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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39476324 No.39476324 [Reply] [Original]

Another Holo X "collab" with La+ missing again because she is "sick". Why is this gaki still in Hololive?

>> No.39476410

Idk but she she should be sick more often. HoloX streams are honestly way better without her.

>> No.39476712

You'd think /vt/ of all people would have some sympathy towards someone with mental illness.

>> No.39476743

She's in my bed.

>> No.39476777 [DELETED] 

“Boyfriend hort” is not mental illness., though.

>> No.39477298

Using mental illness as an excuse to not work is retarded, everyone has mental issues but that doesn't stop the majority of society from showing up to their jobs. La+ is a young girl who got exposed to massive popularity and thought that she could replicate that into her personal projects, now she is by far the most hated and least popular out of everyone else is X.

>> No.39477475

You anons literally have no Idea what's she doing behind the scenes, her being hurt from the backlash and getting mental illness because of it is a plausible excuse to get out of work.
You would know if you actually worked instead of leeching from your parents and living off their basement.

>> No.39478003

try doing even a fraction of what these girls in Hololive do to get out of work, and see how fast you get replaced retard

>> No.39480656 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, she fucked dudes and betrayed her fans and got shit on for it, she herself is guilty of it and is the result of the indefinite absence. Shouldn't have done something stupid, just keeping her legs close seems like a very hard thing to do i guess..

>> No.39481098
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>Bio portrays her as a peak chuuni kusogaki
>Does things that would very much fit into this personality by making people mad or to throw a fit through her actions, and then some.
>...wtf what a whore.

>> No.39481110

Why does Cover cripple every gen with a weak link? Why don't they properly screen the meheras to make sure they're not too self destructive?

>> No.39481508

We want her to be menhera on stream, it's no excuse to be lazy.

>> No.39485836

They have poor control over their zoomers

>> No.39485942

Honorary HoloEN

>> No.39486053

It's called a Persian Flaw.

>> No.39486618

Her whole problem has been trying to sell herself as a pure untouched flower who doesn't even acknowledge men exists while just blatantly interacting them on her roommate that is in the public eye. If she just approached her shit like Towa or Matsuri no one would give a shit.

>> No.39486924

I thought unicorns don't care about roommate shit. What gives?

>> No.39487016

Antis will take whatever is given to them to throw shit around.

>> No.39487322

Cover realize belatedly that 5 people in same Holo gen is NG.

>> No.39488588

Time to check if her RM was playing valorant again just like during the anniversary. Valorant matches are public info so it shouldn't be too hard.

>> No.39488854 [DELETED] 

>I thought unicorns don't care about roommate shit
You fell out for the ironic unicorn here cuck propaganda
Real unicorn woulf drop a girl if she has a confirmed boyfriend

>> No.39491468

you don't remember how the rust arc started?

>> No.39493125

>Why is this gaki still in Hololive?

>> No.39494012

You have either never had a job or a penis. I hope for your sake it's the latter. Either way, reconsider suicide.

>> No.39494178

Speaking for myself as the closest thing to what you think a unicorn is, I think there is an absolutely massive difference between a roommate in the way most people mean it and someone's offline persona. The people who are causing so much drama as their roommates are actively leading a double-life and talking shit on their other accounts about Hololive. That is completely different from people who either abandoned their roommates when they got into Hololive or have no known online presence outside of Hololive to begin with. Like I don't give a fuck if some girl is having sex with her boyfriend every day if she's never talking about it online on any known account and it's not actually interfering with her character. (There are also some members who are active on roommate accounts but don't cause drama there but it's usually because the content they make there is totally different like being an artist rather than a vtuber or a porn star).

>> No.39495909

they dont deserve it

>> No.39496753

Being lazy and a cunt is no mental illness

>> No.39498327

Surprisingly her RM is MIA, either she's really sick or dead, the other option is the creation of alternative accounts to play in peace

>> No.39498382

The Gura of HoloX. Let me guess, tummy hort?

>> No.39500588

if gura made a singing group I have a feeling it would do better than the one laplus was in

>> No.39500648

Being a woman and pulling a Mori then getting depressed because you potentially ruined a lucrative career isn't "mental illness". It's being a retard.

>> No.39500802

She's not retarded, she's just shit as a streamer. As she had to do was stream the games and take the money, couldn't even do that properly.

>> No.39500871

Anon, there’s barely any jobs out there where you can get away with not actually working and not doing your job for long periods of time.

>> No.39503302

It's easier to believe the latter than the former.
Especially since Laplus is a known terminally online mental diseases patient.

>> No.39504800

I don't doubt she's actually fucked in the head, it's all her own fault though.

>> No.39507511
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>> No.39511223

>roommate shit
This cope stopped working when she played off-stream as Laplus with Kobo and Regis and Kobo told everyone about it, kek

>> No.39511318

A place full of SEA people misusing the word 'schizo' towards anyone that is slightly negative towards a vtuber being sympathetic at all? L O L it's like how retards call any anime girl a 'waifu' or 'thicc'

>> No.39511369

Haachama will save her.

>> No.39511614

Is it still roommate shit when she keeps adressing it and making excuses for it in her Hololive streams?
She had multiple rants on stream about how she doesn't have a boyfriend and she's just playing games with her friends, she even pulled a Kronii and did the whole "do you not have female friends" thing.
She also used her company Laplus account offstream for some of these things like when she joined that Rust discord server.

>> No.39511690

Mouth herpes.
Nobody wants to get close

>> No.39512212

I applaud holox for just saying fuck it and doing gen collabs even without her. 2nd gen should take a page from their book.

>> No.39513231

Is it fair to take a guess and believe she pulled an Aloe? Only with the exception of doing it without actually graduating?

>> No.39514469

What does pulling an aloe even mean? Their circumstances have nothing in common.

>> No.39517493
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Every gen should be only 4
