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File: 1.08 MB, 1344x756, Oboretai Writing ch. - The truth to where Arupapa has gone to【Holostars EngSub】 [pMN1riyfA3o - 1344x756 - 5m09s].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
39728041 No.39728041 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the worst redesign in vtuber history?

>> No.39728105

twitch whorepocalpse is much worse.

>> No.39728181
File: 1.95 MB, 1420x1528, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alexa, post every single vshojo redesign.

>> No.39728226

Is it really worth mentioning for someone who gets a redesign every month?

>> No.39728251
File: 1.01 MB, 312x258, 1624290214473.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss them.

>> No.39728330

Only because each redesign gets worse and worse

>> No.39728462

Didn't he drop viewers since that as well?

>> No.39728934

Sad day for ojisan lovers

>> No.39729004

yep. which sucks, since i find his exposed armpit and fuckboy energy very sexual and ripe for rape fantasies.

>> No.39729046


>> No.39729258

I just added up the views for the 80 streams prior to the redesign and the 80 streams following it and averaged them out.
7715.5 before
8617.5 after
The collabs and some special events had significantly higher numbers than his usual streams though so the median results might be different.

>> No.39730645
File: 22 KB, 540x303, 476162_20141012122744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should've went full wehraboo instead

>> No.39730717

post the Pikamee

>> No.39730794

He's always had low viewers, the redesign didn't change anything

>> No.39732334

nah, there was no change

>> No.39732585

No, because his face is still the same.
A chuuba's personality is embodied by their model. If a stranger showed up to your door claiming to be your wife or husband, would you believe them? For this reason, any design, even if it's an objectively good design, that changes a chuuba's face entirely is bad.
Even though I like Azki's redesign more than her original model, if I were an Azki fan, I would feel like it's an entirely different person. This more often than not hurts the chewber innit too, because I've noticed *most* of the time they will decline after a redesign.
So while pizzaman's new design is objectively shit, it still looks like him and I could still watch him the same way.

>> No.39732651

Pizzapapa ain’t coming back then…
Wait a minute he’s already done 80 streams with his new look???

>> No.39732796

you can definitely get a new face while keeping the same "feel" it had before and not alienate everyone who was familiar with you. see: suisei, irys, flare (although hers a lot less drastic).

>> No.39733353

it still hurts, can't get over it...

>> No.39734210

Suisei is very different now but I think she was one of those cases where it was needed. Her original model looked no better than a stock Live2D, very plain and cheap looking. Most of the times it's not really NEEDED, but rather the chuuba is schizo. See: Ironmouse
Irys I'd say is about 50/50. I think a lot of the unique charm was lost, but at the same time it doesn't feel entirely unfamiliar due to having the same artist. For me I think the new model feels a little sterile. It is nice though. She's declined a little bit since the reveal.
Flare is a good example. Mostly the eyes were made to look a little bigger, the coloring was more vibrant and her shoulders were raised. But the face was kept almost entirely the same.
Roboco is another good example of this. She even made sure the same hairstyles and accessories were available for her new model.

>> No.39734369
File: 22 KB, 480x360, miko_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would feel like it's an entirely different person

>> No.39734762

Honestly, I think the fuckboi DJ model is pretty hot too. His hair colour and skin tone combo is really sexy in both versions, and it still looks like him. While it's a shame he lost the ojisan charm, I don't think the new model itself is bad at all.

>> No.39734901

>his face is still the same.
Are you blind? His younger face is shorter and squarer and has less pronounced cheekbones. It has a smaller nose and a wider jaw. The mouth is smaller and his eyebrows are less angular.
I know it's anime and all but for fuck's sake anon, the faces are clearly different.

>> No.39737101

the change was so minor that it shouldn't be an argument.
I miss Arupapa, though.

>> No.39739939

>the change was so minor
>stylish older man changed into a young guy that dresses like a flamboyant homosexual hood rat

>> No.39740024

i meant the viewership change, should've clarified, sorry.

