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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40343108 No.40343108 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone actually tell me what's wrong with female vtubers having a irl boyfriend? Most of them are in their late 20s/early 30s and it would be pretty pathetic for them to not pursue a relationship and be alone so they can continue pretending to be your imaginary girlfriend even though they will never meet any of you.
Guys, vtubers are just talking jpgs that play games for entertainment, don't take it so seriously.

>> No.40343169

Personal taste, I just don't like it and I wont watch streamer I know/suspect to be in a relationship

>> No.40343184

Most people don't care as long as it's never brought up in the first place.

>> No.40343292

Fuck you frog poster

>> No.40343456

i don't care unless they have at some point indicated having one online, because at that point it ruins my cgdct experience. the only girls i watch at this point are gura, mumei,fauna, and kiara because they are smart with that.

>> No.40343517

Why would anyone watch a female vtuber if you can't imagine her as your own gf/wife ? With the rare exceptions of some actually (kinda) entertaining females like Pekora or Korone, who are also unicorn friendly most of the time

>> No.40343618
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How else am i going to have a fantasy of fucking them in my dream before i sleep knowing some incel is actually doing her irl?
Plus my literal chances of being with her just went from 0 to a negative number.
I'm not one of those schizos to self insert as the vtubers bf. Ain't going for that ntr/nts shit.

Tldr if I'm going to die alone and virgin, my vtuber should be too. Why else am i dropping about 80% of my wagie salary to her streams?

>> No.40343678

They're playing a character, they need to keep kayfabe. As long as they keep it secret I don't see any problem

>> No.40343759

It's irony, no one gives shit.

>> No.40344055

>he imagines vtubers as his gf/wife


>> No.40344101


>> No.40344123

What does the reddit frog have to do with that?

>> No.40344279

I imagined them as hostess bar prostitutes that are paid to pretend to care enjoy the presence of the client. The whole waifu thing is a cruel joke played on the expense of the the sad men who give money to streamers.

>> No.40344352

I don't care as long as they keep it secret. Unless it's a girlfriend, that's pretty hot. If a substantial yab happens, accidental or not, I'd probably stop watching my oshi.

>> No.40344388


>> No.40344580

Go to bed teakek

>> No.40344594
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What’s the point of them wearing a mask (their vtuber character) then???

Truth is that people complained over and over that males dominated streaming. Hololive finally found the hack to make people watch females without overly sexualizing them and now normies flooding in asking wtf guys who DOMINATE every other field aren’t being given a fair share. Wtf is this retarded world holy fuck

>> No.40344652
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Lay off Magnis copium and just accept being a cuck. It's 2023, we will tolerate you

>> No.40344674

I don't care if they do, I just don't want to know about it. If you talk about your boyfriend on stream I'll take my money and go donate to someone who doesn't.

>> No.40344777

Well, you see, vtubers are like twitch streames, but anime, which makes it better, because anime

>> No.40345009

Shut the FUCK up, dumb frogposter.

>> No.40345057

why do they hide their boyfriends ? if you can answer this question, you dont have to ask anything else.

>> No.40345379

they hide them so they can keep making money from lonely vulnerable men and because it's weeb culture the men are 10x more autistic than those on twitch who watch normal e-whores. sad shit

>> No.40345421

Pathetic for you, you do you think you are to judge for having a boyfrined or not.

>> No.40345491

>Frog posting
This should be a bannable offense like on /jp/.

>> No.40345617


>> No.40345627

The issue isnt having a BF
its lying about not having one because they know they will make more money

>> No.40345703

Why the hell would you pretend to be in a permanent long distance relationship?
How does doing anything other than pretending they are a friend make any sense?
Why are you so fucking bad at this parasocial thing?

>> No.40345782

Is it lying if they just don't talk about it?

>> No.40345801

Pretending to be friends with a dog girl is equally Chrischan tier retarded.

>> No.40345817

Porn whores do the same shit

>> No.40345891

Vtubers is softcore pornography anyway.

>> No.40345918

>never mentioning the most significant person in your life, whom you likely spend the majority of your time with, even though you do zatsus about everything else, including activities you did with that person.
Lying by omission, yes. If they're true strong grrls that don't need no unicorn, why aren't they just up front with it?

