garbage

>> No.40407032

Nobody with this mindset has actually qualified as a human being to me. I doubt they ever will.

>> No.40407067

I think that's a lie, Irys is satisfied in her position in HoloEN and has only had minor complaint about the management

>> No.40407171

Irys doesn't have much creative control at all for these songs. She's just the singer.

>> No.40407379

Management needs to be taken out behind the fucking woodshed. Simple as.

>> No.40408342

>Isn't the point of a subreddit for discussion?
Lol no, especially not for a official corpo-managed forum. The "point" is basically just marketing, cultivating a culture of toxic positivity and mindless fandrone consoomerism (shut up, don't complain, everything is fine, you will watch ze homos and be happy, and don't forget to buy the next sets of overpriced plastic keychains!). "Discussion", especially of anything that deviates from the manufactured company line, is not wanted.

>> No.40408454

Propaganda and circle jerking.

>> No.40408732

I have no idea what anyone talks about when they talk about all these weird offshoots like council, tempus, stars, bronies, etc. Glad the original Hololive Generation 1-6 is so clean and simple.

>> No.40408733

Funny, because she's both Magnis and Axels manager
Her being a japanese girl does not change that

>> No.40408815

>normalfags are deaf
>this means that she sang it perfectly
ngl you are retarded. Listen to both songs and tell me they sound a like. They do not.

>> No.40411056

Not a yab, just sheer management incompetent and clear preferential treatment.

>> No.40415388


>> No.40417943

Right now, Niji girls can pull good numbers. Enna had a nice 5000ccv as of today. If girls are aware that Niji can be successful, why they wouldn't want to try their luck with this company?

Meanwhile, the message Cover is sending is "We want male streamers, we don't need female ones right now".

How the heck they couldn't crush someone who started their English branch 10 months later... Right now, they deserve the hard decline they're getting at.

>> No.40418751

>Fucking Shilily had more hours than Koyori
I'd rather have no streams than have someone like shylily get in

>> No.40419060

>Cover is aggressively prepping for their IPO

>> No.40419351

Cover's EN management seems to believe they can keep marketing a small group of female streamers forever, half of which don't stream. I don't believe they predicted things would get this bad.
Say what you will about Niji's flood the market strategy, but at least you can pick and choose which girls you want to follow and get a good amount of streams from the selection.
Who cares if you don't like some of the new girls in a hypothetical EN3? You will probably like at least one and that is all that matters.

>> No.40419590


Let's imagine they didn't debut new girls because they didn't find 5 concepts for five girls... Because they can be that stupid...

>> No.40419701

>there just aren't enough good, hardworking girls
>they need more time to find the real dimaons
>it's so difficult to find good female candidates
But it really isn't. There were several new Gens at indie corporations that debuted fairly recently, you could argue are superior to Council. Not to shill them anymore than they already are, but how come idolEN can scout 2views but HoloEN can't? How come Kawaii was able to find 2 girls in their most recent Gen that stream more than anybody in Hololive other than Kaela?

There is more than enough out there, Cover is just either incompetent or they legit didn't care about a new Gen of EN girls in favor of focusing on a another group of males.
I will say though, I feel a certain Schadenfreude that it seems like Tempus2 will be a complete flop, judging by the current sub count. I really hope that in 6 months or so, several of the girls in indy corporations that Cover ignored will be more successful than anybody in Tempus2.

>> No.40419740

>Tranny faggot-fested
>Wont stop talking about MALES he doesnt watch
>Wont stop shitting diaper and screeching RREEEEE
>Wouldnt know what to do if they fired everyone and brought Rushia back since trannyfaggot doesnt watch streams

>> No.40419805

Partly the reason Vesper got 1kccv was because they were hololive fans supporting the brand. Now the brand faith is ruined.

>> No.40419877

Tempus Dos currently sit at 22-24k subs almost two entire days after announcement. Susan doesn't usually start culling until 30k, meaning they might either

>A) Grow so slowly that YouTube doesn't detect them as suspicious, which in and of itself is kind of hilarious for a sequel group under the Blue Dorito.
>B) They will start getting culled AFTER debut, meaning their biggest surge in subs will be murdered in cold blood.

As things stand, all but one of Tempus are growing slower than Aia Amare, and their viewership metrics took a severe bludgeoning in November and didn't recover. The unityfags abandoned them once they thought their job of temporary 'support' was over, and even though they may return for a few months again, make no mistake that they will all feel the strain of a dead active core fanbase. Ironically, I think an EN3 announcement will kill them off entirely, and in turn EN3 will have so much hype behind it that they'll burn out just as quick as Council did.

