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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39150637 No.39150637 [Reply] [Original]

Is mori controversial here? I was wondering because everyone on Twitter seems to hate her

>> No.39150672

Careful, you can't discuss what all of twitter and all of reddit is discussing right now. On 4chan, for some fucking reason.

>> No.39150695

She just sucks and is lame

>> No.39150727

1. You're retarded.
2. Pink woman is too retarded for her own good.
3. She needs to fix the second one before it drags other people down with her.
It's not that I hate her or anything, I wish the best for her, but she's just too fucking stupid and haphazard with the things she does.

>> No.39150819

Nah. It's the same group of people who whine about her everytime she puts out anything significant. They're the flip side of the psychos on here.

>> No.39150902

Oh twitter retards hate Mori now? That's cool, surely that won't be used by vt deadbeats like some divine mandate to be fucking obnoxious towards anyone who doesn't think Mori Calliope is the second coming of Michael Jackson, Buddha, and Virgin Mary in one entity.

>> No.39150903

She has a bunch of people on twitter who think she's amazing. She has a very loud and determined gang of antis who do not.

On this website, who knows about the exact ratio, but most people dont hate her. Many people like her. Some people dislike her.

>> No.39151026 [DELETED] 
File: 226 KB, 1090x692, 602c6c06507248a112665fc28bced98149929bfa (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori is based for putting that jew in his place.

>> No.39151111

It's just the sword of damocles

>> No.39151400

If she makes Twitter trannies and /Fantanocucks seethe then she's based in my book

>> No.39151441

My personal favorite complaint from Twitter trannies is Mori is the female Tom MacDonald whatever that's supposed to mean

>> No.39151486
File: 301 KB, 500x500, 1667498927486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot she's also Jesus.

>> No.39151571

she's a satanist though

>> No.39151598
File: 413 KB, 1955x3646, 1666331821427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she's also Satan.
You know my Mori, she likes to juggle lots of plates.

>> No.39151617

If only it was only that, people hate her because they think she's larping as japanese (cultural appropriation as they call it), and she said nigga on twitter in her RM account 8 years ago (calling her racist). So retarded things all around.

>> No.39151647

Did umru post screenshots of the tweets on his now private feed? Kek, what a dumbass.

>> No.39151705 [DELETED] 

To answer your question, yes. Does that mean I would side with a tranny kike? No.

>> No.39151746

I don't care

>> No.39151775

Mori's biggest issue is that she keeps feeding her antis. She's made multiple songs about her antis and the pressure she feels she's under, even though 95% of the people who hate on her are really just making drive-by shitposts to piss her fans off (the same is true for every e-celeb). Every time she addresses the issue she just ends up making it worse.

The best choice for her would be to just shut up, but Twitter culture insists that every insult necessitates a clap-back response.

>> No.39151794

We love mori here

>> No.39151820


>> No.39151934

I mean, it disproves your point that people hate her just because of her music. If it was only that, then good for them, i don't think anyone cares that much that a retard on twitter doesn't like Mori's music. Problem is they are trying to cancel her with things that are kinda stupid.

>> No.39152000

Mori redemption ark happening now

>> No.39152012

>Is mori controversial here?
No. That would mean we don't agree here that she's shit. So no, she's not controversial.

>> No.39152089

People here will hate her for different reasons than the twitter troons do. But you already know that, you disingenuous faggot.

>> No.39152114

>your point that people hate her just because of her music
I didn't even say that.

>> No.39152294 [DELETED] 
File: 255 KB, 623x623, mori blush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews and trannies have made enemies of Mori and doxed her alt so MORI LOVE!

>> No.39152336

yea he dug his own grave

>> No.39152675

I wouldn't be surprised if its the exact same antis just spreading the hate on multiple platforms

>> No.39152952

I hate twitter troons more than some girl with empathy issues so Mori is just fine in my book.

>> No.39152976

Twitter retards hate her for the wrong reasons such as "cultural appropriation"

>> No.39153039

People here hate her for a lot of different reasons. People on twitter hate her because she was a white girl that wanted to act black in her late teens. They make the people here look like they have reasonable arguments to hate her.

>> No.39153122

liking her is controversial here

>> No.39153202

I actually like her, because's she's cringe. I embrace the cringe. I was born from cringe, molded by it.

>> No.39153206

>Ya boy ain't taking one sip of lean until Biggie Smalls is dead and buried.
Oh wait, that's Norm.

>> No.39153405

is it your first day on the internet? she's simply popular. so even though the percentage of haters is small, it's still significant in absolute numbers.

>> No.39153473

IBR is an embarrassing song coming from a white woman who has made it in life but the rest of the tracks on the album are pretty solid

>> No.39153630

I found it interesting that search results for "Mori Calliope" in twatter is mostly negative, but search results for "Calli" is mostly positive. The contrast is so jarring.

>> No.39153648

wtf i love mori now

>> No.39153721

Cultural appropriation is mostly an issue because it feels like Mori draws on black culture as a larp. Zoomers have no problem with Eminem despite being far more problematic because he was someone who spoke authentically about his own experiences and was intelligent enough to be self aware.

Where as Mori draws upon black culture both to give herself legitimacy and mask that she has little interesting to say about herself. As another anon put it, her work comes off like a wigger minstrel show for Japs. That's why zoomers hate her, not because white people aren't allowed to rap.