>> No.40345971

Not everyone is vsharto

>> No.40345974

female fleshtubers are softcore porn, vtubers can vary depending on how desperate they are for money

>> No.40345998
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Frogposting is 4chan culture

>> No.40346031

Because they know their audience doesn't want to hear about it?

>> No.40346087

Well I don't have friends so I like listening to anime girls on the internet.
It's much less retarded than pretending we are in a relationship that she doesn't even know exists.

>> No.40346152

An IRL boyfriend supports a woman financially, thus the woman does not need financial support. If they are fine with this and just enjoy streaming I have no problem.
If the audience is financially supporting a vtuber, they are the boyfriend in the relationship and the vtuber should at the very minimum ensure that the persona they are presenting to the audience is theirs.

>> No.40346163

So they do want unicorns. Then they shouldn't try to shoehorn in homos.

>> No.40346197
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>paying for chad's condoms
But the answer is
>late 20s/early 30s
In the first place why are there so many cakes and hags, isn't that pathetic? Shouldn't they have a real job? Or if they have a boyfriend, why are they a vtuber?

In the end it's just more normalfags with normalfag tastes entering hobbies they don't give a fuck about to become social parasites, get money from 'dumb neets' or put something on their resume (dunno why they'd do this) while berating people who are actually serious about it as a 'hobby', which is also why vtubing has devolved from Kizuna Ai to "twitch e-thot but anime".

You can go somewhere else, you have everywhere else to be, but you choose to come here and fuck it up for the people who were here 7 years ago when you only heard about vtubers in 2022. Newcomers and new blood are bad if they hate your hobby and want to change it to suit their need for reality tv, just go watch Real Housewives or Dahmer or whatever and leave vtubing alone.

>> No.40346198

It's not wrong but wrong for a streamer making their income off lonely virgins.
Pretty evil.

>> No.40346211

Fuck off faggot.

>> No.40346221

No, regular, sane people know that interacting with a man does not equal fucking them.

>> No.40346240

A lot of vtuber fans are most of the time lonely and wish they had a girlfriend. Then the girl they watch fits the criteria of what kind of girlfriend they want and she becomes their oshi, and they develop feelings for her. If she were to bring up that she has a boyfriend, or that she's collabing with a male streamer, they see him as competition because they are in love with their oshi

>> No.40346279

>Why would anyone watch a female vtuber if you can't imagine her as your own gf/wife ?
It's not even this it's "why would you watch a female streamer knowing that her simps are buying her boyfriend's condoms". Get that third wheeling shit out of my face.

>> No.40346318

Absolutely nothing. One of my favorite english speaking vtubers is known to be in a long term committed relationship.
Just don't bring it up or acknowledge it in any way on stream, and it's fine. It's really that simple.

>> No.40346355

But why tho? It's kinda strange how someone's relationship with someone else affects your enjoyment of a stream, especially if their interaction is entirely off stream

>> No.40346395

They want your money and like every other awful thing in this modern society it becomes a game of bamboozling you and scamming you and watering the product down to get as much money from as many chumps as possible.

>> No.40346399

What a demented tightrope you people walk. Like all "progressive" values, in earnest. At least you confirmed that they do want a unicorn audience.

>> No.40346431

Why bother watching a movie or series with actors then? This logic doesn't work

>> No.40346548

A boyfriend also hangs out with the girl, takes her to places, supports her emotionally, is close to her and makes love to her.
What does chat do?

>> No.40346586

They're not acting beyond their silly voice most of the time. No ENs are Luna-tier. Actors' relationships are pretty public as well.
Is is banned to know a regular voice actress' real identity? All kinds of parallels don't add up

>> No.40346593
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There's nothing wrong. The people who take that seriously and get upset are the extreme genetic dead ends. Most of the people watching vtubers don't care because even if they're lonely dudes who fantasize about being in relationships they're able to compartmentalize and distinguish reality from fantasy. You need to have the emotional fragility of a toddler to feel that way or literally have some mental derangement.
With that said most of the people shitposting about that seemingly are only in it for trolling. And of those groups some of them are just in it for the trolling, others seemingly have a really stupid tribalistic logic where they want to annoy a 'rival' fanbase (also a form of a diseased or under developed mind).