That, my friends, is what mismanagement looks like.

>> No.40421175

Even unityfags are pissed. It's obvious EN3 got delayed due to Tempiss. Why even defend the tempiss branch if they are hindering the content you actually want.

>> No.40427887

>they simply lose faith on en branch
seems like it

>> No.40433431

>what stoping them?
Incompetent staff

>> No.40433757

>Not American
>not wannabe Japanese

>> No.40434129

Exactly. I tuned in to support the boys from time to time simply because I used to trust the company and their content was decent enough. Now I don't due to HoloEN's clear gross incompetence - if I can't trust these people, I can't trust anyone who thought getting these pencil pushers on board was a good idea. I can't trust whoever thought it was a good idea to put them in that position higher up the chain beyond that. I simply can't trust Cover Corp anymore.

>> No.40434408

Today I watched two streams.
- Kotoka (NijiEN latest gen) random guerrilla Apex, at >1k ccv
- Watson's 3D birthday concert at >20k ccv
If you consider how long the two have been in business, which of the two has the biggest name and by how much, which type of content pulls more viewers… the conclusion is obvious. In fact, can you guess which of the two was more entertaining?

>> No.40434634

>In fact, can you guess which of the two was more entertaining?
The one that isn't Apex, anytime.

>> No.40434749

They're successful enough to take risks to try and get a foothold in a new market

>> No.40434941

OP said make money, why are you talking about stream amount
Assuming the business is running with the goal of profit in mind, streaming is one means to that end
I swear everyone starts talking about streaming amount like it's the end all be all, but for a company, and even for many fans, it's not

>> No.40435222

Considering that I’ve watched both about the same amount (roughly a fraction of a stream), I don’t actually have any real idea. But from the fact that I’ve hardly even watched Ame even though it’s been over two years, you can probably guess that I’m biased.
So I’m gonna guess Kotoka.

>> No.40435331

- stream A: shit game, but enthusiastic girl, funny banter and nice zatsu;
- stream B: shit singing, shit 3D, bored girl, forced acting, cringe merch shilling.
Try again.

>> No.40435359

in the process fucking over the fans who got them there. thanks cover-san

>> No.40435447

I knew I was walking into your bait Apexshitter.
Still doesn't make your point good.

>> No.40435748

My point is, Cover should graduate any talent that doesn't want to do their job anymore, instead of prepping up the dead horse with forced acting or fake participation (Gura)
It's not like they talents will be ending up on a street anyways.

>> No.40436091

why would you get rid of a valuable asset that makes you money
i don't get anon's thinking sometimes

>> No.40436120

They just zigged when they should have zagged, and it's going to cost them unless one of these guys is a fucking prodigy in waiting that blows everyone out of the water. That is absolutely not something you bet serious money on.

>> No.40436191

Those numbers for Watson's birthday were really depressing. Quite a few JP members get more than this with half the effort. Also NijiEN will start having their 3D debuts while only Mori had a real 3D stream out of all of Myth and we won't have anything for Council until after March. Things are looking great.

>> No.40436469

The longer this state of decay lasts, the more face they lose for their incompetence. EN needs new management, a new female wave, and more flexibility with game permissions. Nothing less will suffice.

>> No.40436528

Every time I think I have a better grasp of numbers, I get blindsided by new details.
I actually thought 20k was good, but that just goes to show how little I know of the expected numbers for big event streams.
…The fact that I think any HoloEN stream in 5view territory is amazing regardless of context is me unwittingly acknowledging their recline, isn’t it? I just sort of assumed Ame’s birthday stream was supposed to get less than 10k ccv’s or something based on the way people talked about it beforehand.

>> No.40436640

Gura’s laziness destroys the work ethic of all the people around her.
Council should be 1M by now, but these chicks joined the Gura clique and are sitting on no streams and no growth.

Make an example out of Gura, and these chicks would be streaming daily. She got zero friends in Hololive, no one would give a shit if they canned her.

>> No.40436643

>nothing less will suffice
Funny enough, except for “new management”, none of what you just said is that much or that hard to do. I agree that management is shitting the bed, for the record. I just don’t think overhauling them will be that easy.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Cover doesn’t do it, even though I’m increasingly convinced they should.

>> No.40436698

It won't be easy, but if it doesn't happen I think the branch is dead.

