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File: 101 KB, 290x290, Watson_Amelia_-_Portrait_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
40143267 No.40143267 [Reply] [Original]

So which Holo EN got her goslings?
Fauna? IRyS?

>> No.40143545


>> No.40143776

gosling are stil there, now cucklings. they usually come here to say they improved themselves or something but they are just whining in every holo thread

>> No.40143819

Fauna. She gets almost 3 times Mori's CCV these days.

>> No.40143862
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x720, ame doko[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fhe6yeb.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If /hlgg/ is proof of anything and her (strangely) rising numbers lately, I don't think the goslings went anywhere.

>> No.40143883

Goslings never left, the only people that got offended were deranged chumpedo crossposters.
Her 2022 year-end was bigger than the prior year, she’s fine.

>> No.40143955
File: 428 KB, 548x506, 1669516172423614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are people making threads like this as if anything happened recently?

Her IMPROVE URSELF thing was half a fucking year ago.

>> No.40144060

not much happens in holoEN. dramaniggers are recycling

>> No.40144135

They improved themselves and returned to watch streams in peach

>> No.40144181
File: 388 KB, 960x1200, 1672567403077150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ameschizo still hasn't gotten over it. He makes these threads every day.

>> No.40144422

I went to Fauna. Not so much because of the male collabs (although I left around that time) but because she seemed bored while streaming compared to last year. She seems a bit better after her 3 week break but who knows how long it’ll be before she’s back to being bored again. Also how the hell does she still not have an original song?

>> No.40144424
File: 612 KB, 904x904, Kamiko_Kana_-_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goslings. It's time to come home.

>> No.40144503

Improve your bait

>> No.40144670

Rent free. Ironically, the callout for goslings are better than them since their obsession of hate is unanimously more annoying than any gosling

>> No.40144808

genuine question, why do shitposters always latch themselves to fauna?

>> No.40145302

Because she doesn’t talk to Tempus? I haven’t seen her being anti’d that much so not sure what you mean.

>> No.40145348

Most remaining goslings are just cuckmates who aggressively defend male collabs (while secretly despising them) by deflecting to Gura. The ones who left scattered in a few directions, but I think Fauna and Mumei picked up the bulk of them, with a few going to IRyS and the JPs.

>> No.40145442

They stayed like good little goslings

>> No.40145508

Actually if you bring up males in /awat/ no one wants to talk about them, at least when I was still watching Ame. I think they just weathered the collabs and are hoping now she won’t do them again. She’s definitely going to, it’s a matter of when.

>> No.40145528

At least you're remembering to switch IPs this time.

>> No.40145545

>Goslings going for Irys after Brian
>Goslings going for Fauna after... u know
I dont think these two are a good replacement.

>> No.40145551


>> No.40145560

>Her 2022 year-end was bigger than the prior year, she’s fine.
her only competition was mori and kiara both of whom streamed later
no shit retard

>> No.40145625

They have a collective agreement to avoid engaging dramaposters in the split, but they defend her hard in the catalog.

>> No.40145895


>> No.40148422

Fuck off

>> No.40148507

Next time its my turn to bump at page 10-11

>> No.40148676

What's the key around her neck for?

>> No.40149200

I don’t care for her interacting with Jim but you never know what she’s going to do next, I like her.

>> No.40149249

I went to Mumei.

>> No.40149435
File: 746 KB, 1533x1008, 1672689004414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she need them, when she can get more viewers than a trio off collab?

>> No.40149550

Ame's gosling are still here they just stopped posting frequently. A gosling is a man that knows a romantic relationship with Ame is impossible but he still has feelings for her.

>> No.40149691

How many of them buy merch though? That’s what really matters.

>> No.40149760

You do know that most of those views are because people were expecting Gura right?
Should've seen global during that stream, it was a solo Amelia stream and the entire thread was chsnting Gura to appear. Nobody cares about her other than an acessory to Gura.

>> No.40149795

More than Kiara's and Mori's, thats for sure
Her limited merch ALWAYS sells out before those 2
Delicious cope

>> No.40150006

If you're not an assblasted whiny little bitch like >>40145348 you learn to ignore bait. As for her collabs with Tempus, it's obvious they're still going to happen. But like bait, you can just skip the collab until she streams solo or with the girls again.

>> No.40150010

You know we can tell how much merch the girls sell right?

>> No.40150486

Kys teakeks

>> No.40150562

I love the seething Ame causes on lily tranny and her schizo bots
I revel in it
(S)he's always such an assblasted little maggot

>> No.40150609

Improve yourself loser. :)

>> No.40150642


>> No.40150944
File: 1.53 MB, 1100x2200, 20220121_171330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goslings are chads that stick with their oshi because we love them so much. We love ame so much you can't even imagine it. Tempus collabs are nothingburgers and usually boring as hell because the boys aren't very entertaining yet. Goslings are not fucking retarded unicorns and schizoposters so stop pretending we are. Anyway, anybody got cute pics?

