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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4008341 No.4008341 [Reply] [Original]


Alright, which one of you anons said this was gonna be a one-off game?

>> No.4008539

Why don't chumbuds ever drop expensive supachas for their oshi?

>> No.4009053
File: 332 KB, 758x657, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She does fine, she just doesn't have the same ratio of crazy paypigs of a Mori or Kiara.

>> No.4009168

>Why don't chumbuds ever drop expensive supachas for their oshi?
She makes the money by having the most members of any EN holo.

>> No.4009192

Uto who is an indie made $9,000 in one stream when she had 300,000 subs and Gura had 2 million+. Kiara recently made like 20k or 40k earlier this week in one day. For the amount of subs Gura has, they're not as loyal.

>> No.4009206

She doesn't do a lot of superchat readings and seems to prefer the high membership numbers.

>> No.4009223

She doesn’t like reading superchat, and probably has 10-15k members to make up for it.

>> No.4009259 [DELETED] 


>> No.4009286 [DELETED] 

15 minute Gura stream lets GOOOOOO

>> No.4009317

There is no accurate tool yet to show all the Holos' membership numbers. Unless there's a good tracker you're just guessing. Not even 10k people watched Gura's most famous ASMR and her polls/upvotes get even less than that usually. You also don't know if they're in the cheap tier or the higher tiers just by raw numbers. Unless we get something like Holostats or a playboard for members, this is all just a guessing game.

>> No.4009337

>Alright, which one of you anons said this was gonna be a one-off game?
To be fair, she was playing on the shitty version producing scuffed runs. Gura wants to do it correctly.

>> No.4009397

That image is legitimately pathetic. Chumbuds don't love their oshi.

>> No.4009407

>Kiara recently made like 20k or 40k earlier this week in one day.
? Kiara is only a couple grand above Gura in SC this month. Mori is the actual outlier.

>> No.4009458

I'm sure she'll manage to survive only making $400-500k/year.

>> No.4009493

It was estimated in an older numbers thread, with Ina (coming in second) having more members than Mori.

>> No.4009558

>random number with no credible source
>Implying Susan and Cover don't take a huge chunk of that
I love how chumbuds claim to love Gura but will pull out any excuse NOT to donate. Ina has infinitely less subs than Gura yet she was put on a fucking billboard. Some Holos were gifted celebrity messages. Fan loyalty matters

>> No.4009653 [DELETED] 

Can’t tell if you’re a chum shill or just genuinely this stupid

>> No.4009742
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Just for once in your life, save up and give her some money on her bday. Stop being penny pinchers

>> No.4009780

Dont worry she secretly hates the game just like us chumbros

>> No.4009792

>~$50k/month in SC
>~15,000 members at $5/month (not including tier 2)
>~150,000,000 views this year at a conservative $2000 per million views

Do the math and even if she only gets 35% of it she'll make over $600k pre-tax. This doesn't even include the inevitable birthday merch either. Nor does it include Cover's base salary.

>> No.4009874 [DELETED] 

Where the fuck are you getting these numbers schizo-chama

>> No.4009888

I'd like to think she's going to play it all again with the superior control scheme instead of just doing week 7 and maybe week 4.

>> No.4009913

Actually, I believe it was estimated at 12k subs for Gura, but it was just an estimate. Probably better to say 10k tops to be safer.

>> No.4009985 [DELETED] 

Uhh ... yeah lol. That was always the plan

>> No.4010054

Not him, but we have this thread almost daily. The numbers are estimates but believable.

>> No.4010201

Playboard and membership polls
She has a membership poll from *1 week ago* with 12k votes. 15k is a conservative extrapolation given that 80% participation on a poll would be quite high.

>> No.4010280 [DELETED] 

I had to reset muh filters because I got banned a few days ago so now I’m seeing so much EN garbage cluttering the catalog ESPECIALLY threads about same chan. You and the worthless EOP gosling posting chum fuck number schizos you migrated here with hve ruined my board.

>> No.4010349

Go back to jp anonchama

>> No.4010436

Get some help, friend.

>> No.4010461

Chumbud is fine, faggots like you that seethe and shit up every thread are the problem, if you are so scared of EN, /jp/ is 2 blocks away

>> No.4010498

it's probably because she doesn't read superchats

>> No.4010638

>She has a membership poll from *1 week ago* with 12k votes. 15k is a conservative extrapolation given that 80% participation on a poll would be quite high.
I didn’t see that. Only heard the 12k estimate BEFORE the time you’re speaking about. If that’s true, 15k would be fair. They also estimated I think 7k for Ina, and 5k for Mori, then goes lower for others.

>> No.4010784

>There is no accurate tool yet to show all the Holos' membership numbers.
true, but I went full autist
-I exported the chat from her costume reveal and her members only stream last night, here is what i got...

