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3934863 No.3934863 [Reply] [Original]

Whenever people attempt to make criticism of Cover/Hololive, they speak of stories of idol culture in Asian countries such Japan and Korea where talents are forced to not eat to stay fit or shave their heads to apologize etc.

I've been following Hololive since 2019, yet I have never heard of such nightmare scenarios from the talents themselves - but criticizers always assume that because "Hololive is an idol company", these extremes should be also true for them.

Am I missing some information here? Have there some streams/clips where the talents talked about being forced by Cover to starve themselves, being forced to practice dance choreographies until their feet bled, etc?

>> No.3934911

This is mostly cover and yagoos fault. Additionally the complicit vtubers involved in their company like coco. They constantly reiterate that they are actually idols. and while it's possible that they are just bullshitting, the lack of breaking kayfabe makes it come off like they're a bunch of idiots who don't realize why people like their product; the fact that their waifus aren't idols.

Basically nips like idols so theyre hanging changs some free rope.

>> No.3934919

No, because Hololive is not an idol company even when Cover or the talent themselves say it. It is a vtubing company with merely an idol aesthetic on top of it.

>> No.3934956

The real analogy is wrestling promotions & kayfabe.

>> No.3934961

It's not that extreme but Mel got sexually harassed by a manager, Aloe happened, and Coco went what, half a year? Without help for the bugmen antis so it's not some dream company with no problems like people like to make it out to be and it wouldn't surprise me if more shit happened behind the scenes

>> No.3935056

this same narrative again.

>> No.3935075

They always bring up that idol who shaved her head too when there was far more to than situation than what clickbait websites like to portray.

>> No.3935077

Please, feel free to point out what I said that's incorrect.

>> No.3935090

Because people are retarded.
The Idol angle from Hololive provides a few benefits. It keeps the environment mostly stress-free, family friendly and chill. It also preemptively avoids a lot of yabais by creating a safe bubble not only for the talent but also for the listeners.

>> No.3935116

Yeah, it's still baffling how cover got away with mel's manager incident without any backlash

>> No.3935140

Why hasn't the japanese government banned idol culture yet? It's the main reason their birthrate is declining and all their males turn into beta weaklings

>> No.3935142

You shouldn't expect critics, especially western critics, to keep up with idol culture or the industry. They always pull up stories from 1, 2, even 3 decades ago and assume that the idol industry today is the same as it was then. The industry and the culture around idols have changed dramatically from the old days, but the critics don't care. And since hololive has been branded as idols since 2018, they unfortunately have to be pulled into this bullshit nonsense. Just don't give the critics the time of day.

>> No.3935205

It happened before Holo got big.

There is nothing inherently idol culture-y about that except for maybe Aloe and almost all of the backlash came from autistic nijiniggers who were bootyblasted about her parroting some dumb 5ch narrative about an ex-niji before joining hololive

>> No.3935228

Kanata isn't at all taking a break from streaming because her oshi got married.
This board absolutely didn't bully Ollie into taking a break for talking to that cumrag.
Sion's superchats are completely harmless and aren't at all from creepy old men enjoying a ddlg experience.
So yeah, idol culture has nothing to do with hololive.

>> No.3935260

>autistic nijiniggers who were bootyblasted about her parroting some dumb 5ch narrative about an ex-niji before joining hololive
Like Hololive fans are currently sperging out at Veibae for?

>> No.3935306

How is it a rrat if the slut said it herself?

>> No.3935324

When idol issue is brought up, it is usually about collabing with males. Critics argue that idol label has caused fans' expectations that Hololive will not interact with males.
The problem with this criticism is that it is inaccurate because some Hololive members do collab with males. However, the more a certain member lean into providing girl friend experience for viewers (like Rushia), the less likely she will collab with males.

>> No.3935325

You stupid? She's parroting anti Hololive memes like Aloe parroted anti Nijisanji memes.

