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38828943 No.38828943 [Reply] [Original]

Why does she constantly needs to remind us she's virgin and never had a boyfriend
What is it's purpose

>> No.38829342

>Heimins Don't Care
Cancer infiltrators

>> No.38829790

She does have one.

>> No.38830238

If kanata graduated, I legit think less people would care then when sana left, and sana hated her own fans

>> No.38830462

I think you're legit retarded and EOP

>> No.38830676

The timing of this thread makes me think that certain people are trying to deflect from the kson-holorm one...

>> No.38830886

me thinks the lady doth protest too much...

>> No.38830899
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The only ones who do this are the ones who are guilty of the opposite of what they're saying, but they need to say it constantly to convince themselves that they aren't doing anything wrong.
Captcha NTRXW

>> No.38830977


>> No.38831124

There's no way her and K-Son weren't fucking.

>> No.38831224

because she actually, secretly, has a boyfriend and triple digit bodycount ha-ha is that the answer you're looking for anon?

>> No.38831423


>> No.38831470

Kanata has a loyal fanbase, but you wouldn't know. threadreaders and clipwatchers are the worst.

>> No.38831572

She is looking for a new girlfriend

>> No.38831776

it's cute and endearing when a woman does it

also, that she's willing to reveal something very private and personal on such a public platform is adorable and shares a degree of vulnerability

>> No.38831803
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Proof ?

>> No.38831866 [DELETED] 

Irys was just like that before going out with brian the rigger.
It is a way to keep their pay pigs connected. They don't really like her without it

>> No.38832282

Was she really telling her audience she was virgin ?

>> No.38832859


>> No.38833246

she wants to assure her gachikois that her hymen is still intact so she doesn't lose them since she still has kson whore stench all over her.

>> No.38834074

Not really but if you are saying it it's probably true

>> No.38834147

It's a bit. Heimins don't care and she finds it annoying.

>> No.38834183

Because she's not a virgin and has a boyfriend and feels guilty. Basic psychology stuff.

>> No.38834393

>and has a boyfriend
yeah, me

>> No.38835076

Because it's her "thing". Her meme that she uses to connect with her audience and retain them. Every good vtuber has them.
If you're asking why she chose that as her meme...Kanata is one of the holos that leans on the menhara act and light GFE for her appeal. I think it's pretty obvious from there.

>> No.38835157

They care they just don't think she can have a boyfriend but it would be a big yab if it is found she have a bf btw

>> No.38835293

I don't think it's possible for a woman past highschool to have never had a bf

>> No.38837463

It is
My 2 sisters are 19 and 24 and still virgin

>> No.38837594


>> No.38837606

lol sure

>> No.38837742

are u sure u don't fuck ur sister like how EOP does every time they mentioned their sister ?

>> No.38837780 [SPOILER] 
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Saving herself for orange woman

>> No.38837963

Why don't you believe me
>having sex with your real sister
Incest is only exciting in fiction because most people are disgusted by their own family

>> No.38838199

All me

>> No.38838283

I wouldn’t care about the stupid brain rrat and this if IRyS actually did GFE even at half the level of Gura in memebers

>> No.38842447

She's the unicorn representative in hololive

>> No.38842989
File: 620 KB, 850x1300, Amane.Kanata.full.3434447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She will never betray us

>> No.38843088

Kson took poor innocent Kanata's virginity only to throw her out in favour of Nyanners and Veibae.

>> No.38843124

we're at like what
3 times in 2022?

>> No.38843301

Last time was 2 weeks ago

>> No.38843437

yeah 3 times then

>> No.38843482

>chat harasses her over it
did you even watch the clip you linked

>> No.38843554

I don't think she does that often.
What she does ALL the time is lust after ojisans.

>> No.38844116

yeah, me

>> No.38850398

>she constantly needs to remind

so she is lying

>> No.38852317

She was probably getting fucked while she said this

>> No.38856359

she has 3 boyfriends and all of them are me

>> No.38856544

This. Heimin are mostly JPs and I see Kanata solidly hold 10K-14K viewers on her typical streams. Her numbers are mid upper tier among HoloJP but I have no clue why honestly.

>> No.38858501

Even though I can't understand a ton of Japanese what keeps me around as a heimin is that she is cute, funny, determined, and really good at singing and performing. She is constantly working hard putting out covers, appearing in lives, and streaming that it makes me feel like she really enjoys and loves being an idol and doing what she is doing rather than it being purely for a paycheck.

>> No.38865156


>> No.38865640

Aloucuck get mindbroke, kek.

>> No.38865989

I'm still a bit surprised there's so many new members on Kanata (no real idea how it compares to other holos, I don't look at chat much, but I saw a ton of 1-months on her Made in Abyss stream while the chat shows large on screen)
Not a swing against Kanata or anything, I'm just a bit surprised people would specifically pick her when the competition is Pekora and stuff.