>> No.40346671

why you don´t want to?

>> No.40346685

What tightrope?
Anon are you one of those "people of the opposite gender can't interact without fucking" retards?
How socially inept do you need to be to believe that shit?
You realize that people are in fact interacting all the time and they manage to do so without fucking right?
Like this is a daily occurrence. For everyone.
You most of all.

>> No.40346772

Chat hangs out with the girl on demand, pays for her trips to anywhere in the world, provides the largest hugbox emotional support, and don't fuck her.
Chat is obviously superior to a boyfriend. The only exception is if the woman is a whore and needs to be fucked, hence the general apprehension

>> No.40346774

You represent an inexistant fanbase as exhibited by their terms of streaming

>> No.40346816

Watching streamers is low life behavior. Waifufags is a cruel joke played on the expense of the audience.

>> No.40346882

What's with all these incels thinking male and female friendship is totally normal? Is it cope that they are not getting fucked despite "befriending" a girl.

>> No.40346900

I don't care if they have bfs, they look like anime girls and I tend to ship anime girls I like in their respective worlds.

but if they play the appeal of their character on being very pure and doing Egf experience or wtv, well, it's their thing if they want to break the appeal.

another is, I'm watching the vtuber, not her irl bf or drama with br.

>> No.40346906

>don't fuck her
>superior to a boyfriend

>> No.40346926

Anon...not having any friends is far more pathetic than wanting an anime waifu

>> No.40346964

They don't talk about their significant others, with whom they spend the majority of their time, for the very same reason.
You've also injected some deranged prior to the conversation out of some unhinged revenge fantasy or something? The reason I personally think coed collabs are trash, is it ruins the dynamic.

>> No.40346991

Because I don't want to hear about it. Fuck outta here with that cuck nonsense, if the symptoms persist, kys

>> No.40347013

>You don't exist because I disagree with you
You are probably walking a fine line of getting thrown in psych ward.

>> No.40347053

When they do care, it's because they're in love.
Which is natural, unlike perverse sex acts such as homosexuality.

>> No.40347062

Honestly it doesn't really matter as long as you don't try to appeal to lonely males.
Problem is a lot of vtubers either do so or they have a "I'm a lonely shut in just like you!" shtick that falls apart when it's revealed they have a boyfriend.

>> No.40347074

Okay smart guy, it is extremely diminutive, like your stature.

>> No.40347115

You can want one all you want. It's the thinking you have one is the issue.

>> No.40347133

Women who are desperate to get fucked are disgusting, undesirable, and lower their own value as women. They at any point can easily get fucked, and that makes them a whore.
It is a good thing to prevent women from devolving to their base primal nature.

>> No.40347172

Yeah okay buddy

>> No.40347194

Well late 20s to early 30s is when your life begins to stabalize
Most people are done with college and have incomes so they have time and money to start
Vtubing to many people is not much different than streaming while being a cute anime character in the meantime
I’m not going to pretend to know the entire history of vtubing because I dont but there’s been people like this for years
Streaming is fun and rewarding
I don’t see much of those people angry at other vtubers who are more “idol like” but maybe I just missed them
Thankfully there’s still vtubers that won’t ever want to hang out with males for the people who are into that but I don’t think it’s a doomsday thing when there’s entire agencies that are completely anti male when hololive has never completely denounced them

>> No.40347229

>You can have one all you want
>But you can't think you have one
The fuck is wrong with you people

>> No.40347265
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>> No.40347284

They're desperate to score imaginary points

>> No.40347372

Anon, your desperation is a real turn off.

>> No.40347429

because assuming you're intentionally hiding it, you're lying about something to profit off of it, which is wrong and manipulative and will understandably piss people off, basically you're not really offering the product you're showing you are

>> No.40347445

Kinda funny that Mumei and Kiara talk about who is taking care of their pets when they are away on a trip but afaik Fauna never has.

>> No.40347454

>You can want one all you want
>You can have one all you want
They live in reality?
If you can't see the difference in the two statements i have bad news for you bud.

