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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 767 KB, 2892x4096, 1671328284562189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
39189713 No.39189713 [Reply] [Original]

Zaion Lanza just finished her stream and she's probably lurking /here/ right now.

>> No.39189793

Do you think I know every jibberish name connected to some whore with a 6/10 ass?

>> No.39189802

adam lanzas sister is kinda hot

>> No.39189824

What makes you say that

>> No.39189835
File: 248 KB, 542x1508, CEBA973E-6686-4D9F-B9D0-3D03C2867832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zaion is too erotic I can’t take it anymore

>> No.39189878

now draw her taking a fat stinky shit

>> No.39190008
File: 142 KB, 836x470, 1671271088179704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zaion needs a headpats

>> No.39190103
File: 17 KB, 480x360, enuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i watched all the new nijigirls debuts
i had to abort her stream prematurely since her way of talking and her voice were too annoying.

>> No.39192276

Tell her to do a footcam stream

>> No.39192336

POV of her giving a blowjob while having her head pushed down

>> No.39192441 [DELETED] 

What the actual fuck is with people like you that dismiss her because her voice is supossedly "annoying?"

You're missing out on a really sweet and passionate girl, seriously just give her more of a chance and don't judge her or others on such trivial shit bro.

>> No.39192484
File: 967 KB, 400x278, 1671113261599132.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes . . . headpats

>> No.39192519

OP, stop being a faggot and make a new general thread from now on if you want to talk about Zaion.

>> No.39192553

Heh I understand how it could be annoying to some if they don't like Twitch lingo or her general west coast mannerisms. I love her voice though it sounds very natural and goes from sounding dorky to sweet to haglike

>> No.39192806

id like a titfuck from Zaion so much you guys wouldn't believe it

>she doesnt have the tits to do that
look up naizuri and you'll know what i mean

>> No.39192891 [DELETED] 

Well said dude (fist bump)

>> No.39195316

Do you think she likes her audience?

>> No.39195653
File: 565 KB, 1527x2160, __zaion_lanza_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_savi_byakushimc__cd5466f5263b47617a85203e467c96b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Zaion to sit on my lap with my dick in her asshole while she jills herself to Genshin shotas

>> No.39195695

>Do you think she likes her audience?
Yes, she loves streaming for long hours and talking to chat.

>> No.39196316

I think as long as the audience is there to react to what she's doing in real time she won't be picky about what they're like

>> No.39196654

Reminder that not only did she admit to being a shotacon, she also said she liked Redo of Healer and that Boku no Pico was pretty good.

>> No.39200587

nice ass

>> No.39203319

I believe she loves little anime boys enough to dump hundreds of dollars into them. I'm certain she's just memeing about the latter two.

>> No.39208484


>> No.39208597
File: 287 KB, 1227x867, FjcoVHnVsAYp3L6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want an assisted titfuck from her and either Meloco or Kotoka

>> No.39209349

I wonder if this was a rehearsed bit or if she came up with it on the fly
Anyway it's funny

>> No.39209623

Finana killer. Not that much was ever needed for her to be killed, since she’s done most of the damage to her reputation already, it just needed a little push.

>> No.39211534

Nice ass, who this?

>> No.39211803
File: 49 KB, 500x500, 74rf0d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39212832

NTA. Voice is pretty damn important, I can't enjoy her content if I have to keep her muted. I am sure some people like it, though.

>> No.39214659

agreed, voice and mannerisms can absolutely be dealbreakers

>> No.39217166

lol what a gay

>> No.39217462

>still no art of her molesting shotas

>> No.39221992

she just like me fr fr

>> No.39222137

>sweet and passionate girl

>> No.39222246

It’s more likely than you think

>> No.39222382

I wish naizuri was a thing in western porn (drawn or 3dpd), I never see it outside of hentai.

>> No.39225053

Holo fan I assume?
Yes anon, the niji girls like where they work, they tend to stream a lot, they're not super rich like the hologirls, it doesnt go to their heads, they're more humble. The 3 views especially realize how insanely lucky they are.

