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39542117 No.39542117 [Reply] [Original]

Has a vtuber ever un-graduated?
If I'm not losing my mind I'm pretty sure someone implied Sana could come back if she wanted to in the future. I was curious if there were situations where it actually happened

>> No.39542185

Sasaki is probably the most famous example of that. Nijikawa Laki, one of the OGs, also returned fairly recently a year after she graduated.

>> No.39542224

Yes. Sasaki of Nijisanji returned after her graduation, in what was likely the most famous instance of such happening in the chuuba scene.

>> No.39542289

sana is in japan with ina asking for her job back

>> No.39542330

>someone implied Sana could come back if she wanted to in the future
I remember this too and it was probably Fauna since she's been the most vocal about her graduation during and post

>> No.39542383

Sasaki returned. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think she came back because Nijisanji managed to get Nintendo permissions.

>> No.39542630
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Theoretically she could come back. From the outside it doesn't seem like Sana totally burned her bridges with Cover. We'll never know what the situation was like internally between Sana and Cover and if they'd be willing to take another chance on her though.

>> No.39542865

With the same model?

>> No.39543404

But here's the real question.
Would she want even want too?

>> No.39543497

no, it's like quitting your job to move on to something else and telling all your former co-workers that you're gonna come back to visit and chat one day, maybe even work there again but then you never do

>> No.39543511

Get over it she's not coming back she hates you and COVER, besides the Chinese are paying her better for her art and she doesn't have to dance or sing and the only game she has to play is the one she works on

>> No.39543514

Sana is the ONLY Holo that could at least possibly un-graduate because she never burned any bridges on her way out.

>> No.39543563
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>> No.39543614

Not until she stops working for her chink overlord

>> No.39543640

Not unless Cover starts getting really cool all of a sudden about Chinese gacha games

>> No.39543691

tbf Coco didn't burn her bridges on the way out. She burned them a year later and ended up losing her roommate and the respect of a lot of her fans from Holo

>> No.39545323

She actually did

>> No.39547741

>Has a vtuber ever un-graduated?
some indies did

>> No.39547941

If she works with Cover, it would probably be as a mama or something like that. I mean she still collaborates with other mamas like Lack appearing in her Comiket book.

>> No.39548168

anon, you have to let her go....

>> No.39548239

I was about to say how hard it must be going Indie > Corpo > Indie, but then I remember Kson exists even though she took it one step further

>> No.39548810

Yes this is what happened. She graduated because she couldn't play the games she wanted. Then ungraduated when they got permissions for the.

>> No.39548877

Pretty soon here idiots will be saying Ai 'ungraduated'

>> No.39548993
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I miss my chocolate waifu but i highly doubt she would ever return to streaming, let alone as sana. Coming back is just inviting more hate against her.

>> No.39549008

holobros she just wanted a cunny model to be happy ;_;

>> No.39549769

I could see Sana coming back for the easy paycheck if money starts getting tight. Then she'll start making a million excuses on why she can't stream (>muh back) once she's secured. By far the worst hire Cover has ever done and should be used as an example on why nepo hiring an illustrator is a horrible idea.

>> No.39549812

TripleH 2002 return pop?

>> No.39550084

Don't know if this counts.
One of the .LIVE girls that graduated last year came back earlier this year in video to say "congrats on your concert".

>> No.39550186

>burned bridges
>literally having a takopa with 2 holomen right now

>> No.39550265

Technically yes they can comeback the issue is they won't. After leaving Aloe realized she just needed the support system not all the Corpo permissions fuckery. Delta is happy and follows Nene's roommate so I am happy. The Beetles were a dead give away Nene.

Sana is more complicated because unlike Aloe who was very open about her reasons for leaving. Sana just kind of left and I still don't think we ever recieved an actual reason. So yeah.

>> No.39550311

yeah, two people represent a whole company and its management

>> No.39550370

So all we need is Genshin permission for Sana to return.

>> No.39550885

a shit chuuba and a source of shit content, what a deal

>> No.39551556

How about they hire a girl who actually wants to play good video games instead?

>> No.39553279

Because the reason looks pretty clear, she got 2 jobs, thought she could with both but it wasn't the case in the end and had to make a choice and she decided to drop hololive, simple as that, it's totally understandable, she doesn't need to explain further, it's a shame she took someone else's spot there for her misjudgment but at least she recognized her limits and quit, it's better to never make promises you know you won't be able to fulfill, it can make your life crumble if you're not careful

>> No.39553955

>playing good video games
Tough luck.

