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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40269155 No.40269155 [Reply] [Original]

Is there some way to find Vtubers who are vegan/vegetarian?
Preferably lewdtubers.
I cannot simp for cunts who eat meat and enjoy animal cruelty.
Spend tons of money on that YFU Baby bitch until I learned that she liked to munch on living squids. Makes me sick to my stomach.

>> No.40269183

You are such a pussy

>> No.40269257

Good job not answering the question.

>> No.40269344

ask /pmg/

>> No.40269403

Have a (You) for the somewhat creative bait.

>> No.40269437

Fauna's vegan.

Also, you're a spineless pussy and a disappointment to thousands of generations of omnivores.

>> No.40269485

Did you know that vegans are usually a poorfags? I know.

>> No.40269550
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I'm not 100% sure it's vegan but consider eating 12 gauge birdshot

>> No.40269551

you are what you eat faggot

>> No.40269569

Reminder it's been proven plants can feel pain, and they experience something similar to a silent scream when they do.

>> No.40269599

You spent money on who?

>> No.40269635

Thanks for the info but Fauna is too popular. I could spend thousands on her without getting much of a reaction.
She also is not a Lewdtuber.
Can I somehow find somebody who is a Lewdtuber, preferably somebody who also does private streams, who is a little smaller?

>> No.40269654

Is she Korean?

>> No.40269666

Also, you are an immoral piece of shit and I hope there is a hell for you to go to.

>> No.40269678

search with tags on Twitch I guess

>> No.40269705

I have no idea. She lives in the US as far as I know.

>> No.40269732

Don't let these snowflakes hear those facts.
Fauna is a lewdtuber though, she does ASMR and baits NSFW fanart

>> No.40269856

Tomorrow I'll eat 6 hamburgers out of spite.

>> No.40269895

Says the guy who doesn't know all religious chrstians eat meat. See Turkey day and Jesus's birthday.

>> No.40269936

might be bait but japan has barely any vegetarians at all. they do have the concept but it includes fish because they consider them too stupid or something. I think fauna is vegan and probably a lot of 2view westoids if you cant stand them.
the one singular drawback of japanese women is that they are pretty much all psychotic towards animals, especially fish. sorry to tell you veganbro.
they have panic responses to stimuli which is like 1% of what makes up the definition of "pain", not to get off topic but this is a retarded ad hominem because if thats supposed to be bad, then you're admitting that eating meat is much worse, because animals feel much more complex types of pain.
youre baiting as I thought, but I already wrote my big post so fuck you false flagger.

>> No.40269993

Is there an easy way to find them? No. Do they exist? Yeah. I'm pretty sure Fauna's a vegan. And if you don't care for Hololive then girl_dm_ is a vegetarian off the top of my head.

I know this thread is retarded bait and all that but I think it's interesting if anyone's actually looking for someone who might talk about those sorts of things.

>> No.40270042

Have you tried not being a little bitch?

>> No.40270059

Am I missing something or does that retarded site seriously only allow me to search for one tag at a time?

>> No.40270127

Human enjoyment >>>>> the suffering of barely conscious beasts

>> No.40270266

How do vegans rationalize the whole animal food chain? That nearly everything which exists preys on something else?

>> No.40270313

Because plants are living beings just like animals are, that's the point.
They feel pain through chemical reaction, so refusing to eat animals only to eat plants makes vegans a complete hypocrite.
Vegetarians are fine with me though, at least they still drink milk, eat eggs and all their sub products, it's fine to not want to eat animals if you are that sensitive but vegans are literal scum.

>> No.40270342

>youre baiting as I thought, but I already wrote my big post so fuck you false flagger.
What is this current culture? Not enough that my voice is heard nowhere and there is nobody I can talk to? Nah, even the few random shitheads who respond to me will simply pretend like I am not even who I am. Feels like this world was designed to make me insane.
I am mad and frustrated that I have no place I can just go to, vibe and have a good time. How is that so unbelievable? The entirety of the internet has been hearded into a handful of giant shit communities. And search engines do not work anymore so I am doomed to never be able to find a place online that is for me.
Vubers seemed like salvation because of how non-confrontational most of them are. The unspoken rule seemed to be "lets just have a good time". But since animal rights is apparently such a foreign concept, there is no consideration for people like me. I could say that fat people need to lose weight and that will get me thrown out of most Vtuber chats, but torturing sentient beings is fine as long as they do not outwardly look like a shaved ape.

>> No.40270419

They pretend it's fake news

>> No.40270526

Plants have no consciousness. Whatever your concept of "pain" is, if it does not involve a conscious experience, it is not worth moral consideration.
Whatever you take as the mental activity of interest to you, several kinds of animals have all the behavioral and anatomical characteristics associated with it. Moreover, several mammals (apes, pigs, dolphins) display these characteristics at a higher level than very young humans.
So, barring gratuitous racism, one can't claim that a 2-year old has consciousness, while an adult dolphin does not.
The role of language in consciousness is also often overrated in philosophical circles, especially of an analytic bent. The fact is that there are several versions of a neural condition called aphasia which renders a subject unable to understand language, produce language, or both, while affecting no other aspect of their lives.

