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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39924643 No.39924643 [Reply] [Original]

i spent the last week visiting other boards for the first time (specifically /a/ /jp/ and /mu/) since i have never left /here/.

everyone seems a lot more firmly neutral and generally pleasant to talk to. I haven't been called a retard or nig once for any take i made (an everyday occurance /here/). In fact, you're shat on for being unnecessarily mean (again, daily occurance /here/)

Is this what 4ch is generally like?? Are we the odd ones out??

>> No.39924740

>goes off site for like a few minutes makes post of several boars
>hmm why less toxic?
especially with /a/, come to me after you've spent a month there with an average of 50 post a day trust me they'll give you the /vt/ experience.

>> No.39924812

Maybe only your /vt/ takes are retarded.

>> No.39924965
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It's also like this in the WSJ numberfag threads.
Ever wonder why?

>> No.39924985

You should lurk for two years before posting.

>> No.39925019

You just have bad /vt/akes

>> No.39925262

you probably just have better opinions about anime and music than you do about vtubers

idiocy isnt a binary, OP. you can be the smartest mathematician numberfag in all of /vt/ and think that TPN's ending "wasn't THAT bad"

>> No.39925485

>i spent the last week visiting other boards for the first time
I will fly to Jakarta and strangle you with my bare hands

>> No.39925551

I don't know, but this is the board where I get more (you)s.

>> No.39925656
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Posters here don't believe me when I tell them /vt/ is among the most unhinged boards together with /pol/, /v/ and /x/. Almost like this board are been taken entirely by shitposting 4chan tourists.

>> No.39925674
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Other boards are perfectly capable of dishing out shit in equal amounts, they're just primed to engage in actual discussion first, and don't view shitposting as the primary activity in their hobbies of choice. They tend to have a constant glut of good content to talk about, increasing thread variety and reducing tribalfaggotry; and they mostly know better than to lick corporate boots and get attached to brands. /vt/ corpo tribalism is basically an import of /v/ console wars, but greatly amplified and actually taken seriously by the participants.

/vt/ is among the worst blue boards on the site due to its subject matter bordering on e-celeb faggotry and the deranged simps it attracts off-site, as well as having adopted le ebin schizoposting as a cherished part of the board culture. Elsewhere it's rightfully ridiculed.

>> No.39925786

No one believes me either when I say this place is a Twitter/r*ddit subcolony (it fucking is stop lying to yourselves)

>> No.39925821

You can start by stop using Fubuki as some kind of avatar/pfp and go back to twitter or reddit I don't care which

>> No.39925913
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This place is only the way it is because all the retards from /trash/ and Kiwi Farms migrated here. The moment a board is created that specifically caters to general e-celeb discussion is the day /vt/ (and arguably many other boards) can get better. As it stands this place is currently a glorified containment board.

>> No.39925992

The other boards are a lot more homogeneous in nature, with a lot lower tourism rate than /vt/. /vt/ has people coming from several different places: otaku boards like /a/ and /jp/, people that care about vidya like /v/ and /vg/, normalfag shitposting boards like /pol/ and /sp/, twitter and reddit dramatourists. The separation of vtubers in corporations that don't exactly have UNITY also foments tribalism. Then with the rise of male vtubers you have to add to the previous trainwreck the gender wars.
Lots of people from different backgrounds have different opinions, that coupled with the native site shitposters seeing the writing on the walls make for the perfect storm.

>> No.39926001

>/a/, /jp/, /mu/
>not shitting on every single take
worst bait I ever saw

>> No.39926084

You first.

>> No.39926317

Fans of the 2 main corpos account for 90% of the people here. One appeals to incel otaku, the other appeals to twitter trannies and chink fujos. Cram these groups into a shared space and obviously the sparks are going to fly.

>> No.39926407

/vt/ is twitter seanig board, so yes

>> No.39926441

/hlgg/ was a reddit colony from day 1 in /jp/.

>> No.39926474

the mods are actively antagonistic towards this board which doesn't really help things

>> No.39926571

Still holding a grudge /hlg/?

>> No.39926772

I'm a redditor, can confirm

>> No.39926863

How many of the "you're an ESL"-posters do you reckon are ESL themselves?

>> No.39927458

kill yourself nigger

>> No.39927544

Why are you freaking out over frog and wojak posts? you have not seen the shonen threads they have memes and edits of anime frogs and wojaks

>> No.39927619

Shonen threads is a cancer

>> No.39927657

On /a/ you're going to get beaten to death and kicked out if you mention anything about
>shounen garbage (outside the designated containment generals)
While gatekeeping has gotten looser over the years, it is still significantly strong.

>> No.39927738
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/vt/ is 30% SEA y 50% Latin

>> No.39927889

Unironically lurk more retard. I have a feeling you're underage too.

>> No.39928033

The bigger the board, the worse it is. Since /vt/ is one of 4chan's biggest boards, it's one of the worst.

>> No.39928178

Underage thread

>> No.39928356

>the lula livre gura cunnyposter on /sp/ who disappeared when Brazil got BTFO by croatia

>> No.39933004

retarded shitter TAKE
have a look in the fucking gay /dbs/ thread and see all those fucking spanish posters

>> No.39933172

>thinks /a/ /jp/ and /mu/ are friendly
You weren't on those boards long enough.

