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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40304547 No.40304547 [Reply] [Original]

Gura abandoned you because she is disgusted by you. You are a genetic dead end who seethes and whines, never putting in the effort to improve yourself. You are the definition of human garbage, and it’s a fate you chose, not one that was forced upon you, because you’re too much of a fucking pussy to ever push yourself to strive for excellence.

Amelia was right, and you were too blind and egotistical to see the truth. She truly wanted the best for you, but you’re too much of a bitch to get over your own pride and accept your own flaws, working to improve them.

That is why gura has not streamed, and why she will be watching the Holomales EN 2 debut while continuing to ghost your worthless ass.

>> No.40304785

Where's Jill?
Post proof he's still alive you stinky rabbit.

>> No.40306450

Truth must go up

>> No.40306507

Bumping this gem

>> No.40306709
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Cumbuds are seething
A new wave of male is coming
Gura is still not streaming
2023 is the year of the normalfags and the most hilarious thing is all those manbabies retard crying about it will continue to watch and give cover their money.

>> No.40306746

nice projection chud

>> No.40306867

what's sadder is gura and myths explosion in popularity is what drew in all the normalfags to vtubing

>> No.40306875

These bitches either pander to unicorns or they go back to working dead ends jobs in a few years once their savings dry up because a few millions isn't going to get you anywhere in this shitty economy if you want an upper middle class lifestyle. Most of EN have no other marketable skills and they're not Nazuna. They're nothing without the brand and the collab network.
Simple as.

>> No.40307020

>gura has no choice but to watch as her popularity indirectly leads to the corruption of the reason she joined hololive in the first place
a greek tragedy in the modern era

>> No.40307096
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lol what makes you think they need to pander to unicorns

>> No.40307168

Mori is one of the biggest successes in Hololive and she does not pander to unicorns

>> No.40307243

I like to watch shark play vidya games :)

>> No.40307299
File: 16 KB, 231x231, 1661653831559248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you feel better now after all this seething?

>> No.40307310

You can't just speak truth like that anon

>> No.40307384

The seething is coming from unicorns, CGDCTfags and holobronie doomposters. And it's delicious

>> No.40307424
File: 46 KB, 875x750, 1672843847770736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori WAS one of the biggest successes in hololive.
Now she's last place in terms of CCV. And she can't just keep doing release parties for new albums every month to rake in superchats. That little trick won't last much longer.

>> No.40307495
File: 231 KB, 582x503, 263A77EE-445B-4A1D-8440-FC84E3C4EC2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch what? LOL

>> No.40307589

now post how much money she made with her music.
and try to do it without crying

>> No.40307600 [DELETED] 
File: 528 KB, 1080x1080, 1672704189045917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when holobronies doomed post about nazuna getting railed by men because of kson? Now their precious company is getting railed by men.

>> No.40307699

Mori is focusing on doing actual idol activities like creating songs and original content.

>> No.40307738

>You are a genetic dead end who seethes and whines, never putting in the effort to improve yourself
Audience reflect streamer.

>> No.40307752

Remember when nijigirl getting rail daily. Yeah, pippa getting rail by her discord boyfriend yeah, all small corpo with their boyfriend on those site.

>> No.40307880

What makes you think that? Viewership is tanking across the board. People are leaving and you're sitting here laughing as your community slowly rots. You don't even realize that your happy little island is slowly sinking into the ocean while the man children already sailed away.

>> No.40307939
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Yeah dude, I'm sure her music is doing better than ever, even though she's bleeding viewers, income, and subscriber growth and isn't the number 2 vtuber in the world anymore.
Funny how the one metric that isn't public is the one that is increasing according to you.
Face the truth, unicorns are the only reason they're not flipping burgers.

>> No.40308081
File: 3.04 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20221212_191634159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40308098

Pekora is still pulling in big numbers, what do you mean? Nousagi run this fucking ship. GFE and unicorn content doesn’t last in the west due to the neurotic behavior of western incels and unicorns. It makes sense that holoEN has a different culture from JP.

If you’re so upset about it, why don’t you learn Japanese? Oh wait, because you’re a fucking loser who doesn’t believe in pushing yourself to achieve new things

>> No.40308111

Tempus2 deflection thread

>> No.40308172
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>> No.40308253

He won't learn japanese simply because his brain can't handle no more than one language at once.

>> No.40308353

you dont even speak Japanese, larper.

>> No.40308395

>muh ccv
Post superchats
Plus views payout
Plus music royalties
PLUS all of the above without Cover’s cut from another source

>> No.40308563


>> No.40308606

cut your nails properly

>> No.40308683
File: 203 KB, 981x387, whatwentwrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post this months superchat that are higher than usual because of 1 release party stream despite the fact that she couldn't even beat kiara the last 5 months
>post these numbers that aren't public

>> No.40308809
File: 11 KB, 311x162, HOLLA IF YA HEAR ME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> You are a genetic

>> No.40308810

>if I cannot see it, it doesn’t exist at all
nice object permanence

>> No.40308877

Alright fag, show me these numbers nobody has access to. Show me how she's selling way more music than last year.

>> No.40308887
File: 3.72 MB, 237x237, 1650084229344.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if any EN member saw half the shit discussed here, they would instantly look to block you faggots. now you're getting the bare minimum, the absolute worst treatment of the three branches, and zero respect. not my fuckin problem since I like JP.

you all deserve this shit lmao. especially you chumbitches. keep crying about gura.

>> No.40308923

Larper? I'm not that guy. Get fucked you seething retard.

>> No.40309602

She hates her pedophile fanbase, correct.

>> No.40310404

>Gura abandoned you
I dont even know who that is

>> No.40310822

>implying that no JP fans are similarly worthless
