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39895693 No.39895693 [Reply] [Original]

Why does HoloID not have a unicorn culture like JP or (half of) EN? Literally 8/9 of them collab with homos.

>> No.39895769

Do your own reps you stupid nigger

>> No.39896658

>like JP
Another case of [redacted]

>> No.39896961

IDs understand that most of the girls underwent female circumcision and were forced into arranged marriages. Most ID fans are part of arranged marriages too and that's why they don't care. They're all normalfags.

>> No.39897295

Miko was a total slut before kek. Also why there's always anti ID threads on SEA time? Is the chaff that angry that YAGOO didn't pick their country?

>> No.39897317

Like JP? You mean like Matsuri, Foobs, Sora, Subaru, Miko, Suisei...

Pekora literally did a hypnotism stream with an ugly bastard.

>> No.39897411

Who hasn't?

>> No.39897587


>> No.39897659

>Weremag collab
>Astroneer Collab
>Axel's birthday totsu
It's actually Kaela

>> No.39897732

No wonder she has such a positive reception /here/

>> No.39898182

This is a country with such a heavy public stigma against premarital sex that the law criminalizing it was able to be passed. Not to say they don't do it secretly, but it means that the social penalty of being found out is so heavy that no one would brag about or insinuate that they were doing it, and go to great lengths to hide it.
But an additional side-effect of the taboo also makes sex seem more serious and relationship defining - which means relationships without sex are conversely less serious. This allows an innate perception, for those so inclined, that as long as the girl is not married, it's still anyone's game even if they're dating someone else.

>> No.39898510

Most indonesians marry young, that means there isn't a significant population of 26+ years old male losers that need the girls to pretend to be their vitual girlfriends.

>> No.39898515

Not only do they all collab with homos, they have sex with homos onstream and call their own audience faggots for not getting laid as teenagers. I assume this is just Indonesian "culture".

>> No.39898669

Their "culture"

>> No.39898722

Because Indonesians will invite you into their house so they can watch you fuck their sisters/daughters/wives. Typical Friday night for them.

>> No.39899283
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female indogs are horny whores and male indogs are the biggest cucks

>> No.39900090

ID have free reign to basically do whatever they want. Cover isn't paying attention. Ollie has said like a hundred things that would get any of the EN talent suspended, but she goes on unpunished because upper management straight up don't care.

>> No.39900137

Kaela still has them call in on her birthday and such.

>> No.39900703

its not like it doesn't exist, unicorn is just a minorities, and it should be that way.

>> No.39902451

I am an unicorn and my oshi is from holoID

>> No.39902505

What has she said? Not counting the schizo fingering rrat.

>> No.39902540

most id males are unironically into cuck

>> No.39902624

There were only three of them at the start, it's not like they interact with other Holos that much. They collab with everyone, Nijis, indies, 2views, and Homos
As the cast gets bigger they would no longer need to collab with outsiders

>> No.39903405

Enough about burgerland, we talking about indo here.

>> No.39903503

You can't cuck people when most id already have girlfriend before burger get a job.

>> No.39903521

Magni and vesper left her a birthday message, the reason she doesn't collab with them is to prevent it from being very awkward

>> No.39903966

She's mentioned every imaginable bodily function including her diarrhea and her period multiple times. She's also joked about masturbation a bunch. Nothing super extreme but I feel like people would flip their shit if a JP or EN talent were even half as explicit about their own bodies as she is about hers.

>> No.39904088

Okay, third worlder. Why don't you go chat on your Indo community board? Oh, because even Indonesians hate hanging out with Indonesians.

>> No.39904146

You cannot suffer.

>> No.39904163

Uhh they're not white Americans anon

>> No.39904299

Indonesians have better things to do than pretend that an anime girl is their girlfriend.
Like not dying from malaria.