>> No.39933358

>Almost like this board are been taken entirely by shitposting 4chan tourists.
What??? Psssha! That's crazy talk!

>> No.39933365

>is /vt/ the outlier


>> No.39933370

You haven't been on /#/ or /nijien/

>> No.39933417

the funny part to me is that the /trash/ fags are clearly all the EN vtuber faggots.

we are essentially fighting a war with fifty different factions, with so many different variables.

>> No.39933471

I've been a long-time board drifter and yeah /vt/ is pretty much the worst among the faster ones.
I only visit occasionally for the insanity

>> No.39933479
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/v/ was the big boogeyman for years when I was on /jp/ back in the day and after exclusively using /vt/ since its inception I somehow ended up visiting /v/ for reasons I don't recall a few months back and it was SIGNIFICANTLY better than this board and that says a LOT.

>> No.39933512

>don't recall a few months back and it was SIGNIFICANTLY better than this board and that says a LOT.
because you visited either a rare good thread, or just hang out in coomer places. /v/ is too much variety with people still treating the place like /b/.

>> No.39933581

I mostly browse /fit/ and /o/, and this board is pretty similar to those. I think it's the bitterness that's similar.

>> No.39933641

1) The catalog is a thousand times worse than the generals here, generally speaking, and I feel like if you spend too long in the catalog,that redardation is contagious.
2) /jp/ is still a toxic shithole to this day. I haven't been to either /mu/ or /a/ in years, but the main different there is quality control. Back in the day you were shat on for having plebian taste. Nowadays /a/ is rife with discussion of every shounen under the sun and there's nary a thread for more obscure stuff or the turboweeb CGDGT stuff (more on this later), and /mu/ similarly went on an awful shitty journey from worshipping dadrock to worshipping P4K to worshipping RYM to worshipping theneedledrop to just masturbating over kpop and shitty soundcloud rap.
3) There are genuinely much nicer boards here, but they are generally slow and/or niche. /m/ isn't as good as it used to be but it's generally more civil than here. /an/ is fine. /ck/ has okay days and bad days. /po/ was legendary civil until /qa/ got shut down. /xs/ is generally really nice. In terms of porn, /d/ is honestly the most mentally healthy other than /e/ and /s/ because they're the only hardcore porn board not mindbroken by blacked and/or NTR shit.

>> No.39933713

>/d/ is honestly the most mentally healthy other than /e/ and /s/ because they're the only hardcore porn board not mindbroken by blacked and/or NTR shit.
tell me you haven't seen the absolute state of the BBW or TG or any other thread.

also /jp/ is a shithole that manages to stay alive because the 2hu faggots don't escape their containment.

>> No.39933735

>CGDGT stuff (more on this later)
Forgot to mention, CGDGTfags kinda got into vtubers. A lot of the oldfags in the generals are from the era of /a/ where K-On! was considered a masterpiece, Hidamari Sketch was considered partisan, and DBZ was considered retarded shit for literal children.

>> No.39933777

>tell me you haven't seen the absolute state of the BBW or TG
My dude, those are not my fetishes. I stick to my fetishes to be fair and it's mostly just images.

>> No.39933846

all boards are shit if you use generals or popular threads. this site is only useable for less mainstream stuff because shitposters don't flock to those threads. a thread with sub 20 ips on any board is almost always going to be good and have minimal shitposting and name calling.

>> No.39933929

>all boards are shit if you use generals or popular threads
>/vt/ is almost entirely a mix of generals (some faster than others) or incredibly awful bait threads

>> No.39934254

I'm one of them and I can recognize my fellow spicnigs whenever they attempt to use it on me.

>> No.39934268

/vt/ has the most newfags and tourists of any board by far

>> No.39934470
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/vt/'s main problem is a complete lack of discussion.
Yes we have many threads at any given time, but nothing is happening in almost all of them, same stale shitposts, same bait, same replies, the only thing that shifts is the target, Mori, Kiara, Vox, Kronii, any EN girl that collabs with a male, Enna etc etc, it doesn't matter, its different flavors of the same tired arguments.
In a similar manner, the fastest threads here are /hlgg/ and the /nijiEN/ one, every other thread is slow as piss and kept alive by endless bumps.

I enjoy discussing things going in streams, especially when it involves a game I like so I can be autistic about it, but rarely can I do that here.

>> No.39934512

>Is this what 4ch is generally like?? Are we the odd ones out??

No, it's the other way around; those boards just happen to be outliers.

>> No.39934514

This is the post.

>> No.39934799

the bigger problem is that people refuse to watch streams, or use clips.

>> No.39934862

Or make shit up and endlessly defend this said shit by using a clip that says the exact opposite as "proof"

>> No.39934955

/o/ is a racist shithole, maybe worse than /pol/.

>> No.39934967
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This board is inhabited by trannies who hate men, trannies who hate women, men who hate women and men, women who hate men and women, menheras, literal schizophrenics, faggots who think they will be Japanese, and 5% by people who want to watch cute and funny internet streams. For every laugh I have had here, I would not wish browsing it willingly on another.

>> No.39935035

can't be worse than /int/
or /tg/
or /bant/, or /his/, or /sci/, or /v/, or /b/, or...

>> No.39935072

I think we can all agree that rangebanning all of South East Asia from just /vt/ would significantly improve the board's quality overnight.

>> No.39935107

it improves a lot of boards