>> No.39747208

yes. it's horrible.

>> No.39751034

Good model, awful redesign.

>> No.39751147

Honestly would be better if he was a young buck to start with and then became an old man.

>> No.39751197
File: 514 KB, 750x699, 1672077059216982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39751380

Was she possessed by a lewd demon?

>> No.39751619

First time hearing about her. Hope it would be the last one as well.

>> No.39751798

OG Pizza papa will always be my preferred style but the new one does thematically fit in with the rest of Holostars more. And if it assuages his midlife crisis then good for him. Worst would easily go to Pikamee. Even if it's not a redesign it's all she ever uses and she tells anyone that likes the old design to fuck off. GYARI terminated the wrong VOMS member.

>> No.39752083

First they came for the VShojos
And I did not speak
Because eww, gross twitch whores
Then they came for the small corpos and indies
And I did not speak out
Because I'm not a paid shill and/or paypig
Then they came for the Niji girls
And I did not speak out
Because I am not a cuck
Then they came for the cunny
And there was no one left
To speak out for me

>> No.39752102

It's what women want

>> No.39752125

Yeah Pikamee had *two* separate disastrous redesigns. No way is she not the queen of this.

>> No.39752224
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>> No.39752365

Hololive fans should not be allowed to comment on vtuber designs outside of their bubble.

>> No.39752436

Honestly just seems really disrespectful to GYARI, like telling him directly to his art sucks and to fuck off I wanna be a loli. I know people shit on the chibi hoodie pikamee, but I thought that was really cute and unironically the one of the most underrated things of anything ever, but now she doesn't even use that and just uses the shitty loli models now.

>> No.39752501
File: 554 KB, 691x875, 1651691197094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39753091

I'm fine with this one because the OG style filtered the fuck out of me.
Ugly cartoon style with no chin. And the kaiju hoodie model was even worse, she had fucking goblin proportions with a tiny body and long arms and a huge head, also staring into the side permanently.
Her new look is cute.

>> No.39753094

Why do people hate the kaiju costume?

>> No.39754259

GYARI deserves it for firing magnet out of nowhere.
Right after she celebrated her fucking 100k subs too.

>> No.39754388

Wasn't she fired for having a drunk stream while being underage?

>> No.39754993

famous theory but not confirmed

>> No.39755049

Same style, still the same face. Other redigns usually fuck up everything.

>> No.39755542

>Her new look is cute.
It is but it doesn't fit her.

>> No.39755908

Yes. Absolutely.

>> No.39758137

You probably say that because you were used to the older look.
She's a cute girl, that's a cute girl avatar. Fits well enough to me.

>> No.39760949

>She's a cute girl
She's a gremlin.

>> No.39761118

I watched him to see Itariajin ojisan antics, now it's just Itariajin mafia fakuboi.
I still tune in the Pizza Pasta song he did with FBK when I have free time desu

>> No.39761130

All 3 of these are really good and fit her. The only people who say otherwise aren't even pika fans. Now fuck off.

>> No.39761190

I hate this

>> No.39761385
File: 642 KB, 810x1085, o11vJXB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it went full retard with the body proportions. It looks fine when you're only seeing it from the shoulders up on stream though, which creates an illusion that it's not so bad. But it is.

>> No.39761641

What the hell, why would you give it midget legs?

>> No.39761700

Its not a redesign though.

>> No.39762118

Which one is the redesign? Because the one on the right looks way better.

>> No.39763394

That is the original. He had a unique (among Cover talents at least) ojisan look, then threw it away to become a fuckboy.

>> No.39763499

Holy fuck that is a horrible redesign then. I assumed it was the opposite.

>> No.39763501

>Covers endgame is turning the old men/women of the company to zoomers
Hide your oshi

>> No.39763522

Yes. Emasculate the man because all male chuubas should look like a bishie and then wonder why people don't watch them other than fujos.

>> No.39763952

Aruran himself was the one that wanted to look younger though, and most fans seemed to like him better as an ojisan, so...?