>> No.40436784

I swear I've read more than a few times that there's an official doc somewhere with the perms they already have listed down for them and that the girls simply choose not to play any of them.
Is this a rrat or is there truth to it?
I swear Kotoka is a lucky break for Niji, which is really telling because you just know she applied to holo also (why wouldn't you apply to everything all at once) and if holo just looked at their recent applications, she could have been under the holo name instead.

>> No.40436958

I mean it was a rather big event. It was a 3D "live", and even if it didn't use Cover's tech Kiara had a similar kind of stream and got 10k more viewers. Miko right now has slightly better numbers just training for the MK tournament, Subaru gets better numbers playing whatever RPG she is currently, Pekora get better numbers doing literally whatever, Gura gets better numbers with her utawakus. 20k is good only context for Watson but even then it's her birthday stream, some low tier JPs get that number with simple totsumachis. She has 1.7 million subs, where the hell are these people on what's supposed to be a big event for the chuuba?

>> No.40437065

It could also be shitty management making her fed up with everything, in which case she's being incredibly unprofessional and they're being incredibly incompetent, because none of the complaints she's made about them in the past struck me as unreasonable.
Well, if this document is actually official, the next question is where, precisely it was posted.

>> No.40437782

>schizo interpretation
Does the world really revolve around Gura for you? She's that important to you? Does nobody else have free will?

>> No.40438084

I wonder what does he think when people like Marine and Suisei streamed less than Gura in 2022 but didn't make the entirety of HoloJP "lazy" like them.

>> No.40438350

nah, that's a bit unlikely. i don't even really believe 9 out of 10 en girls are lazy anymore.
more likely management actually doesn't want them to stream more for whatever retarded reason

>> No.40438950

Where is gura sololive? Album? Animated mv? More live? Project? Radio? Stop bringing Marine and Suisei just because your lazy whore doesn't stream.

>> No.40439105

I'm not sure about Marine because I don't follow her much, but Suisei does a shitload of non-streaming projects and performances in Japan, it's not like her fans are hurting. Also, I doubt either of their annual streaming histories looked like a spiral to zero by the end of the year.

>> No.40439375

Cover can't even bring 80% of her gen to Japan to have a 3D showcase.
80% of Suisei's songs weren't written by her, and I guarantee you she didn't get the contacts she have within the JP music industry alone. Same thing for Marine, do you really think she would get a One Piece composer to work with her if she was an indie?
>animated MV
Gura has an animated short anime that was ready to be published for months before it actually happened.
>more live
Again, Cover doesn't even bother helping Myth go to Japan for 3D streams.
Sure, I'll give you that.
None of the ENs have radio work, not to mention who even hears radio in the west anymore?

And all of the work they have outside of streaming was giving to them by Cover. EN has literally none of the cool shit JP has, even the ones who stream consistently get stuff like it.

>> No.40439515

Goes to show that streaming isn't everything like you people constantly try to make it out to be. Maybe it'll start getting through your skull that there's a lot of different ways to keep your fans happy, even things like not interacting with males.
Now the most important part is that it's between the talent and her fans, and not anyone else's concern.

>> No.40439524

Even the ones who stream consistently don't get stuff like that*

>> No.40439902

Always excuses, suisei and marine stream nearly everyday before the covid ban lifted, before they get their projects.

>> No.40439978

Her own day 1 members starting a revolt in the comment section over next to no communication or content shortly preceded the official announcement that she was going on indefinite hiatus.

>> No.40440101

You missed my point retard, that's literally what my point they are not just streamer there's a lot of ways to deliver content.

>> No.40440228

I know, it was surprising. Filtered so easily. I suppose it's just fate that I will be the last chumbud.

>> No.40440360
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Gura still streamed more than Suisei and Marine in 2021. I obviously can't use 2020 because she debuted in September, but during her first year and a half she streamed as consistently as those 2. Again, why Cover isn't giving literally any EN member cool stuff to do outside of streaming hours like Marine and Suisei have with their radio shows?

>> No.40440528

Now say it in English please

>> No.40440774

Gura was 8th most watched in Holo in 2022. Content is being delivered.

>> No.40440798

>2021 suisei and marine
You are actually retarded, they are already dying from project from mid 2020 when covid ban lifted. Also stream hours is stupid, showing up once a week streaming for 8 hours is not better than showing nearly everyday with 1hour stram.

>> No.40440960

so why people and even her fanbase complaint?