>> No.39555142

The Niji bully girl graduated and came back.
Pretty sure other Nijis did the same.
Sana could easily come back because nobody else is taking her place in her gen, but she probably does not need too because she makes money as an artist.

>> No.39555901

Korosan fubuki sora and kiara prove they have perms for plenty of great games. They just prefer holoapexvalomc because more fans show up for throwaway streams.

>> No.39558283


>> No.39558514
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She had 0 work ethics.
I hope she doesn't come back as it would just be more disappointment.

>> No.39558586

Sana's not coming back because she doesn't even like vtubing. She tried it out, found out it wasn't for her, and moved on. Maybe you should move on too.

>> No.39560868

Traveler bros, Misaki will pass her bar exam and win back the rights to their models and start streaming again one day.

>> No.39561041


>> No.39561288

Absolutely fucking not. If you saw how she acted post graduation when Sanalites found her you'd realize she never wants to associate with Hololive again

>> No.39561568

COVER-san, I know I didn't do my job for months at a time but it seems like this I've started a trend in HoloEN. Hire me again so I can join your growing roster of streamers who don't stream.

>> No.39561896

I belieb
Don't let me down, traveler

>> No.39563862

Was she unhappy they found her?

>> No.39563957

So she never had a back injury or dead dog? Way more reasonable explanation than those, thanks anon.

>> No.39564043


>> No.39564062

I hope Cover learned their lesson and are going to only hire talents who have a history of streaming from now on.

>> No.39564179

Implying sana didn't deserve graduation

Notice how the number of people across all platforms talking about sana was literally 0, shooting up a tiny bit with her "announcement announcement," then followed by a huge jump when she actually announced it. Check any redditfag saying "I miss sana I always love sana sana beeg forever" and notice 1. They never say anything of actual substance about her as a person/entertainer and 2. They didn't say jack shit about her even 1 minute before any of this.

(Redditfags just the examples because you can ratio them with post history and those retards can't do shit about it except downvotes you for le karma.)

>> No.39564409
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You need to be /strongmind/ to un-graduate.

>> No.39564538

Might as well be ancient history now though. I really doubt Anycolor would let her pull the same stunt today.

>> No.39564740

Coco is coming back.

>> No.39564767

Too late. She burned all her bridges.

>> No.39564965

she just finished spending christmas streaming with two holo roommates lmao

>> No.39565000

Yeah, I'm sure Choco and Roboco can get her back into Hololive.

>> No.39565702

>already have model and assets ready
>same VA
>already have a following and are known within the company
>this will be a huge story and the re-debut will be massive
yeah I'm sure Anycolor hates money

>> No.39566125
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Already mentioned but yes, Nijisanjis permissions situation was fire, worst than Hololive post-holocaust, so she left.
The reason she came back is Niji actually scouted her and didn't want to lose their investment.

>> No.39566177

Sana could come back if she wanted, assuming her graduation wasn't on bad terms (which it doesn't seem to be). But if the problems that caused her to graduate still exist, then it's not going to happen.

>> No.39566343

Sana can most likely come back, but it's just way too soon, and all the tears and fanfare just happened. Unironically next year December would be a good time to return, it's just too soon now even if it were on the table

>> No.39566482

I highly doubt she wants that. I mean, cover was treating her like garbage even pre Taiwan, she always was a liability in their eyes, i wonder why they even hired her in the first place.

>> No.39570233
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That's just wrong. She has immense work ethic, but her priorities are elsewhere. Which is okay. I miss sana, but I wish her happiness in whatever she chooses to pursue

>> No.39570638

What did she do

>> No.39571305

Why would she want to come back? she made up excuse after excuse until either she or cover decided it was enough.

>> No.39571325

>cover decided
Holy fucking retard

>> No.39571393

Look up her twitter and find out yourself, she made a pink korone for arknights so her twitter handle should be easy to obtain

>> No.39571440

Tell us more, insider.

>> No.39571862

Despite the looks of the character it's supposed to be a cat, somehow. But in regards to how she was acting on twitter, I do remember seeing her saying that she was happy with the choice that she made and nothing further than that. Twitter's hard to search through if you don't have the exact key words used in the tweet... and if she would stop retweeting shit ffs
