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39382594 No.39382594 [Reply] [Original]

Enough about Enna, the most interesting question is: Which nijiEN girls would survive a 1 on 1 offcollab with a dude without a huge drop in audience?
Selen had the "it was at nijifes, not my home" excuse. Pomu was with Finana and had the "he is gay" excuse. These let their fanbases cope and not have their numbers affected that much.

>> No.39383015

Nina, reimu, millie, finana.

Theyve all filtered out their gachikois and dont bother reciprocating the love

>> No.39383057

Most if not all of them, elira had several off Collabs with shu even travelling with him for long periods of time, several times, nobody really cares

>> No.39383385

I know Pomu would not survive an offcollab with Luca. Pomudachi always have a mini meltdown whenever they interact.

>> No.39383457

It's fine with girls like Nina because you know BEFOREHAND that you are watching a whore. I know she doesn't need my support because she has men that will support her (with their dick). But with chuubas like Enna that always tells her audience how awkward and shy she is this doesn't fly.

>> No.39383511

Luca is a groomer and known sex-predator. He also once fucked my dog when he was drunk.

>> No.39383741

>He also once fucked my dog when he was drunk.
Wtf? Real?

>> No.39383775

>without a huge drop in audience
All of them

>> No.39383783

selen because she's a "bro*

>> No.39383918

Any of them if they don't make a whole deal about it.

>> No.39383937

From my experience, tomboy/"bro" girl types are either slutty and fuck lots of men, or they're man-hating lesbians. Selen's probably the former.

>> No.39383980

Nah the huge 'drop' wouldn't happen in most cases. They would bleed out very slowly and when they realize that most of their fans are gone, it'll be too late.

>> No.39384026

This is true, I’m the dog

>> No.39384066

That's because Luca is a chad and pomudachi are the second most pathetic, effeminate fanbase.

>> No.39384131

I don't know how i would react if Rosemi did the same shit Enna did yesterday.

>> No.39384215

I find it funny that no holo tourist knows that the first girl to do an off collab with men is Nina.

>> No.39384220

Do you seriously think Selen wouldn't get weird eyes if she invited a guy, alone to her house?

>> No.39384273

Everyone called her a whore back then, both fans of the girls and the boys

>> No.39384475

luca is the worst member of all EN.
holobronies always post about kiara being mememe, luca is exactly that. has to join every fucking collab, comment everything the other do, his whole personality is other people.

>> No.39384867

Absolutely seething

>> No.39385441

This but unironically

>> No.39385777

None of them would have a drop because only cucks watch nijisanji anyways

>> No.39385872

>Theyve all filtered out their gachikois and dont bother reciprocating the love
You've definitely never seen one of her member streams if you think this

>> No.39385901

Bruh she just wants to play fps games stop projecting

>> No.39385951

They aren't my girlfriends though

>> No.39387345

Literally all of them, this board blew the hololive controversy out of proportion, it made up this one wholesale

>> No.39388864

This post is funny to me cause Kiara is the sole reason holobros have ANYTHING for christmas(the advent calendar) and Luca is the reason Luxiem has a fun place to explore cause he commisioned all the VR shit.
Bro shes literally talked about wanting a boyfriend and marrying a white man.

>> No.39388962

They won’t drop their audience until they fuck a guy on stream, like enna

>> No.39389001

Aloucuck deflection post

>> No.39389087

Their audience wants those streams though

>> No.39391946

Nina has done off-collabs where she's the only female in a group of many men. So I don't think her viewers would mind if she did a one-on-one collab and held hands or whatnot.

>> No.39392469

>Bro shes literally talked about marrying a white man.
Yeah, me

>> No.39397106

I made this post

>> No.39397493

>This post is funny to me cause Kiara is the sole reason holobros have ANYTHING for christmas(the advent calendar)
I like Kiara but she's not the only person who has stuff planned for Christmas, please stop falling for catalog narratives

>> No.39399862

she's the biggest uniwhore of them all, unironically educate yourself

>> No.39401313

Even Ike has had enough of his attention whoring.

>> No.39401701
File: 197 KB, 1390x2048, E-DOXhyVgAQGnVO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which nijiEN girls would survive a 1 on 1 offcollab with a dude without a huge drop in audience?
all of them, if you ACTUALLY watched nijis you would know that the audience has no problem with guys, EVEN rosemi who holotourists claim to be the most "pure" has had lots of great moments with guys that rosebuds are perfectly fine with.

>> No.39401911

>Which nijiEN girls would survive a 1 on 1 offcollab with a dude without a huge drop in audience?
All of them

>> No.39404323

Selen's off-collab was with Yugo, a 'dude' who sucked so much at being a dude it got her fired.