>> No.40441080

Then bring me their numbers in past years because there's little to no data from back then. Also Gura had a similar amount of Streams as those 2 (literally the same amount as Suisei), so according to your words she was appearing nearly everyday but instead of 1 hour she was streaming 2 hours. And you still didn't answer me why Cover never gave any of the EN members these cool off-stream projects like both of them had. Or you genuinely believe the radio programs were solely their ideas?

>> No.40441136

Anyone who actually has to worry about money isn't going to be spending $5 a month on fuck all content.

>> No.40441641

Do you actually think cover gave them? Lmao, how many holojp are there? How many of them have the same fame as suisei/marine?. For your record cover is a Japanese company, their en support won't be as good as their jp ones. Where is her initiative? At least a 1 cover/song per month like mori did before? I mean just look at mori, her genmate how is she has more opportunities than gura when she is less popular?

>> No.40441777

I don't really care what they do, or what bothers them, they're their own person. Their comments surprised me nonetheless, but hey, it's unlikely to like everything about someone I suppose.

>> No.40441996

>For your record cover is a Japanese company, their en support won't be as good as their jp ones
Maybe they should polish that up them, right? Also Mori literally fucking lives in the country they care to support, which only reinforces the notion that Cover should give better support for the foreign branches. Or at least hire staff members who want to dedicate themselves to the growth of the branch and not create an environment where everyone is allowed to laze out as much as they want while they shove 8 guys down the audiences throats and delay a new gen for what will always be the most popular branch indefinitely.

>> No.40442165

then tell her to move to japan retard, and maybe if all they can do is stream then fucking stream, jesus christ so many excuses for lazy bitch that doesn't want to stream.

>> No.40442364

I bet you haven't even questioned the assumption you make about her character
Well, I don't expect you to, you just want to hate on someone and it would be inconvenient to you if you achieved understanding

>> No.40442604

Oh yeah, super easy to move to one of the hardest countries to immigrate to, not to mention Cover would probably give her the middle finger if she asked for help. Gura streamed a decent amount early in her career. Nothing fucking happened. Now Japan is open and nothing is still happening. Why should she give a fuck if the company doesn't give a shit if she puts in 2k hours or 0 during an entire year?

>> No.40442994

Blatant unprofessionalism above and beyond everyone else in a corporate setting is going to filter a lot of people. If she was indie, no one would give a damn.

>> No.40443275

I wouldn't say it's "unprofessionalism," it's just that some people need everything spelled out for them. I had no need for it, the notice was completely redundant for me. But sure, you can call it whatever you want.

>> No.40443395

so why is she not streaming?

>> No.40443537
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StarsEN- 3.8k ccv
Holoen- 8.8k ccv

StarsJP- 400 ccv (with roberu and sometmes astel as extreme outliers getting 1-3k ccv)
HoloJP- 10,000 ccv

StarsEN is a runaway success compared to StarsJP. Cover thinks they can, like, build up the stars brand and then transfer that brand awareness to stars JP and pump up those numbers.

>> No.40443795

I'd assume it has to do with stress. But honestly, it doesn't even matter. That's what trust is.

>> No.40444217

It's unprofessionalism. No schedule, next to contact on social media when she's gone, routinely ghosting paying members and casual fans alike, and basically no detail except tummy hort and that she caught some upper respiratory bullshit at the same time basically everyone else did. It also doesn't take weeks to get your PC fixed.

>> No.40444490

She is acting in an extremely untrustworthy manner.

>> No.40445146

3.8k is on a good day. They're generally below 2.5k, often close to 1k.

Cool, but why her doing that influences the others to do the same? The whole argument started because some retard believes she's the root of all evil in EN and should be made an example so that the branch could go back to how it was, but I still haven't seen a convincing argument for why she's so responsible for the overall lack of effort the branch currently has and why firing her is the best course of action.

>> No.40445282

A lot of holoJPs don't use schedules. If you don't need them, you don't need them.
And I guess that goes along with everything else. I'm not going to say what other people need. Sure you take issue with those things, whereas those things don't bother me but I take issue with other things. It's neither of our call to make on how the talent wishes to conduct herself. You can't insist that what you value is inherently more important, even if there are consequences to whatever you decide to do. So, whatever.

>> No.40445806

I disagree, and I have bigger issues to worry about if I had to resort to anon's take to make that call.

>> No.40445808

>3.8k is on a good day. They're generally below 2.5k, often close to 1k.
7-12k is a good day, 3.8k is 'most of the audience that cares about them have tuned in'. But that's the point of building hype for these guys.

But they fucked up by not debuting new girls in october.

