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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39091156 No.39091156 [Reply] [Original]

She should just join Nijisanji already

>> No.39091223

she would have to stream to qualify

>> No.39091249

No fuck off, Holobeggar.

>> No.39091316

>Her own genmates too busy to even interact with her
>has to turn to nijisanji girls like Petra
That's grim holy fuck.

>> No.39091322

>This is what they want Gura to become
I’m fine with Gura not touching Twitter and ending up like Mori, Kiara or Kronii

>> No.39091344

She is honorary Niji

>> No.39091438
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Holobros, is everything fine in Holo EN?

>> No.39091789

Be honest, does this really need a thread?

>> No.39091902

Basic economics my dude - demand and supply.

>> No.39091953

To be fair, EN has been an absolute disaster, imagine living in a world where all your genmates are Ayame

>> No.39092042

I'll trade Tempus and Kiara for pomu and Selen who says no?

>> No.39092061

all her ENmates won't go online and stream so she has to settle with nijis

>> No.39092071
File: 155 KB, 512x884, egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, imagine seeing Kiara interacting with someone playing a game she currently likes and your first thought is
>I can make schizo thread out of this!
kinda pathetic, not gonna lie.

>> No.39092115

Tempus is EN3, nigger

>> No.39092125

No, you keep Tempus and get Selen, we keep Pomu and get Kiara. Selen mostly streams solo anyway, so nothing will change for her fans and we get unfiltered pomutori collabs.

>> No.39092159

>nearly all of HoloEN is MIA
Poor Kiara has to turn to other corpos for interaction. I feel bad for her.

>> No.39092215
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But think of the possible revenue youd get with tempus if you have them pander to chink femcels like vox do. It's win win trade.

>> No.39092402

They would just split the the fujos and i would have do endure even more male collabs, fuck off.

>> No.39093186

take her and give us selen, deal?

>> No.39093198

This board is truly pathetic.

>> No.39093293

We put up with it so can you. After we get pomu and selen you're free to do whatever you want with tempus.

>> No.39093431

They're angry she's the only one who streams

>> No.39093657

Indies and small corpos are unironically better than NijiEN now.

>> No.39093675

she does actually

>> No.39093740

Kill yourselves. I will start my own company, literal dream team - Pomu, Elira, Selen, Rosemi, Petra, Kiara, Mumei, Fauna, IRyS. Unironically the greatest vtubing corpo ever conceived and that’s just gen 1.

>> No.39093841

ah yes a bunch of enwhores
the greatest enwhore company to ever exist
drop the avatars tho and put them in a twitch hot tub where they belong

>> No.39093905

That’s the retirement plan

As CEO I will marry all of them

>> No.39093915

Holy fuck i think i just came a little at the idea of that.

>> No.39094519

Can you Holonerds tell your chicken to stop trying to spread her bird flu to our Nijibirds? Thanks.

>> No.39094611
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>Takanashi "I think of myself as a Hololive Supremacist" Kiara should just join Nijisanji
You niggers are trying way too hard if you're resorting to this bait this dogshit

>> No.39094618

Chuubas from different corpos, and especially from Holo and Niji, interacting with each other is normal. If you watched more of them, you'd be used to this.

>> No.39094701

Cute group, would watch

>> No.39094803

As long you take tempus with you

>> No.39094885

Yeah I'd probably watch everyone here

>> No.39095210

>only active en holomems are tempiss
It's grim out there.

>> No.39095311

Most supremacists are insecure of themselves and envious of the things they try to oppress.

>> No.39095453

This isn't even true though

>> No.39095596

Please do take her away, we don't really need her.

>> No.39095679

>Slay the spire
Enele is truly the most influential youtuber

>> No.39097534

No, nothing is fine. Branch morale is at an all time low, 70% of the current roster is missing or sick and the only thing Cover made for the branch this year was force 4 faggots down our throats while skipping an actual HoloLIVE EN3.

>> No.39097586

Can you really blame her for interacting with EN Vtubers from other corporations when Holo EN is mostly MIA?

>> No.39097614

Amazing taste. I will watch your corpo anon.

>> No.39098604

>including shitty mancollabers

>> No.39098644

She doesn't have to now the collab ban is listed because alphanigger neckroped.

>> No.39102020

How the fuck can EVERYTHING she says always be about herself?

>> No.39103782

The only christmas thing we get this year is an advent calendar...

>> No.39107611

I'll trade kiara for selen. Her and mumei are a match for eachother.

>> No.39108205

Ya blew it.

>> No.39108517


>> No.39109530

And just like that, you just made Mori the best EN1 girl by process of Elimination with other 3 out of commision

>> No.39109680

The Mori who wanted to collab with fucking Vox. Don't you try to memory hole this, cuckbeat.

>> No.39109725

Fuck off kfp at least you will still have your oshi in the number 2 company. Collabing with pomu.

>> No.39110930

Kiara is one of the most consistent EN streamers, not in hololive but just in general.

Catalogue fags should hang.

>> No.39111031

Good lineup but I'd still take a 4/5ths dead Ina over Petra.

>> No.39111058

She should. HoloEN is dying.

>> No.39111108

Anon, here's your pity (you) for your pre-teen worldview.

>> No.39111291

>gives a clear reason for not streaming
>it's because she's sick and she can't fucking talk
>keeps KFP updated every day
>hurts her throat doing a twitter space because not streaming for this long is driving her crazy
>doesn't stop making content
What's it feel like to be a faggot, Anon?

>> No.39111482

>Selen mostly streams solo anyway
holy threadwatcher

>> No.39111568

Hey, this is /vt/

>> No.39111572

Why join an inferior company? She will earn much less joining Nij, less support etc

>> No.39111660


>> No.39111676

>Her own genmates too busy to even interact with her
>too busy
Here's a breakdown:
>Ina: a snob
>Gura: top of the world baby!
>Ame: get on my level bitch
>Mori: we know what happened with that
And so she continually seek other's approval

>> No.39114224

Anon, this is kiara

>> No.39114346
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>Less support
Yea because Hololive REALLY helps their EN talents so much.
Not like her birthday 3D had to be handled by a fellow genmate, or she has to pay out of pocket for the songs she puts out.
Yea its not like Kiara is the single most consistent holoEN streamer or anything.

>> No.39115241

She is the holoEN that stream the most
and streamed more than dozen nijiEN this year
But she "respect" the idolfags and will never mingle with male chuubas

>> No.39118122

Slice and Dice is the better roguelike

>> No.39120468

Its no surprise none of them want to interact with her. Kiara has always hated the other girls cause she feels she had to go through so much more than them only to get to a lesser position than all of them. No reason to bother interacting with some self absorbed person who not so secretly despises you

>> No.39120809

not a roguelike

>> No.39121445

Yes. This is a good trade. Give us Kiara and you get Luca.

>> No.39121726

This would be the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals.