>> No.40270573

before the retard OP responds in some epic troll way. its not about curing the world of pain and saving every animal, pretending the food chains dont exist etc. its about reducing the amount of pain inflicted. thats it, not reducing it to 0, not rewriting the laws of physics so humans dont need energy anymore.
so no its not hypocritical to choose the option that causes less pain. thats literally the point, except for westoids who are deluded into thinking we as a species (not as individual, because individual is obviously possible) can survive off of vegan "products".
I dont eat meat because I find the animals I would be eating cute, and I know theyre intelligent, and it makes me feel bad. simple as. I dont want them to suffer just so my food is a bit tastier.

>> No.40270599

Being (you) truly must suck.
You won't live to 40 without eating meat anyway so i guess it's natural karma

>> No.40270601

based big integrity mark
can't help you though

>> No.40270613

roflmao even

>> No.40270636

It is called the "naturalistic fallacy". Just because something is the case in nature does not mean that it is therefore good.
Rape is widespread in the natural world. Is rape therefore good?
Diseases are natural. Should we therefore stop curing them?

>> No.40270696

>Plants have no conscience
Jesus fucking christ...

>> No.40270753

>You won't live to 40 without eating meat
I wish I could still say "we will see" and be young again. Well, younger. I stopped feeling young ever since I hit 30.
But keep spreading your false narrative about health. There is no reasoning with your ilk anyway. All I want is find a Vtuber I can throw money on while she does lewd shit without me feeling like trash cause I spend my money on disgusting scum.

>> No.40270801

Ah you are pretending to be retarded to troll people. Ok gotcha.

>> No.40270803

based baitposter, nothing seems to rile up faggots here like someone making dietary decisions they disagree with

>> No.40270847

Shut up Fauna, you will collab with meateaters and you will like it

>> No.40270854

The naturalistic fallacy is dumb desu
Living in accordance with nature is what makes humans happy, this has been known for millennia,

>> No.40270993

There's been more than enough evidence to back up plants have consciouness. The simple fact that most flora adapted and evolved since their very first appearance on earth should make it obvious to most dumbasses

>> No.40271196
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She was, only ate vegetarian pizzas.

>> No.40271217

Why are you replying to this thread?

>> No.40271219

Nah there is not. There are only some clickbait articles where they change the definition of what consciousness means. There is no consciousness without something resembling a central nervous system.
And bacteria also "adapted and evolved since their very first appearance on earth". Do you retard now claim they have consciousness too?
But why am I bothering. You are just bullshitting.

Does not matter either way. If plants did have consciousness, then this would simply mean that they are like insects, i.e. not entirely without moral consideration but clearly not on par with mammals, birds fish etc.

>> No.40271472

Nothing. They will tell you.

>> No.40271535

you are so funny, you should be a comedian. how do you even come up with this stuff man xD

>> No.40271588

>There is no consciousness without a central nervous system.
All bacteria has a central nervous system, Viruses are primarly only that and hostile DNA. You forgot trees too and fairy ring mushrooms who communicate with themselves via roots.

>> No.40271826

nah you have no clue what you are talking about. you also forgot to read the rest of the message.
lets pretend plants have consciousness for the rest of the conversation so I do not have to keep reading this nonsense.

>> No.40271961
File: 169 KB, 375x356, 1624822038871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must be samefagging to make yourself look good because there is no fucking way I just saw someone claim bacteria have central nervous systems. holy fuck

>> No.40272113
File: 190 KB, 796x493, vegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's one foolproof way. You need to get a good whiff of their braps.

>> No.40272958

>he thinks he's morally sound eating plants
You are a hypocrite blind to the suffering you are causing the creatures of this earth

>> No.40272972

Why are meat eaters always ignoring that their habit is killing humans too?

>> No.40273022

>Plants have no consciousness. Whatever your concept of "pain" is, if it does not involve a conscious experience, it is not worth moral consideration.
Whatever helps you sleep better at night you sick fuck. Guess some living beings deserve to spared while others have their agony and suffering dismissed as "not worthy of consideration"

>> No.40273046

The average animal would eat you in a heartbeat if it could benefit it in any way. So why must you refer from doing yourself a favour and not torture yourself with processed vegan poison where your body is barely able to keep itself alive

>> No.40273145

When I finally run amok, it would be divine justice if you happened to be among my victims despite of how unlikely it is.

>> No.40273291

if they were intelligent they wouldn’t have gotten caught to be eaten

>> No.40273353

You know I'm right, and you don't have anything to say

>> No.40273577
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>only ate vegetarian pizzas

>> No.40273757

I am going to break into your house and eat your pets alive. Run, pussy, or else I will forcefeed you too

>> No.40273820
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>> No.40273908

More meat for me

>> No.40274443

Femoid thread.

>> No.40275792

It's called Poe's law. To summarize, you're so absurd that you are indistinguishable from a parody of yourself by someone trying to get a response out of people.

>> No.40275852

To replace nature is to require morals set by fallible beings, for as horrible as nature can be it is at least mostly functional.

>> No.40275925

Anthrochauvanists like you are why the aliens hate us.

>> No.40279903

so you think rape is good and do not go to the doctor when sick. ok then, retard.

>> No.40280052

When did /vt/ start using simp as a word? I swear it's due to tempiss sisters. I never saw it before.

>> No.40280152

Ceres Fauna, it's common knowledge she's vegan, but the good kind of vegan (i.e. will not shove her beliefs and diet down your throat)

>> No.40280218

Hunting hasn't been the main way to acquire meat in a while, Neanderthalchama.

>> No.40281127

>i have no argument so im just going to imply im gonna do a mass shooting
Weird flex but okay