>> No.38866399

Are the cute Asian hikkis?

>> No.38866476

Yeah me

>> No.38867090

Very hard to believe, unless they are really ugly or really fat.

>> No.38867407

Or very Christian

>> No.38867556
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Not a single Heimin thinks Kanata will get a boyfriend.

>> No.38867683

That's a good joke, but if it was a girl

>> No.38867922

absolutely not, if anything those are the worst ones with 3 digits bodycount who get magically reborn virgin at 30 because the pastor said so and they need to find a beta provider.

>> No.38867967

I really don't get it either, she didn't really do what the other upper-half of popularity holos done to get there and hasn't really evolved in my eyes from the tryhard but bland she had in the past, but i guess she found her audience niche.

>> No.38868183

Ok schizo

>> No.38868196

up the pooper doesn't count

>> No.38868267

ok roastie/beta bob

>> No.38868306

To make you want to breed her.

>> No.38868417

Very ironic

>> No.38869048



>> No.38870584

a recurring joke
it's like getting mad at pettanko and horni marine joke

>> No.38871054

Her streams not being up to your standards is understandable, especially if you don't understand Japanese. Her singing has been hindered by her ear condition so I get that people don't think she's improved, and some people simply don't like her voice. But improvements in performance? She had a very awkward body language in the past, and still does to a degree, and wasn't the best dancer, it became even more obvious when Suisei used her 3D model, but her current improvement is literally visible on the many lives she's performed in.
I'm a heimin because she's very relatable. She has extreme bad luck, and tells many embarrassing but funny stories. She has good interactions with chat, I think Kanata and Lamy are very underrated when it comes to the back and forth between chat and the streamer, in the eop sphere that is. As for the idol aspect, she has had her dreams crushed because of her condition, yet she is still energetic and peppy in her streams, will appear in a lot of lives, does her dance reps, and puts out more covers than anyone in holo, except for maybe Okayu. She's sweet to her friends, was literally the person who talked to Marine when she was ruminating about graduation. Her comforting a crying Coco was also on stream, and Lamy talks about how much Kanata supports Marine. It's also weird how Kanata, who rarely does collabs these days, is still dismissed as a leech for some reason, and eops, mainly the new ones just run with it while not even watching her streams. She has moments when she is menhera and she has a lot of flaws too but dismissing her entirely is strange to me.

Kanata is a hardcore idol fan, a female-idol-fan, so saying things like in the op's post is very on brand for her. And even that post was from a bit she regularly does. There are heimins who would probably throw a huge fit if she actually has a boyfriend sure, but an ongoing bit is literally about how it's hard to imagine Kanata getting a boyfriend because she is an unpopular loner with a lame fashion sense, uncharacteristically strong (for a girl) grip strength, and her pigsty of a room. I think the riajuu-go-die bit is funny too

>> No.38872785

The most retarded comment of the day award goes to you

>> No.38876378

I don't know why some retard think nobody care about her

>> No.38878110

>Why does she constantly needs to remind us she's virgin and never had a boyfriend
because she's lying

>> No.38878814

She doesn't want to be one anymore, as soon as she finds a viewer who meets her requirements she's gonna marry me- I mean him live on and all you fags will have to watch.
tho chat has been kinda feeding into and increasing her tendency to share things that bother her/tragic backstory stuff so it's possible that she's kinda throwing a pity party for how alone she feels whilst accidentally or purposefully feeding into gfe type stuff but i dunno man

>> No.38879049

why are you gae

>> No.38880319

Let's be fair though, anon, Kanata being a hardcore idol fan and being relatable are things that EOPs would know too, since those are favorite things for her clippers back in the 2021 era. If you were in any way deep in the hole at all you'd have come across them.
It's not EOPs that's the issue. It's that /vt/ doesn't actually watch anything and talk out of their ass all the time.

>> No.38882590

She has nothing to hide

>> No.38882711

>my oshi is a whore so yours must be too!
>actually, it's impossible for a woman to not be a whore!
right, sure.

>> No.38886026


>> No.38886862

True, I keep forgetting that these people are mostly threadreaders, not even clipwatchers because unless vt finds something "juicy", they won't even watch clips, and even when they do, they either miss the context or choose to ignore it entirely.

>> No.38888258
File: 2.39 MB, 2936x4096, kanatapray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came here to say that I love Kanatan!!! I'm so glad to be alive in the right time to watch her streams and past time chilling with other heimin in youtube chat or in here. Truly an unforgettable 3 years so far. How she cares so much about heimin makes me happy. God bless you all anon and have a great day.

>> No.38889521

>loves singing more than 95% of chuubas
>hearing gets worse with time (no cure)
God is dead

>> No.38890995
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>> No.38893173

Are hoshiyomis thinking Suisei will get a boyfriend ?
