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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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3892207 No.3892207 [Reply] [Original]

Why is she literally the best?

>the best voice
>trash talker
>Is actually good at games
>started the legs thing
>best alternate outfit

Can we say she’s our girl?

>> No.3892248
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>good at games

>> No.3892265
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remember that she is dangerously based for shutting down this retard

>> No.3892322
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is this real? did she really post a screenshot?

>> No.3892353

She's pretty good at Apex

>> No.3892384

Giggcuk seems like a nice enough guy, but I got tired of his persona and same 5 jokes ages ago.
If this is real, AME IS FUCKING BASED.

>> No.3892449

its actually real

>> No.3892925


>> No.3893061

Ame is pretty based girl who definitely is exposed to the harshness of the real world but
>is actually good at games
come on now

>> No.3893310

When your genmates are absolute shitters who can barely read, do math or orient themselves on a map you look pretty darn good by comparison.

>> No.3893476


>> No.3893619

>not a virgin
>best girl
Ogey westcuck, enjoy your western roastie

>> No.3893785

None of the girls are virgin, even the Japanese ones

>> No.3893841 [DELETED] 

Isn't she in her 40's and married with kids?

>> No.3894456

It wasn't that gig○○k tagged Ame and she had to respond because it showed up on her feed. In this case Ame went out of her way to read gig○○k's content and reply to it. This unfortunately makes it significantly less based since it probably means she regularly reads / follows his content

>> No.3894495

redpill me, what are his persona and jokes?

>> No.3894553

Fuck off, pinko

>> No.3894613

For what it's worth she is not currently following him at this moment.

>> No.3894616

gold at best

>> No.3894634

>>Is actually good at games

>> No.3894661

I dunno, she never streams when I’m awake.

>> No.3894674

She didn’t shut him down, and she didn’t even block him you’re stupid

>> No.3894817

hentai, titty pussy jokes

>> No.3894855

>Is actually good at games
I love ame but come on now

>> No.3894976

Spams trash jokes. And isekai

>> No.3896084

>In this case Ame went out of her way to read
Kiara, Mori and Ame's account had followed gigguk even before their debut.
Since Ame was following him, she didn't have to go out of her way to read it, if it appeared in her timeline. She isn't following him anymore, and neither is gigguk following her.
Ame is the only EN gigguk isn't following now. Unless one of them refollows the other, I'm going to believe Ame really did block him.

>> No.3896106

Only sane reply

>> No.3896166

There might be some of the JP girls that are autismo enough to still be virgin. If you can’t even talk to your friends and co-workers properly you probably can’t talk to the opposite sex. I wouldn’t put chips on it. But it’s a possibility.

>> No.3896446

>>best voice

>> No.3896468

>good at shooters

>> No.3897039

Not being able to tell left from right makes you look about as bad a a genmate that thinks a cube has four sides

>> No.3897156

>the best voice
she can't even sing

>> No.3897387

she is still a woman anon

>> No.3897841

She has a very pleasant singing voice anon, that is why you often hear that she has soul when she tries her best. People always conflate that with singing ability but that isn't the same thing at all.

>> No.3897914

>can we say she's our girl
She's literally a 4channer.

>> No.3897940

She has her moments, and it's dorky, and it's cute, and she tries to get better.

>> No.3899210

She can't sing, but her voice is great. Plus her dubbing skill is great.

>> No.3899231

>>the best voice
are you perhaps deaf?

>> No.3899274

lmao you really take a joke seriously?
Her roommate is as autistic as Gigguk, Hololive is just filtering it out

>> No.3899275

If it's your Oshi, it'll always feel like an angel descended even when your ears are bleeding

>> No.3899307
File: 122 KB, 207x321, AmeMad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good at games
What is your standard of "good"?

>> No.3899313

>>the best voice
Let me stop you right there.

>> No.3899427

so you love living in denial, no wonder Kiara can have such big following...
I mean it's one thing to accept flaws, but ignoring them is other

>> No.3899815

She's literally not
literally cope

>> No.3899843

Neither can Noel but people still love her singing. It's not about skill.

>> No.3899919

She's still bad others are just hilariously bad. Except Ina in certain games.

>> No.3899956

>good at games
This has to be the biggest propaganda lie ever manufactured in Hololive history

>> No.3899958

>ugly western pig

>> No.3900034

She's not even very good at braindead shooters. She's decent with tech that's her saving grace.

>> No.3900046

There are tons of women way better than her. Hell, even Uto is way better at Apex.