>> No.40151766

I went to a small corpo.

>> No.40152845

>Implying they ever left
Teamates aren't that weak faggot

>> No.40153939

NTA but I complained about Ame coming back from break with a shill stream and you all jumped on me. I’d call that being a yesman, not being strong.

>> No.40155871


>> No.40155887


>> No.40156372

I'd call complaining about everything being a bitch but I'm just a threadreader so I don't really care about your little quarrels

>> No.40157068

But every fanbase is filled with yes men, look at chumbuds and takos. It comes with the territory.
The ones that complain will always be shot down.
But this is not her general, discord, r*ddit or any of that so any of us can indeed complain. As a teamate i truly hated the whole Tempus arc, the worms collab was fun but everything else was a shitfest:
>"None of the girls accepted my invites".
Shitty lie to lessen the effect of the male collabs, she wanted to rope more girls into it but failed miserably. Immediatly gets a bunch of girls for her "girls only" pico park.
>"I get that there's separation but i just see them as people".
She really wants to bring down the walls Hololive is built upon so that's a real bad scene.
>Responding and trying to own haters on bait SCs instead of ignoring it.
A true shit show.

She stopped being controversional for now but who knows how long that will last?
She also has not done anything praise worthy with her 3D home studio she's so proud of. We will see how this year will hold but i bet it will be even shittier than the last.

>> No.40157871

>as a teamate
Post membership with timestamp included or I'm just not going to take anything you write seriously

>> No.40159177
File: 1.85 MB, 3120x2828, IMG_20230102_210448_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here: had to it take as a photo because of this phone isn't connected with my account, too lazy.
I don't dislike Ame, otherwise i wouldn't sign her membership but 2022 was just full of disappointment. Just speaking my mind about it. This is the place for it.

>> No.40159216

i can't see a timestamp

>> No.40159285

Timestamp of what?

>> No.40159347

are you pretending to be stupid?
>phone isn't connected with my account

>> No.40159473

I can take as many pictures as you want from multiple angles.

>> No.40159555

I don't care anymore, you're both a newfag and a phoneposter. Interacting with you is making me mad

>> No.40159775
File: 1.83 MB, 3715x3120, IMG_20230102_212738_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one for you then

>> No.40161104

Agree with you that the none of the girls accepted my invite thing was a shitty cover for wanting to do a unity collab to welcome them but I don't think she really got baited into many "own the hater" moments, the improve yourself thing was her responding to a second marshmallow SHE chose in advance of the stream despite giving an acceptable answer to the first one. Other than that I can only remember her saying something about people sending "epic" superchats and to just ignore them which is pretty reasonable.

The most irritating stuff for me was the "I know some of you guys don't like It and I hope you can recover but I am going to do what I want AMEWAY baby" in response to a pretty mild comment about collabs iirc and the fucking Altare duet out of nowhere in a Karaoke, pretty sure out of everything she actually regrets doing that one because it was done out of spite. When all is said and done, some fans sperged out a lot and Ame also sperged out a bit in response.

Still think Ame is in the top holoEN for actually caring about her fans though and I am not bothered enough by males to drop her over it but I hope she realises that even if she wants to do it occasionally, almost nobody in her fanbase is actively asking for tempus collabs, they just tolerate them. The stuff she has done this holiday season on the other hand has been great.

>> No.40161777


Mori's merch is usually second to sell out after Gura's. Ina comes after that. Ame's and Kiara's sometimes doesn't even sell out. I'm not sure what the hell you are talking about.

>> No.40163669

He wants you to write the date on a piece of paper. It’s yesmen like him that made me hate Teamates before I even left Ame.

>> No.40163686

They need a way to keep ame relevant so they make these falseflag threads for sympathy points.

>> No.40166174

I wonder if anyone other than her fans/haters view these threads. It’s all so pointless.

>> No.40166469

>"I get that there's separation but i just see them as people".
>She really wants to bring down the walls Hololive is built upon so that's a real bad scene.
no she doesnt, thats not what she meant by that
she was trying to be reassuring

agreed with this post
the altaire duet thing was the only bad thing she did during the whole tempus drama arc IMO, was either her being teasing or sprerging out back at the spergs mad at her
and yeah she basically memory holed it
the AMEWAY BABY thing was in response to a bit supa iirc
>Still think Ame is in the top holoEN for actually caring about her fans though and I am not bothered enough by males to drop her over it but I hope she realises that even if she wants to do it occasionally, almost nobody in her fanbase is actively asking for tempus collabs, they just tolerate them. The stuff she has done this holiday season on the other hand has been great.

>> No.40169363


>> No.40169531


>> No.40174887

>Fauna? IRyS?