>> No.3935338

because they saw a meme on interwebs about "yagoo's dream" and westerners overblowing the one-off remark about AKB48 and assumed that it was anything besides retarded memery. next question?
mel's situation was a mess, and they learned from it, thankfully. aloe's problem was family and there was fucking nothing for cover to do on that end, sadly. and yeah the ineptitude with coco's chink problem was astonishing. thankfully they're making some attempt at improving, but they're certainly not getting their shit together as fast or as well as they need to.
>yagoo mentioning in an interview a month or two ago that the company was only 100 people, including the talents
no seriously, the biz they got into is one where they need to screen and hire more support staff. get on it, 85.
>meanwhile at ichi- er, "any color", we have shit like the roa/meiro incident and various other rando yabs because the management is not only just as inept but more hands-off in all the wrong places
oh, sure. the ludicrous cost of living even as a singleton and the diseased work culture that sees people working themselves to death trying to make ends meet because major businesses ignore labor laws constantly to the point the toothless gov't tried to *beg* them to let people have even one day a month getting out of work early (only to be met mostly with mockery) have nothing to do with it, clearly it's all those gosh durned aidorus.
anon, get a grip.

>> No.3935367

Cocock got a moderator for the chat (whether how competent that mod is another question), aside from EN the management did nothing to stop other talents to show support to her, they still let her do collab with other JP, she is still included in every hololive event. So yeah pure rrat from you faggots. Now go back chang

>> No.3935387

It was a time when they were actually a small company and were just hiring anyone off the street. The manager was a fan of Mel's roommate and recommended her. It was pretty late before anyone figured out it was him doing the stalking. Didn't help that the police weren't interested. (Remember that Mito from Nijisanji was advised to just quit her job by police when she tried to report her own stalking incidents.) They did assign Mel a new manager, but this guy kept going so Mel took matters into her own hands and sued the police who were trying to brush her off. Cover did apologize publicly for not being able to do much for her.

>> No.3935441

They did learn from Mel's incident and tried to help Aloe however they could, but she was refusing their offer to relocate her for free and they just settled for reinforcing her door and giving her enough stuff so she wouldn't have to leave her room.

>> No.3935454

Did Aloe ban people trying to correct her ?
Did Veiba apology for spreading misinfo ?

>> No.3935466

Aloe is Japanese so it’s okay to them

>> No.3935468

>Veibae "I hate corporate vtubers but I'll suck their dick for money"
>Veibae "vtubers are just roleplayers while I am definitely NOT playing a role for my simps"
>Veibae "I could have just admitted I'm stupid and moved on but banned anybody who corrected me"
There's stupidity and there's hypocrisy, and having a pussy is not a pass

>> No.3935492

Japs are earning enough you retard. Even foreigners working blue collar jobs still manage to get married and have families there. Foreigners in japan aren't cucked and doesn't live in a fantasy world. They work, get married, fuck and have children.

>> No.3935507

>Coco had to make some of her fans moderators because Cover wouldn't move its ass for her
Your other points are about what the talents are doing for Coco, not what Cover is doing for her. You even admitted that the EN management is ghosting her

>> No.3935509

Imagine sucking on cover's dick this day and age. Can't wait until holo gets so big you guys get the same notoriety as kpop stans

>> No.3935510

I haven't seen any holo doxx Veibae and sending her death threats to her home phone, anonchama.

Please shut your mouth if you have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.3935545

the notoriety will spread to all vtubers anyways so better keep us happy faggot

>> No.3935562

Cocock has a moderator assigned to her by cover you retard, its the one who fucked up and make the spammer mod by accident.

>> No.3935565

>all this white knighting ebery time some one brings up how much of an hypocryte Vei
Come on anon she won't have sex with y-

Oh wait, it's Vei we are talkkng about, nevermind carry on the

>> No.3935567

So many newfags here weren't even here for anything that happened to hololive and are just repeating information that's been passed down like a game of telephone.

>> No.3935584

No? Holofans are seen differently with how isolated the girls are. It'll literally be all other indies and vtuber fans vs holofans. Holo is the only one pandering to the idol culture so hard.

>> No.3935596

I watch both holo and vei you retard. You probably don't even know that vei had quite a lot of JP fans way before EN even debuted

>> No.3935605

white knights can't even defend the parts she lied about. They just hang on the the parts she said that were true while ignoring the entire last half of what she said. Call them out on that and they have no argument and just default to using buzzwords

>> No.3935617

Everyone thinks hololive means vtubing now. Some faggot called a nijisanji streamer a hololiver

>> No.3935619

I like vei's voice and accent, it makes me cum everytime. Why should I care about what she says about hololive?

>> No.3935629

Remember seeing some rrats here that yagoo personally raped mel and some retard believed it

>> No.3935643

Imagine cumming to a literal speech impediment. m-m-m-m-meds.