>> No.3900061

Most of EN is.

>> No.3900077

>Is actually good at games
What is her Apex rank again

>> No.3900088

>She's decent with tech
Decent for a woman maybe

>> No.3900091

>Is actually good at games
I want your dimension's Ame

>> No.3900113

/ourgirl/ confirmed

>> No.3900129

>sexist pig detected

>> No.3900158

Sexist and racist actually, because humans aren't born equal

>> No.3900159

Landing at Sun Station?

>> No.3900195


>> No.3900296

She does stuff no other Holo does.

>> No.3900313

'they did surgery on a grape' 'amogus' 'sus' 'what are those' 'omae wa mou shindeiru' 'deez nutz', ad nauseam.
hes harmless but very grating after a while

>> No.3900316

Do your reps. Entire NijiEN is here too.

>> No.3900364

Hitting 6 consecutive hipfire shots with a revolver on a player that used a jump pad 20 feet away and downing them

>> No.3900484

>do your reps
not an argument. Ame slaughtered her debute and immediately came here for advice. That's completely different from lurking or laughing at a meme from here. Post something relevant.

>> No.3900578

Why would a confirmed redditor come here out of all places for advice

>> No.3900613

Do you really believe that? Meds...

>> No.3900619

Because not exposing this place to the public & funneling them into Reddit is what someone that really loves this place does.

>> No.3900698

Finally, an anon who knows the first two rules.
>Why come here for advice?
Because under all the shit posting you might get some constructive advice, while on Reddit, you'll get endless sycophantic dick sucking as any hint of actual constructive criticism gets downvoted to oblivion before you could see it.
We've been over this a million times, where were you?

>> No.3900719

> endless sycophantic dick sucking as any hint of actual constructive criticism gets downvoted to oblivion before you could see it
sounds a lot like what KFPfags do on this board

>> No.3900754

>We've been over this a million times, where were you?
This is the first time I ever see a schizo claim ame came, posted and outed herself publicly that she posted here

>> No.3900866

Someone doesn't remember who had a crying fit over here and then got fucking doxxed to hell and back so hard she had to nuke all her past life and is now the holo with most roommate leaks

>> No.3900903

just came in this thread to call you a shameless newfaggot

>> No.3900920

>Is actually good at games

>> No.3900964

All three things you said are false. What crying fit are you talking about, retarded faggot? She wasn't doxed to hell, one retard just posted an image of something that was public, thread freaked out for a day and thats it. She deleted all her old shit because Hololive is literally her life now.
Are you splitthread niggers really this misinformed? You sound like gossiping old hags

>> No.3901000

noel can do asmr...
and got onechan voice

>> No.3901093

She also blocked Connor in chat as soon as he tried to leech on her during the first few months.

>> No.3901111

>holo with most roommate leaks
kek, no

>> No.3901212

yeah she destroyed him epic poggers style that’s definitely not a fucking joke she hates him like vt does of course

>> No.3901245

she doesnt hate him you retard, but she did actually block him
she no longer follows him and he no longer follows her which has been the case for the past 8 months

>> No.3901293 [DELETED] 

The leg thing grosses me out I don't know why I think I have the opposite of a foot fetish where in disgusts me seeing them.

>> No.3901298

No woman over the age of 18 is a virgin. They are just lying to you, because it's what they're good at. Stop being so gullible.

>> No.3901303

She’s the protagonist of HoloEN, everything revolves around her

>> No.3901324

He didn’t even tag her motherfucker, she went out of her way to reply to this. This is like her saying “omg stopppppp”. Are you the guy that says “hey bro she said stop!”?

>> No.3901350

Still blocked, she no longer sees his shit because she was following him prior to this so it showed up in her following feed, come have a tantrum when she refollows him again and interacts with him, until then you have no ground to stand on.

>> No.3901396

Alright mate you can have your epic /here/ gamer that shares all of your opinions and hates the same people you hate she’s literally you man.

>> No.3901431

Yeah I really can't understand how after the outfit reveal and podcast anybody could still not think she's best girl. Those were two of the best hololive streams ever in such a short amount of time by the same girl.

>> No.3901469

keyed, fuck the libtards

>> No.3901724

No one is saying that, but its a fact that she did block him.

