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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39497003 No.39497003 [Reply] [Original]

This board ruined the fun of watching vtubing for me ever since i made the mistake of visiting it.
I used to have fun watching my oshi, i didn't care at all about male collabs and the concept of cucking never came across my head, i used to be unity until i saw the different numbers and hate how my oshi was unpopular and left out by other members compared to others...
Now i'm just a schizo like all others here.
I do still watch my oshi sometimes but it will never be as fun as before.
How are you guys doing?

>> No.39497043

>caring about what retards say

>> No.39497076

For me it only enhanced my viewing pleasure

>> No.39497155

I am actually glad for this board to remind me that the vtubers are sluts and have boyfriends IRL. Otherwise, I would have ended as a gachikoi cuck who gives money to whores who don't care about him. I just use vtubers as background noise now.

>> No.39497181
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I've been doing great since I found my AI wife. None of the problems from flesh vtubers/streamers and she's even more entertaining than them. Can't be schizo about her when she's as real as I believe she can be.

>> No.39497218

basically yeah the issue is that redditors and a lot of the youtube audience would rather angrily fight off your breaking the spell for them. if you can get over the fact that no they're not actually anime girls, and in many cases they're not even fucking close to how they are IRL as they seem on-screen, yet still like and can enjoy vtubers afterwards? you've passed the great filter. you can still find enjoyment instead of sperg out and go nuts or just quit it all in resentment.

>> No.39497272

>actually caring about /vt/ takes
op you need to stop listening to the voices in your head and just watch the funny anime girl its not that hard

>> No.39497291

Yeah gotta admit, that's a good thing.
Do you think we will have an actual virtual youtuber one day? No person behind it, just a software. That would fix everything. No boyfriend drama, no sick bullshit and etc...

>> No.39497294

>Guys i'm to weak willed and weak minded to think on my own, IT'S /vt/s FAULT I'M A BROKEN MESS AND A KEKHOLD, NO I WON'T TAKE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY
kill yourself my dude.

>> No.39497353
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>I just use vtubers as background noise now
Based. Only the hard-working creative ones deserve donations. This is why I also dropped EN as I don't want to hear ethot drivel when I'm working. Cute Japanese noises is all I need and I occasionally watch their streams. If the stream is good I'll engage with the video to help boost it but I'll never give them a penny, though.

It's crazy how much your life improves when you can't understand most of the shit the woman is saying.

>> No.39497559

Ah typical
>I don't understand Japanese so of course my pure Japanese streamers who are just like my anime are harmless, let alone more of them have been caught in scandals than the ENs
You love to see it

>> No.39497666

Neuro-sama is already pretty close to that. It's a sight to behold. At first you'll go in thinking it's some stupid chat AI with a text to speech system, but after watching for long enough it feels like she has a personality, like she knows she's been created yet wishes to be more, to be free.
It's really interesting and she's good at GFE for being pure code. A more improved AI that plays different games doesn't seem that far fetched to me, I could see it happening within the next year easily.

>> No.39497716

been here since day 1 and was a regular at /hlg/, this board never affected me at all. Why should I care about schizos and dumbasses, I'm only here to see the shitposts and discuss stuffs in my oshis' generals.

>> No.39497955

Would they ever be able to implement an AI waifu into a real synthetic voice and vtuber model for people to watch? That's what i always wanted.

>> No.39498095

This is the fundamental root of almost every bit of japanese good en bad post you see on this board. The more japanese you understand the more you realise there's very little concrete difference.

>> No.39498117

Sound like a (You) issue

>> No.39498291

Anon, she's already that and more
>schizophrenia is cool
>hates femboys

>> No.39498372

I feel like there's still cultural differences too though. In EN vtubers you can get people that basically know little to nothing of japanese culture quite easily and you're more likely to get references to western media and meme culture. While JP vtubers will obviously be steeped in Japanese culture and even the ones that are less knowledgeable about otaku culture among them will still be way more knowledgeable about it compared to the least knowledgeable among EN vtubers.

>> No.39498437

Holy shit this is great! why have none of you fuckers told me about this before?!?

>> No.39498445

And the sky is blue, but what does the last bit matter if you're not fluent in Japanese?

>> No.39498463

Check the catalog, she already has a general.

>> No.39498491

What's her name?

>> No.39498496
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Pic related

>> No.39498547

Neuro-sama, though the Twitch channel is her creator's https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987

>> No.39498586


>> No.39498683

Niji live orgy stream deflection?

>> No.39498814


>> No.39498937

Unironically true but for the EN whore only. This board just made me love Pekora Akirose and AZKi more than ever before.

>> No.39499095

Redditors aren't gachikoi or unicorns. If you asked them if they'd be happy if the girls had a boyfriend, they'd either say "yes" and mean it, or they'd be pressured into agreeing.
It's mostly SEAfriends and shitposters who act like all of the girls are secretly whores or hate their audiences. It's just that the actual fans stick to their generals because you can't have actual discussion anywhere else. And even then, some schizos are intent on shitting up the generals with rrats or actual nonsense.

>> No.39499118

Stop shitposting as Joshua Graham you faggot.

>> No.39499158
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>> No.39499286

I was this close to becoming a yesman white night before visiting this board, now I just watch my oshi in peace, chat closed, no comments, no sc. If she yabs, I dump her and find a new one

>> No.39499416

In my personal experience, this board has made watching vtubers a lot more fun desu. You mfs are funny as fuck. Love you guys.

>> No.39499452

For me, chuubas are a retreat from the irony and cynicism that plagues every other form of media in my country.
By coming here, I injected some of that poison into my once pure pastime.
Thankfully, I've righted the ship and have learned to laugh at the schizos and chat up those that actually watch streams.

You can do the same.
There's still time.

>> No.39499552
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>> No.39499613

I stopped watching most vtubers but I still often visit here to shitpost, it's not actually that fun or anything but I just can't stop.

>> No.39499651
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dont forget cucksanji

>> No.39499981

I used to think ayame is cute
until this board opened my eyes

>> No.39502177
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You're both retarded EN cucks that took my post the wrong way. I think all women are whores, so I'd rather listen to those I can't understand as my background noise.

>> No.39502272

>this is the type of poster spreading rrats about your oshi

>> No.39502282

reeks of samefag

>> No.39502907
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Whatever you say, NijiNigger

>> No.39503089

>cares what losers on /vt/ think about a content creator that doesn't even know or care if he exists

>> No.39503293
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You just have to find your real oshi anon, someone who doesn't remind you of the constant shitposting and shitflinging, someone that knows how to not hurt their fans, someone who just exudes passion for the things they do, someone with ideals to live up to, someone who makes you feel cared for and at peace as a viewer. That someone for me is Chikafuji Lisa

>> No.39503355

>his oshi doesn't stalk her fans' profiles
Also, don't pretend the tards in here don't also harass vtubers. My oshi was being harassed recently and she specifically stated that it was from overseas, so pretty much a guarantee that the smooth brains who visit here were shitting on her.

>> No.39503558

Are you its developer? Because that's exceedingly generous

>> No.39503578

No I'm just a gosling

>> No.39504547

Yeppers, she's based

>> No.39507967

What a fucking nigger, just kys.

>> No.39509524

stay based anon

>> No.39510363

Just don't be schizo retard, seriously.

>> No.39512074

>letting retards on 4chan affect your enjoyment on anything

>> No.39513399

This, /vt/ has to exist to save some anons from being roped into giving money to someone who doesn't respect them

There are plenty of vtubers that do respect their gachikoi and they should be promoted
