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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40341204 No.40341204 [Reply] [Original]

I'm surprised that normalfags see a hobby dominated by women and just want it to be filled with men, doesn't that hurt a diversity quota or something?

>> No.40341241

I'm surprised management listened to them.

>> No.40342092

Go back to re-ddit faggot

>> No.40342169

what normal person looks at vtubing and isn't somewhat disgusted? it's just dudes who want in on the e-girl cash/want to fuck vtubers, doubt there's some pressure for men to join up

>> No.40342408

Normalfags also couldn't use their common sense and basic knowledge learned in school about how immune systems worked for over 3 years, everyone seems to have devolved

>> No.40342566
File: 862 KB, 850x1105, CC751C4B-8F8E-4A04-B341-7D941284A8DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there’s no men then they don’t have enough dicks to fill their mouths with, anon

>> No.40342946

Cover wants to diversify into the chink fujo market.

>> No.40343068

Im surprised women were able to find a way to climb the ranks in a male dominated industry and then after they got complacent and blew it when they got to the top, people are surprised that males are swooping in and taking over.

>> No.40343119

Except is too late for that after they blocked chinks lol

>> No.40343645 [DELETED] 

It was never about diversity. Progressive want a global monoculture with different shades of skin. They will call you a white supremacist if you're jet black and disagree with their tenets

>> No.40343693
File: 227 KB, 680x802, tempus beggars idol culture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40343714

>doesn't that hurt a diversity quota or something?
They don't actually care about any of that shit all they care about it fucking up every "incel hobby" they can find. Anywhere they find gamers that want to be left alone they have to shit up the place.

>> No.40344613

I don't think you understand what diversity is

>> No.40346022

Not literal diversity, but normalfags usually make it a point that there should be less whites or men in things

>> No.40346884

Holy shit you nailed this topic.
Male vtubers are actually pathetic

>> No.40346959

SJWs aren't normal

>> No.40347453

This is absolutely comical watching the people who endlessly bitch about "woke" stuff (translation: too many women and blacks) do a complete 180 and try to hamfistedly apply the exact same complaints to men becoming successful VTubers. Apparently a man succeeding at something is now a "SJW conspiracy." It sounds absolutely ridiculous after hearing your bullshit for years.
Everyone sees exactly what you're doing here and I honestly don't know who you think you're fooling. It's amazing that you can type posts like these without being embarrassed that you're typing the complete opposite of what you typed before. I can't imagine what life you'd have to lead to become someone who is so shameless. And yet you've convinced yourself that you're accomplishing something good. I'd feel sorry for you if you weren't so repulsive.

>> No.40347529

seethe tranny

>> No.40348069

And what is this post, some idiot trying to stir up shit about COVID on /vt/ for some reason but being so vague that you legitimately can't tell what side he falls on. I'm sure he has a genuinely stupid take but is so paranoid that he doesn't even want to share it on 4chan, the supposed free-speech website. What a fella.

>> No.40348096

Please don't reference my post if you're planning to go off on some tangential rant that is completely unrelated. TIA

>> No.40348245

i gotta admit, it IS very funny how this might just be the only hobby i've ever seen where adding MALES is what's seen as a woke decision.

>> No.40348343


>> No.40348404

The most amazing it is that they call you misogynist for supporting an inclusive space only for woman (really small portion of the top streamers) and for supporting them and their relationships with other women.

>> No.40348624

because it makes it an inferior product for the straight male audience that doesn't want the coed shit.

>> No.40348799

Isn't 4chan the site where "men strong and better, women weak and inferior", I don't see why they're backtracking so hard when it comes to anime png shit.

>> No.40348878

Arinsuki-chan kawaii ne

>> No.40348917

It's right there you fucking retards

>> No.40349063

>men becoming successful VTubers.
Anyone in your demonetization of "problematic chuds" you've missed something glaringly obvious.
globo homo SJW shit isn't just about diluting anything resembling traditional masculinity. It's also about undermining and abolishing anything feminine. The globo homo menace hates women just as much as it hates men. The forced integration of men into a once female exclusive group is just another manifestation of this. It's no different than transexuals forcing themselves into traditionally female exclusive places and then ostracizing any woman that speaks up with the label of "TERF".

>> No.40349134

Not sure how that happened.

>> No.40349401

Mucho texto

>> No.40349504

The "woke" movement is a movement of fabricated outrage
>There's men here? No, I need women!
>There's women here? No, I need men!
>There's a penis here? No, I need a vagina!
Ad infinitum

>> No.40349644

The point is that this should've been seen as a social justice win and now the same people who bitched about too many women have been converted into literally hating their own gender being introduced to the product.
So what's the point of flipping on that?