Again people are willing to make exceptions for good art, zoomers and twitter trannies still love Kanye despite going defcon 3 because he always either had something worthwhile to say or otherwise made a good beat (hence why he's still in the top 5 most streamed for '22)

Mori doesn't have that.

>> No.39153801

What fucking black culture does she rap about? Give me an example.

>> No.39153844

jesus jesus japanesus YEAH

>> No.39153891

Her C man is literally a gauche parody of soundcloud rap

>> No.39153901

She's bigger than Jesus.

>> No.39153925

Yes and how is soundcloud rap Black Culture?

>> No.39154003

/vt/ hates her cause she's too "woke" and cringe. Twitter hates her cause they've convinced themselves she's some racist blowing alt right dogwhistles in her music. Saw some post about how complaining about "cancel culture" is an "alt right phrase." She's cringe but the hate for her is so forced like how people acted about Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black.

>> No.39154166

go back

>> No.39154550

Weird how now that Twitter hates mori all of a sudden she only had a small amount of haters /here/ and 90% of the board didn’t hate her

>> No.39154671

Thing is, her new album is some of the best stuff she put out this. A lot of anti mori posts here were about her reclining and how nobody listens to her music. This doesn't apply when she's #4 worldwide in the charts.

>> No.39154899

>they've convinced themselves she's some racist blowing alt right dogwhistles
This. I just want a fucking bitchute/odysee vtuber who goes full Murdoch-chan.

>> No.39154969

Nope, we all(minus cuckbeats) hate her too

>> No.39155311


>> No.39156025

learn english

>> No.39158169

I'd still smell her feet

>> No.39158666

WTF I love Mori now. I'm going to go listen to Red again.

>> No.39158734

You know, with Mori, the more I learn about her, the more I don't care for her.

>> No.39158969

bruh fuck off you dont need skin color for rights mentally ill american

>> No.39160306 [DELETED] 

>complaining about cultural appropriation on 4chan
Only person more cringe than Mori is you, and at least she's aware that she's cringe.

the hate for her is so forced like how people acted about Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black.
The hate is similar, but not forced. People get annoyed when someone is so mid but somehow gets pushed to the top of charts and that's something all 3 have in common.

>> No.39160367

>complaining about cultural appropriation on 4chan
Only person more cringe than Mori is you, and at least she's aware that she's cringe.

>the hate for her is so forced like how people acted about Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black.
The hate is similar, but not forced. People get annoyed when someone is so mid but somehow gets pushed to the top of charts and that's something all 3 have in common.

>> No.39160585

Twitter hate mori now? Guess I'm forced to love her then

>> No.39161148

>twitter hate mori
i'll defend mori now with every single fiber being in my body now

>> No.39161936

That’s just what happens with corporate chuubas, which is why her roommate stuff clears.

Faggots seething over the funny anime girl telling them to quit being fags and glorifying mental illness will never not be funny.

>> No.39162465

If you really want to love mori, do not support rm.
All her problems are caused by her not dividing her two personas.

>> No.39162782

white women cant rap

>> No.39162837

>everyone on Twitter seems to hate her
They don't, it's an annoying handful that do.

>> No.39162980

There's always been loud Mori haters on Twitter from the moment people found out who her roommate was, it's just the same shit that crops back up and escalates incrementally whenever she does something significant like that Calvin shit or the UMJ signing, or when she releases new music which inevitably charts well. The routine is older than dirt and we'll be here many more times because Mori and her antis live rent free in each others heads.

>> No.39163231

Since when did you have to be genuinely from the hood or Black to be accepted in rap? How many of those kpop rappers zoomers support rabidly on Twitter live in gang wars and poverty?

Cultural appropriation is something jealous niggas invented because they think they're the only ones who should be able to make money off of what they "culturally own". Well those same niggas currently speak a British language, count in Arabic numerals, and drive Italian cars. If they walk the talk then they can invent their own language, numerical system, and cars pronto.

>> No.39163395

if you're ever on the fence on defending mori, remember that she's a lazy bag of shit that would rather work with anitubers than her own teammates and frequently lies about her "love" for hololive

>> No.39163457

So in summary, Twitter hates her for being racist, while /vt/ hates her for not being racist enough?

>> No.39163544

Tale as old as time

>> No.39163620

Since pretty much never. Debbie Harry and Madonna were rapping in the 80s. Obviously Vanilla Ice had a hit. And the 2000s underground rap had a ton of white rappers.

Also in Texas, they had Paul Wall. The people being pissed about it are all confused teenagers who just try to find an angle to get clout . Real sad motherfuckers who will get eaten by the very clout they chase.

>> No.39163787

The only thing she does that i don't like is talk about Adam Sandler and Shrek. Also sometimes she's too patronizing when she's trying to "be calli" --other than that she's fine.

>> No.39163988

While I just don't care about her, I can't begrudge someone who will not hesitate to use Hololive as a stepping stone. Coco did the same thing, was she someone who frequently lied about loving Hololive? Sometimes it's your own autisms stopping you from seeing the entire picture.

>> No.39164724

I'd fuck Cali's roommate if I got a chance even with her book mental disabilities.

>> No.39166979

Same, she's cute. Reminds me of my first girlfriend, but she's actually funny and talented.