>> No.39764122

So he wanted to emasculate himself thinking his fans would like his bishie self when his fans liked his ojisan design. Simple as. Aruran is dumb, but I guess he felt left behind in looking cool and hip like the zoomers.

>> No.39767418

He's going through a mid life crisis, plead be nice

>> No.39767780

Wouldn't pretending to be a young guy just make it worse?

>> No.39768995

Mid life crisis doesn't work like that anon, there's a reason why most men who suffer from it buy big red expensive sports cars

>> No.39769519

I will forever die on this hill: The redesign isn’t bad, it’s how he handled it was god fucking awful.

>> No.39769573

Funny, I see it as the opposite. He did a good job of trying to sell it, but the redesign is just too horrible to accept regardless.

>> No.39769752
File: 173 KB, 612x999, Ironlung .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if she ditch it already, the latina being coomer bait is cringe

>> No.39769990

Ok now I’m curious, how do you think he sold it well? I have a few ideas on how MAYBE he tried, such as trying to get his audience used to it by using it up until the Arupapa design farewell on his birthday. So far tho, the bad kind of outweighs the good for me

>> No.39770114

Looks fine to me

>> No.39770403

The worst part is that he apparently wanted this for a very long time. His original design is genuinely really goddamn good but he willingly wanted to become a generic bitchboy.

>> No.39770813
File: 917 KB, 2880x3840, 1671687009299261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39770910


In Cover, definitely. VShojo though probably has the worst when it comes to being unrecognizable when they do changes.

There is no way anyone would see the Underworld Goddess version of Ironmouse and go "Yep, that's the same character." Hell, her initial, free avatar was more recognizable as her. Zen's switch from dragon to Cyborg is equally as unrecognizable.

I'd also say that Pikamee is up there in terms of redesigns just completely changing changing the feel of her from her previous models.

How face blind are you that you think those look the same?

>> No.39770959

If I ever tried to become a vtuber, I would have loved to have his old design. What a damn waste.

>> No.39770980

... I like Flare old lizard face..

>> No.39770989

Yeah it's up there

>> No.39770991

It was kinda cute in a way.

>> No.39772223
File: 559 KB, 1000x1500, 1005_律可.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, exactly, about the redesign is "emasculating"? He still looks very masculine, he just looks like a young fuckboy instead of a middle-aged man.

Whether you think that's better or worse is subjective, but his redesign has not made him a "bishie". He still looks like a muscular older brother figure next to the slender pretty boy types like Rikka, Miyabi, etc.

>> No.39773296

How dare you. That face was my favorite, and that voice…
>tfw you will never get Flare’s old singing voice back :(

>> No.39773343

He streams....a lot. Like a stupid amount. Think Kaela/Koyori.

>> No.39773489

on the one hand,
on the other hand

>> No.39774193

I think he just wanted a younger model as he's not that old and doesn't really like larping as older man.

>> No.39777533

For a man, it's up there

>> No.39778293
File: 97 KB, 623x426, these_hands_slap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is the re-design? I guess it makes sense he got older.

>> No.39778938

His old model is on the right.

>> No.39781603


>> No.39782290

kill yourselves pedos

>> No.39786935
File: 341 KB, 549x716, ame face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He still looks very masculine, he just looks like a young fuckboy

>> No.39787071


>> No.39790070

Die whore.

>> No.39793548

I could have lived with something in between the two, keep the facial proportions the same but go younger, maybe a bit less zoomershit as far as outfit style goes, but I just can't bring myself to like this redesign.

>> No.39795922
File: 1.36 MB, 1293x727, 1672077143566202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goes from having one of the most gorgeous designs to Veibae with a wig

>> No.39796288

Is there a lazier answer than this one, probably by the same person every time these threads show up

>> No.39796442

If you think his new model looks feminine, you might want to get your eyes checked dude

>> No.39798331

Will anything ever come close to Mousey's first model?
