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File: 570 KB, 1991x2046, 1669582313253753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
39370521 No.39370521 [Reply] [Original]

Did I mention I'm a virgin yet? Because I'm totally a virgin guys. And it's totally normal for opposite sex coworkers to hand hands and interlock fingers. Only incels think otherwise

>> No.39370608

Why did she even reply to that comment? It’s just asking for drama

>> No.39370656

asked and answered

>> No.39370702
File: 86 KB, 558x849, d72752c2e16f771ac86fd0f60b374d71--christ-pictures-black-jesus-pictures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And soon she will give birth to a Holy Messiah for he will atone for all the chuubas in the world

>> No.39370706 [DELETED] 

The only reason she could still be a virgin is if she looked like a disgusting flat faced rural chink without filters

>> No.39370748

Or they do anal

>> No.39370830

Yeah and I have two penises that are 9 inches each

>> No.39370940


[ ] She is a lesbian and doesn't count fucking women
[ ] She is a hardcore Christian and doesn't count anal
[ ] She is a cartoon 2D anime character that's not real

>> No.39370969

>I'm a virgin!
>I'm not a virgin!
>*Refuses to answer*

There's no winning with you fucks so might as well have fun with it.

>> No.39370981

Shes a bug, she only worships money

>> No.39371076
File: 187 KB, 1920x1080, genshin-impact-kokomi-release-date.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know who the fuck this is or anything about your gay nijinigger drama but why the fuck is this bitch just a ripoff of Sangonomiya Kokomi? Imagine stealing your avatar from Genshin impact of all things LOL

>> No.39371089
File: 40 KB, 452x697, 1509348329280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39371164

The key is to not need to talk about if you are or aren't a virgin. Otherwise you are asking for drama.

>> No.39371213

Who asked her if she's a virgin or not though?

>> No.39371934

She answered a question no one even asked. Selen does it right and avoids all drama.

>> No.39373417

Anal still counts

>> No.39373560
File: 127 KB, 1000x1267, takt-op.Destiny-Character-Designs-Destiny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enna Alouette, meet Rosemi Lovelock

>> No.39373596
File: 775 KB, 935x330, 9653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Winning dragon stays winning. We love you Selen!

>> No.39374484

She was the one doing the pounding, does it still count?

>> No.39374572

>he lacks critical information

>> No.39374688


>> No.39375547

Just like how any man who walks around talking about how many girls he's fucked has only ever cummed in an onahole, a girl who constantly brings up that she's a virgin unprompted is most likely riding the cock carousel every day

>> No.39375886

You sounds like a shut-in incel who never touched a girl.

>> No.39375914

You can't dox Ina like that.

>> No.39375935

not for Enna, apparently

>> No.39375948

>40 year old canadian philipino woman
>who drinks and never go outside
>only friends are millie and ellira
>having sex with a 20 year old black bull

Hmmm, yeah I dont see quite see it. Dont all asians hate black people?

>> No.39375978

She got triggered.

>> No.39377035

>Did I mention I'm a virgin yet?

>> No.39377354

I wish Enna many slanteyed and bignosed children. May her tribes rule eternal. Shalom and nihao.

>> No.39377423

Yeah, but I honestly believe she's a virgin. She's probably extremely asocial IRL and has an appearance that doesn't arouse any cocks. Even if she was capable of getting laid, she probably just doesn't want to because of her extremely asocial life style. Hell, she even talks about how Millie is the one who broke her out of her shell by getting her to join Nijisanji.

>> No.39377598

We already know she had a boyfriend.

>> No.39377650
File: 495 KB, 1200x674, 1670435005274432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe her, because Vesper obviously raped kronii as a bit.

>> No.39377960

>40 year old

>> No.39378187

This>>39377598 she said it herself. But the keyword here is "had", and that was years ago.

>> No.39378204

It was probably long distance too (AKA internet bf).

>> No.39378253

do aloucucks really?

>> No.39378378

You sounds like a chumbud. So imaginative. That's pretty cringe desu and Enna wouuld laugh at you if she saw your post.

>> No.39378465

what a great pic
petra btfo
rosemi not even named

>> No.39378527

>I am not as delusional as Holobronies
>Has to jump through mental gymnastics still to believe that you will be the one to take Enna's virginity
Jesus Ennapaypigs are way more delusional than Holobronies, because at least they do not ignore it when the girls flirt with men on stream to still believe that they have a chance to take their virginity

>> No.39379142

What "genre" even is Enna?
Just a vlogger at this point, right? She babbles on about whatever comes to her mind which is typically just about herself.
I got into her during the Niji karaoke relay this year but I quickly found out every stream is the exact same shit. Other than singing it's like she doesn't pretend to put on a show. People in Enna threads be saying she appeals to the women viewers of NijiEN and I'm not doubting it.
If you tell me you're a straight guy who watches her regular streams, you're either really bored, really, really weird or I'm not buying it.

>> No.39379290

I'm a 29 year old straight single virgin and I watch her because she's funny

>> No.39379464

>You sounds like a chumbud
This. The most gullable fanbase there is.

>> No.39379730

cucked beyond believe

>> No.39380104
File: 2.21 MB, 1350x1920, __shibuya_rin_shimamura_uzuki_and_honda_mio_idolmaster_and_1_more_drawn_by_mitsudoue__c33e67f66a52ae7a10486121112bdf65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex between/among coworkers doesn't count. Hentai taught me this.

>> No.39380149

eh? what is wrong with that though

>> No.39381551

who even asked? apart from it being a blatant fucking lie why would she even mentioned this? is this some bizare attempt at salvaging her reputation?
anyway, i can't fucking understand why would anyone simp for these yellow sociopathic chink insectoids, never met a single one who wasn't a massive piece of shit, ugly both on inside and outside

>> No.39382589

it was lmao. from league of legends. apparently cheated and sexted with her other friends too.

>> No.39385569

because its funny to fuck with retards and schizos.

>> No.39390689

Being a virgin is like having a magnum dong, if she tells you utterly unprompted that she is a virgin, she probably isn't

>> No.39391169

It's ok if you love being cucked.

>> No.39396749
File: 121 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39396836

What a power move enna

>> No.39396858

It blows my mind that there are people who would watch this woman lock fingers with a guy and cheer for it
How does it even get to the point where this is what you're into?

>> No.39397015

Chink sisters can’t fuck kyo, so they have to impersonate enna

>> No.39397185

Genshin players are worse than nijifag. Your genshin is a rip offs of Zelda botw.

>> No.39399586

Lol you mean an improved version of botw which took the formula and made it so it wasn't boring. And now the designs are actually pretty to look at too.

>> No.39399649

But enna said genshin is the worst game ever

>> No.39399793

Enna having terrible takes isn't anything new, it's how she got popular.

>> No.39403011

do you really

>> No.39403437

It's pretty easy to figure out with some girls, especially with RMs. It's a matter of show, don't tell. Some girls are so socially retarded, and some so clearly ignorant of men that it's pretty obvious they haven't had a BF or sex, despite this they don't keep saying they are/aren't virgins.

>> No.39403445

>The key is to not need to talk about if you are or aren't a virgin
anon already covered this:
It doesn't matter, antis already have their excel document and will continue to post with it until they reach their aims
