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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4014755 No.4014755 [Reply] [Original]

Aside from established Coco and Ayame, which Holo's would make good villains? What kind of villains would they be (silly, scary, ect)?

Nenechi would be a fun blasting off again type villain

>> No.4014780


>> No.4014890

All of Gen5 would be great villains.

>> No.4015030

She already ruined the community

>> No.4015073


>> No.4015099

HoloCN and Chris

>> No.4015116

The Schizo as a collective representation of /vt/

>> No.4015117

NePoLaBo would be a kino villain syndicate, group or whatever.

>> No.4015212

They'd never be able to do it, but HoloCN would be a great recurring villain group a la Team Rocket. For more serious, threatening villains, I'd want Suisei or Ina (possibly possessed by the Ancient Ones).

>> No.4015486

Where would Pekora isn’t “evil” just amoral and happy to build death traps for even the lowest bidder.

>> No.4015496

I could see Luna being a fun villain who is only a villain cause of her pettiness in a pressing situation

>> No.4015516

Gura based?

>> No.4015767
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>EN being this Four Heavenly Kings group
>Gen 5 with Nene being the big boss of her gen just because she keeps powering up to a new form.

>> No.4015825

>Nene powering up is played off as comedic but its actually becoming a problem cause she's getting really fucking strong

>> No.4015966

I agree with Coco's theory that everyone not in the PV is a villain. We will finally watch the rise of the Duck army!

>> No.4015986

None of the idols would be anything other than comical villains who cause conflict from their own stubbornness or lack of good judgement.

>> No.4016295

Gen 5 will be the villains you love like team. Rocket in Pokemon.

>> No.4016319

If Calli sang the video's song but didn't directly appear in the PV visually does that mean she's the primary antihero?

>> No.4016379


>> No.4016729

Calli said earlier that non-JP girls won't be included in HoloAlt iirc. That leaves
>Gen 5
to be the villains.

>> No.4016802

Pekora should be the shitty episodic villain that gets btfo everytime

>> No.4019471
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Aki will be the real villain, but it'll be heavily implied rather than obvious and if you try to explain why you'll be called a conspiracy nut.

>> No.4019957
File: 1.02 MB, 2896x4096, __shirakami_fubuki_and_hoshimachi_suisei_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_karmachameleon__3292d9cda5842a73667db9ed04b697b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

End boss type, a cute, tyranical ruler

Secret boss with the power to call down a giant rock from the heavens to destroy everything. Also likes swinging axes.

>> No.4022257

Why does it have to be villians? Why not fighting because of different belief? Why not just fighting because of silly incidents like 2hu?

>> No.4022595
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Aki will be the trickster character helping the heroes for mysterious reasons

>> No.4023030

I think that Nene should be theviallain becuase she is EvIVIL NEenechii >:) EVIL NENE

>> No.4023319

Haachama would be a good candidate. Cover can finally make use of the lore she made, just needs a lot of cleaning but it will work. I imagine a scene where Haato is in an evil state of Haachama and other holo mem tries to save her.

>> No.4023633

Suspicious post.
But Nene would be a great unwitting antagonist in a dark magical girl type show where she is unintentionally amassing all the lovelove and cute and inadvertently perpetuating a genocide on other girls who are starved of their life force.

>> No.4023762
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They should make the HoloMyth roster bosses, with how broken those faggots are it'll be a laugh if they're just supporting characters

>> No.4023887

Moona, moon god
Iofi, alien
Ollie, zombie

Haachama final boss

>> No.4023910

your boy is not good at reaping

>> No.4027487

give me a 21 minute full episode of nene introducing herself and all her titles.

>> No.4027515

Haachama as a hero turned villain.

>> No.4027552

all foreign branches will be villains and all jps will eventually work together as the heroes

>> No.4027809

that should be the other way around, they should embrace their historical ww2 history and conquer the rest of the world

>> No.4027981

>21 minutes
we'll have to squeeze it in after the credits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGM375qYhN0

>> No.4028060

Sheep Shougun trying to take over all of Japan.

Just a spoiled brat who kidnaps Matsuri forcing her too hang out with her.

Actually the ruler of an elite society of Ducks who have had enough being so low on the food chain.

>Gen 5
Just a bunch of idiots who keep failing to take over the world but when they were introduced it was extremely menacing.

Introduced as just a kind idol.
Is actually a living comet that comsumes worlds kind of like this universes Galactus.

Vampire I guess just is taking blood without permission? I don't know.

Otherworldly Alien trying to invade? I'm not sure what she would be villain wise..

Computer program like Skynet?

>> No.4028085

The villain is a schizo idolfag who wants to get into hololive. To do that, he needs:
>36 antis
>He must also remember the 14 rrats
>And finally, he must go to china and wait for the new moon
And thats when the new Holo will come...

>> No.4028271

lamy traitor (good reason)
suisei traitor (psychopath reason)

>> No.4028335 [SPOILER] 
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The villain already appeared in the PV, but she was in her first form.

>> No.4028393

>AkiRose does space travel
>hyperspace is just that picture
my knees are moving on their own

>> No.4028749

A-chan as The Boss.

Suisei as the boss' classy and professional right hand who may kill kittens in her spare time.

Subaru as the boss' hyperactive left hand who nevertheless manages to fix the flaws in the boss' plans while the boss isn't looking.

>> No.4028828

Realistically the villain would be some made-up thing for there with a plot for something like stealing everyone's happy memories or other mahou shoujo type thing and any Holo they fight is just possessed by the villains and becomes a friend afterward.

>> No.4029304

I wish I was a talented girl so I could join EN gen2 as some kind of royal/dictator character and act as a heel.

>> No.4031034

Is Alternative actually going to be an anime series or did they just do anime for the PV? The PV shots were way too high-quality to excerpts from a full thing

>> No.4031099

That sounds awful, but you're right it's plausible.