>> No.3935653

Imagine thinking people actually believed that

>> No.3935663

The fact that Mel didn't leave even after that situation and how Lamy was able to replace their manager shows how strong of a support group there is behind the scenes. The company is really beholden to their talents a lot more, if something yab happened and FBK/Coco were to say something about it and quit, the company would literally be over the day after. A lot of their talents could just walk out and get a new identity and maybe even be better off

It's not all roses but we can trust that even if Cover is incompetent they aren't malicious

>> No.3935667

Ok? I'll cum to whatever I want retard. In fact I'll cum to your post just now

>> No.3935680

It was a tourist that believed it. Kept asking to be spoonfed and some anon fed him a rrat instead of telling him to lurk more.

>> No.3935681

>Aloe "I'm applying to Hololive I just hope I don't end up getting doxxed and having to like quit like what I heard happened to that Chitose girl from Niji"

>Veibae "lol holos are fake as fuck because they play a character and all their streams are scripted as fuck, I also hear that they do horrible things to get into holo, sources? Dude, trust me my dad used to be a hololive idol" *proceeds to ban anyone who tries to correct her*

Ah yes, definitely the same

>> No.3935682

Anon im pretty sure people actually believed that the girls need to do the "fuck the director" to get into hololive like hollywood

>> No.3935694

That doesn't excuse all the shit they did. Incompetent employees get fired. Incompetent companies deserve to fail or get punished

>> No.3935698

Doesn't change the fact Coco had to get her own moderators first among long time fans before Cover ever did anything

>> No.3935713

Anyone can post anything here anon. I can also pretend to be a tourist and do the same in global right now.

>> No.3935733

Mel wasn't hurting for money either due to her lucrative other job, and it's not like they were making a lot of money over there at Hololive at the time. If she thought Cover really wronged her she would have left.

>> No.3935738


The Hololive thread in 5ch was the one that doxxed all of the 5th gen, then harassed Aloe when they found out she's delta, about her having a boyfriend and about being a koreaboo, then later they found out about dedechi and harassed her for that too.
Then the Hololive thread celebrated when Aloe quit.
Stuff like this is why Hololive is so closely associated with idol culture and its insanity, even to this day 5ch still harasses Towa.

>> No.3935740
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 1620960617082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this wasn't an obvious samefag bait thread I would ask why you would possibly care what retards with so little information about Hololive but so many criticisms think.
But it is one.

>> No.3935744

They are a clean company now. Improved from a black company to that.

>> No.3935745

You do know that reporting sexual harassment is discouraged in japan right?

>> No.3935755

They immediately fired that guy that stalked her though? Mel sued the police because the police didn't believe her. Only fault in cover was not relocating her sooner.

>> No.3935781

Faggot people invade threads all the time? Do you not know the holo threads on 5ch are infamously anti threads? There's always at least 2 holo threads because of that

>> No.3935783

>why people like their product
Idolshit is the best Hololive content.

>> No.3935801

She did end up threatening to sue Cover and they ended up paying for her relocation costs and legal expenses, which was the actual point of contention (the manager got fired rather quickly actually, it's just that Cover wouldn't relocate her or provide legal assistance when he resorted to stalking after that)

>> No.3935802

This is an interesting read on how cover approaches management

>> No.3935833

They were a literal nobody company two years ago, and they're in a space where there's zero precedents to what they do. Do they micromanage, do they remains hands off, how much resources should they be spending trying to make sure they're not caught with their pants down with something. I'm just saying don't mistake incompetence with maliciousness, cause that totally reframes everything. From what we can see YAGOO is generally respected even by Coco who has all the reason to bust his balls. No one wants the company to burn to the ground unless you're a hardcore anti, we just want them to do better

>> No.3935838

The story gets twisted every time it gets told. People thought for a long time they just ignored the manager and let him keep stalking her while they immediately fired her. They should've paid for relocation and legal assistance though. It is really sad that she reported him to police and they didn't believe her for a long time so she had to get lawyers involved.

>> No.3935847

Cover's a tech company right? Wonder which they value more? Senior devs and cto or their talents? If the cto has a falling out with let's say choco, which one would cover choose?

>> No.3935870

Not a zhang but they literally put several people out of jobs due to their incompetence.

>> No.3935886

At least they did actually learn from this incident, as they offered to relocate Aloe for free and cover her legal expenses but she was too menhera to accept.

