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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39931803 No.39931803 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.39932147

Delete this

>> No.39932321

Using Amelia to deflect
As usual

>> No.39932325

This game looks fun. It reminds me of Euro Truck Simulator 2.

>> No.39932675

Chumkeks will defend this.

>> No.39933168

Gawr Gura will reach out to Keemstar to defend this

>> No.39933343

You see how fucking stupid that sounds? But it's exactly what happened with the Green one...

>> No.39933422

Green whore fucked with KoreKore in mid 2010s. That's why she went to that faggot instead of keeping everything for herself.

>> No.39933825

He helped her in the past with a bad situation when a brothel stole her social media images and used them to advertise their girls.

>> No.39933920

brothels are still a thing? i thought that was middle-ages stuff

>> No.39934104

Are you underage?
Brothel, escort service, soapland, massage parlor.
They're called various things, but they've existed in every country for millenia and they will continue to exist forever, naivechama.

>> No.39934168

Are you like... 12?

>> No.39934222

prostitution doesn't exist anymore lmao are you dumb? just go on tinder or something. also why are you comparing escorting people to prostitution are you just dumb? are bodyguards prostitute to you?

>> No.39934259

You have to be trolling...

>> No.39934335

An escort is a "hired date", underage anon.

>> No.39934388

yeah sure buddy i believe you

>> No.39934392

>t. has never been to any city (not even a small one) at night in his entire life.

>> No.39934442

Of course they are still a thing. Hell if visited your mother last night at one, she charges a very reasonable rate per hour. 7/10 will use again.

>> No.39934460


>> No.39934485

and how does hiring someone for a date make it prostitution? have you never heard of "chaperon"?

>> No.39934544

It's funny because this actually happened to Gura so I don't know why we're using this fake instance on someone like her.

>> No.39934612

i just don't live in a shithole like you do

>> No.39934639

I really still can't tell if you're being serious or not.
With escorts, it's almost always implied that sex will happen if you "hit it off" (i.e. pay more money).

>> No.39934681

You are completely sheltered and oblivious, anon.
There is not a single place in the world where women live that doesn't also have prostitution.
You are literally a moron.

>> No.39934706

do you really expect me to believe people pay for sex in 2022? baka just use tinder or something srly

>> No.39934768

didn't know shaking my head was filtered to baka that's a new one

>> No.39934807

>sheltered and oblivious
These are two very different things, Anon. It doesn't have to be both.

>> No.39934882

i'm not mormon you idiot

>> No.39935000

>>39934807 (Me)
Given the new evidence of >>39934882 we can conclusively say that, at minimum, the latter of the two was true.

>> No.39935030

Usually sheltered people are somewhat aware they are sheltered and defer to others with more life experience when talking about things they don't know anything about. When they don't and instead claim to possess a larger understanding of the world then they actually do, then they are indeed, both sheltered and a moron.

>> No.39935136

what? i'm not a mormon

>> No.39935309

just because you pay someone and have sex with them doesn't mean they're a prostitute
gold diggers aren't prostitute

>> No.39935495

>Usually sheltered people are somewhat aware they are sheltered and defer to others with more life experience
Yes. I made the distinction in the first place because I consider myself to be sheltered, and would hate for someone who is merely sheltered also be labeled as a moron unnecessarily.
1. Is English your first language?
2. How heavily do you rely upon spellcheck or autocorrect?
Please. The difference is almost entirely semantic.What is tangibly different between the two? Intent? Good luck proving it.

>> No.39935598

female hands that reek of dick and cum typed this post

>> No.39935782

If you pay an escort to go on a date, bring her back to your place, and are found to have had sex with her, you can be prosecuted for sex trafficking in almost every country. The women who escort are almost never prosecuted and just go back to being escorts. They are prostitutes, anon.

>> No.39935789

english is my native language and i barely use autocorrect
i'm not female wtf

>> No.39935839

how is having sex human trafficking wtf?

>> No.39935893

Shhh that was memoryholed...

>> No.39935940

You can tell its fake aside from being a rushia joke because it implies gura will ever stream again

>> No.39936058

Because the real one gets you vacationed

>> No.39936116

He's wrong about that part. The guy having sex is prosecuted for solicitation of prostitution. However, a huge proportion of prostitutes ARE part of the sex trafficking system, which is a subset of human trafficking. What do you think pimps are?

What was this thread about, again? Gura and Ame sure are cute.

>> No.39936244

i had to look up what a pimp is. apparently they're the prostitutes' husband, friend and manager taking care of the money side of business?
they don't exist anymore because prostitute don't exist anymore

>> No.39936403

low effort. don't even deserve a (you)

>> No.39937896

No. I am correct and you are wrong. Reread what I said in >>39935782. If you transport a prostitute, especially long distances, then you can be hit with sex trafficking charges. A friend of Matt Gaetz, a US represenative, was recently convicted and sentenced to 11 years in prison over sex trafficking charges when he solicited, paid for, and then transported two escorts across state lines to attend a party. The escorts were completely willing and no pimping or coercion was involved.

The legal definition of sex trafficking is broader than just pimping out whores or forcing someone to be a sex worker or whatever it is that you're imagining. The law is designed to punish men for wanting to have sex while allowing women to continue to profit off of selling their bodies and not being held accountable.

>> No.39937987

>If you transport a prostitute, especially long distances, then you can be hit with sex trafficking charges.
Interesting. That's bullshit, but I believe it.

>> No.39938192

nice try

>> No.39938763
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>> No.39939096

All I did was pull the first result when I typed Joel Greenberg, there isn't even any opinion in that article. It's simply a report of the court verdict.
Here, schizo:

>> No.39940898

You faggots absolutely massacred OP's thread with your sheer autism kek

>> No.39941015

What was the point of the thread?
>"omg Amesame, they are so cute! Thruly love each other uwu"
It's dead since 2021.

>> No.39941251

It was supposed to be fun shitposting, I'm guessing. Not retard Olympics.
You dumb faggots are sitting here responding, seriously, to the laziest troll posts ever made and embarrassing yourselves.

Retire to Reddit forever, jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.39941451

>implying OP doesn't deserve it
>implying that wasn't OP true intention

>> No.39942207

I am not crazy! I know she had sex with Ame! I knew it was non platonic. Just streaming friends. As if I could ever believe such bullshit. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn't prove it. She – she covered her tracks, she got those idiots at /vt/ to spred counter rrats for her. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? Shes done worse. Her graphics card! Are you telling me that it just happens to fail like that? No! She orchestrated it to have sex with Ame! Gura! She defecated through on her bed! And I supad her! And I shouldn't have. I took her into my own subscriptiont list! What was I thinking? She'll never change. She'll never change! Ever since she was 9, always the same! TuT Couldn't keep her hands out of the Ames pants! But not our Gura! Couldn't be precious Gura! Stealing them blind! And she gets to be someones oshi!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped her when I had the chance! And you – you have to stop her! You-

>> No.39943572

He's a third-worlder. You can't hope for him to understand modern concepts.

>> No.39946256

Does that game have prostitutes like gtav?
