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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39759598 No.39759598 [Reply] [Original]

Explain why you haven't taken the Lamypill yet


>> No.39759782

Champaign is a pretty expensive drink to neck bottles of.

>> No.39759857

Lamy has the biggest income in Hololive next to Marine. Yuki Yo Zuki sales alone net her a few hundred thousand a year.

>> No.39760143

Lamy getting crunk is the best, not even the only stream she's done it, alchie girls are the best (Aki, Lui)

>> No.39760390

>just drink this carcinogen that impairs your judgment dude! It's good for the economy!
Japs are something else.

>> No.39760547

>get drunk and make some happy little accidents, for the economy
Abe-san's spirit lives on...

>> No.39760610

Alcohol will make you fat.

>> No.39760652
File: 207 KB, 920x908, 1653239168338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get drunk, impregnate a hag, life is good

>> No.39760699
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>get drunk and make some happy little accidents
Hold on, I've seen this one before...

>> No.39760770

what a nice happy little accident

>> No.39761010

because there are better ways to use that bottles, and none of them include drinking it.

>> No.39761122

She's not a fun drunk.

>> No.39761204

>ywn never hold Lamy's hair while she blesses your toilet with her puke

>> No.39761432

Id rather impregnate my lion wife Botan, thanks. She beats me more consistently via gamer rage than Lamy ever would

>> No.39761589
File: 230 KB, 378x377, 1640803111552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never have Lamy storm home in a drunken rage, slap the absolute shit out of you and smash a bottle across your face while calling you a pathetic excuse for a man only to make fierce forgiveness love to you when she feels bad 15 mins later

>> No.39761795

She not the worst drunk to be fair, just your typical needy drunk. I'm not very fond of drunk Lamy, but it could be worse.

>> No.39761805

Shiiiiit, that is tempting.
Maybe I will take the Lamy pill after al-

w a i t...
Can I have both of them beat the shit out of me and then have them take turns shattering my pelvis as they ask for forgiveness?

>> No.39761863

If only it was that easy anon if only

>> No.39762518

Dream big anon

>> No.39762751

I'm getting old and I think drinking/doing drugs earlier in my life has fucked with my liver. I usually only can handle a few drinks and even then I have gotten hung over which is embarrassing.
Weed is legal where I live and has very little drawbacks in comparison so I'm happy with that most of the time.

>> No.39762810

Who do you think is the best drunk in Hololive? I want to say Matsuri for some reason.

>> No.39762891

Either Marine or Noel. Their shota cum guzzling powers are not to be underestimated

>> No.39763912

I can't honestly say I've seen enough of them drunk to know, but off the top of my head, some possibilities
Polka is fun and adventurous, though she often gets louder
Botan has super low tolerance due to her liver issues, so she just gets cute and sleepy
Korone also gets pretty giggly and then sleepy

>> No.39764542

None. Drunk people are cringe, especially girls.

>> No.39764630

Pretty sure she got drunk and acted like a baby, it was pretty uncomfortable to see.

>> No.39764726

I see you've read that /wg/ story as well. Why even live indeed

>> No.39764869

lmao look at this nerd

>> No.39765258

Does your mental of image of drunk person include "stumbling through the streets throwing up everywhere" black-out level drunk? Or do you legitimately think people who get a little more talkative, giggly, or sleepy (Flare...)?

Like, not all drunk is bad drunk. Unless if you hate the fact that this elevated state of existence is because of a drug? That'd be some weird 16 year-old straight edge shit.

>> No.39765266

Which story is that?

>> No.39766085

His dad and uncle always celebrate the holidays by getting shitfaced and tag-teaming his ass bloody.
Please understand.

>> No.39767211

>That'd be some weird 16 year-old straight edge shit.
I'm 40. Every been around and seen everything. You sound like a child that doesn't know much about the world.
>elevated state of existence
You're an idiot.

>> No.39767371

mashallah brother keep fighting the good fight against these alc*hol-swilling kuffars

>> No.39767439

You retard.

>> No.39767887
File: 1.18 MB, 404x720, no soda only alcohol.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, when i saw this clip i was jealous out of my mind, i might become a Yukimin just out of respect for this

>> No.39768291

like what?

>> No.39768723

t. Alcoholic

>> No.39769139

I agree Matsuri is pretty good. Too bad she rarely does drinking streams so you don't get to see it often, rare treat I guess. I like how she basically has 2 modes while drunk, either extremely loud and hyper, or needy and sentimental

>> No.39771978


>> No.39772846

Man, I still remember when she was called the "seiso" of Gen 5....

And then everything goes away when Nene told that story of Lamy double-fisting beers in DisneySea.

And she never look back since lol

>> No.39775257

Lamy is still seiso

>> No.39777619

Lamy is actually fun

>> No.39778505


>> No.39778566

>Mori drinks
>holy shit, that's disgusting!
>Wamy drinks
>oh god, that's so hot, i want to suck on her tits

>> No.39778802

NTA but probably the one where you have 2 kids with Lamy and she beats the shit out of you because she's ran out of drinking funds and you refuse to give her extra funds.
Only I don't remember her ever giving you apology sex once she's sober.

>> No.39778879

It's okay when it's alcohol and not lean.

>> No.39779673

Wamy is sexy, Mori isn't

>> No.39779953

>>Mori exists
>>holy shit, that's disgusting!

>> No.39780200

Damn, I wish I was Lamy

>> No.39780250


>> No.39780260
File: 483 KB, 497x616, woman who thought she had lost all hope loses additional hope she didnt even know she still had.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and? My oshi drinking is attractive too. Me getting shitfaced is not.

>> No.39780297

BASED alcohol is haram retards

>> No.39780422

Based, this anon is confirmed to attend college parties.
Drunk girls are absolutely boring and annoying when drinking.
Which is why 2d drunk girls are hot, because they are an idealized version.

>> No.39780477

I will rape you up the ass, mountain goatman. That is not haram.

>> No.39780846

Not being muslim is haram tho

>> No.39786591

I already have