>> No.39404420

Damn bro, I'm sorry your life sucks.

>> No.39404807

> fuck lots of men
yeah all me

watching Selen give birth to out sixth child as we speak

>> No.39404993

Probably those in new waves since their target audience is ironic weeb zoomers.

>> No.39405128

>filtered out gachis
If anything she keeps baiting her audience in the hope one of her Aryan fans to breed her.

>> No.39409417

Except Selen actually off collabed with a biological female

>> No.39409543

>Bro shes literally talked about wanting a boyfriend and marrying a white man.
What? That's fucking disgusting. Dropped

>> No.39409919

>The good ol' flip woman wants to marry a white man
Isa nanamang pilipina ang nakaahon sa kahirapan

>> No.39414876

>Bro shes literally talked about wanting a boyfriend and marrying a white man.
And you honestly believe this wouldn't increase the desperation of the gachikois to throw money at her?

>> No.39414919

This is true, I'm Luca.

>> No.39415516

Your dog consented

>> No.39415674

Finana because her fanbase is a shadow of its former self.

>> No.39415719

Why would you get your dog drunk?

>> No.39415769


>> No.39415794

Not an Aloupeep, sorry

>> No.39415819
File: 1.49 MB, 1726x2360, __elira_pendora_and_shu_yamino_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_haruka_rsyaooooo__7649fa436e4d213558163a1fd4b81caa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because all of Elira's audience are Shu x Elira shippers.

>> No.39416387

>not the only person with Xmas planned
The only one that made something remotely close to having a full EN branch Christmas anything.

>> No.39416585

Aia because I don't believe she can drop even lower.

>> No.39416631

Meanwhile Elira is busy trying to fuck anyone BUT Shu.

>> No.39416673

That's fair then, yeah. Full branch unity has been a joke for so long though that I wasn't expecting anything so it's a nice touch.

>> No.39416802

This is the only correct answer

>> No.39421779

Selen had a bit on the nijiFes channel with Nagao and Taka(?)
but when the Yugo off-collab happened dragoons were already on the coping protocol, first thing was "Its okay yugo is a women" before anything else on /haha/ during it
of course I don't consider the dragoons there a reflection of the entire fanbase since that split is literally gosling central

>> No.39421943

Isn't Luca really fit and tall offline? He would probably kabedon Pomu for laughs then take her upstairs and POGGGGGGGG her

>> No.39421964

Its not cope if it is real... check the archives

>> No.39422071

>elira had several off Collabs with shu even travelling with him for long periods of time, several times, nobody really cares
This is your brain on /vt/
publicly they only had 1 off-collab which included Uki and Petra
anything prior to nijiFES is only known if you dig on PL/Hanamori stuff, publicly Shu and Elira never went together to Disney

>> No.39422158
File: 2.11 MB, 1792x3200, e9bf6850c5693d409550383d390e97d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People keep forgetting Maria had 3 guys at her house and it did Nothing to her numbers

>> No.39422309

You know why

>> No.39422426

Oh sonny brought along his cumrag, didn't even know this collab happened

>> No.39422472

There isn't a single major corpo Vtuber who relies primarily on gachikois. If you want to find a chuuba who's financially dependent on GFE you have to start looking at indies. So, to answer your question, literally all of them.

>> No.39422544

if the first thought about an off-collab if a sigh of relief cause none of them have a cock I consider it coping,
cause you know pretty well that type of fan would have an existential crisis if wasn't yugo

>> No.39423750

It’s for the same reason this board shits on SEAfags. Believe it or not, despite the schizo you see /here/, westerners are seen as less shitty towards women than males in other parts of the world. Half the motivation for women in Asia to want to get with a white man is that they don’t trust the locals to not be a bunch of violent, psychotic perverts.
There’s a reason I hope I never see a salaryman about to jump whenever I visit Japan again. The urge to yell “DO A FLIP, FAGGOT”, but in Japanese, would be too strong. Chinks, gooks, nips, and SEAmonkeys all have deficient males, and it’s not related to their physical stature. It’s all mental.

>> No.39424231

So it's inhibitions would be low enough to fuck Luca of course.

>> No.39427017

This, I’m pretty sure she has no fans left from her debut, her fanbase is like a revolving door but more people go out then in…

>> No.39427074

I don’t think anyone who cares about that watches Maria because she’s really boring and glorified background noise.

>> No.39427588


>> No.39427634

He's Filipino. You ever seen a Filipino?

>> No.39431248

well thanks

>> No.39433118


>> No.39435887

Isnt it the case that none of their audiences care, at least for the females?