>> No.39225126

Well fuck her, in multiple ways

>> No.39225319
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>> No.39225389
File: 452 KB, 1947x2500, 1671406642073029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or #ZaionBottom?

>> No.39226115

>trivial shit
It's not trivial to your listeners

>> No.39226168


>> No.39226280

Nah, she is fake AF.

>> No.39226422

Nothing fake about her love for Genshin or shotas at least

>> No.39227567 [DELETED] 

Does your obsession for a Vtubers voice being perfect also apply to girls IRL?

>> No.39227604

Start a proper /holey/ general before her stream starts you absolute retards.

>> No.39227627

>girls irl
who cares lol

>> No.39227634 [DELETED] 

Why do you fucking say this?

>> No.39228162 [DELETED] 

By this do you mean to say that you do not care about girls, thus making you gay?

Or perhaps you have no hope in finding one that will accept you?

Does a girls voice not factor into your like or dislike of her?

>> No.39228725

Could one of you guys repost the webm of her reacting to being called lolibaba please? In trying to convince a friend of why he needs to support her.

>> No.39228850

New General up


>> No.39229791

>Why does not a neet shut in with no friends call someone fake.
He has no real world experience anon. He's just parroting the first thing sisters said about her.

>> No.39230124


>> No.39230790

I heard she openly lusts for Shotas and is a western woman
such a rare combo is fucking based. I want to be the next little boy she molests

>> No.39230792
File: 968 KB, 480x480, confusd.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's with the obsession with this woman she's streamed like 10 times and nijs acting like she's the best out of EN
also isn't she flip, thought vt hated SEA

>> No.39230892

this sounds like a sockpuppet defense lol or are you a PL gachi defending her honor and shilling her for free

>> No.39231028

Yes. If a woman sounds like a shitty fake voice that most Vtubers put on, I wouldn't date her

>> No.39231104

She's Japanese-American.

>> No.39231141

Go look up a clip, one of her first streams had her openly thirsting over a shota. Second genshin stream she did had her even use the word shota too so yeah she doesn't give a flying fuck about it.

>> No.39231342

~10 streams is enough to tell how good of a streamer she is and I just love her design and expressiveness

>> No.39231463 [DELETED] 

WTF is a sockpuppet defence?

>> No.39231550

zaion browsing vt nd pretending too be a fan

>> No.39231556

she related to adam lanza?

>> No.39231748
File: 532 KB, 512x512, 1666405670317316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yep nothing suspicious here oh no sir totally not a coordinated shilling campaign

>> No.39231787 [DELETED] 

There's no way in hell that she would ever stoop so damn low, it's a shame that you think so little of her.

Also, she has a general up now so post over their dumbass.

>> No.39231802

I'm looking forward to tonight's girls-only collab.

>> No.39232013
File: 1.56 MB, 1280x720, reimu here.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga get the hell out NijiEN has been caught red handed browsing /here/

>> No.39232070

>niggers can't use the same buzzword now
There I proved it right there that I'm not some shillfaggot kike by using three words that would get me instantly fired if I was. It's just an easily usable way to convey a point so I highly doubt it's a shill campaign rather than posters using a common buzzword.

>> No.39232151 [DELETED] 

I know Reimu does, but I wish none of them did because I don't want any of them to have their spirits crushed by some of the bullshit you retards say.

>> No.39232236

Nobody should be like Pippa. That's not a fate I'd wish on my worst enemy.

>> No.39232345

you're projecting your own mental weakness onto them. pomu's been here since like the 00s. do you think there is ANYTHING people could possibly say to her that she hasn't seen before somewhere on here?

>> No.39232450
File: 62 KB, 392x376, NxzYRGn_proc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're missing the point
when all the posts praising her say the same shit it's not strange to think it's a) samefagging b)a gay discord effort. There's proof of both happening all the time on 4chan
just a heads up to other anons to see if zaionists they keep using the same compliments and talking points

>> No.39232484 [DELETED] 

What does Pippa have to do with anything?