>> No.3935904

Yagoo literally says the company grew too fast. Before they were poor and had to hire interns but as soon as they started making money they switched to professionals

>> No.3935905

Is it weird to think that Coco still being in Hololive is a marker that shit is okay for the girls behind the scenes? Like she's pretty quick to shit on Cover over stuff she doesn't like (e.g. complaining about where the money goes, there was at least one company event she wasn't invited to following her return which she tweeted about). And she also shows care for the other girls as evidenced by creating Holohouse, self-isolating for a bit after her return so as to not encourage bugs to spam their channels, probably having the biggest variety of collab-mates due to inviting everyone over to meme review (and also giving them more exposure in the process).
I think if there was still Mel-tier stuff going on in the background she'd be taking action and go public if something wasn't being resolved behind the scenes alone.

>> No.3935918

They are an entertainment company now so what do you think. Their tech is behind anyways

>> No.3935921

>There's always at least 2 holo threads because of that
Weird, I remember noticing that but thinking nothing of it

>> No.3935929

Nigger, the boyfriend narrative got shit down rather quickly when it was confirmed they had broke upnbefore she even applied for hololive, the brunt of the harassment came when the antis found pit her old videos talking about a non-specific vtuber company and Chitose. There are even screencaps of autistic nijiniggers spamming their dumb google-translated manifesto about how Aloe was pissing on Chitose's grave on Aloe's comments

>> No.3935944

The fuck you on about. The people put themselves out of jobs because they are incompetent. The staff that's part of cover is incompetent and they fire those staff and you call cover incompetent for making people lose their jobs?

>> No.3935971

It was a person Mel knew in the company, and she informed Cover about it and they knew the harassment was happening for months, and didn't do anything for her,


Mel consulted management on October 2019,
All this was exposed by Narukami on May 2020, Cover apologized May 25, 2020, and finally took action, and Yagoo admitted their inaction and apologized for doing nothing about it, then got dunked on so hard the bitch deleted the apology, the apology was screenshoted and it's in a reply in the original twit.
Cover is black as hell, it was never even confirmed the dude was employee was fired, according to Narukami he wasn't.

>> No.3935991

Nobody cares about the company it’s the fucking fans that everyone hates. Freaking out if a talent even mentions playing with a guy. Being complete schizos and making up lies. Trying to enforce their idol will and calling other vtubers whores just for making dirty jokes. You faggots are the problem

>> No.3935996

I'm talking about the CN branch retard. They literally did nothing wrong.

>> No.3935997

That's because 5ch and niggerkami claimed that the guy was still working for Cover and was just reassigned to someone else and retards ate that shit up.

>> No.3936033

I'd trust Narukami about as far as I can throw him

>> No.3936038

>calling other vtubers whores just for making dirty jokes
Something wrong with this?

>> No.3936036

the huge majority of the harassment was about the boyfriend and sex, you can even search the videos on Niconico, the most viewed video is the one on her sex/boyfriend stuff on 8-16, and that point in time the Chitose stuff wasn't even out yet.

>> No.3936041

Chinks everywhere

>> No.3936064

You really believe narukami of all people? He tells half truths all the time. He would present evidence of something then inject his hypothesis as facts. If nothing is confirmed on his channel or there is direct evidence of it, it is likely he made shit up. His entire point of creating his channel is to paint the vtubing world in a negative light.

>> No.3936083

odds are it's mostly autists role playing as zhangs.

>> No.3936089

Holy shit you're a chink then. Everyone here knows save for yogiri all the chinks were in on it. Artia actively supported the guy that harassed Coco.

>> No.3936123


>> No.3936129
File: 364 KB, 497x2048, 87878478638463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>29 ip
I'd assume a quarter of this are nijiniggers seething because their company is reclining and the other quarter are vshojo/cgl/trannies. Meanwhile, hololive is inclining with sponsorships/collabs/numbers.

>> No.3936134

I think you're being a little harsh. Making up lies is just fun when "Coco is the manager of holoEN and Sora is Yagoo's daughter" level which comprises 99% of them. Also freaking out if someone interacts with a man is joked about more than actually happens, like this place loves Towa (otherwise there wouldn't be a 100 reply thread calling her different nicknames) despite her just finishing up a tournament with Selly and Wokka before that

>> No.3936142

Yes it’s literally admitting your no better then a clipfaggot. Especially when Hololive has done fucking swimsuit streams hypocrite.