>> No.39904399

Tbf they didn't call in they just sent her a video and she hasn't mentioned them since

Which, granted, is still more than Gura or Fauna have acknowledged them but if Mumei can make a turn around then so can Kaela

>> No.39904990

Because Japan and America are full of depressed lonely incels and the unicorn girls are happy to play virtual girlfriend if it gives them positive love and support back

>> No.39905054

It appears that arranged marriages are actually effective for curing incel syndrome.

>> No.39905502

I feel like a few jps have definitely said stuff like that, matsuri literally pissed herself on stream, probably to satisfy her piss humiliation fetish and a fair few have definitely heavily implied masturbation, even talking about the kind of fap material they like

>> No.39905870

always knew mikoschizo is an idshitfart
now I don't feel any remorse for shitting up moon thread

>> No.39905872

>Is the chaff that angry that YAGOO didn't pick their country?
Could also be nijikeks.

>> No.39906359

Dude, most cuck shit comes from America. You are not fooling anyone.

>> No.39906421

IDs are also 3views

>> No.39906475

Nobody watches them, not even their own people, their unicorns watch EN and JP.

>> No.39906572

>most id already have girlfriend

>> No.39906613

This, I dropped them all together after they collabed with a homo.

>> No.39906810

It doesn't matter, ID living costs are very low, as long as they keep a couple of western fans they are set.

>> No.39906864

Their salary is on par with Jakartan wagecucks after Cover and yt cuts.

>> No.39906955

>he doesn't know

>> No.39907351

keep shitting on these idfags kings
80% of schizos come from id fanbase so they deserve every bad things happen to them

>> No.39908090

more like no one cares

>> No.39908177

ID Girls live under an oppressive ass culture the likes of which would make even NK tell them to take it ez. They want affection and a safe marriage so badly they're willing to pretend to care about gaming to get themselves out there

>> No.39908261

i think en are the most chucked fanbase rn? they dont have unicorns, only donators, id had some, jp had a lot, how many times en's talent like literally chucked their fanbase? of course except goombal, shes beyond great

>> No.39908363

>Donating to Kaela gets you an audio cue of "get, get, get some help!"
>Moona's entire anti-unicorn rant
>Ollie's entire anti-unicorn and Indonesian rant
>Anya in general

>> No.39908463

tsundere at its best

>> No.39908574


>> No.39908986

God ollie’s indonesia rant pissed me off, I’m not even indonesian nor do I speak a lick of indonesian but the fact she shat on INDONESIAN viewers for expecting an INDONESIAN branch vtuber to speak INDONESIAN and for them not understanding english like goddamn what a bitch

>> No.39909701

Anon, at least understand the context of why she was pissed off before you go off. It wasn't just about speaking Indonesian, she does that all the time. The whole "I don't know English" is some meme in ID and people would spam it when she read English superchats.

>> No.39910096

She definitely could’ve handled it better still, what she said was really harsh and didn’t only attack those spamming during english supas, it was her attacking every indonsian who doesn’t fully understand english, she could’ve told them to just stop saying to speak indonesian when reading english supas, even if she said that in a blunt manner and no one would’ve gave a shit really

>> No.39913287

Based af

>> No.39913328

>Pasti elu Indogs
Go back to your doxcord nigger

>> No.39915886

>mikoschizo is an idshitfart
german actually

>> No.39916650

Pretty much this, their audience is not big enought to start actually seething about it. And well it's not growing because they repell almost everyone with some weird fags since a long time and well it becam worse cause tempiss is far far worse than anything who existed as fagtuber maybe vox excluded.

>> No.39917367

>>Moona's entire anti-unicorn rant
Looks like I missed this one, link?

>> No.39918376

indogs love cuckoldry. Most of their songs are about cucking. Their tv shows are about rich whores being cucked by broke whores

>> No.39918716
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>> No.39918790

ah, this thing, I thought it's about something else
thanks for the refresher, either way

>> No.39918887

IDs are based. They mostly fuck each other on off collabs anyway so they're excused.