>> No.3902417

demolition d ripoff but british. pretty trash content like most anitubers

>> No.3903249


>> No.3903282

Female Aris

>> No.3903498

probably good at zero recoil shooters where headshot doesnt matter

>> No.3903627

My first girlfriend, from college, was kinda autistic, and she was a virgin that had never even kissed a guy as a 24 years old, I know because she really didn't know how to kiss at first, and she wasn't ugly or fat either.
Antisocial, shut-in girls do exist, and they are plenty. You just don't notice them. You probably wouldn't even notice Kanatan walking around since she is just a tiny, shy, spergy girl irl.

>> No.3903701

"antisocial shut in girls" are just slags that don't have enough friends to drag them out to the clubs

>> No.3905696

Nope, this girl really is just like that, even after we dated for a year she didn't change.
Last time I saw her was when I was doing my morning jogging a couple years ago. I heard my name, turned around and there she was, on her little scooter motorcycle, she was in her office clothes, obviously headed for work, she took her helmet off and immediately hugged me before I could remind her that I was all sweaty, and then she laughed like the dork she is.

You have the wrong impression about girls. I work at a university right now and I notice how the "club goer" girl isn't as common as I used to think they were in highschool, that kind of girl just lets themselves be known more.
Many of the holos are a bit like my old girlfriend, cute and a little awkward, and pretty clingly too.

>> No.3905763

Utter cope and bullshit stop trying to force your lies on the unsuspecting anons. Living in false hope is worse than despair

>> No.3906003

If you hate women so much, why are you even here?

>> No.3906528
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Ok, actually based then, sasuga Watson

>> No.3906732 [DELETED] 
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>demolition d

>> No.3906791
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>demolition d

>> No.3906989

I like stupid noises and bad gameplay

>> No.3907153

She's Fubuki level at best

>> No.3907326

my dad works for ame

>> No.3908078

I wonder which one he has in mind.

>> No.3908143

What does this man do these days?

>> No.3908866

Seems pretty tame compared to all the other shit he's said, what's your point?

>> No.3908904

He streams on twitch, quit YouTube a few years back. Ended an era of non garbage anitubers

>> No.3908937

She’s tied with Kiara for most grating voice, it’s ear piercing and constantly cracking. Gura and Mori are the only ones with good voice and Mori ruins it with the “AHHHH FUCK YO YO YO” stuff

>> No.3908982

is she ok with gremlin ?
or does she ban gremlin shitposters on spot ?

>> No.3909107

Remember that time Gooruh got stuck in Maneater in the tutorial dungeon with 3 rooms then got depressed by people calling her a failure of a shark and she ended up apologizing on the verge of tears at the end of the stream

Yeah the bar is very low for HoloEN game skills

>> No.3909120

his humor is peak ironic weeb, even if he has seen more anime than most of /a/.
One phrase he likes to repeat occasionally is "anime is trash and so am I".
Other "humorous things" he does is acting like basic stuff like eromanga sensei or domestic girlfrind is the peak of degeneracy and him being trash for liking it.
That's not the entirety of his humor or his videos but it's the most egregious part.

>> No.3909392

Nah dude. NOTHING comes close to Kiara's awful chicken voice.

>> No.3909573

Almost definitely Coco

>> No.3909728

>Dubbing skill is great
Easily the worst part of her.
It feels like I'm watching early 2000 dubs all over again, and not in an "it's ironic enough that it's good now" kind of way since she actually is putting some effort into them.
Also, when she insists on making high pitch screeches on her longer streams to fill in dead air filters me so much that it's hard to not mute her until she starts talking about something relevant.
I love her normal talking voice, but god do I hate what she does sometimes.

>> No.3915181 [DELETED] 

and best of all she got touched as a little girl so you know she's a kinky little girl

>> No.3915582


>> No.3919396

I think you just hate high-pitched noise. Her dub for flirty, bratty, old, nerdy, & nervous types are really good. She even makes a better Haachama than Haachama.

>> No.3919435

>he doesnt know

>> No.3919619

I wish as a KFP she would stop hiding her actual voice and use it it’s so much better

>> No.3919827

>good at games
OP, I like Ame too but that's just a lie.

>> No.3919882

She was my Oshi but I genuinely feel like something changed shortly after the new year and it hasn't been the same since.
I don't know if the rrats are true but she's definitely different now.
That first Superliminal stream will always be my favorite stream of all time though

>> No.3919903

>>started the legs thing
Wasn't that Kiara though?

>> No.3919970


>> No.3920060

Why are KFPajeets like this?