>> No.3936149

Nah, they infest this site the most compared to say plebbit and twitter. Dont forget that chinks also include those currently living in western work like that bitch tia

>> No.3936151

It was because it was the first thing they found and they spread that shit everywhere hoping it would catch fire. They used several angles to incite people. First they said she breached contract because of that test stream she did as aloe that wasn't taken down then they said she pissed on the grave of a past vtuber. They were throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.

>> No.3936166

They were chased out of China

You could argue they could have helped the CN talents get new jobs but we don't know what happened behind the scenes

>> No.3936177

>Artia inciting the spammers on her roommate account
>Rosalyn vagueposting about how the shitstorm was so fun before deleting it
>Civia indirectly condoning the spam by having several NGA key members as her channel mods
>Doris doing a Wolf Warrior (the propaganda movie after which chinese nationalist spammers named themselves) watchalong with Artia
Ah yes, nothing wrong.

>> No.3936188

I'm pretty sure it's the same 5 people on /vt/ because the writing style is very distinct and filled with hyperbole.

>> No.3936222

No Making up Lies is When you retards made up a false cuck narrative about Ollie and made her go on break. Towa is Japanese so she gets a pass from you. But this board was literally in meltdown because Ollie and Moona played Apex with some guy

>> No.3936233

Those bitches should be happy with what they got away with.

>> No.3936240

It's completely bizarre how something like this got much less reaction in the west than Aloe. And people in here and reddit act like it never happened.

>> No.3936260

LITERALLY all of reddit talks like this.

>> No.3936280

Betch, the guy making the Kiara and Ollie threads is infamous for being a huge samefag. He has even gotten publicly banned for replying to one of his own bait threads 30 times

>> No.3936328

You can call people bitch here nigger

>> No.3936337

I'm very happy that Hololive has at least stuck to the "NO MALES" part of idol culture. The very concept of male vtubers is disgusting to me so I'm glad that Hololive has nothing to do with them. I wish male vtubers would disappear tomorrow and cease to be a thing.

>> No.3936349

There would have been much more of a reaction if she had left, her choosing to stay told everyone she was fine with how things turned out.

>> No.3936358

You will never be a woman.

>> No.3936391

I prefer to call it an Idol LARP.

>> No.3936395

Everyday I wake up wondering if mel is okay or not.

>> No.3936400

What the hell are you smoking anon? people in the west or 4chan/reddit/twitter/fb react more to aloe because its a more recent happening and actually end with her btfo from hololive. both of these are already come to past so there is no point in bringing it up, the only people still talking about them are nijinigger or chink with their pasta.

>> No.3936412

Nobody tell the troon about Holostars or the collabs with Holostars.

>> No.3936420

Because it happened before Hololive got big in the west and because most people learned about it only after Mel and Cover's official statement and it got quickly eclipsed by the permissions apocalypse which happened around the same time

>> No.3936436

Do I need to be? I am male myself but I'm not a fag which is why I hate male vtubers. Most hololive fans hate them too based on the viewership that FagStars get.

>> No.3936517

Nigger, the fans anger to the boyfriend thing is divided into 3 side. First is she dare to have a boyfriend regardless its an ex or not, second is she is openly admit to have sex with her ex-boyfriend on twitter which implies she is not pure, and third is how she still looks like she still get along with her ex implying she might have not break up. You need to remember there is a lot of unicorn and purityfag as fans. Also how nips otaku really hate if their money is used for the girl's boyfriend. This has always be the main problem for holofans. The chitose thing only invite outsider and simply serve as dividing the holofag and nijifag fanbase. Also moralfags who hate girls talking bad about others.
The main thing is still boyfriend to holofans. You might not understand this kind of mindset because you're a westerner.

>> No.3936527

Maybe it's because you're an ESL and sarcasm/jokes can be harder to pick up in the second language, but you need to learn to read the room. The global threads go ape over stuff like that but it's done in fun. Ollie was playing apex with a guy earlier today (or maybe yesterday at this point) and there wasn't any fervor about it. Also you're also contributing to lie by trying to claim you know the reason she took the break despite there being no word from Cover or Ollie about a forced break. But didn't you do it because it was fun writing that out? That's what I mean.
>Towa is Japanese so she gets a pass from you
Not sure what you mean here since you OG comment was "Freaking out if a talent even mentions playing with a guy", but not excluding the 80% of talents that are Japs?

>> No.3936536

>I'm not a fag I just hate my own sex
So you're a tranny?

>> No.3936538

This happened in late may 2020. Cover was already growing significantly by that time. And the permission arc is end of july so there is a 2 month gap.