>> No.39918998

SEAmonkeys are married and with kids by the time they hit 26. In Japan and the West marrying and having kids in 20s = bad = a lot of depressed socially retarded autists

>> No.39919191

SEA are not that kind of schizo

>> No.39919246

t.cringe seatard calling other sea monkey

>> No.39919551

>If you're really loyal you should support your oshi having a bf/gf/husband/wife
Loyalty to an entertainer is not logical, it relies entirely on an emotional attachment. Expecting loyalty but rejecting the emotional attachment that it requires is just pure entitlement.

>> No.39919634

huh? yeah, sure, cringed too hard at Moona's ESL-ness i stopped reading after the first sentence

>> No.39919849

Nah, having kids before 20 is considered a bad thing in the US because your chances of being able to provide for them drops to basically zero. Some people can do it but they're not very common.

>> No.39919981


>> No.39920128

ID has a culture of encouraging people to marry and have kids, so they don't want their oshi to die alone. Meanwhile EN and JP are terrified of fans, and so will ultimately end up miserable and alone trying to appease fans. There are very few exceptions to this in JP/EN where fans hope their oshi finds someone so they don't end up depressed in their 30s due to being single and with only a few years left to have kids.

>> No.39920218

what a fucking freudian slip

>> No.39920436

She's really good at it.

>> No.39920966

good at what?

>> No.39921071

Where's the contradiction? If you're emotionally attached to someone you want them to be happy. Do you get mad at your friends for finding someone?
>it's a parasocial relationship, it's not the same for friends
Yeah, ok. Let's say it's like when your high school crush you never had chance with but still hold some fondness towards gets happily married. It might suck emotionally for you for a bit, nothing wrong with that, but if you're sane you understand that she's not to blame and eventually sort out your feelings and just feel happy for good things happening to her. JPs treat their idols the exact same way, look at Kanata's newest original song. It's obviously about her now married oshi Gakki.

>> No.39921153

holoID is basically just nijiEN pro max

>> No.39921255

good at being a whore

>> No.39921308

you don't get it. it's not about getting emotional attachment for yourself, it's all about denying everyone else that emotional attachment.
if this sounds insane to you, well, that's because it is.

>> No.39921385

>Let's say it's like when your high school crush you never had chance with but still hold some fondness towards gets happily married.
The difference here is that I haven't thought about my high school crush in like a decade. My oshi is someone I think about every single day. One has emotional investment on my part and the other does not.
That said, I don't really care if she gets married. I'm just pointing out that your analogy doesn't work.

>> No.39923025

ID1 debuted at the same time as a new Holostar gen did and they latched onto each other because pretty much the rest of Hololive did not give a fuck about either of them back then.
New ID gens just followed what their senpais did.

>> No.39923401

Pretty accurate. Basically if a long-black haired heroine girlfriend from romcom is a country

>> No.39925896

So we're assuming Ollie was married then when this happened?

>> No.39926245

>he rest of Hololive did not give a fuck about either of them back then

>> No.39926882

I love Anya, but there's not a day where I don't miss her huge indonesian tits

>> No.39927301

You're asking too much for non japanese people, even the YWNBJ spam is true
Only autistic weeaboos with a weird fixation to japanese mind-like about idols or vtubers/livers could get the way they think about it. We might get a little bit of that but we will never get the whole picture because we didnt get to grow with the same social differences and deficiencies the average gachikoi has to live with
In their eyes were just normalfags who will never get it and after all they are just simpletons who like 2D women doing weird shit

>> No.39934546


>> No.39937017

Part of it is that the ID people don’t care as much, but the other part of it is just like the unicorns have been saying, collabing with men makes you lose viewers, but ID has so few viewers in the first place that holostars actually has more fans then a lot of them, and therefore it’s more likely that they would gain fans in the longrun even if some fans leave in the process, now kobo who actually gets good numbers, i have no clue why she does it, her viewership has cut in half since doing homostars collabs

>> No.39937532

blue hair cute funny

>> No.39942766

It's just how it is.
