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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39882950 No.39882950 [Reply] [Original]

>watch clips
>have fun
>try to watch streams
>bored out of my fucking mind
What is this phenomenon called?

>> No.39882968

Growing up.

>> No.39883003

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

>> No.39883012

Being the lowest common denominator

>> No.39883048

>What is this phenomenon called?
being normal

>> No.39883052

Unironically this. How does anyone actually have time to catch streams live and sit through the whole thing

>> No.39883114

For the same reason you get sick of anything. It's your body building up a resistance to spending an unhealthy number of hours watching cartoon streamers.
When you watch just the good bits it doesn't hit that same area of the brain, so you're safe.

>> No.39883116

I want zoomers off this board

>> No.39883136

I'm sorry. You have the zoomers.

>> No.39883593


>> No.39883944

Only the best matters for you, I respect that

>> No.39884066

Clips are highlights of multiple hour long streams. That's why they are less than 1/10 of the length of streams because the good stuff doesn't happen all the time.

>> No.39884589

Watching the wrong vtubers syndrome.

>> No.39884621

Its called being retarded anon I get frustrated missing sections of live streams because of real life shit but then again I avoid big corpo chuubas like the fucking plague if a stream pulls in over 150 live views chat loses its comfy level and turns into attention whore spamming so your message might get read and it ruins the whole expirence

>> No.39884629


>> No.39884736

Because people do something else while watching a stream you dumb zoomer

>> No.39884876

Being clipfag

>> No.39884934
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That's how streams work. You watch the full stream if you really like the streamer, but you tune into the clips for streams you missed and don't care enough to watch the whole thing. I can't understand how this is a bad thing. People have other hobbies and they're going to use their time on something else. Trying to have a 100% save file of every vtuber in existence (or a specific company like Hololive) seems like such a pain in the ass.

What, you don't do other shit? You don't cook, you don't watch other things on the internet, you don't listen to music or play games, you don't exercise, you just exclusively watch streams all the fucking time and that's it? No you fucking don't, and that's why it's fine to watch clips.

>> No.39884950

it's called the vtuber being boring and bad at entertaining outside of brief moments that still need further editing

>> No.39885262

Kinda this. I never "just" watch a stream. I'm usually also gaming, cooking, really anything. I think there has no only ever been two streams captivating enough to get me to sit and watch them alone entirely.

>> No.39885666

You have them on in the backround. Sometimes when I'm working I listen to them.

>> No.39885674

zoomerism, it's terminal i recommend euthanasia

>> No.39885680

It's called Watching Vtubers for Entertainment. As the length of a stream increases, the chances of it being entertaining from start to finish go down drastically. It's just really hard to be entertaining for hours at a time. As others mentioned, a lot of people (myself included) do other things while watching streams because they're just not entertaining enough on their own. Developing a parasocial relationship with a streamer might make it easier to sit through entire streams, much like you'd have an easier time sitting on the couch and watching a friend play a game. But I don't recommend this for obvious reasons.

>> No.39885684

Clips are the documentaries of streaming.

>> No.39885704

Tiktok brain, a preference for preferring short form videos that get to a punchline or climax quickly vs. long form content like streams/movies

>> No.39886772

you havw tiktok brain

>> No.39886991

Clips are curated content while a stream is just a middling entertainer playing a game or talking and trying to be funny, with some great moment but a lot of moments that are just okay or dead air.
There's really no reason to watch whole streams over clips or other kind of media that is actually produced and composed with effort unless you have some strong emotional connection to the streamer (who does not give a shit about you).

>> No.39887851

I put the 3 hour streams on in the background to fill the emptiness with a human voice and make me feel less lonely.

>> No.39887855


>> No.39888899

This. But the recent Tenma stream has been a lot of fun today. I've watched all of it but actually payed attention to it more than I usually do. So good.

>> No.39889421

short attention span

>> No.39889608

More than half the fun of streams is the hostess club experience where you’re talking directly to the entertainer. You can’t get that out of big corpo chuubas anymore, they barely do zatsudan and when they do chat is so massive it’s unreadable.

>> No.39889929

You don't have an oshi, simple as. When you find one if she does shit like stream some kusoge from the late 90s for 8 hours you won't want to miss a minute of it. And that's how you know you've found your oshi.

>> No.39890502

Low attention span, I usually play video games at the same time as I watch a stream.

>> No.39890613
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>> No.39891026
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Stage 3 zoomerosis
It's terminal

>> No.39891463

Tenma is the best female video game streamer I've ever seen. She consistently plays games and finishes them, she actually gives an effort to enjoy the games and get immersed in them, and she has good natural commentary on the games while playing them. So many other streamers treat games like an obligation, and usually end up dropping them completely for the sake of zatsudan. She even tried really hard to program her own RenPy VN game for her birthday stream this year, and even if it didn't pan out I seriously respect her ambition for trying it.

>> No.39895300

the only correct answer

>> No.39895321


>> No.39900273


>> No.39903581


>> No.39905207

The clips show off the parts of the stream that are worth watching. You should only watch streams if you're a schizo who thinks you're in love with your oshi.

>> No.39905327

Moot is so cute, I wonder how he's holding up these days.

>> No.39909415

fucking zoomzooms man

>> No.39909478

find a vtuber you actually like watching

>> No.39909536


>> No.39909805

You aren't the target demographic for vtubers. You won't spend money on them so you are worth nothing.

>> No.39910451

this. unless theyre playing a game im actually interested in

>> No.39910670


>> No.39913243 [DELETED] 

Watching boring streamers I'm pretty sure. Get a better oshi

>> No.39913536

Nobody enjoys this community.

>> No.39913699

LMAO listen to an audio book or a podcast and actually enrich your life instead?

>> No.39913944


>> No.39915936

nailed it

>> No.39915967


>> No.39916046

The main appeal is supposed to be that you can talk to the streamer, but that's obviously impossible past 500 or so viewers.

>> No.39918522


>> No.39919937

Nothing wrong with clips

>> No.39920130

there is not enough porn for nerd fauna

>> No.39922907

Answered the question