>> No.40347458

>Shouldn't they have a real job?
if it pays then it's a real job
simple as

>> No.40347466

A woman can get fucked whenever she wants by walking into a bar.
Woman are constantly complaining about not having a man who actually listens to her and gives her things and remembers anniverseries.
Chat is quite literally the perfect partner for a woman, on demand ATMs that listen to anything they say, respond positively anything she says, and make her feel popular.
And if they offered, chat would be perfectly willing to fuck her. Just that all the vtubers that have done that are whores.

>> No.40347598

On the one hand, I'd be happy for them if they got into a relationship. The people I watch deserve to be happy, and shouldn't have to suffer like I do. On the other hand, the moment they get into a relationship, they no longer become as relatable in my eyes, and hence I lose interest. There's also just too many grifters out there looking for lonely people like me to squeeze a quick buck out of. I cannot support that.

>> No.40347630

What a nice catch-22.
You can have sex as much as you like, but if you do you are a worthless whore.
How nice.

>> No.40347706

I just don’t like 99% of collabs male or female because they still ignore chat and the dynamic between chat and the streamer is usually the best

>> No.40347748

I don't understand what you're complaining about.
You can inject heroin as much as you like, but if you do you are a junkie.

>> No.40347756

I live in a reality where vtubers exist, where the hell do you think you are?

>> No.40347768

>the moment they get into a relationship, they no longer become as relatable in my eyes

That isn´t healthy, Anon.

>> No.40347817

It kind of sounds like you can't in fact have heroin at all then.

>> No.40347897

I'm in the one where vtubers are streamers who entertain their fans.

>> No.40347933

Men love whores, there is nothing intrinsically wrong with whores. However a whore will not get the other benefits I outlined as a man who is seeking a whore has no patience for dealing with a women beyond sex.
If you want a platonic relationship, it is on the woman to keep it so.

>> No.40347940

>they lie about the product they are offering
>I don't want to hear about it
>"we" are supposed to be her boyfriend
>it ruins my experience

Sounds like a lot of cope. How about you people stop falling in love with anime avatars that talk in real time? You fags should understand that not a single vtuber enjoys doing parasocial shit with her audience. How many Kroniis or Ames do you need before you realize this?

>> No.40347954

It's a choice?

>> No.40347965

Regular streamers who keep their relationships and identities secret?

>> No.40348066

>Most of them are in their late 20s/early 30s and it would be pretty pathetic for them to not pursue a relationship and be alone
the great majority here are in their late 20s/early 30s and are alone, so they need the virtual girls to also be alone so they don't feel as pathetic

>> No.40348144

Then I understand your confusion. Vtubers here are streamers who have an anime avatar disassociated with themselves. They pretend to be anime women to entertain an audience. It's pretty great.

>> No.40348146

I literally have no problem with that if they don't do gfe/advertise themselves as gfe.

>> No.40348175

Takanashi Kiara is LITERALLY my girlfriend and I love her

>> No.40348181

Anon, your view on relationships is truly terrifying.
It's easy to see why you aren't in one.

>> No.40348246

Yes, vtubers are streamers with an anime avatar.
What did you think they were?
Or did you think regular streamers don't put up an act?

>> No.40348302

Doesn't explain it. Voice actresses don't have the same restrictions. You know who do? Idols and porn stars. Which are you?

>> No.40348388

Men and women are different. Men can get married in their 50s and start a family with no problems. Women who are single with no kids at 35 are finished. These bitches have no time left

>> No.40348505

What is with this obsession with kids?

>> No.40348535

Probably so they don't get the Aloe treatment. Most hololive girls don't go hard on the gfe stuff, yet still hide this shit knowing retards on 4chan will track them, their boyfriends and their families down and harass them. I honestly don't blame them, looking at the apocalyptic levels of schizo on /vt/

>> No.40348549

Yes, I'm jaded from spending my 20s tricking women into fucking me, which we call flirting. There was never a point I cared about entering a relationship with a woman.
Vtubers made me realize that women are capable of being entertaining and endearing, even if they are forced to act like it. It is quite nice and gives me hope that there might be a worthwhile woman somewhere in the world.

>> No.40348606

How new are you to not know about the whole Aya Hirano fiasco?

>> No.40348657

>what is this obsession with one of the most important events in your life and something which everyone before you has done

are you a kid anon? I don't know what to tell you

>> No.40348668

Have you tried being someone worthy of fucking instead of just pretending to be one?
It ends up as less work in the end.