>> No.3920121

It's the fumes from the designated shitting streets

>> No.3920124

he actually posted in /hlg/ back in april or may last year, he posted a vocaroo
his favorite girl was rushia

>> No.3920181

I think the same, maybe her house moving is the reason for being more lazy about her content (I see you Oblivion and Mario) but lately she is recovering ig

>> No.3920255

Nothing changed about her, it's just you

>> No.3920272

From the EN girls Ame went from the one I watched the most to barely watching at all, rrats could explain but in the end rrats are rrats for a reasom.

>> No.3920386

I think it's been picking up again more recently with the high-effort content she's been putting out (podcast, outfit reveal) and she's been upping streaming hours as well overall I think.

>> No.3920415

Someone post that age old fanart where her legs are on the table because she held two chicken legs.

>> No.3920544

Basically imagine if a person felt the need to describe anything and everything using normie meme speak

>> No.3920565

Nah I feel the same anon.
Maybe it was the honeymoon anons were talking about but watching her streams started to have a different feel around her hybrid scheduling time.
Might have also been burnout as well since her first few months I was on /hlgg/ and watching all 5 of them like a madman, but now I really only watch Gura and Mori consistently with a few indies. Also Pizza Dad.

>> No.3920649

He was never funny, and the only reason he got a boost on youtube after barely being relevant for years, is because he copied demo's format.

>> No.3920691

a true cunnysseur

>> No.3920727

I really didn't like that one rrat that was going around but I think what happened she was distracted by multiple things in her life that she clearly explained was happening and also finally got a grip on the situation.

So yeah the exciting, almost voyeuristic thrill of seeing her adjust to hololive and establish herself the way she was the first few months is probably gone for good but that was probably bad reason to be watching her in the first place.

>> No.3920864

Unironically an incel holy shit anon

>> No.3920876

She just had two of her best streams ever (outfit reveal and fish tank) in the last two weeks.

>> No.3920879

What are these rrats?

>> No.3921069

Those two streams were very good, I hope she recovers her viewers, from now she said there is no more Mario for a time, which is nice because I was very tired of seeing 2 or 3 Mario streams per week desu

>> No.3921250

The way she plays Oblivion gives me an aneurysm

>> No.3921364

That's kind of funny because Ame is the exact kind of gamer Todd had in mind when he and the other designers made the changes they did between Morrowind and Oblivion.

>> No.3921562
File: 547 KB, 850x1200, treerrat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's based but there's only one who's truly /ourgirl/

>> No.3922205

Ina's existence is the best thing for Ame's career because it keeps her from being the most boring EN

>> No.3922322

Based. Hope he is well.

>> No.3922567

I unironically love this tree rat and I will fly to indonesia to find and marry her

>> No.3922685

>Is actually good at games
People care about that?

>> No.3922774
File: 217 KB, 850x1208, test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame love

>> No.3923678

His health got way better since he stopped getting shitfaced on hard liquor almost everyday.

>> No.3923757

>started the legs thing
it was started by an indie months ago

>> No.3924823
File: 42 KB, 449x429, 20210520_035659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What plaformer game do you want ame to play?

>> No.3924898

Apparently yes and a lot, today Anya was streaming and it was her first time in her life playing a shooter and people where shitting on her in live chat for being bad at the game (RE8)

>> No.3924970

doom eternal

>> No.3925018

Oh no no, you can't say that, it will trigger the holokiddies that something is not invented by their "idols".

>> No.3925055

Crash Bandicoot

>> No.3925952

Anything challenging so I can enjoy her misery

>> No.3926022

>Best voice
No. She can't sing for shit.
>Trash talker
Yes but only to chat
>Is actually good at games
Are we watching the same stream here?
>Started the leg thing
>Best alternate outfit
Rigger please

>> No.3926413

I can't really stand her voice and it really filters me with some kino content but she's a good girl.

>> No.3927767

god bless this man

>> No.3928171

The whole legs thing gives me serious twitch e-thot vibes.

>> No.3928195

Rayman legends or origins

>> No.3929208

she’s trying her fucking best okay?

>> No.3932982

Try doing this then, fag

>> No.3933810

Every vtuber is here, it's an open secret, you're a newfag if you haven't figure it out by now.

>> No.3935475

Damn, well said. The faster this site leaves the collective conscious of society the better

>> No.3935554
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>Buying her boyfriend condoms with your supas

>> No.3935607

Yes, it is, and beyond everything, even Kiara herself, it's the main reason why they're disliked here. They act talk (and insult) like they're on twitter.

>> No.3936949

I think miko is autistic enough to be a virgin