>> No.3936554

You may be kinda retarded, but you're funny, I'll give you that anonchama.

>> No.3936564

cringe, dumb incel

go jump off a cliff in minecraft

>> No.3936588

You say it’s a joke. But people were literally raiding her comments and breaking containment. I made the Japanese comment because that’s the only reason people here don’t have a problem with them in swimsuits but get offended with vshoujos content.

>> No.3936605

you are calling me a tranny yet you are the one who enjoys watching men. Think about that for a second. Seems like you are the one who is a little sexually confused.

>> No.3936631

It's a travesty what happened to those swimsuit, those things were hot, Mio in particular

>> No.3936676

Vshoujo basically makes the lewd part their content. While with japanese vtubers they would give these fanservice too but it's not their core content. If you ask normalfags they'll all say that vshoujo content is lewd and that's because they aim towards that.

>> No.3936697

Most Holos content is GFE with implied lewd along with their lewd avatars. No difference just more subtle about it.

>> No.3936728

Just post the Veibae clip you wanted to post and seethe no need to write an essay.

>> No.3936755

You must be brain damaged if you think Vshojo and Hololive content are remotely the same. Even the lewdest Hologirls like Marine and Choco don't come close to the level and frequency of the degeneracy in Vshojo.

>> No.3936765

>get bored with vshoujos content.
FTFY. VShojo is like a Matsuri menhera clip extended for an hour. Festival can't keep up with that level of horny without lapsing into normie or even seiso-tier after five minutes. Ironically, the only ones who escape this is the literal whore and the forced hikiNEET

>> No.3936849

Be more specific
And they get called out on GFE all the time. But GFE is different than saying I want to be creampied isn't it. Implying something is different than outright saying it. I would argue subtly makes all the difference. Jokes that imply something more are funnier than ones that just outright say the punchline.
In addition,
This is their official titles and thumbnails. They aim for the lewd but wholesome market and they are getting it. They have more vulgar humor and aren't subtle at all. Nothing wrong with it at all. But it is clearly different than official clips from Niji or Holo.

>> No.3936865

Veibae got mentioned like 10 times in this thread. You can stop whiteknighing now. Not everything is about her.

>> No.3936929
File: 545 KB, 632x474, Guard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, so you're the schizo who is always falseflagging and baiting for tribal war huh. Take med

>> No.3936975

Stop replying to schizo tribalist, he will keep repeat his narrative until it becomes the truth

>> No.3937026

Ah yes the classic it isn't holo fans, it's the nijiniggers, we dindu nufffinn
Do holofags really?

>> No.3937110

No one said anything about nijiniggers anywhere there, nijinigger. How pathetically insecure are you that you automatically assume it's talking about nijis when just the word anti is said.

>> No.3937176

Mention antis, nijifag automatically assume it's talking about them. Absolute kek

>> No.3937468

>Ame literally had a boyfriend too

>> No.3937516

Not a problem because it was me

>> No.3937623

anon, I think you're mistaking 4chan from Twitter.

>> No.3937871

this fucking thread needs to die. replace it with an armpit thread or something, onegai

>> No.3937893

and you just bumped it newfag nigger

>> No.3938918

>actually believing that they are idols
I mean, I like when they sing, but I dont fool myself there

>> No.3939511

Cover only had one genuine yab which was the Mel thing. But even that was not down to idol culture but simply to Cover being a tech company that does not know how to manage talent. Aloe was 50/50 probably.

And about boyfriends etc.: it's common sense for idols to avoid that, it affects your bottom line

>> No.3939582

They aren't idols, they are idol like.

>> No.3940466

Not that anon, but okay.

>> No.3940818

I can't say if this thread is full of anons larping as newfags or actually full of tourists

>> No.3941160


>> No.3941197

Why does reddit hate idols so much? Even in this thread you can see people with a guilty conscience over liking idols so they backpedal and say hololive is "idol like".

>> No.3941374

They are already saying it in their offcial banner, why deny it?

>> No.3941418

B-b-but le epic dead dream meme!

>> No.3941433

Because as someone said quite early in the thread, reddit's idea of idols is stuck in the 80s and is heavily influenced by horror stories like that AKB who shaved her head and posted a dogeza video after being caught with her boyfriend by a paparazzi (something even other AKB members called extreme and unnecessary).

That and the IDOL ANIME BAD mentality that goes around the ironic weeb demographic, so of cpurse they must either distance themselves from idol stuff or claim to only enjoy ironically.