>> No.39232594


>> No.39232625

How visiting here too much as a vtuber can influence your mental state and your content. Pippa is fucking insufferable since she tries to appeal to anons so hard and she always seems like one bad day away from either doing something bad to herself or to others which is why I wouldn't want other vtubers to end up like her.

>> No.39232636

Is this related to the nyfco retards? They write similar weird posts

>> No.39232767 [DELETED] 

No motherfucker, I just hope their feelings don't get hurt by reading some bullshit here.

I understand that a majority of them are here, and it's fine if they can handle it

>> No.39232829

>when all the posts praising her say the same shit
Yeah but it's only been like a week. Hard to really find stuff to compliment since you need a bit more time outside of just picking shit from her model or rigging unless you're someone like Kotoka who is planning on releasing multiple covers before the month ends. If this keeps up a week or so later I'll concede though but as of now I just think it's anons picking out a common positive talking point about Zaion since there's not a whole lot to go off of right now.

>> No.39233058
File: 73 KB, 807x605, gt771NQ0r6k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, what about the general then? none of the others have singular threads dedicated to them here, and it reads like some tourist shit, like those cringe reddit screenshots anons posts to mock the circlejerking and anti wrong think
this could be a lead, those people are weirdly organized for a community spawned out of fucking comment sections on roommate dox

>> No.39233078

Will observe more of Zaion for my Japanese learning

>> No.39233120 [DELETED] 

Exactly, that indeed is a concern for any chuuba. However, it only is a fraction of their CCV so why do some pander to us specifically like Pippa?

>> No.39233176

She's pretty good at it. I want her to teach me so I can play vidya the way it was intended.

>> No.39233317

nijishill alert!!!

>> No.39233391

>what about the general then?
Literal shitposter nonsense most likely, some schizo in the nijien thread is throwing a fucking fit over Zaion for reasons unknown so either those threads are being made by the same guy as some autistic effort to make /vt/ hate Zaion or it's for PLfags that want a safespace to post about her. Also the purple dragon has a regular single thread dedicated to her since her fans got chased out for being annoying and made themselves a target so that could also be a reason why.

Could still be right though, haven't gone into the generals so I got no real idea what goes on there.

>> No.39234289
File: 130 KB, 565x360, wg27tx.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this from her General.

>> No.39234521

mine now

>> No.39234851

I mean have you seen how expressive Zaion is?

>> No.39236211

An anon mentioned that despite being born in JP but growing up in Borgarland, she actually learned Japanese in her school (Nihonjin classmates or something)


Will definitely observe more of her JP dialogue and how she communicates with JP streamers.

I might able to pick up her JP speech patterns (for listening and stuff).

>> No.39236383

Welcome to the Holotrash board where every non-Holoshit vtuber gets shit on for the pettiest shit.
This is why shitting on Hololive needs to be encouraged and anti-Holoshit vtuber fandom groups need to brought from all over the internet.

>> No.39236749 [DELETED] 

Why do 4chan bros think VTubers lurk /here/?

This is an irrelevant website vacated mostly by fucking losers and failures. You're a minority among a minority, right there at the lowest recesses of society.

No, people don't normally come /here/. Stop being delusional.

>> No.39236931


>> No.39237022 [DELETED] 

This is fake btw lmao. Jesus Christ.

>> No.39237189

I thought she was born in NA, but I don't look into this stuff that deeply.

>> No.39237267

Reimu that ship sailed months ago, you maricas need better Opsec and stop using screen capture

>> No.39237516 [DELETED] 

Not Reimu.

It just feels very pathetic to see you idiots think people come here.

Go outside. Meet people. Make friends. Get a partner. Enjoy things. See life for what it is.

Trust me. Be useful to society and it will love you back.

>> No.39237575

>stream only lasts 20 minutes

>> No.39237629

She is a heretuber. She discovered memes and saves them to her phone, then when someone says something she thinks is dumb she takes out her phone and shows them umamusedpepe.jpg or pepelaughingatwojak.png.

>> No.39237709 [DELETED] 

Why then are you here, and what use to society might I bring?

>> No.39237797

If she cares about numbers so much why does she actively undermine her own ccv?