>> No.40349675

It's all just division, a perfect formula for oligarchical subversion. Intersecionality itself is a hierarchical stratification of competing interests. Worker of the world? No, you're a sexualinterest disabilitied skincolored gender

>> No.40349925

Yeah, because that's not what you're doing at all. You're treating them as your personal property, talking about how much you want to rape them when you think nobody's watching, calling them whores if they dare to even say hi to a man. And then you have the audacity to make a post like this pretending you're innocent and they're the ones who are wrong. Do you really think some absolute fucking moron is going to see your post and say "Well, I'm convinced!" There is so much vile garbage that they would have to dig through before even coming across this post of yours, and you somehow thought posting it was a good idea. People are going to find your post and they're going to say, well, not only is he a raging misogynist, he lies about it. And it will just be more evidence that they are correct. You tried so hard to sound clever and you didn't even understand the words you used.

>> No.40349934

That's a cute block of pilpul, but ultimately you appeal to something that doesn't even make sense. The social media crusade to bitch about idol culture doesn't reflect on the numbers, the men don't succeed in the way they're led to believe they will. But of course you mass reply and kvetch at the top of your lungs like any other rhetoric regurgitator.

>> No.40349950

when you are so pozzed you litterally are incapable of understanding gender roles and why men actually like women who act like women, and despise men who act like women

>> No.40350107

go back tranny

>> No.40350125
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It's more like they think the vtuber audience is full of incels they just want to epicly own their audience and smash the patriarchy

>> No.40350151

It's coordinated tranny brigade antics, it's not normies. Normies don't even know what vtubers are, my dude.

tbf the troon jannies that infest this site and their glowie handlers/groomers really would punish him for speaking freely

>> No.40350229

Are they wrong? Be honest, have you ever had sex?

>> No.40350312

Is there anything we can do? Shitting on them only makes us more divided, I don't want the jews to win and we need the lefties to fight them...

>> No.40350518

NTA but since I've had around 4ish years of adult relationships, I'm guessing I've had sex over 2000 times.

>> No.40350571

Demographics are on our side. The only group with positive and growing TFR in the US is among whites and then, among those who are more racially conscious and anti-semitic. Don't get killed, don't kill yourself, we will win by sheer force of numbers no matter what the kikes cook up. Our beliefs affirm life and promote growth. Their beliefs are rooted in death and nihilism.

>> No.40350674

No, but I also don't give a fuck about male collabs just the people complaining about them/begging for them.

>> No.40351004

Amazing strawman and ad hominem you're making of me (whom you don't know shit) to do argument juggling about how putting hetero white men in a woman-only space is totally the SJW correct way.
But see how not in any moment disputed my claim.

>> No.40351047

Unicorns actually think this? Like you can't comprehend anything else. I'd love to be a vtuber so I could larp as an autistic shounen character and make friends I don't give a fuck about interacting with females and would be more than happy if I only made male friends doing it.

Trannies wanna be anime girls and hate men you retarded faggot.

And how pray tell is someone like roberu being harrassed by femoids making outrageous allegations of him bedding their entire roster a man acting like a woman? You people are seriously projecting all of your insecurities about trannies onto anime boys. like fuck man, even japan isn't as autistic as you faggots about this shit and males have an accepted niche there were guys like kuzaha are popular with both men and woman.

>> No.40351050

It's kind of funny how bad they are at arguing

>> No.40351103 [DELETED] 

It's funny how bad they are at arguing

>> No.40351131

>The most sane schizo on /vt/

>> No.40351283

Just say you hate women, this isn't your blog

>> No.40351285

>Fleshstreamer males have cringey orbital fanbases.
>Twitch retards LARP as the high school bully regarding weeb culture
>Female VTUBERS don’t play good games

I just want to see a group of weeby guys play games together. Like SBF or Game Grumps.
TEMPUS was that, but the girls keep using them to fight a culture war against their own fanbase.

I would appreciate if Cover could restrict EN girls from interacting with TEMPUS so it can stop. Keep ID as they don’t have the brain worms of EN girl fans.

>> No.40351323

Not a strawman and vtubing was NEVER a female only space you fucking newfag secondary holofag. I fucking hate you fuckers so much. Your ilk invaded my hobby that I've been watching since 2016 and morphed it into some kind of schizophrenic drama where you freak out and try to beat woman who don't tow your autistic line into submission. If you want to talk about hololive being an exsclusive place for woman you're right. Problem is the EVIL males your pissing your pants over are part of holostars, not hololive. Cover has them all under hololive production but the distinction has been made and the stars have been part of cover for years now. Cover trying to unity fag with their own company isn't invading any poor marginalized wamanz space. Those that wish to ignore them can and do. What you're angry about is that what you perceive as YOUR space is being invaded and to that I say good, fuck you. You fuckers deserve it after what you did to MY hobby.