>> No.3941491

>reddit hate idols so much
Coco keeps doing their memes review though?

>> No.3941594

this is literally the only good post in this thread

>> No.3942128

The Dedechi vid got deleted on both Youtube and Nico Nico and then reuploaded. Days after her debut, the Dedechi vid already has around 300k IIRC. I don't know if you could see the number of views via Wayback Machine or something similar, but that video used to be the highest viewed of Aloe's related vid there. .

>> No.3951611

No it isn't.
t. original Soratomo.
This cancerous shit wasn't a thing until a few months before the first concert. The idolshit was always taken as a joke for the longest time.
I 100% blame Miko for it. I still watch her, I don't hate her or idol stuff, but that's how it went. Not even Sora took this shit seriously.
Worse is they started catering to dumb purity fuckwits and caught the attention of the worst kind of idol fans. There's a clear division in the group, those that want to entertain and collab with whoever they want to, and waifufag panderers.
Half the damn group don't collab with people they used to collab with regularly for years before this shit happened. Some of those waifu-tier ones even collabing with guys previously. Those archives are certainly not coming back.

>> No.3951688

>t. original Soratomo.
no you're not

>> No.3951766

I was around when Sora was a fat bastard. Fuck up.

>> No.3951901
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>I've been following Hololive since 2019

>> No.3951979

Anon, I wasn't talking about purity shit. I meant actual idol content like original songs, 3D lives and utawaku.This kind of content provides the most emotional moments for fans.

>> No.3952054

I'm only talking about what came later, and only for some of them.
Most of them do not pander to those mentally retarded people, luckily, but a good chunk of them do because of the money.

>> No.3952275

>few months before the first concert
>always taken as a joke
>There's a clear division in the group

It's all in your head

>> No.3952398
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Come back when you've actually seen the archives of half the talents. All of them.
Most of them no longer collab with ANY of the people they used to once this shit happened. This is a verifiable fucking fact.
When's the last time you saw Aqua hanging out with Ririmu? Do you even know who Ririmu is? Or Shion for that matter.

>> No.3952550

>Come back when you've actually seen the archives of half the talents. All of them.
I have. The point still stands that you just made up the rest of your arguments >>3952275 no different than a schizo or a doomposter

>> No.3952632

I don't care if they do this shit. It's up to them. I don't dislike it. I just hate the ones pandering to mentally retarded purityfags.
These are undeniable facts. The idol shit was a joke not taken seriously early on until the concert practice gained momentum and some of them started to see it as a real possible future for the company. That's when you start seeing Pekora saying how she is going to "really try to be an idol next year" (speaking of 2020).

>> No.3952751

>That's when you start seeing Pekora saying how she is going to "really try to be an idol next year" (speaking of 2020).
Pretty sure that was never serious.

>> No.3952873

It was for a bit because she totally changed her behaviour for a few months until she got bored with it. But the purityfag pandering remained behind instead.

>> No.3953164

>But the purityfag pandering remained behind instead.
Good, because that's the thing people actually want and care about. Most people don't want to support their oshi's boyfriend, even if you do.

>> No.3953252

Toxic idol culture on 4chan: whoreposting, not allowing to collab with males, slutshaming in general

>> No.3953300

What's wrong with calling out sluts?

>> No.3953396

What’s wrong with having a healthy sexual life?

>> No.3953519

What are you talking about, Sora was playing purity girl shit in her first day, you Soratomo was the butt joke in the old vtuber thread for a reason

>> No.3953534

Not Soratomo, but purityfags are the worst and they need to get roped. Even AKBs interact with males on a professional level and that should be allowed. There is little reason to prevent Holos from interacting with males, unless you're a dumbfuck that doesn't know where professionalism ends and end up ruining your own financial security being "too close" to people... then maybe male collabs are NOT the way to go.

On the other hand, if you do GFE shit, you should be aware who is it that is giving you money and the kind of mentality behind it. If you sell it, don't complain when others buy it and you should stick it through to the end because at the slightest hint of faltering you're likely to just lose it all. At that point it's all on you for making the choice.

As for the company, they're probably the most permissive idol company in the history of idols. They're incompetent and not without fault on some things that they have done (or the lack thereof), but they're doing their best to make sure the girls are making money. Whoever calls Cover a black company probably doesn't know what they're talking about.