>> No.39239876

might be staff pushing them to keep checking that

>> No.39240286

She's a fat loser projecting.

>> No.39240605 [DELETED] 

Good job describing your mother.

>> No.39240901

My mother is also a cunt though.

>> No.39241006 [DELETED] 

My condolences

>> No.39241033


>> No.39241039

Reddit spacing says it all.
>Trust me. Be useful to society and it will love you back.

>> No.39241278

You don't automatically turn into a pippa if you're /here/, as attested by the fact several other phase girls are also here yet aren't like her tryhard pandering style at all. that's on her to do.

not to mention reimu, finana, enna etc who either revealed or openly say they come here, are those all Pippas now too? it's a small-minded thing to think everyone turns into a cringe panderer vs just wanting to see what people actually-think, because nobody uses reddit to talk about nijis and discords are hugboxes.

>> No.39241287

>>Trust me. Be useful to society and it will love you back.
Oh kek he did post that hahaha I bet he's a fucking wagie. Probably works at walmart or does taxes as a seasonal preparer hahahaha. Goes to his job every day and thinks if he works hard he'll be rewarded, when instead his work just makes his boss look good and his boss will take all the rewards for himself while he keeps waging at the bottom, thinking someday the company will notice him.

>> No.39241305 [DELETED] 

How then might an idiot such as my worthless ass find love?

>> No.39242098

Zaion is by far my favourite niji.

>> No.39242190

I don't have company loyalty to any corpo, and I have overall positive opinions of most streamers I encounter out there in the wild, but Zaion has been my favorite so far.

>> No.39242442

headpat invitation?

>> No.39242975

>Shaming Melo for showering
What a bunch of disgusting bitches.

>> No.39243772

BUILT to be my birthing pig

>> No.39243951

All those upsides kind of go out the wayside if I have to put up with the groomer pieces of shit that are the branch's males intruding on every second stream and a huge chunk of their schedules. The OTV model is just intolerable at this point.

>> No.39244390

Ah a thread reader. Truly the stupidest of people which saying a lot on this board.
Then don't watch her anon, go back to watching hololive whenever the girls get off their lazy asses and actually do something.

>> No.39244464

How the fuck is she still under 100k subs despite pulling the most viewers for the girls?

>> No.39244670
File: 299 KB, 1510x1757, ugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, the luxiemfujo playbook is so worn out at this point the pages are falling off. The fact that the more obnoxious drop-ins have petered off doesn't change every third stream being a collab, every open-invitation stream (like a watchalong) being guaranteed to be packed with faggots, the blatant favoritism re: merch and opportunities, and the girls constantly having to run damage control for the most obnoxious pieces of shit this hobby has to offer. You can take your gaslighting, shove it up your ass, and fuck off with it, preferably to bleed to death from the rectal damage.

>> No.39244801

>My gifted subs expired and i don't want to resub, the post

>> No.39244944

or someone who spends money on things to get angry. not sure which ones worse

>> No.39245232 [DELETED] 
File: 1.41 MB, 2640x1980, 20221218_213132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39245233

cuz she is in malesanji?

>> No.39245381 [DELETED] 

How would you kill this guy?

>> No.39247568

>Oh no male on their streams, the horror
I'm so happy you got Tempissed, you deserve it
By the way, nobody is a "groomer", all contract vtubers are adults, delusional retard.

>> No.39248440

Her boyfriend needs a fresh cut and a gym membership, but he'll turn out alright.

>> No.39250579

When does she get those chibi 3Ds that the others have?

>> No.39253282


>> No.39254932


>> No.39255120

Shilling campaigns are more effective on me the more porn of the vtuber they're shilling is posted. OP is a good start, but not quite enough to satisfy me.

>> No.39255726

Pretty sure they just commission them from the same person (people?), they aren't official. Only like a dozen or so people have one and a lot of them were commissioned by Selen for her new years stream

>> No.39258956


>> No.39259242

Anyone have the vod?

>> No.39261617

zion i want to sniff your sweaty cunt and asshole

>> No.39262851

