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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39043402 No.39043402 [Reply] [Original]

why doesn't she do a footcam stream? it would easily break 100k viewers and maybe reignite her interest in streaming

>> No.39043573

Oh, nice idea anon, I'll go and tell her about it

>> No.39043806

I want to feel the friction ridges of Gura's toes and soles against my tongue so fucking bad

>> No.39046496

Considering she's a degenerate pervert it might actually work.
Management probably doesn't let her though

>> No.39047376

It took her a year to do a handcam stream, would've had 100k if she did it back when it was a relatively new idea.

>> No.39050165

But first she need to stream

>> No.39054494

Management won't allow it

>> No.39054590

Do you guys think she's scrubbing under her delicate little toes right now?

>> No.39054746


So don't tell them you're going to do it and just do it. Many talents have said it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission.

Even IF it went negatively and she ended up suspended, it would be better for her because then she could not stream and ghost everyone for 2 weeks and wouldn't have to ignore people telling her to stop being lazy and shady.

>> No.39054867

Gura's feet are special to her
They're like a sexual organ

>> No.39054974

irl feet or animated feet?

>> No.39056361

Why would someone near the top of the food chain resort to methods that bottoms feeders have to do to survive?

>> No.39060270

Imagine, Pippa pulled around 6k live viewers if Gura did a similar stream with her feet at the end it would probably pull 60k easy and that’s low balling it.

>> No.39060412

Because she’s gonna become a bottom feeder soon if she keeps this shit up. The floodgates are open. Even on reddit the word that she’s an absent, soft graduated vtweeter is increasingly prevalent.

>> No.39060503

Gura's already set up her fanbase full of foot lovers too, it would be a legendary stream

>> No.39060724

Gura is self conscious about her feet.

>> No.39061054