-Last night -members only stream-
2651 members commented in chat during the stream

-costume reveal
76k likes (at the time of the stream)
3142 new members gained (during the chat)
32,384 members commented an average of 6 comments during the stream
57,821 TOTAL people commented in chat (for something stupid like 380k comments) an average of 6 comments per viewer

>> No.4010841

oh, and the average length of time someone is a member is 3.5months. most of the commenting members in her chat are members with more then 2 months membershrimp. (when you export it, it tells you how long they've been a member)

>> No.4011217

Her last poll had more than 10k votes

>> No.4011232

Go back to /jp/ then you fucking dumb nigger. You're the one going to /vt/.

>> No.4011273

Jesas anon. If you're this devoted to her then fuck, give her something special for her bday. At least give her a huge donation on that day instead of just arguing on an imageboard

>> No.4012669
File: 13 KB, 189x189, guntako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating on EN
I'll give you 10 seconds to turn around and go back to /jp/ you stupid weeb.

>> No.4014371

Gura's cunny...

>> No.4014517

At least post one of the good EN members if you're going to defend EN anon.

>> No.4014678

What's your taste?

>> No.4014815

Will she get her dignity as a gamer back and beat all the weeks first try like Fubuki did

>> No.4015641

>filtered by ina

>> No.4015877

>Doritos and Mountain Dew

>> No.4015973

Paypigs should hang.

>> No.4016014

Mori and Gura.

>No-o-o-oo-o you got filtered

She's boring and not entertaining. Cope more t(r)a(nn)ko(y)

>> No.4016102
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on what level did you think this one was going to work

>> No.4016313


>> No.4016458
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>> No.4016708


>> No.4016949

the hell is this game lol

>> No.4017097

I think someone here actually scraped twitter for how many followers had trans flags, preferred pronouns, etc. for each of the holoENs and found that kiara had the highest proportion of trannies in their followers while ina had the lowest. Can look at the archives if you want to confirm for yourself, anonchama.

>> No.4017503

Flavor of the month baby's first rhythm game that exploded into a kickstarter that got way past the intended goal. Gotta admit that many of the songs are pretty catchy.

>> No.4017785

No one is getting 80% participation on a members poll. That would be insanely high engagement. It’s probably considerably lower and in turn her membership quite a bit higher.

>> No.4023558

It's trash

>> No.4025418

After watching the holofunk mod i cant watch the vanilla game without remembering the mod

>> No.4025531

>Flavor of the month
The fucking game debuted in November last year.

>> No.4026105


this is bait

>> No.4026511

People who numberfag superchats are a million times more pathetic than people who numberfag viewership. At least viewership can show you how much casual and greater audience appeal a holo has. Superchats just so you how many mentally ill paypigs get sucked into a holo's vortex.

>> No.4028035

She has the most in Hololive, not just EN.

>> No.4028064

Among Us released in 2018. FOTM doesn't mean release date dipshit.

>> No.4028504
File: 1.60 MB, 1500x2000, 1802326_shado3_lol-cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh okay you wanna play that game? Let's play
>Feb 15, 2021
>Mar 16, 2021
>Mar 19, 2021
>Mar 21, 2021
>Mar 18, 2021
>Mar 12, 2021
>Apr 16, 2021
>May 3, 2021
>May 16, 2021

4 months huh?

>> No.4029208

It's literal cope, they need something to attack Gura with. The funny thing is its always the resident nutsacki who goes around the threads and to bring it up.

You have the raw data? The numberfag thread can't take your word for it. The membership poll with 12k votes is all they can go off of.

>> No.4029898

>You have the raw data? The numberfag thread can't take your word for it. The membership poll with 12k votes is all they can go off of.
sure, i even have the numbers from tonights stream. i'll have to pull it up but it was an odd one. she had 30k likes. around 30k people peak; but only 800 some odd people who even chatted once, 500-550 or so members, 37 new members, something like that.

>> No.4029918


the numbers were so strange from tonight (and out of line with other nights) I think youtube had some problems tonight keeping track of chat / viewers

>> No.4030019
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Yes, but if you take into account the subcriber/super chat ratio, shark is a gachikoi magnet as powerful as matsuri. Kiara can succ more money from the same quantity of subscribers

>> No.4030100

These seem magnitudes better than anything in the base game.

>> No.4030133

how long has Kiara been streaming this month ?
Gura also doesn’t reading superchat or disable it when reading start

>> No.4030176

Yep and those are factors that make her a better wallet succ than Gura.

>> No.4030590

That’s amount to what? 150k~160k per month by membership alone? Shark is swimming in cash.

>> No.4031011

She says it's fine not to give any other than being there for her in her streams. I agree cause of IRL stuff but I would give her $10 for every 3 streams, and a fat one for celebrations.