On that note, shippers also need to get roped because they're also part of the problem when they constantly force celebs to join up and collaborate with their twisted idea that they should be a couple somehow. These are the same retards that are also likely to get in relationships in the workplace because they think it's okay and ruin the atmosphere whenever they end up in conflict with each other. They're worse than dramafags because all dramafags do is gossip about people behind their back, while shippers fancy themselves some benevolent force for love and justice and need to tell people how they should feel about one another.

>> No.3953639

because ""idol culture"" unironically runs the whole japanese entertainment industry.

>> No.3953686

Those cunts cause drama with their own dumb narratives. Fuck all of them. So much.
No wonder half the girls are burned out and taking breaks constantly as of recent. Having to deal with these fuckwits on a weekly basis is mentally draining.
I miss when they could just have fun. When they could have fun with whoever they wanted. I miss when they didn't need to fill out about 10 pages of paperwork just to get a fucking collab going.

>> No.3953723

>being a slut
Do you really want me to post the statistics?

>> No.3953741 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.3953759

Having different sexual partners does not mean you have a healthy sexual life. You are just a slut. Period.

>> No.3953765

seeth harder ya skag. holo idol fans have already won. your opinion is irrelevant and nobody cares.

>> No.3953794

>reading comprehension

>> No.3953839

Thank you for this.

>> No.3953882
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>> No.3953911

Based But i would also add that GFE fags that think the streamer likes them when the streamer is just nice get the rope too.

>> No.3953981

These are the types that would emotionally blackmail you if you were smaller.
No different to groomerfags stinking up indies chats.

>> No.3954038


I hate to say it but it was before EN so a lot of people only have a vague idea something happened. I know I only got into it around Gen 5 and didnt find out what happened to Mel until like November when she popped back up

>> No.3954046

"better keep us happy" lmaaaoooo

>> No.3954175


I do love that a lot of Hololives comedy comes from them pretending to be exactly that kind of company while failing utterly at it

>> No.3954217

>Like Hololive fans are currently sperging out at Veibae for?
are you talking about that the clip where she shits talk hololive? That shit literally 8 months old already and was known that she's salty about hololive. Only newfags and dramafags are making that shit blow off.

>> No.3954235

Yes they're awful i would also say Goslings are a bunch of retards too. That haven't even seen Blade Runner 2049. That shit was only funny when that movie came out.

>> No.3954513

>Even AKBs interact with males on a professional level and that should be allowed. There is little reason to prevent Holos from interacting with males, unless you're a dumbfuck that doesn't know where professionalism ends and end up ruining your own financial security being "too close" to people... then maybe male collabs are NOT the way to go.
I want to remind you that average IQ in Hololive is about 74 which is about as much as well trained ape. Asking for collabs with males is like asking for trouble and I'm 100% sure this is exactly what these people want, more drama.

>> No.3954520

>kpop stans
Are the reason why K-pop had the image that allowed it to become a world-wide sensation.

>> No.3968378

fair point

>> No.3968682

Was vaguely aware of Sora through collabs with Fuji Aoi in May-June 2019, further with her collab with Suntory Nomu and Aoi on Geki! Teikoku Kagekidan cover

Was watching some clips of Hololive by then, only REALLY got interested by the time the Azur Lane collab happened which is October - November 2019

So yes, I have been following Hololive in some capacity during 2019

>> No.3977679

Wasn't it the police that instructed her not to go for her 3D debut? Seems like they were pretty serious about it but actually putting the guy in jail is a whole different matter and apparently there were some issues with anonimity so perhaps she didn't actually try to sue him but just told him to fuck off through a lawyer.

>> No.3977888

Typical yab is just having one though.

>> No.3977983

They got him to confess which sealed the deal

>> No.3978100

Because 99% of people talking about Hololive don't watch Hololive or are interested in how Hololive works so they talk out of their asses, duh.

>> No.3978470

Personally it's less about collabing with male but rather cutting ties with them, things like Oozora family, "29 and JK", and "Mafia talk".
They were together when the industry still young and struggling, then success happen they decide not doing it anymore is simply depressing, even more when the viewer are encouraging them for not doing it.

>> No.3978743

The problem is that Hololive purity faggotry is based on anime waifu faggotry than 3D idols.
Think like Lovelive meltdown during GBF announcement

>> No.3981353
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>> No.3981469

Ironically those accusing Hololive of perpetuating idol culture actually take part in most of the anti shit. Projection is a hell of a drug. Just look at almost every other post in this thread.