>> No.40446319

Fucked up is a complete understatement. Cover's decisions in 2022 ended up making it so that NijiEN is a better option for girls than fucking Hololive.

>> No.40446487
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Hololive saw that Aster Arcadia was a femboy twink/trap and realized they needed to compete in that department. That's where that new red twink comes in.

>> No.40446622

I can insist that she fuck right off with this horseshit, unsub, and warn others. I was there from day 1, but that lazy drunk isn't getting another cent from me. Not anymore.

>> No.40446762

Aren't Aster's numbers worse than Tempus tho?

>> No.40447013

Yeah it'll be easy for Tempus (CCV 3.8k) to beat up Aster (CCV 600). And then presumably they fuck.

>> No.40447098

Can't even leave gracefully, huh? Man, my first oshi did stuff way worse, and I still refrain from saying anything. I just learned from it and hope she finds happiness.

>> No.40447697

The only reason I cut anybody out of my life is because I have lost all respect for them.

>> No.40448260

I'm not going to tell you to compromise on that, but I will say that what people respect varies.

>> No.40448766

And I do not give a damn about the opinions of anyone who tolerates the likes of this retarded fuckery.

>> No.40449035

You may find yourself spinning your wheels if you keep being so closed-minded. Well, it's not of my concern.

>> No.40449398

On the contrary, I'm happier than ever cutting off dead weight.

>> No.40449437

This is why as a deadbeat I've been happy with Mori. I don't care much about her streams but ai love her music to death

>> No.40450542

Well, the benefit of being open-minded goes beyond just yourself, so you haven't really said anything remarkable there.

>> No.40451369

You two can just go fuck each other already.

>> No.40451412

My mind is not open to endlessly vague excuses over the course of months with nothing to show for it, comically unprofessional behavior in a corporate setting, and blatant lies, and never has been. I can sniff all this out in an instant, and this has been nothing but a benefit to me. You have made the mistake of being so open-minded that your brain fell out.

>> No.40451598

Feeling left out? Discussion is an open thing.

>> No.40451939

Nah, it might surprise you to hear that there's some things I have no tolerance for. But I'm aware that those are my opinions.

>> No.40455732
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holocuck deflection thread

>> No.40458721

Fallenschizo would never get into Hololive with all the menhera shit she’s said recently

>> No.40464115

Anon Its just plain ol incompetency

>> No.40464504

>why Cover never gave any of the EN members these cool off-stream project
Like >>40441641 said, where is their own initiative? When Ame took initiative to make the event streams that baptised her as "La creatividad", a lot of kino content was made. Where was Gura's motivation to do something similar? To participate/create a non-streaming event, like a radio? To make more music?
You may say that, according to the girls, a lot of their project ideas got rejected or scrapped and that's fair, management being retarded and doing that is definitely possible. However, guess what, same thing happens in HoloJP, tons of projects get scrapped all the time but, and here's the important bit, the JP girls keep trying, keep coming up with other ideas and find ways to compromise. If they gave up after a couple attempts they wouldn't be where they are now.
As a viewer, I cannot see how many projects they though of and how many got rejected, but I can see what got approved and performed. We can count Gura's special projects she has actually gone through with over the past 2 1/2 years on one hand, while other Holomems do as much in 1.
>Inb4 you just wanna hate on Gura
I'm a 2y+ member (not day 1 but close) and I'm just disappointed in her and most of the EN branch and their lack of presence.

>> No.40465135

Watson had that whole arc but it was purely herself. What I'm saying here is that a lot of the opportunities the JPs have don't happen in EN because it's not just the talents that need initiative, Cover also needs to be willing to help. Suisei's and Marine/Fubuki's radio shows would never happen if Cover just sat on the idea and did nothing. And you're right that we don't know how many projects got rejected, but not everyone has the mentality to keep going after so much shit they tried to do got completely denied without any chance of changes that might've help it get approved. Gura announced her daki like 5 months ago and fuck all happened. Her anime short was ready a long time before her live but for some reason she wasn't allowed to show it earlier. Her live was insanely shorter compared to everyone else's for undisclosed reasons. Gura did become lazy but you can't deny that she doesn't get the kind of treatment a member as popular as her should get, and while I'm not a fan of the whole Nijisanji "fight for yourself or die" mentality the top members should at least get a little incentive from the higher ups, but for some reason that doesn't happen with EN outside of Mori because she lives in Japan, while the rest of the girls have to do everything by themselves because the EN staff apparently just doesn't want to fucking work.
